/* Copyright (C) 2003 Vladimir Roubtsov. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under * the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * $Id: InstrClassLoader.java,v 2004/07/16 23:32:03 vlad_r Exp $ */ package com.vladium.emma.rt; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.security.CodeSource; import java.security.cert.Certificate; import java.util.Map; import com.vladium.logging.Logger; import com.vladium.util.ByteArrayOStream; import com.vladium.util.asserts.$assert; import com.vladium.emma.IAppConstants; import com.vladium.emma.filter.IInclExclFilter; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @author Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003 */ public final class InstrClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { // public: ................................................................ // TODO: proper security [use PrivilegedAction as needed] // TODO: [see above as well] need to keep track of res URLs to support [path] exclusion patterns // TODO: improve error handling so it is clear when errors come from buggy instrumentation public static final String PROPERTY_FORCED_DELEGATION_FILTER = "clsload.forced_delegation_filter"; public static final String PROPERTY_THROUGH_DELEGATION_FILTER = "clsload.through_delegation_filter"; public InstrClassLoader (final ClassLoader parent, final File [] classpath, final IInclExclFilter forcedDelegationFilter, final IInclExclFilter throughDelegationFilter, final IClassLoadHook hook, final Map cache) throws MalformedURLException { // setting ClassLoader.parent to null disables the standard delegation // behavior in a few places, including URLClassLoader.getResource(): super (filesToURLs (classpath), null); // TODO: arg validation m_hook = hook; m_cache = cache; // can be null m_forcedDelegationFilter = forcedDelegationFilter; m_throughDelegationFilter = throughDelegationFilter; m_parent = parent; m_bufPool = new PoolEntry [BAOS_POOL_SIZE]; m_log = Logger.getLogger (); } /** * Overrides java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass() to change the usual parent-child * delegation rules just enough to be able to 'replace' the parent loader. This * also has the effect of detecting 'system' classes without doing any class * name-based matching. */ public synchronized final Class loadClass (final String name, final boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { final boolean trace1 = m_log.atTRACE1 (); if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("loadClass", "(" + name + ", " + resolve + "): nest level " + m_nestLevel); Class c = null; // first, check if this class has already been defined by this classloader // instance: c = findLoadedClass (name); if (c == null) { Class parentsVersion = null; if (m_parent != null) { try { parentsVersion = m_parent.loadClass (name); // note: it is important that this does not init the class if ((parentsVersion.getClassLoader () != m_parent) || ((m_forcedDelegationFilter == null) || m_forcedDelegationFilter.included (name))) { // (a) m_parent itself decided to delegate: use parent's version // (b) the class was on the forced delegation list: use parent's version c = parentsVersion; if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("loadClass", "using parent's version for [" + name + "]"); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // if the class was on the forced delegation list, error out: if ((m_forcedDelegationFilter == null) || m_forcedDelegationFilter.included (name)) throw cnfe; } } if (c == null) { try { // either (a) m_parent was null or (b) it could not load 'c' // or (c) it will define 'c' itself if allowed to. In any // of these cases I attempt to define my own version: c = findClass (name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // this is a difficult design point unless I resurrect the -lx option // and document how to use it [which will confuse most users anyway] // another alternative would be to see if parent's version is included by // the filter and print a warning; still, it does not help with JAXP etc if (parentsVersion != null) { final boolean delegate = (m_throughDelegationFilter == null) || m_throughDelegationFilter.included (name); if (delegate) { c = parentsVersion; if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("loadClass", "[delegation filter] using parent's version for [" + name + "]"); } else throw cnfe; } else throw cnfe; } } } if (c == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException (name); if (resolve) resolveClass (c); // this never happens in J2SE JVMs return c; } // TODO: remove this in the release build public final URL getResource (final String name) { final boolean trace1 = m_log.atTRACE1 (); if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("getResource", "(" + name + "): nest level " + m_nestLevel); final URL result = super.getResource (name); if (trace1 && (result != null)) m_log.trace1 ("loadClass", "[" + name + "] found in " + result); return result; } // protected: ............................................................. protected final Class findClass (final String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { final boolean trace1 = m_log.atTRACE1 (); if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("findClass", "(" + name + "): nest level " + m_nestLevel); final boolean useClassCache = (m_cache != null); final ClassPathCacheEntry entry = useClassCache ? (ClassPathCacheEntry) m_cache.remove (name) : null; byte [] bytes; int length; URL classURL = null; if (entry != null) // cache hit { ++ m_cacheHits; // used cached class def bytes, no need to repeat disk I/O: try { classURL = new URL (entry.m_srcURL); } catch (MalformedURLException murle) // this should never happen { if ($assert.ENABLED) { murle.printStackTrace (System.out); } } PoolEntry buf = null; try { buf = acquirePoolEntry (); final ByteArrayOStream baos = buf.m_baos; // reset() has been called on this // the original class definition: bytes = entry.m_bytes; length = bytes.length; if ((m_hook != null) && m_hook.processClassDef (name, bytes, length, baos)) // note: this can overwrite 'bytes' { // the instrumented class definition: bytes = baos.getByteArray (); length = baos.size (); if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("findClass", "defining [cached] instrumented [" + name + "] {" + length + " bytes }"); } else { if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("findClass", "defining [cached] [" + name + "] {" + length + " bytes }"); } return defineClass (name, bytes, length, classURL); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ClassNotFoundException (name); } finally { if (buf != null) releasePoolEntry (buf); } } else // cache miss { if (useClassCache) ++ m_cacheMisses; // .class files are not guaranteed to be loadable as resources; // but if Sun's code does it... final String classResource = name.replace ('.', '/') + ".class"; // even thought normal delegation is disabled, this will find bootstrap classes: classURL = getResource (classResource); // important to hook into URLClassLoader's overload of this so that Class-Path manifest attributes are processed etc if (trace1 && (classURL != null)) m_log.trace1 ("findClass", "[" + name + "] found in " + classURL); if (classURL == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException (name); else { InputStream in = null; PoolEntry buf = null; try { in = classURL.openStream (); buf = acquirePoolEntry (); final ByteArrayOStream baos = buf.m_baos; // reset() has been called on this readFully (in, baos, buf.m_buf); in.close (); // don't keep the file handle across reentrant calls in = null; // the original class definition: bytes = baos.getByteArray (); length = baos.size (); baos.reset (); // reuse this for processClassDef below if ((m_hook != null) && m_hook.processClassDef (name, bytes, length, baos)) // note: this can overwrite 'bytes' { // the instrumented class definition: bytes = baos.getByteArray (); length = baos.size (); if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("findClass", "defining instrumented [" + name + "] {" + length + " bytes }"); } else { if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("findClass", "defining [" + name + "] {" + length + " bytes }"); } return defineClass (name, bytes, length, classURL); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ClassNotFoundException (name); } finally { if (buf != null) releasePoolEntry (buf); if (in != null) try { in.close (); } catch (Exception ignore) {} } } } } public void debugDump (final PrintWriter out) { if (out != null) { out.println (this + ": " + m_cacheHits + " class cache hits, " + m_cacheMisses + " misses"); } } // package: ............................................................... // private: ............................................................... private static final class PoolEntry { PoolEntry (final int baosCapacity, final int bufSize) { m_baos = new ByteArrayOStream (baosCapacity); m_buf = new byte [bufSize]; } void trim (final int baosCapacity, final int baosMaxCapacity) { if (m_baos.capacity () > baosMaxCapacity) { m_baos = new ByteArrayOStream (baosCapacity); } } ByteArrayOStream m_baos; final byte [] m_buf; } // end of nested class /* * 'srcURL' may be null */ private Class defineClass (final String className, final byte [] bytes, final int length, final URL srcURL) { // support ProtectionDomains with non-null class source URLs: // [however, disable anything related to sealing or signing] final CodeSource csrc = new CodeSource (srcURL, (Certificate[])null); // allow getPackage() to return non-null on the class we are about to // define (however, don't bother emulating the original manifest info since // we may be altering manifest content anyway): final int lastDot = className.lastIndexOf ('.'); if (lastDot >= 0) { final String packageName = className.substring (0, lastDot); final Package pkg = getPackage (packageName); if (pkg == null) { definePackage (packageName, IAppConstants.APP_NAME, IAppConstants.APP_VERSION, IAppConstants.APP_COPYRIGHT, IAppConstants.APP_NAME, IAppConstants.APP_VERSION, IAppConstants.APP_COPYRIGHT, srcURL); } } return defineClass (className, bytes, 0, length, csrc); } private static URL [] filesToURLs (final File [] classpath) throws MalformedURLException { if ((classpath == null) || (classpath.length == 0)) return EMPTY_URL_ARRAY; final URL [] result = new URL [classpath.length]; for (int f = 0; f < result.length ; ++ f) { result [f] = classpath [f].toURL (); // note: this does proper dir encoding } return result; } /** * Reads the entire contents of a given stream into a flat byte array. */ private static void readFully (final InputStream in, final ByteArrayOStream out, final byte [] buf) throws IOException { for (int read; (read = in.read (buf)) >= 0; ) { out.write (buf, 0, read); } } /* * not MT-safe; must be called from loadClass() only */ private PoolEntry acquirePoolEntry () { PoolEntry result; if (m_nestLevel >= BAOS_POOL_SIZE) { result = new PoolEntry (BAOS_INIT_SIZE, BAOS_INIT_SIZE); } else { result = m_bufPool [m_nestLevel]; if (result == null) { result = new PoolEntry (BAOS_INIT_SIZE, BAOS_INIT_SIZE); m_bufPool [m_nestLevel] = result; } else { result.m_baos.reset (); } } ++ m_nestLevel; return result; } /* * not MT-safe; must be called from loadClass() only */ private void releasePoolEntry (final PoolEntry buf) { if (-- m_nestLevel < BAOS_POOL_SIZE) { buf.trim (BAOS_INIT_SIZE, BAOS_MAX_SIZE); } } private final ClassLoader m_parent; private final IInclExclFilter m_forcedDelegationFilter; private final IInclExclFilter m_throughDelegationFilter; private final Map /* classJavaName:String -> ClassPathCacheEntry */ m_cache; // can be null private final IClassLoadHook m_hook; private final PoolEntry [] m_bufPool; private final Logger m_log; // a loader instance is used concurrently but cached its log config at construction time private int m_nestLevel; private int m_cacheHits, m_cacheMisses; private static final int BAOS_INIT_SIZE = 32 * 1024; private static final int BAOS_MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; private static final int BAOS_POOL_SIZE = 8; private static final URL [] EMPTY_URL_ARRAY = new URL [0]; } // end of class // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------