/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @author Viacheslav G. Rybalov */ /** * Created on 05.03.2005 */ package org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ClassLoaderReference; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.CommandPacket; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.JDWPCommands; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.JDWPConstants; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.ReplyPacket; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.share.JDWPSyncTestCase; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.share.JPDADebuggeeSynchronizer; /** * JDWP unit test for ClassLoaderReference.VisibleClasses command. */ public class VisibleClassesTest extends JDWPSyncTestCase { /** * Returns full name of debuggee class which is used by this test. * @return full name of debuggee class. */ protected String getDebuggeeClassName() { return "org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.share.debuggee.HelloWorld"; } /** * This testcase exercises ClassLoaderReference.VisibleClasses command. *
Starts HelloWorld debuggee. *
Then the following statements are checked: *
It is expected: *
   - number of reference types has non-zero value; *
   - refTypeTag takes one of the TypeTag constants: CLASS, INTERFACE, ARRAY; *
   - All data were read; */ public void testVisibleClasses001() { synchronizer.receiveMessage(JPDADebuggeeSynchronizer.SGNL_READY); CommandPacket packet = new CommandPacket( JDWPCommands.ClassLoaderReferenceCommandSet.CommandSetID, JDWPCommands.ClassLoaderReferenceCommandSet.VisibleClassesCommand); packet.setNextValueAsClassLoaderID(0); ReplyPacket reply = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.performCommand(packet); checkReplyPacket(reply, "ClassLoaderReference::VisibleClasses command"); byte refTypeTag; String refTypeTagName; long typeID; String msgLine; int classes = reply.getNextValueAsInt(); logWriter.println("Number of reference types = " + classes); assertTrue("Invalid returned number of reference types = " + classes, classes > 0); int printBound_1 = classes; int printBound_2 = 0; if (classes > 50) { printBound_1 = 5; printBound_2 = classes - 5; } for (int i = 0; i < classes; i++) { refTypeTag = reply.getNextValueAsByte(); refTypeTagName = JDWPConstants.TypeTag.getName(refTypeTag); msgLine = "" + i + ". refTypeTag = " + refTypeTagName + "(" + refTypeTag + ")"; typeID = reply.getNextValueAsReferenceTypeID(); msgLine = msgLine + "; referenceTypeID = " + typeID; if ( (i < printBound_1) || (i >= printBound_2) ) { logWriter.println(msgLine); if ( i == (printBound_1 - 1) ) { logWriter.println("...\n...\n..."); } } assertTrue("Unexpected reference TagType:<" + refTypeTag + "(" + refTypeTagName + ")>", refTypeTag == JDWPConstants.TypeTag.ARRAY || refTypeTag == JDWPConstants.TypeTag.CLASS || refTypeTag == JDWPConstants.TypeTag.INTERFACE); } assertAllDataRead(reply); synchronizer.sendMessage(JPDADebuggeeSynchronizer.SGNL_CONTINUE); } }