Lines Matching defs:position

71             public void scrollToPosition(int position) {
72 scrollPos = position;
357 // make sure we have enough views after this position so that we'll receive the on recycled
495 assertEquals("should be able to find VH with adapter position " + index, vh,
497 assertEquals("get adapter position should return correct index", index,
509 assertEquals("should be able to find VH with adapter position "
513 assertSame("get adapter position should return correct index", index,
515 assertSame("should be able to find view with layout position",
846 int position) {
866 linearSmoothScroller.setTargetPosition(position);
887 Log.d(TAG, "scrolling to target position " + targetPosition);
901 assertEquals("scroll position should be updated to next available",
911 assertTrue("target position should be checked on time ",
924 assertNotNull("scroll to position should succeed",
1200 assertNull("find view by position should not return ignored child",
1455 + "position", movedView[0], view);
1463 + "position", movedView[0], view);
1768 public int getItemViewType(int position) {
1769 Integer type = viewTypeMap.get(mItems.get(position));
1774 public long getItemId(int position) {
1775 return mItems.get(position).mId;
1821 assertEquals("view holder's position should be correct",
1925 public void onBindViewHolder(TestViewHolder2 holder, int position) {
1926 super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position);
1951 public void onBindViewHolder(TestViewHolder2 holder, int position) {
1952 super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position);
1980 assertNotNull("find view by position for existing items should work "
1988 assertNotNull("find view by position should work fine for removed "
2004 assertNotNull("find view by position for existing item " + i +
2043 public int getItemViewType(int position) {
2048 public long getItemId(int position) {
2049 return mItems.get(position).mId;
2102 public int getItemViewType(int position) {
2108 int position) {
2109 super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position);
2110 if (position >= layoutStart && position < invalidatedCount + layoutStart) {
2112 assertEquals("holder type should match current view type at position " +
2113 position, viewType.get(), holder.getItemViewType());
2121 public long getItemId(int position) {
2122 return mItems.get(position).mId;
2256 public void onBindViewHolder(TestViewHolder2 holder, int position) {
2257 final Item item = mItems.get(position);