/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Mockito contributors * This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License. */ package org.mockito.internal.exceptions.util; import java.util.List; import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.VerificationAwareInvocation; public class ScenarioPrinter { public String print(List invocations) { if (invocations.size() == 1) { return "Actually, above is the only interaction with this mock."; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "***\n" + "For your reference, here is the list of all invocations ([?] - means unverified).\n"); int counter = 0; for (VerificationAwareInvocation i : invocations) { sb.append(++counter + ". "); if (!i.isVerified()) { sb.append("[?]"); } sb.append(i.getLocation() + "\n"); } String scenario = sb.toString(); return scenario; } }