Lines Matching defs:hash_map

45 class hash_map
47 : public __stlport_class<hash_map<_Key, _Tp, _HashFcn, _EqualKey, _Alloc> >
51 typedef hash_map<_Key, _Tp, _HashFcn, _EqualKey, _Alloc> _Self;
88 hash_map() : _M_ht(0, hasher(), key_equal(), allocator_type()) {}
89 explicit hash_map(size_type __n)
91 hash_map(size_type __n, const hasher& __hf)
93 hash_map(size_type __n, const hasher& __hf, const key_equal& __eql,
98 hash_map(__move_source<_Self> src)
105 hash_map(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l)
109 hash_map(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l, size_type __n)
113 hash_map(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l, size_type __n,
119 hash_map(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l, size_type __n,
125 hash_map(_InputIterator __f, _InputIterator __l, size_type __n,
132 hash_map(const value_type* __f, const value_type* __l)
135 hash_map(const value_type* __f, const value_type* __l, size_type __n)
138 hash_map(const value_type* __f, const value_type* __l, size_type __n,
142 hash_map(const value_type* __f, const value_type* __l, size_type __n,
148 hash_map(const_iterator __f, const_iterator __l)
151 hash_map(const_iterator __f, const_iterator __l, size_type __n)
154 hash_map(const_iterator __f, const_iterator __l, size_type __n,
158 hash_map(const_iterator __f, const_iterator __l, size_type __n,
417 #define _STLP_TEMPLATE_CONTAINER hash_map<_Key,_Tp,_HashFcn,_EqlKey,_Alloc>
428 struct __move_traits<hash_map<_Key, _Tp, _HashFn, _EqKey, _Alloc> > :
429 _STLP_PRIV __move_traits_help<typename hash_map<_Key, _Tp, _HashFn, _EqKey, _Alloc>::_Ht>
438 // Specialization of insert_iterator so that it will work for hash_map
441 class insert_iterator<hash_map<_Key, _Tp, _HashFn, _EqKey, _Alloc> > {
443 typedef hash_map<_Key, _Tp, _HashFn, _EqKey, _Alloc> _Container;