/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Mockito contributors * This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License. */ package org.mockito.listeners; import org.mockito.exceptions.PrintableInvocation; import org.mockito.invocation.DescribedInvocation; /** * Represent a method call on a mock. * *

* Contains the information on the mock, the location of the stub * the return value if it returned something (maybe null), or an * exception if one was thrown when the method was invoked. *

*/ public interface MethodInvocationReport { /** * The return type is deprecated, please assign the return value from this method * to the {@link DescribedInvocation} type. Sorry for inconvenience but we had to move * {@link PrintableInvocation} to better place to keep the API consistency. * * @return Information on the method call, never {@code null} */ DescribedInvocation getInvocation(); /** * @return The resulting value of the method invocation, may be null */ Object getReturnedValue(); /** * @return The throwable raised by the method invocation, maybe null */ Throwable getThrowable(); /** * @return true if an exception was raised, false otherwise */ boolean threwException(); /** * @return Location of the stub invocation */ String getLocationOfStubbing(); }