Lines Matching defs:arr

109 OMX_ERRORTYPE AACENCFill_LCMLInitParams(OMX_HANDLETYPE pComponent, LCML_DSP *plcml_Init, OMX_U16 arr[])
240 arr[0] = 2; /*Number of Streams*/
241 arr[1] = 0; /*ID of the Input Stream*/
242 arr[2] = 1; /*Type of Input Stream*/
243 arr[3] = NUM_AACENC_INPUT_BUFFERS_DASF; /*Number of buffers for Input Stream*/
244 arr[4] = 1; /*ID of the Output Stream*/
245 arr[5] = 0; /*Type of Output Stream*/
246 arr[6] = 2; /*Number of buffers for Output Stream*/
247 arr[7] = 1; /*PNS Enable*/
248 arr[8] = 1; /*TNS Enable*/
249 arr[9] = Channels; /*Number of Channels*/
250 arr[10] = pComponentPrivate->ulSamplingRate; /*Sampling rate- Lower bits*/
251 arr[11] = HigherBitsSamplingRate; /*Sampling rate -Higher bits */
252 arr[12] = (OMX_U16)(pComponentPrivate->unBitrate & 0xFFFF); /*Bit rate 2bytes*/
253 arr[13] = (OMX_U16)(pComponentPrivate->unBitrate >> 16); /*Bit rate 2bytes*/
254 arr[14] = (OMX_U16)pComponentPrivate->nObjectType; /*Object Type */
255 arr[15] = (OMX_U16)pComponentPrivate->bitRateMode; /*bitrateMode*/
256 arr[16] = (OMX_U16)pComponentPrivate->File_Format; /*FileFormat*/
257 arr[17] = FramesPerOutBuf; /*FramesPerOutBuf*/
258 arr[18] = END_OF_CR_PHASE_ARGS;
264 arr[0] = 2; /*Number of Streams*/
265 arr[1] = 0; /*ID of the Input Stream*/
266 arr[2] = 0; /*Type of Input Stream*/
268 arr[3] = (OMX_U16) pComponentPrivate->pInputBufferList->numBuffers; /*Number of buffers for Input Stream*/
269 OMX_PRBUFFER1(pComponentPrivate->dbg, "arr[3] InputBuffers %d \n",arr[3]);
272 arr[3] = 1;
274 arr[4] = 1; /*ID of the Output Stream*/
275 arr[5] = 0; /*Type of Output Stream*/
277 arr[6] = (OMX_U16) pComponentPrivate->pOutputBufferList->numBuffers; /*Number of buffers for Output Stream*/
278 OMX_PRBUFFER1(pComponentPrivate->dbg, "arr[6] Output Buffers%d \n",arr[6]);
281 arr[6] = 1;
284 arr[7] = 1; /*PNS Enable*/
285 arr[8] = 1; /*TNS Enable*/
287 arr[9] = Channels; /*Number of Channels*/
288 OMX_PRCOMM2(pComponentPrivate->dbg, "arr[9] Channels %d \n",arr[9]);
289 arr[10] = pComponentPrivate->ulSamplingRate; /*Sampling rate- Lower bits*/
290 arr[11] = HigherBitsSamplingRate; /*Sampling rate -Higher bits */
291 arr[12] = (OMX_U16)(pComponentPrivate->unBitrate & 0xFFFF); /*Bit rate 2bytes*/
292 arr[13] = (OMX_U16)(pComponentPrivate->unBitrate >> 16); /*Bit rate 2bytes*/
293 arr[14] = (OMX_U16)pComponentPrivate->nObjectType; /*bitsperSample;*/
294 OMX_PRINT2(pComponentPrivate->dbg, "arr[14] Object Type %d \n",arr[14]);
295 arr[15] = (OMX_U16)pComponentPrivate->bitRateMode; /*bitrateMode*/
296 OMX_PRINT2(pComponentPrivate->dbg, "arr[15] Bit Rate %d \n",arr[15]);
297 arr[16] = pComponentPrivate->File_Format; /*FileFormat*/
298 OMX_PRINT2(pComponentPrivate->dbg, "arr[16] format type %d \n",arr[16]);
299 arr[17] = FramesPerOutBuf; /*FramesPerOutBuf*/
300 arr[18] = END_OF_CR_PHASE_ARGS;
304 plcml_Init->pCrPhArgs = arr;
693 OMX_U16 arr[100]={0};
836 eError = AACENCFill_LCMLInitParams(pHandle, pLcmlDsp, arr);