/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @author Anatoly F. Bondarenko */ /** * Created on 03.03.2005 */ package org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ObjectReference; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.CommandPacket; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.JDWPCommands; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.JDWPConstants; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.ReplyPacket; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.framework.jdwp.Value; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.share.JDWPSyncTestCase; import org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.share.JPDADebuggeeSynchronizer; /** * JDWP Unit test for ObjectReference.MonitorInfo command. */ public class MonitorInfoTest extends JDWPSyncTestCase { static final String thisCommandName = "ObjectReference.MonitorInfo command"; static final String debuggeeSignature = "Lorg/apache/harmony/jpda/tests/jdwp/ObjectReference/MonitorInfoDebuggee;"; protected String getDebuggeeClassName() { return "org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ObjectReference.MonitorInfoDebuggee"; } /** * This test exercises ObjectReference.MonitorInfo command. *
The test starts MonitorInfoDebuggee class, gets objectID * as value of static field of this class which (field) represents checked object. * Then for this objectID test executes ObjectReference.MonitorInfo command for * checked object and checks that command returns the expected monitor info: *
monitorOwnerThreadID = 0, monitorEntryCount = 0, monitorWaiters = 0 *
Then test waits for Debuggee to continue and to enter in synchronized block * and again executes ObjectReference.MonitorInfo for checked object. * Then test checks that expected results are received: *
monitorOwnerThreadID = 'not null', monitorEntryCount = 1, monitorWaiters = 0 */ public void testMonitorInfo001() { String thisTestName = "testMonitorInfo001"; //check capability, relevant for this test logWriter.println("=> Check capability: canGetMonitorInfo"); debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.capabilities(); boolean isCapability = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.targetVMCapabilities.canGetMonitorInfo; if (!isCapability) { logWriter.println("##WARNING: this VM doesn't possess capability: canGetMonitorInfo"); return; } logWriter.println("==> " + thisTestName + " for " + thisCommandName + ": START..."); String failMessage = ""; synchronizer.receiveMessage(JPDADebuggeeSynchronizer.SGNL_READY); finalSyncMessage = "TO_FINISH"; long refTypeID = getClassIDBySignature(debuggeeSignature); logWriter.println("=> Debuggee class = " + getDebuggeeClassName()); logWriter.println("=> referenceTypeID for Debuggee class = " + refTypeID); long checkedFieldID = checkField(refTypeID, "lockObject"); logWriter.println ("=> Send ReferenceType::GetValues command for received fieldID and get ObjectID to check..."); CommandPacket getValuesCommand = new CommandPacket( JDWPCommands.ReferenceTypeCommandSet.CommandSetID, JDWPCommands.ReferenceTypeCommandSet.GetValuesCommand); getValuesCommand.setNextValueAsReferenceTypeID(refTypeID); getValuesCommand.setNextValueAsInt(1); getValuesCommand.setNextValueAsFieldID(checkedFieldID); ReplyPacket getValuesReply = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.performCommand(getValuesCommand); getValuesCommand = null; checkReplyPacket(getValuesReply, "ReferenceType::GetValues command"); int returnedValuesNumber = getValuesReply.getNextValueAsInt(); logWriter.println("=> Returned values number = " + returnedValuesNumber); assertEquals("Invalid number of values returned by ReferenceType::GetValues command,", 1, returnedValuesNumber); Value checkedObjectFieldValue = getValuesReply.getNextValueAsValue(); byte checkedObjectFieldTag = checkedObjectFieldValue.getTag(); logWriter.println("=> Returned field value tag for checked object= " + checkedObjectFieldTag + "(" + JDWPConstants.Tag.getName(checkedObjectFieldTag) + ")"); assertEquals("Invalid value tag for checked object,", JDWPConstants.Tag.OBJECT_TAG, checkedObjectFieldTag , JDWPConstants.Tag.getName(JDWPConstants.Tag.OBJECT_TAG) , JDWPConstants.Tag.getName(checkedObjectFieldTag)); long checkedObjectID = checkedObjectFieldValue.getLongValue(); logWriter.println("=> Returned checked ObjectID = " + checkedObjectID); logWriter.println("=> Send VirtualMachine::Suspend command..."); CommandPacket suspendCommand = new CommandPacket( JDWPCommands.VirtualMachineCommandSet.CommandSetID, JDWPCommands.VirtualMachineCommandSet.SuspendCommand); ReplyPacket suspendReply = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.performCommand(suspendCommand); suspendCommand = null; checkReplyPacket(suspendReply, "VirtualMachine::Suspend command"); logWriter.println ("\n=> CHECK 1: send " + thisCommandName + " for checked ObjectID and check reply..."); CommandPacket checkedCommand = new CommandPacket( JDWPCommands.ObjectReferenceCommandSet.CommandSetID, JDWPCommands.ObjectReferenceCommandSet.MonitorInfoCommand); checkedCommand.setNextValueAsObjectID(checkedObjectID); ReplyPacket checkedReply = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.performCommand(checkedCommand); checkedCommand = null; short errorCode = checkedReply.getErrorCode(); if ( errorCode == JDWPConstants.Error.NOT_IMPLEMENTED ) { // it is possible case logWriter.println("=> " + thisCommandName + " returns ERROR = " + errorCode + "(" + JDWPConstants.Error.getName(errorCode) + ")"); logWriter.println("=> It is possible case - CHECK 1 PASSED"); logWriter.println("=> Send to Debuggee signal to funish ..."); synchronizer.sendMessage("TO_FINISH"); logWriter.println("==> " + thisTestName + " for " + thisCommandName + ": FINISH"); } else { checkReplyPacket(checkedReply, thisCommandName); } long monitorOwnerThreadID = checkedReply.getNextValueAsThreadID(); logWriter.println("=> Returned monitorOwnerThreadID = " + monitorOwnerThreadID); if ( monitorOwnerThreadID != 0) { logWriter.println ("## FAILURE: " + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorOwnerThreadID:" + monitorOwnerThreadID); logWriter.println("## Expected monitorOwnerThreadID = 0"); failMessage = failMessage + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorOwnerThreadID: " + monitorOwnerThreadID + ", Expected: 0\n"; } int monitorEntryCount = checkedReply.getNextValueAsInt(); logWriter.println("=> Returned monitorEntryCount = " + monitorEntryCount); if ( monitorEntryCount != 0) { logWriter.println ("## FAILURE: " + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorEntryCount:"); logWriter.println("## Expected monitorEntryCount = 0"); failMessage = failMessage + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorEntryCount:" + monitorEntryCount + ", expected: 0\n"; } int monitorWaiters = checkedReply.getNextValueAsInt(); logWriter.println("=> Returned monitorWaiters = " + monitorWaiters); if ( monitorWaiters != 0) { logWriter.println ("## FAILURE: " + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorWaiters:"); logWriter.println("## Expected monitorWaiters = 0"); failMessage = failMessage + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorWaiters:" + monitorWaiters + ", expected: 0\n"; } assertAllDataRead(checkedReply); logWriter.println("=> CHECK 1: PASSED - expected monitor info is received"); checkedReply = null; resumeDebuggee(); logWriter.println("=> Send to Debuggee signal to continue and to enter in synchronized block ..."); finalSyncMessage = null; synchronizer.sendMessage(JPDADebuggeeSynchronizer.SGNL_CONTINUE); synchronizer.receiveMessage(JPDADebuggeeSynchronizer.SGNL_READY); logWriter.println("=> Send VirtualMachine::Suspend command..."); suspendCommand = new CommandPacket( JDWPCommands.VirtualMachineCommandSet.CommandSetID, JDWPCommands.VirtualMachineCommandSet.SuspendCommand); suspendReply = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.performCommand(suspendCommand); suspendCommand = null; checkReplyPacket(suspendReply, "VirtualMachine::Suspend command"); logWriter.println ("\n=> CHECK 2: send " + thisCommandName + " for checked ObjectID when it is locked..."); checkedCommand = new CommandPacket( JDWPCommands.ObjectReferenceCommandSet.CommandSetID, JDWPCommands.ObjectReferenceCommandSet.MonitorInfoCommand); checkedCommand.setNextValueAsObjectID(checkedObjectID); checkedReply = debuggeeWrapper.vmMirror.performCommand(checkedCommand); checkedCommand = null; checkReplyPacket(checkedReply, thisCommandName); monitorOwnerThreadID = checkedReply.getNextValueAsThreadID(); logWriter.println("=> Returned monitorOwnerThreadID = " + monitorOwnerThreadID); if ( monitorOwnerThreadID == 0) { logWriter.println ("## FAILURE: " + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorOwnerThreadID:"); logWriter.println("## Expected monitorOwnerThreadID = 'not null'"); failMessage = failMessage + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorOwnerThreadID: 0" + ", Expected monitorOwnerThreadID: 'not null'\n"; } monitorEntryCount = checkedReply.getNextValueAsInt(); logWriter.println("=> Returned monitorEntryCount = " + monitorEntryCount); if ( monitorEntryCount != 1) { logWriter.println ("## FAILURE: " + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorEntryCount:" + monitorEntryCount); logWriter.println("## Expected monitorEntryCount = 1"); failMessage = failMessage + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorEntryCount: " + monitorEntryCount + ", expected: 1\n"; } monitorWaiters = checkedReply.getNextValueAsInt(); logWriter.println("=> Returned monitorWaiters = " + monitorWaiters); if ( monitorWaiters != 0) { logWriter.println ("## FAILURE: " + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorWaiters:" + monitorWaiters); logWriter.println("## Expected monitorWaiters = 0"); failMessage = failMessage + thisCommandName + " returns unexpected monitorWaiters: " + monitorWaiters + ", expected: 0\n"; } logWriter.println("=> CHECK 2: PASSED - expected monitor info is received"); logWriter.println("\n=> Send VirtualMachine::Resume command ..."); resumeDebuggee(); logWriter.println("=> Send to Debuggee signal to funish ..."); synchronizer.sendMessage(JPDADebuggeeSynchronizer.SGNL_CONTINUE); logWriter.println("==> " + thisTestName + " for " + thisCommandName + ": FINISH"); assertAllDataRead(checkedReply); if (failMessage.length() > 0) { fail(failMessage); } } }