/* * Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ package org.webrtc.webrtcdemo; import org.webrtc.videoengine.ViERenderer; import org.webrtc.videoengine.VideoCaptureAndroid; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.hardware.SensorManager; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.os.Environment; import android.util.Log; import android.view.OrientationEventListener; import android.view.SurfaceView; import java.io.File; public class MediaEngine implements VideoDecodeEncodeObserver { // TODO(henrike): Most of these should be moved to xml (since static). private static final int VCM_VP8_PAYLOAD_TYPE = 100; private static final int SEND_CODEC_FPS = 30; // TODO(henrike): increase INIT_BITRATE_KBPS to 2000 and ensure that // 720p30fps can be acheived (on hardware that can handle it). Note that // setting 2000 currently leads to failure, so that has to be resolved first. private static final int INIT_BITRATE_KBPS = 500; private static final int MAX_BITRATE_KBPS = 3000; private static final String LOG_DIR = "webrtc"; private static final int WIDTH_IDX = 0; private static final int HEIGHT_IDX = 1; private static final int[][] RESOLUTIONS = { {176,144}, {320,240}, {352,288}, {640,480}, {1280,720} }; // Arbitrary choice of 4/5 volume (204/256). private static final int volumeLevel = 204; public static int numberOfResolutions() { return RESOLUTIONS.length; } public static String[] resolutionsAsString() { String[] retVal = new String[numberOfResolutions()]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfResolutions(); ++i) { retVal[i] = RESOLUTIONS[i][0] + "x" + RESOLUTIONS[i][1]; } return retVal; } // Checks for and communicate failures to user (logcat and popup). private void check(boolean value, String message) { if (value) { return; } Log.e("WEBRTC-CHECK", message); AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(context).create(); alertDialog.setTitle("WebRTC Error"); alertDialog.setMessage(message); alertDialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE, "OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); return; } } ); alertDialog.show(); } // Converts device rotation to camera rotation. Rotation depends on if the // camera is back facing and rotate with the device or front facing and // rotating in the opposite direction of the device. private static int rotationFromRealWorldUp(CameraInfo info, int deviceRotation) { int coarseDeviceOrientation = (int)(Math.round((double)deviceRotation / 90) * 90) % 360; if (info.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT) { // The front camera rotates in the opposite direction of the // device. int inverseDeviceOrientation = 360 - coarseDeviceOrientation; return (inverseDeviceOrientation + info.orientation) % 360; } return (coarseDeviceOrientation + info.orientation) % 360; } // Shared Audio/Video members. private final Context context; private String remoteIp; private boolean enableTrace; // Audio private VoiceEngine voe; private int audioChannel; private boolean audioEnabled; private boolean voeRunning; private int audioCodecIndex; private int audioTxPort; private int audioRxPort; private boolean speakerEnabled; private boolean headsetPluggedIn; private boolean enableAgc; private boolean enableNs; private boolean enableAecm; private BroadcastReceiver headsetListener; private boolean audioRtpDump; private boolean apmRecord; // Video private VideoEngine vie; private int videoChannel; private boolean receiveVideo; private boolean sendVideo; private boolean vieRunning; private int videoCodecIndex; private int resolutionIndex; private int videoTxPort; private int videoRxPort; // Indexed by CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_{BACK,FRONT}. private CameraInfo cameras[]; private boolean useFrontCamera; private int currentCameraHandle; private boolean enableNack; // openGl, surfaceView or mediaCodec (integers.xml) private int viewSelection; private boolean videoRtpDump; private SurfaceView svLocal; private SurfaceView svRemote; MediaCodecVideoDecoder externalCodec; private int inFps; private int inKbps; private int outFps; private int outKbps; private int inWidth; private int inHeight; private OrientationEventListener orientationListener; private int deviceOrientation = OrientationEventListener.ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN; public MediaEngine(Context context) { this.context = context; voe = new VoiceEngine(); check(voe.init() == 0, "Failed voe Init"); audioChannel = voe.createChannel(); check(audioChannel >= 0, "Failed voe CreateChannel"); vie = new VideoEngine(); check(vie.init() == 0, "Failed voe Init"); check(vie.setVoiceEngine(voe) == 0, "Failed setVoiceEngine"); videoChannel = vie.createChannel(); check(audioChannel >= 0, "Failed voe CreateChannel"); check(vie.connectAudioChannel(videoChannel, audioChannel) == 0, "Failed ConnectAudioChannel"); cameras = new CameraInfo[2]; CameraInfo info = new CameraInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < Camera.getNumberOfCameras(); ++i) { Camera.getCameraInfo(i, info); cameras[info.facing] = info; } setDefaultCamera(); check(voe.setSpeakerVolume(volumeLevel) == 0, "Failed setSpeakerVolume"); check(voe.setAecmMode(VoiceEngine.AecmModes.SPEAKERPHONE, false) == 0, "VoE set Aecm speakerphone mode failed"); check(vie.setKeyFrameRequestMethod(videoChannel, VideoEngine.VieKeyFrameRequestMethod. KEY_FRAME_REQUEST_PLI_RTCP) == 0, "Failed setKeyFrameRequestMethod"); check(vie.registerObserver(videoChannel, this) == 0, "Failed registerObserver"); // TODO(hellner): SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL? // Listen to changes in device orientation. orientationListener = new OrientationEventListener(context, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI) { public void onOrientationChanged (int orientation) { deviceOrientation = orientation; compensateRotation(); } }; orientationListener.enable(); // Set audio mode to communication AudioManager audioManager = ((AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE)); audioManager.setMode(AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION); // Listen to headset being plugged in/out. IntentFilter receiverFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG); headsetListener = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().compareTo(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG) == 0) { headsetPluggedIn = intent.getIntExtra("state", 0) == 1; updateAudioOutput(); } } }; context.registerReceiver(headsetListener, receiverFilter); } public void dispose() { check(!voeRunning && !voeRunning, "Engines must be stopped before dispose"); context.unregisterReceiver(headsetListener); orientationListener.disable(); check(vie.deregisterObserver(videoChannel) == 0, "Failed deregisterObserver"); if (externalCodec != null) { check(vie.deRegisterExternalReceiveCodec(videoChannel, VCM_VP8_PAYLOAD_TYPE) == 0, "Failed to deregister external decoder"); externalCodec = null; } check(vie.deleteChannel(videoChannel) == 0, "DeleteChannel"); vie.dispose(); check(voe.deleteChannel(audioChannel) == 0, "VoE delete channel failed"); voe.dispose(); } public void start() { if (audioEnabled) { startVoE(); } if (receiveVideo || sendVideo) { startViE(); } } public void stop() { stopVoe(); stopVie(); } public boolean isRunning() { return voeRunning || vieRunning; } public void setRemoteIp(String remoteIp) { this.remoteIp = remoteIp; UpdateSendDestination(); } public String remoteIp() { return remoteIp; } public void setTrace(boolean enable) { if (enable) { vie.setTraceFile("/sdcard/trace.txt", false); vie.setTraceFilter(VideoEngine.TraceLevel.TRACE_ALL); return; } vie.setTraceFilter(VideoEngine.TraceLevel.TRACE_NONE); } private String getDebugDirectory() { // Should create a folder in /scard/|LOG_DIR| return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/" + LOG_DIR; } private boolean createDebugDirectory() { File webrtc_dir = new File(getDebugDirectory()); if (!webrtc_dir.exists()) { return webrtc_dir.mkdir(); } return webrtc_dir.isDirectory(); } public void startVoE() { check(!voeRunning, "VoE already started"); check(voe.startListen(audioChannel) == 0, "Failed StartListen"); check(voe.startPlayout(audioChannel) == 0, "VoE start playout failed"); check(voe.startSend(audioChannel) == 0, "VoE start send failed"); voeRunning = true; } private void stopVoe() { check(voeRunning, "VoE not started"); check(voe.stopSend(audioChannel) == 0, "VoE stop send failed"); check(voe.stopPlayout(audioChannel) == 0, "VoE stop playout failed"); check(voe.stopListen(audioChannel) == 0, "VoE stop listen failed"); voeRunning = false; } public void setAudio(boolean audioEnabled) { this.audioEnabled = audioEnabled; } public boolean audioEnabled() { return audioEnabled; } public int audioCodecIndex() { return audioCodecIndex; } public void setAudioCodec(int codecNumber) { audioCodecIndex = codecNumber; CodecInst codec = voe.getCodec(codecNumber); check(voe.setSendCodec(audioChannel, codec) == 0, "Failed setSendCodec"); codec.dispose(); } public String[] audioCodecsAsString() { String[] retVal = new String[voe.numOfCodecs()]; for (int i = 0; i < voe.numOfCodecs(); ++i) { CodecInst codec = voe.getCodec(i); retVal[i] = codec.toString(); codec.dispose(); } return retVal; } private CodecInst[] defaultAudioCodecs() { CodecInst[] retVal = new CodecInst[voe.numOfCodecs()]; for (int i = 0; i < voe.numOfCodecs(); ++i) { retVal[i] = voe.getCodec(i); } return retVal; } public int getIsacIndex() { CodecInst[] codecs = defaultAudioCodecs(); for (int i = 0; i < codecs.length; ++i) { if (codecs[i].name().contains("ISAC")) { return i; } } return 0; } public void setAudioTxPort(int audioTxPort) { this.audioTxPort = audioTxPort; UpdateSendDestination(); } public int audioTxPort() { return audioTxPort; } public void setAudioRxPort(int audioRxPort) { check(voe.setLocalReceiver(audioChannel, audioRxPort) == 0, "Failed setLocalReceiver"); this.audioRxPort = audioRxPort; } public int audioRxPort() { return audioRxPort; } public boolean agcEnabled() { return enableAgc; } public void setAgc(boolean enable) { enableAgc = enable; VoiceEngine.AgcConfig agc_config = new VoiceEngine.AgcConfig(3, 9, true); check(voe.setAgcConfig(agc_config) == 0, "VoE set AGC Config failed"); check(voe.setAgcStatus(enableAgc, VoiceEngine.AgcModes.FIXED_DIGITAL) == 0, "VoE set AGC Status failed"); } public boolean nsEnabled() { return enableNs; } public void setNs(boolean enable) { enableNs = enable; check(voe.setNsStatus(enableNs, VoiceEngine.NsModes.MODERATE_SUPPRESSION) == 0, "VoE set NS Status failed"); } public boolean aecmEnabled() { return enableAecm; } public void setEc(boolean enable) { enableAecm = enable; check(voe.setEcStatus(enable, VoiceEngine.EcModes.AECM) == 0, "voe setEcStatus"); } public boolean speakerEnabled() { return speakerEnabled; } public void setSpeaker(boolean enable) { speakerEnabled = enable; updateAudioOutput(); } // Debug helpers. public boolean apmRecord() { return apmRecord; } public boolean audioRtpDump() { return audioRtpDump; } public void setDebuging(boolean enable) { apmRecord = enable; if (!enable) { check(voe.stopDebugRecording() == 0, "Failed stopping debug"); return; } if (!createDebugDirectory()) { check(false, "Unable to create debug directory."); return; } String debugDirectory = getDebugDirectory(); check(voe.startDebugRecording(debugDirectory + String.format("/apm_%d.dat", System.currentTimeMillis())) == 0, "Failed starting debug"); } public void setIncomingVoeRtpDump(boolean enable) { audioRtpDump = enable; if (!enable) { check(voe.stopRtpDump(videoChannel, VoiceEngine.RtpDirections.INCOMING) == 0, "voe stopping rtp dump"); return; } String debugDirectory = getDebugDirectory(); check(voe.startRtpDump(videoChannel, debugDirectory + String.format("/voe_%d.rtp", System.currentTimeMillis()), VoiceEngine.RtpDirections.INCOMING) == 0, "voe starting rtp dump"); } private void updateAudioOutput() { boolean useSpeaker = !headsetPluggedIn && speakerEnabled; AudioManager audioManager = ((AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE)); audioManager.setSpeakerphoneOn(useSpeaker); } public void startViE() { check(!vieRunning, "ViE already started"); if (receiveVideo) { if (viewSelection == context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.openGl)) { svRemote = ViERenderer.CreateRenderer(context, true); } else if (viewSelection == context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.surfaceView)) { svRemote = ViERenderer.CreateRenderer(context, false); } else { externalCodec = new MediaCodecVideoDecoder(context); svRemote = externalCodec.getView(); } if (externalCodec != null) { check(vie.registerExternalReceiveCodec(videoChannel, VCM_VP8_PAYLOAD_TYPE, externalCodec, true) == 0, "Failed to register external decoder"); } else { check(vie.addRenderer(videoChannel, svRemote, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1) == 0, "Failed AddRenderer"); check(vie.startRender(videoChannel) == 0, "Failed StartRender"); } check(vie.startReceive(videoChannel) == 0, "Failed StartReceive"); } if (sendVideo) { startCamera(); check(vie.startSend(videoChannel) == 0, "Failed StartSend"); } vieRunning = true; } private void stopVie() { if (!vieRunning) { return; } check(vie.stopSend(videoChannel) == 0, "StopSend"); stopCamera(); check(vie.stopReceive(videoChannel) == 0, "StopReceive"); if (externalCodec != null) { check(vie.deRegisterExternalReceiveCodec(videoChannel, VCM_VP8_PAYLOAD_TYPE) == 0, "Failed to deregister external decoder"); externalCodec.dispose(); externalCodec = null; } else { check(vie.stopRender(videoChannel) == 0, "StopRender"); check(vie.removeRenderer(videoChannel) == 0, "RemoveRenderer"); } svRemote = null; vieRunning = false; } public void setReceiveVideo(boolean receiveVideo) { this.receiveVideo = receiveVideo; } public boolean receiveVideo() { return receiveVideo; } public void setSendVideo(boolean sendVideo) { this.sendVideo = sendVideo; } public boolean sendVideo() { return sendVideo; } public int videoCodecIndex() { return videoCodecIndex; } public void setVideoCodec(int codecNumber) { videoCodecIndex = codecNumber; updateVideoCodec(); } public String[] videoCodecsAsString() { String[] retVal = new String[vie.numberOfCodecs()]; for (int i = 0; i < vie.numberOfCodecs(); ++i) { VideoCodecInst codec = vie.getCodec(i); retVal[i] = codec.toString(); codec.dispose(); } return retVal; } public int resolutionIndex() { return resolutionIndex; } public void setResolutionIndex(int resolution) { resolutionIndex = resolution; updateVideoCodec(); } private void updateVideoCodec() { VideoCodecInst codec = getVideoCodec(videoCodecIndex, resolutionIndex); check(vie.setSendCodec(videoChannel, codec) == 0, "Failed setReceiveCodec"); codec.dispose(); } private VideoCodecInst getVideoCodec(int codecNumber, int resolution) { VideoCodecInst retVal = vie.getCodec(codecNumber); retVal.setStartBitRate(INIT_BITRATE_KBPS); retVal.setMaxBitRate(MAX_BITRATE_KBPS); retVal.setWidth(RESOLUTIONS[resolution][WIDTH_IDX]); retVal.setHeight(RESOLUTIONS[resolution][HEIGHT_IDX]); retVal.setMaxFrameRate(SEND_CODEC_FPS); return retVal; } public void setVideoRxPort(int videoRxPort) { this.videoRxPort = videoRxPort; check(vie.setLocalReceiver(videoChannel, videoRxPort) == 0, "Failed setLocalReceiver"); } public int videoRxPort() { return videoRxPort; } public void setVideoTxPort(int videoTxPort) { this.videoTxPort = videoTxPort; UpdateSendDestination(); } private void UpdateSendDestination() { if (remoteIp == null) { return; } if (audioTxPort != 0) { check(voe.setSendDestination(audioChannel, audioTxPort, remoteIp) == 0, "VoE set send destination failed"); } if (videoTxPort != 0) { check(vie.setSendDestination(videoChannel, videoTxPort, remoteIp) == 0, "Failed setSendDestination"); } // Setting localSSRC manually (arbitrary value) for loopback test, // As otherwise we will get a clash and a new SSRC will be set, // Which will reset the receiver and other minor issues. if (remoteIp.equals("")) { check(vie.setLocalSSRC(videoChannel, 0x01234567) == 0, "Failed setLocalSSRC"); } } public int videoTxPort() { return videoTxPort; } public boolean hasMultipleCameras() { return Camera.getNumberOfCameras() > 1; } public boolean frontCameraIsSet() { return useFrontCamera; } // Set default camera to front if there is a front camera. private void setDefaultCamera() { useFrontCamera = hasFrontCamera(); } public void toggleCamera() { if (vieRunning) { stopCamera(); } useFrontCamera = !useFrontCamera; if (vieRunning) { startCamera(); } } private void startCamera() { CameraDesc cameraInfo = vie.getCaptureDevice(getCameraId(getCameraIndex())); currentCameraHandle = vie.allocateCaptureDevice(cameraInfo); cameraInfo.dispose(); check(vie.connectCaptureDevice(currentCameraHandle, videoChannel) == 0, "Failed to connect capture device"); // Camera and preview surface. svLocal = new SurfaceView(context); VideoCaptureAndroid.setLocalPreview(svLocal.getHolder()); check(vie.startCapture(currentCameraHandle) == 0, "Failed StartCapture"); compensateRotation(); } private void stopCamera() { check(vie.stopCapture(currentCameraHandle) == 0, "Failed StopCapture"); svLocal = null; check(vie.releaseCaptureDevice(currentCameraHandle) == 0, "Failed ReleaseCaptureDevice"); } private boolean hasFrontCamera() { return cameras[CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT] != null; } public SurfaceView getRemoteSurfaceView() { return svRemote; } public SurfaceView getLocalSurfaceView() { return svLocal; } public void setViewSelection(int viewSelection) { this.viewSelection = viewSelection; } public int viewSelection() { return viewSelection; } public boolean nackEnabled() { return enableNack; } public void setNack(boolean enable) { enableNack = enable; check(vie.setNackStatus(videoChannel, enableNack) == 0, "Failed setNackStatus"); } // Collates current state into a multiline string. public String sendReceiveState() { int packetLoss = 0; if (vieRunning) { RtcpStatistics stats = vie.getReceivedRtcpStatistics(videoChannel); if (stats != null) { // Calculate % lost from fraction lost. // Definition of fraction lost can be found in RFC3550. packetLoss = (stats.fractionLost * 100) >> 8; } } String retVal = "fps in/out: " + inFps + "/" + outFps + "\n" + "kBps in/out: " + inKbps / 1024 + "/ " + outKbps / 1024 + "\n" + "resolution: " + inWidth + "x" + inHeight + "\n" + "loss: " + packetLoss + "%"; return retVal; } MediaEngineObserver observer; public void setObserver(MediaEngineObserver observer) { this.observer = observer; } // Callbacks from the VideoDecodeEncodeObserver interface. public void incomingRate(int videoChannel, int framerate, int bitrate) { inFps = framerate; inKbps = bitrate; newStats(); } public void incomingCodecChanged(int videoChannel, VideoCodecInst videoCodec) { inWidth = videoCodec.width(); inHeight = videoCodec.height(); videoCodec.dispose(); newStats(); } public void requestNewKeyFrame(int videoChannel) {} public void outgoingRate(int videoChannel, int framerate, int bitrate) { outFps = framerate; outKbps = bitrate; newStats(); } private void newStats() { if (observer != null) { observer.newStats(sendReceiveState()); } } // Debug helpers. public boolean videoRtpDump() { return videoRtpDump; } public void setIncomingVieRtpDump(boolean enable) { videoRtpDump = enable; if (!enable) { check(vie.stopRtpDump(videoChannel, VideoEngine.RtpDirections.INCOMING) == 0, "vie StopRTPDump"); return; } String debugDirectory = getDebugDirectory(); check(vie.startRtpDump(videoChannel, debugDirectory + String.format("/vie_%d.rtp", System.currentTimeMillis()), VideoEngine.RtpDirections.INCOMING) == 0, "vie StartRtpDump"); } private int getCameraIndex() { return useFrontCamera ? Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT : Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK; } private int getCameraId(int index) { for (int i = Camera.getNumberOfCameras() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { CameraInfo info = new CameraInfo(); Camera.getCameraInfo(i, info); if (index == info.facing) { return i; } } throw new RuntimeException("Index does not match a camera"); } private void compensateRotation() { if (svLocal == null) { // Not rendering (or sending). return; } if (deviceOrientation == OrientationEventListener.ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN) { return; } int cameraRotation = rotationFromRealWorldUp( cameras[getCameraIndex()], deviceOrientation); // Egress streams should have real world up as up. check( vie.setRotateCapturedFrames(currentCameraHandle, cameraRotation) == 0, "Failed setRotateCapturedFrames: camera " + currentCameraHandle + "rotation " + cameraRotation); } }