/* * [The "BSD licence"] * Copyright (c) 2010 Ben Gruver * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.jf.util; import ds.tree.RadixTree; import ds.tree.RadixTreeImpl; import java.io.*; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * This class checks for case-insensitive file systems, and generates file names based on a given class name, that are * guaranteed to be unique. When "colliding" class names are found, it appends a numeric identifier to the end of the * class name to distinguish it from another class with a name that differes only by case. i.e. a.smali and a_2.smali */ public class ClassFileNameHandler { private PackageNameEntry top; private String fileExtension; private boolean modifyWindowsReservedFilenames; public ClassFileNameHandler(File path, String fileExtension) { this.top = new PackageNameEntry(path); this.fileExtension = fileExtension; this.modifyWindowsReservedFilenames = testForWindowsReservedFileNames(path); } public File getUniqueFilenameForClass(String className) { //class names should be passed in the normal dalvik style, with a leading L, a trailing ;, and using //'/' as a separator. if (className.charAt(0) != 'L' || className.charAt(className.length()-1) != ';') { throw new RuntimeException("Not a valid dalvik class name"); } int packageElementCount = 1; for (int i=1; i= className.length()-1) { throw new RuntimeException("Not a valid dalvik class name"); } packageElement = className.substring(elementStart, className.length()-1); if (modifyWindowsReservedFilenames && isReservedFileName(packageElement)) { packageElement += "#"; } packageElements[elementIndex] = packageElement; return top.addUniqueChild(packageElements, 0); } private static boolean testForWindowsReservedFileNames(File path) { File f = new File(path, "aux.smali"); if (f.exists()) { return false; } try { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(f); writer.write("test"); writer.flush(); writer.close(); f.delete(); //doesn't throw IOException return false; } catch (IOException ex) { //if an exception occured, it's likely that we're on a windows system. return true; } } private static Pattern reservedFileNameRegex = Pattern.compile("^CON|PRN|AUX|NUL|COM[1-9]|LPT[1-9]$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static boolean isReservedFileName(String className) { return reservedFileNameRegex.matcher(className).matches(); } private abstract class FileSystemEntry { public final File file; public FileSystemEntry(File file) { this.file = file; } public abstract File addUniqueChild(String[] pathElements, int pathElementsIndex); public FileSystemEntry makeVirtual(File parent) { return new VirtualGroupEntry(this, parent); } } private class PackageNameEntry extends FileSystemEntry { //this contains the FileSystemEntries for all of this package's children //the associated keys are all lowercase private RadixTree children = new RadixTreeImpl(); public PackageNameEntry(File parent, String name) { super(new File(parent, name)); } public PackageNameEntry(File path) { super(path); } @Override public synchronized File addUniqueChild(String[] pathElements, int pathElementsIndex) { String elementName; String elementNameLower; if (pathElementsIndex == pathElements.length - 1) { elementName = pathElements[pathElementsIndex]; elementName += fileExtension; } else { elementName = pathElements[pathElementsIndex]; } elementNameLower = elementName.toLowerCase(); FileSystemEntry existingEntry = children.find(elementNameLower); if (existingEntry != null) { FileSystemEntry virtualEntry = existingEntry; //if there is already another entry with the same name but different case, we need to //add a virtual group, and then add the existing entry and the new entry to that group if (!(existingEntry instanceof VirtualGroupEntry)) { if (existingEntry.file.getName().equals(elementName)) { if (pathElementsIndex == pathElements.length - 1) { return existingEntry.file; } else { return existingEntry.addUniqueChild(pathElements, pathElementsIndex + 1); } } else { virtualEntry = existingEntry.makeVirtual(file); children.replace(elementNameLower, virtualEntry); } } return virtualEntry.addUniqueChild(pathElements, pathElementsIndex); } if (pathElementsIndex == pathElements.length - 1) { ClassNameEntry classNameEntry = new ClassNameEntry(file, elementName); children.insert(elementNameLower, classNameEntry); return classNameEntry.file; } else { PackageNameEntry packageNameEntry = new PackageNameEntry(file, elementName); children.insert(elementNameLower, packageNameEntry); return packageNameEntry.addUniqueChild(pathElements, pathElementsIndex + 1); } } } /** * A virtual group that groups together file system entries with the same name, differing only in case */ private class VirtualGroupEntry extends FileSystemEntry { //this contains the FileSystemEntries for all of the files/directories in this group //the key is the unmodified name of the entry, before it is modified to be made unique (if needed). private RadixTree groupEntries = new RadixTreeImpl(); //whether the containing directory is case sensitive or not. //-1 = unset //0 = false; //1 = true; private int isCaseSensitive = -1; public VirtualGroupEntry(FileSystemEntry firstChild, File parent) { super(parent); //use the name of the first child in the group as-is groupEntries.insert(firstChild.file.getName(), firstChild); } @Override public File addUniqueChild(String[] pathElements, int pathElementsIndex) { String elementName = pathElements[pathElementsIndex]; if (pathElementsIndex == pathElements.length - 1) { elementName = elementName + fileExtension; } FileSystemEntry existingEntry = groupEntries.find(elementName); if (existingEntry != null) { if (pathElementsIndex == pathElements.length - 1) { return existingEntry.file; } else { return existingEntry.addUniqueChild(pathElements, pathElementsIndex+1); } } if (pathElementsIndex == pathElements.length - 1) { String fileName; if (!isCaseSensitive()) { fileName = pathElements[pathElementsIndex] + "." + (groupEntries.getSize()+1) + fileExtension; } else { fileName = elementName; } ClassNameEntry classNameEntry = new ClassNameEntry(file, fileName); groupEntries.insert(elementName, classNameEntry); return classNameEntry.file; } else { String fileName; if (!isCaseSensitive()) { fileName = pathElements[pathElementsIndex] + "." + (groupEntries.getSize()+1); } else { fileName = elementName; } PackageNameEntry packageNameEntry = new PackageNameEntry(file, fileName); groupEntries.insert(elementName, packageNameEntry); return packageNameEntry.addUniqueChild(pathElements, pathElementsIndex + 1); } } private boolean isCaseSensitive() { if (isCaseSensitive != -1) { return isCaseSensitive == 1; } File path = file; if (path.exists() && path.isFile()) { path = path.getParentFile(); } if ((!file.exists() && !file.mkdirs())) { return false; } try { boolean result = testCaseSensitivity(path); isCaseSensitive = result?1:0; return result; } catch (IOException ex) { return false; } } private boolean testCaseSensitivity(File path) throws IOException { int num = 1; File f, f2; do { f = new File(path, "test." + num); f2 = new File(path, "TEST." + num++); } while(f.exists() || f2.exists()); try { try { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(f); writer.write("test"); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { try {f.delete();} catch (Exception ex2) {} throw ex; } if (f2.exists()) { return false; } if (f2.createNewFile()) { return true; } //the above 2 tests should catch almost all cases. But maybe there was a failure while creating f2 //that isn't related to case sensitivity. Let's see if we can open the file we just created using //f2 try { CharBuffer buf = CharBuffer.allocate(32); FileReader reader = new FileReader(f2); while (reader.read(buf) != -1 && buf.length() < 4); if (buf.length() == 4 && buf.toString().equals("test")) { return false; } else { //we probably shouldn't get here. If the filesystem was case-sensetive, creating a new //FileReader should have thrown a FileNotFoundException. Otherwise, we should have opened //the file and read in the string "test". It's remotely possible that someone else modified //the file after we created it. Let's be safe and return false here as well assert(false); return false; } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { return true; } } finally { try { f.delete(); } catch (Exception ex) {} try { f2.delete(); } catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Override public FileSystemEntry makeVirtual(File parent) { return this; } } private class ClassNameEntry extends FileSystemEntry { public ClassNameEntry(File parent, String name) { super(new File(parent, name)); } @Override public File addUniqueChild(String[] pathElements, int pathElementsIndex) { assert false; return file; } } }