/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.webview.chromium; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Picture; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.net.Uri; import android.net.http.SslCertificate; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.print.PrintDocumentAdapter; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import android.view.HardwareCanvas; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.MeasureSpec; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProvider; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection; import android.webkit.DownloadListener; import android.webkit.FindActionModeCallback; import android.webkit.JavascriptInterface; import android.webkit.ValueCallback; import android.webkit.WebBackForwardList; import android.webkit.WebChromeClient; import android.webkit.WebSettings; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.webkit.WebViewClient; import android.webkit.WebViewProvider; import android.widget.TextView; import org.chromium.android_webview.AwBrowserContext; import org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents; import org.chromium.android_webview.AwLayoutSizer; import org.chromium.android_webview.AwSettings; import org.chromium.android_webview.AwPrintDocumentAdapter; import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils; import org.chromium.content.browser.LoadUrlParams; import org.chromium.net.NetworkChangeNotifier; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; /** * This class is the delegate to which WebViewProxy forwards all API calls. * * Most of the actual functionality is implemented by AwContents (or ContentViewCore within * it). This class also contains WebView-specific APIs that require the creation of other * adapters (otherwise org.chromium.content would depend on the webview.chromium package) * and a small set of no-op deprecated APIs. */ class WebViewChromium implements WebViewProvider, WebViewProvider.ScrollDelegate, WebViewProvider.ViewDelegate { private class WebViewChromiumRunQueue { public WebViewChromiumRunQueue() { mQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue(); } public void addTask(Runnable task) { mQueue.add(task); if (mFactory.hasStarted()) { ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { drainQueue(); } }); } } public void drainQueue() { if (mQueue == null || mQueue.isEmpty()) { return; } Runnable task = mQueue.poll(); while(task != null) { task.run(); task = mQueue.poll(); } } private Queue mQueue; } private WebViewChromiumRunQueue mRunQueue; private static final String TAG = WebViewChromium.class.getSimpleName(); // The WebView that this WebViewChromium is the provider for. WebView mWebView; // Lets us access protected View-derived methods on the WebView instance we're backing. WebView.PrivateAccess mWebViewPrivate; // The client adapter class. private WebViewContentsClientAdapter mContentsClientAdapter; // Variables for functionality provided by this adapter --------------------------------------- private ContentSettingsAdapter mWebSettings; // The WebView wrapper for ContentViewCore and required browser compontents. private AwContents mAwContents; // Non-null if this webview is using the GL accelerated draw path. private DrawGLFunctor mGLfunctor; private final WebView.HitTestResult mHitTestResult; private final int mAppTargetSdkVersion; private WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider mFactory; // This does not touch any global / non-threadsafe state, but note that // init is ofter called right after and is NOT threadsafe. public WebViewChromium(WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider factory, WebView webView, WebView.PrivateAccess webViewPrivate) { mWebView = webView; mWebViewPrivate = webViewPrivate; mHitTestResult = new WebView.HitTestResult(); mAppTargetSdkVersion = mWebView.getContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion; mFactory = factory; mRunQueue = new WebViewChromiumRunQueue(); } static void completeWindowCreation(WebView parent, WebView child) { AwContents parentContents = ((WebViewChromium) parent.getWebViewProvider()).mAwContents; AwContents childContents = child == null ? null : ((WebViewChromium) child.getWebViewProvider()).mAwContents; parentContents.supplyContentsForPopup(childContents); } private T runBlockingFuture(FutureTask task) { if (!mFactory.hasStarted()) throw new RuntimeException("Must be started before we block!"); if (ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("This method should only be called off the UI thread"); } mRunQueue.addTask(task); try { return task.get(4, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Probable deadlock detected due to WebView API being called " + "on incorrect thread while the UI thread is blocked.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // We have a 4 second timeout to try to detect deadlocks to detect and aid in debuggin // deadlocks. // Do not call this method while on the UI thread! private void runVoidTaskOnUiThreadBlocking(Runnable r) { FutureTask task = new FutureTask(r, null); runBlockingFuture(task); } private T runOnUiThreadBlocking(Callable c) { return runBlockingFuture(new FutureTask(c)); } // WebViewProvider methods -------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override // BUG=6790250 |javaScriptInterfaces| was only ever used by the obsolete DumpRenderTree // so is ignored. TODO: remove it from WebViewProvider. public void init(final Map javaScriptInterfaces, final boolean privateBrowsing) { if (privateBrowsing) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); final String msg = "Private browsing is not supported in WebView."; if (mAppTargetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } else { Log.w(TAG, msg); TextView warningLabel = new TextView(mWebView.getContext()); warningLabel.setText(mWebView.getContext().getString( com.android.internal.R.string.webviewchromium_private_browsing_warning)); mWebView.addView(warningLabel); } } // We will defer real initialization until we know which thread to do it on, unless: // - we are on the main thread already (common case), // - the app is targeting >= JB MR2, in which case checkThread enforces that all usage // comes from a single thread. (Note in JB MR2 this exception was in WebView.java). if (mAppTargetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); checkThread(); } else if (!mFactory.hasStarted()) { if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); } } final boolean isAccessFromFileURLsGrantedByDefault = mAppTargetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN; final boolean areLegacyQuirksEnabled = mAppTargetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT; mContentsClientAdapter = new WebViewContentsClientAdapter(mWebView); mWebSettings = new ContentSettingsAdapter(new AwSettings( mWebView.getContext(), isAccessFromFileURLsGrantedByDefault, areLegacyQuirksEnabled)); if (mAppTargetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { mWebSettings.setMixedContentMode(WebSettings.MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW); // On KK and older versions we always allowed third party cookies. mWebSettings.setAcceptThirdPartyCookies(true); } mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { initForReal(); if (privateBrowsing) { // Intentionally irreversibly disable the webview instance, so that private // user data cannot leak through misuse of a non-privateBrowing WebView // instance. Can't just null out mAwContents as we never null-check it // before use. destroy(); } } }); } private void initForReal() { mAwContents = new AwContents(mFactory.getBrowserContext(), mWebView, mWebView.getContext(), new InternalAccessAdapter(), new WebViewNativeGLDelegate(), mContentsClientAdapter, mWebSettings.getAwSettings()); if (mAppTargetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { // On KK and above, favicons are automatically downloaded as the method // old apps use to enable that behavior is deprecated. AwContents.setShouldDownloadFavicons(); } if (mAppTargetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { // On KK and older versions, JavaScript objects injected via addJavascriptInterface // were not inspectable. mAwContents.disableJavascriptInterfacesInspection(); } // TODO: This assumes AwContents ignores second Paint param. mAwContents.setLayerType(mWebView.getLayerType(), null); } void startYourEngine() { mRunQueue.drainQueue(); } private RuntimeException createThreadException() { return new IllegalStateException( "Calling View methods on another thread than the UI thread."); } private boolean checkNeedsPost() { boolean needsPost = !mFactory.hasStarted() || !ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread(); if (!needsPost && mAwContents == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "AwContents must be created if we are not posting!"); } return needsPost; } // Intentionally not static, as no need to check thread on static methods private void checkThread() { if (!ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread()) { final RuntimeException threadViolation = createThreadException(); ThreadUtils.postOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { throw threadViolation; } }); throw createThreadException(); } } @Override public void setHorizontalScrollbarOverlay(final boolean overlay) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setHorizontalScrollbarOverlay(overlay); } }); return; } mAwContents.setHorizontalScrollbarOverlay(overlay); } @Override public void setVerticalScrollbarOverlay(final boolean overlay) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setVerticalScrollbarOverlay(overlay); } }); return; } mAwContents.setVerticalScrollbarOverlay(overlay); } @Override public boolean overlayHorizontalScrollbar() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return overlayHorizontalScrollbar(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.overlayHorizontalScrollbar(); } @Override public boolean overlayVerticalScrollbar() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return overlayVerticalScrollbar(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.overlayVerticalScrollbar(); } @Override public int getVisibleTitleHeight() { // This is deprecated in WebView and should always return 0. return 0; } @Override public SslCertificate getCertificate() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { SslCertificate ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public SslCertificate call() { return getCertificate(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.getCertificate(); } @Override public void setCertificate(SslCertificate certificate) { // intentional no-op } @Override public void savePassword(String host, String username, String password) { // This is a deprecated API: intentional no-op. } @Override public void setHttpAuthUsernamePassword(final String host, final String realm, final String username, final String password) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setHttpAuthUsernamePassword(host, realm, username, password); } }); return; } mAwContents.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword(host, realm, username, password); } @Override public String[] getHttpAuthUsernamePassword(final String host, final String realm) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { String[] ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public String[] call() { return getHttpAuthUsernamePassword(host, realm); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.getHttpAuthUsernamePassword(host, realm); } @Override public void destroy() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { destroy(); } }); return; } mAwContents.destroy(); if (mGLfunctor != null) { mGLfunctor.destroy(); mGLfunctor = null; } } @Override public void setNetworkAvailable(final boolean networkUp) { // Note that this purely toggles the JS navigator.online property. // It does not in affect chromium or network stack state in any way. if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setNetworkAvailable(networkUp); } }); return; } mAwContents.setNetworkAvailable(networkUp); } @Override public WebBackForwardList saveState(final Bundle outState) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { WebBackForwardList ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public WebBackForwardList call() { return saveState(outState); } }); return ret; } if (outState == null) return null; if (!mAwContents.saveState(outState)) return null; return copyBackForwardList(); } @Override public boolean savePicture(Bundle b, File dest) { // Intentional no-op: hidden method on WebView. return false; } @Override public boolean restorePicture(Bundle b, File src) { // Intentional no-op: hidden method on WebView. return false; } @Override public WebBackForwardList restoreState(final Bundle inState) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { WebBackForwardList ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public WebBackForwardList call() { return restoreState(inState); } }); return ret; } if (inState == null) return null; if (!mAwContents.restoreState(inState)) return null; return copyBackForwardList(); } @Override public void loadUrl(final String url, Map additionalHttpHeaders) { // TODO: We may actually want to do some sanity checks here (like filter about://chrome). // For backwards compatibility, apps targeting less than K will have JS URLs evaluated // directly and any result of the evaluation will not replace the current page content. // Matching Chrome behavior more closely; apps targetting >= K that load a JS URL will // have the result of that URL replace the content of the current page. final String JAVASCRIPT_SCHEME = "javascript:"; if (mAppTargetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT && url != null && url.startsWith(JAVASCRIPT_SCHEME)) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mAwContents.evaluateJavaScriptEvenIfNotYetNavigated( url.substring(JAVASCRIPT_SCHEME.length())); } }); } else { mAwContents.evaluateJavaScriptEvenIfNotYetNavigated( url.substring(JAVASCRIPT_SCHEME.length())); } return; } LoadUrlParams params = new LoadUrlParams(url); if (additionalHttpHeaders != null) params.setExtraHeaders(additionalHttpHeaders); loadUrlOnUiThread(params); } @Override public void loadUrl(String url) { // Early out to match old WebView implementation if (url == null) { return; } loadUrl(url, null); } @Override public void postUrl(String url, byte[] postData) { LoadUrlParams params = LoadUrlParams.createLoadHttpPostParams(url, postData); Map headers = new HashMap(); headers.put("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); params.setExtraHeaders(headers); loadUrlOnUiThread(params); } private static String fixupMimeType(String mimeType) { return TextUtils.isEmpty(mimeType) ? "text/html" : mimeType; } private static String fixupData(String data) { return TextUtils.isEmpty(data) ? "" : data; } private static String fixupBase(String url) { return TextUtils.isEmpty(url) ? "about:blank" : url; } private static String fixupHistory(String url) { return TextUtils.isEmpty(url) ? "about:blank" : url; } private static boolean isBase64Encoded(String encoding) { return "base64".equals(encoding); } @Override public void loadData(String data, String mimeType, String encoding) { loadUrlOnUiThread(LoadUrlParams.createLoadDataParams( fixupData(data), fixupMimeType(mimeType), isBase64Encoded(encoding))); } @Override public void loadDataWithBaseURL(String baseUrl, String data, String mimeType, String encoding, String historyUrl) { data = fixupData(data); mimeType = fixupMimeType(mimeType); LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams; baseUrl = fixupBase(baseUrl); historyUrl = fixupHistory(historyUrl); if (baseUrl.startsWith("data:")) { // For backwards compatibility with WebViewClassic, we use the value of |encoding| // as the charset, as long as it's not "base64". boolean isBase64 = isBase64Encoded(encoding); loadUrlParams = LoadUrlParams.createLoadDataParamsWithBaseUrl( data, mimeType, isBase64, baseUrl, historyUrl, isBase64 ? null : encoding); } else { // When loading data with a non-data: base URL, the classic WebView would effectively // "dump" that string of data into the WebView without going through regular URL // loading steps such as decoding URL-encoded entities. We achieve this same behavior by // base64 encoding the data that is passed here and then loading that as a data: URL. try { loadUrlParams = LoadUrlParams.createLoadDataParamsWithBaseUrl( Base64.encodeToString(data.getBytes("utf-8"), Base64.DEFAULT), mimeType, true, baseUrl, historyUrl, "utf-8"); } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.wtf(TAG, "Unable to load data string " + data, e); return; } } loadUrlOnUiThread(loadUrlParams); } private void loadUrlOnUiThread(final LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams) { // This is the last point that we can delay starting the Chromium backend up // and if the app has not caused us to bind the Chromium UI thread to a background thread // we now bind Chromium's notion of the UI thread to the app main thread. mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { // Disallowed in WebView API for apps targetting a new SDK assert mAppTargetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2; mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mAwContents.loadUrl(loadUrlParams); } }); return; } mAwContents.loadUrl(loadUrlParams); } public void evaluateJavaScript(String script, ValueCallback resultCallback) { checkThread(); mAwContents.evaluateJavaScript(script, resultCallback); } @Override public void saveWebArchive(String filename) { saveWebArchive(filename, false, null); } @Override public void saveWebArchive(final String basename, final boolean autoname, final ValueCallback callback) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { saveWebArchive(basename, autoname, callback); } }); return; } mAwContents.saveWebArchive(basename, autoname, callback); } @Override public void stopLoading() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { stopLoading(); } }); return; } mAwContents.stopLoading(); } @Override public void reload() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { reload(); } }); return; } mAwContents.reload(); } @Override public boolean canGoBack() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { Boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return canGoBack(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.canGoBack(); } @Override public void goBack() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { goBack(); } }); return; } mAwContents.goBack(); } @Override public boolean canGoForward() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { Boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return canGoForward(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.canGoForward(); } @Override public void goForward() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { goForward(); } }); return; } mAwContents.goForward(); } @Override public boolean canGoBackOrForward(final int steps) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { Boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return canGoBackOrForward(steps); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.canGoBackOrForward(steps); } @Override public void goBackOrForward(final int steps) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { goBackOrForward(steps); } }); return; } mAwContents.goBackOrForward(steps); } @Override public boolean isPrivateBrowsingEnabled() { // Not supported in this WebView implementation. return false; } @Override public boolean pageUp(final boolean top) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { Boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return pageUp(top); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.pageUp(top); } @Override public boolean pageDown(final boolean bottom) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { Boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return pageDown(bottom); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.pageDown(bottom); } @Override public void clearView() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { clearView(); } }); return; } mAwContents.clearView(); } @Override public Picture capturePicture() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { Picture ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Picture call() { return capturePicture(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.capturePicture(); } @Override public float getScale() { // No checkThread() as it is mostly thread safe (workaround for b/10652991). mFactory.startYourEngines(true); return mAwContents.getScale(); } @Override public void setInitialScale(final int scaleInPercent) { // No checkThread() as it is thread safe mWebSettings.getAwSettings().setInitialPageScale(scaleInPercent); } @Override public void invokeZoomPicker() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { invokeZoomPicker(); } }); return; } mAwContents.invokeZoomPicker(); } @Override public WebView.HitTestResult getHitTestResult() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { WebView.HitTestResult ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking( new Callable() { @Override public WebView.HitTestResult call() { return getHitTestResult(); } }); return ret; } AwContents.HitTestData data = mAwContents.getLastHitTestResult(); mHitTestResult.setType(data.hitTestResultType); mHitTestResult.setExtra(data.hitTestResultExtraData); return mHitTestResult; } @Override public void requestFocusNodeHref(final Message hrefMsg) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { requestFocusNodeHref(hrefMsg); } }); return; } mAwContents.requestFocusNodeHref(hrefMsg); } @Override public void requestImageRef(final Message msg) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { requestImageRef(msg); } }); return; } mAwContents.requestImageRef(msg); } @Override public String getUrl() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { String ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public String call() { return getUrl(); } }); return ret; } String url = mAwContents.getUrl(); if (url == null || url.trim().isEmpty()) return null; return url; } @Override public String getOriginalUrl() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { String ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public String call() { return getOriginalUrl(); } }); return ret; } String url = mAwContents.getOriginalUrl(); if (url == null || url.trim().isEmpty()) return null; return url; } @Override public String getTitle() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { String ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public String call() { return getTitle(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.getTitle(); } @Override public Bitmap getFavicon() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { Bitmap ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Bitmap call() { return getFavicon(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.getFavicon(); } @Override public String getTouchIconUrl() { // Intentional no-op: hidden method on WebView. return null; } @Override public int getProgress() { if (mAwContents == null) return 100; // No checkThread() because the value is cached java side (workaround for b/10533304). return mAwContents.getMostRecentProgress(); } @Override public int getContentHeight() { if (mAwContents == null) return 0; // No checkThread() as it is mostly thread safe (workaround for b/10594869). return mAwContents.getContentHeightCss(); } @Override public int getContentWidth() { if (mAwContents == null) return 0; // No checkThread() as it is mostly thread safe (workaround for b/10594869). return mAwContents.getContentWidthCss(); } @Override public void pauseTimers() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { pauseTimers(); } }); return; } mAwContents.pauseTimers(); } @Override public void resumeTimers() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { resumeTimers(); } }); return; } mAwContents.resumeTimers(); } @Override public void onPause() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onPause(); } }); return; } mAwContents.onPause(); } @Override public void onResume() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onResume(); } }); return; } mAwContents.onResume(); } @Override public boolean isPaused() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { Boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return isPaused(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.isPaused(); } @Override public void freeMemory() { // Intentional no-op. Memory is managed automatically by Chromium. } @Override public void clearCache(final boolean includeDiskFiles) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { clearCache(includeDiskFiles); } }); return; } mAwContents.clearCache(includeDiskFiles); } /** * This is a poorly named method, but we keep it for historical reasons. */ @Override public void clearFormData() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { clearFormData(); } }); return; } mAwContents.hideAutofillPopup(); } @Override public void clearHistory() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { clearHistory(); } }); return; } mAwContents.clearHistory(); } @Override public void clearSslPreferences() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { clearSslPreferences(); } }); return; } mAwContents.clearSslPreferences(); } @Override public WebBackForwardList copyBackForwardList() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { WebBackForwardList ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public WebBackForwardList call() { return copyBackForwardList(); } }); return ret; } return new WebBackForwardListChromium( mAwContents.getNavigationHistory()); } @Override public void setFindListener(WebView.FindListener listener) { mContentsClientAdapter.setFindListener(listener); } @Override public void findNext(final boolean forwards) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { findNext(forwards); } }); return; } mAwContents.findNext(forwards); } @Override public int findAll(final String searchString) { findAllAsync(searchString); return 0; } @Override public void findAllAsync(final String searchString) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { findAllAsync(searchString); } }); return; } mAwContents.findAllAsync(searchString); } @Override public boolean showFindDialog(final String text, final boolean showIme) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { return false; } if (mWebView.getParent() == null) { return false; } FindActionModeCallback findAction = new FindActionModeCallback(mWebView.getContext()); if (findAction == null) { return false; } mWebView.startActionMode(findAction); findAction.setWebView(mWebView); if (showIme) { findAction.showSoftInput(); } if (text != null) { findAction.setText(text); findAction.findAll(); } return true; } @Override public void notifyFindDialogDismissed() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { notifyFindDialogDismissed(); } }); return; } clearMatches(); } @Override public void clearMatches() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { clearMatches(); } }); return; } mAwContents.clearMatches(); } @Override public void documentHasImages(final Message response) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { documentHasImages(response); } }); return; } mAwContents.documentHasImages(response); } @Override public void setWebViewClient(WebViewClient client) { mContentsClientAdapter.setWebViewClient(client); } @Override public void setDownloadListener(DownloadListener listener) { mContentsClientAdapter.setDownloadListener(listener); } @Override public void setWebChromeClient(WebChromeClient client) { mContentsClientAdapter.setWebChromeClient(client); } @Override public void setPictureListener(final WebView.PictureListener listener) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setPictureListener(listener); } }); return; } mContentsClientAdapter.setPictureListener(listener); mAwContents.enableOnNewPicture(listener != null, mAppTargetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2); } @Override public void addJavascriptInterface(final Object obj, final String interfaceName) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { addJavascriptInterface(obj, interfaceName); } }); return; } Class requiredAnnotation = null; if (mAppTargetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { requiredAnnotation = JavascriptInterface.class; } mAwContents.addPossiblyUnsafeJavascriptInterface(obj, interfaceName, requiredAnnotation); } @Override public void removeJavascriptInterface(final String interfaceName) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { removeJavascriptInterface(interfaceName); } }); return; } mAwContents.removeJavascriptInterface(interfaceName); } @Override public WebSettings getSettings() { return mWebSettings; } @Override public void setMapTrackballToArrowKeys(boolean setMap) { // This is a deprecated API: intentional no-op. } @Override public void flingScroll(final int vx, final int vy) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { flingScroll(vx, vy); } }); return; } mAwContents.flingScroll(vx, vy); } @Override public View getZoomControls() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { return null; } // This was deprecated in 2009 and hidden in JB MR1, so just provide the minimum needed // to stop very out-dated applications from crashing. Log.w(TAG, "WebView doesn't support getZoomControls"); return mAwContents.getSettings().supportZoom() ? new View(mWebView.getContext()) : null; } @Override public boolean canZoomIn() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { return false; } return mAwContents.canZoomIn(); } @Override public boolean canZoomOut() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { return false; } return mAwContents.canZoomOut(); } @Override public boolean zoomIn() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return zoomIn(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.zoomIn(); } @Override public boolean zoomOut() { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return zoomOut(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.zoomOut(); } //TODO: remove once frameworks/base is updated //@Override public boolean zoomBy(float factor) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); // This is an L API and therefore we can enforce stricter threading constraints. checkThread(); //TODO: remove once Chromium-side CL is merged. //return mAwContents.zoomBy(factor); return false; } @Override public void dumpViewHierarchyWithProperties(BufferedWriter out, int level) { // Intentional no-op } @Override public View findHierarchyView(String className, int hashCode) { // Intentional no-op return null; } // WebViewProvider glue methods --------------------------------------------------------------- @Override // This needs to be kept thread safe! public WebViewProvider.ViewDelegate getViewDelegate() { return this; } @Override // This needs to be kept thread safe! public WebViewProvider.ScrollDelegate getScrollDelegate() { return this; } // WebViewProvider.ViewDelegate implementation ------------------------------------------------ // TODO: remove from WebViewProvider and use default implementation from // ViewGroup. // @Override public boolean shouldDelayChildPressedState() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return shouldDelayChildPressedState(); } }); return ret; } return true; } // @Override public AccessibilityNodeProvider getAccessibilityNodeProvider() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { AccessibilityNodeProvider ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking( new Callable() { @Override public AccessibilityNodeProvider call() { return getAccessibilityNodeProvider(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.getAccessibilityNodeProvider(); } @Override public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(final AccessibilityNodeInfo info) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { runVoidTaskOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(info); } }); return; } mAwContents.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(info); } @Override public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(final AccessibilityEvent event) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { runVoidTaskOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event); } }); return; } mAwContents.onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event); } @Override public boolean performAccessibilityAction(final int action, final Bundle arguments) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return performAccessibilityAction(action, arguments); } }); return ret; } if (mAwContents.supportsAccessibilityAction(action)) { return mAwContents.performAccessibilityAction(action, arguments); } return mWebViewPrivate.super_performAccessibilityAction(action, arguments); } @Override public void setOverScrollMode(final int mode) { // This gets called from the android.view.View c'tor that WebView inherits from. This // causes the method to be called when mAwContents == null. // It's safe to ignore these calls however since AwContents will read the current value of // this setting when it's created. if (mAwContents == null) return; if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setOverScrollMode(mode); } }); return; } mAwContents.setOverScrollMode(mode); } @Override public void setScrollBarStyle(final int style) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setScrollBarStyle(style); } }); return; } mAwContents.setScrollBarStyle(style); } @Override public void onDrawVerticalScrollBar(final Canvas canvas, final Drawable scrollBar, final int l, final int t, final int r, final int b) { // WebViewClassic was overriding this method to handle rubberband over-scroll. Since // WebViewChromium doesn't support that the vanilla implementation of this method can be // used. mWebViewPrivate.super_onDrawVerticalScrollBar(canvas, scrollBar, l, t, r, b); } @Override public void onOverScrolled(final int scrollX, final int scrollY, final boolean clampedX, final boolean clampedY) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onOverScrolled(scrollX, scrollY, clampedX, clampedY); } }); return; } mAwContents.onContainerViewOverScrolled(scrollX, scrollY, clampedX, clampedY); } @Override public void onWindowVisibilityChanged(final int visibility) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onWindowVisibilityChanged(visibility); } }); return; } mAwContents.onWindowVisibilityChanged(visibility); } @Override public void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) { mFactory.startYourEngines(true); if (checkNeedsPost()) { runVoidTaskOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onDraw(canvas); } }); return; } mAwContents.onDraw(canvas); } @Override public void setLayoutParams(final ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams) { // This API is our strongest signal from the View system that this // WebView is going to be bound to a View hierarchy and so at this // point we must bind Chromium's UI thread to the current thread. mFactory.startYourEngines(false); checkThread(); mWebViewPrivate.super_setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } @Override public boolean performLongClick() { // Return false unless the WebView is attached to a View with a parent return mWebView.getParent() != null ? mWebViewPrivate.super_performLongClick() : false; } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(final Configuration newConfig) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } }); return; } mAwContents.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } @Override public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(final EditorInfo outAttrs) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { return null; } return mAwContents.onCreateInputConnection(outAttrs); } @Override public boolean onKeyMultiple(final int keyCode, final int repeatCount, final KeyEvent event) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return onKeyMultiple(keyCode, repeatCount, event); } }); return ret; } UnimplementedWebViewApi.invoke(); return false; } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } }); return ret; } UnimplementedWebViewApi.invoke(); return false; } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } @Override public void onAttachedToWindow() { // This API is our strongest signal from the View system that this // WebView is going to be bound to a View hierarchy and so at this // point we must bind Chromium's UI thread to the current thread. mFactory.startYourEngines(false); checkThread(); mAwContents.onAttachedToWindow(); } @Override public void onDetachedFromWindow() { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onDetachedFromWindow(); } }); return; } mAwContents.onDetachedFromWindow(); } @Override public void onVisibilityChanged(final View changedView, final int visibility) { // The AwContents will find out the container view visibility before the first draw so we // can safely ignore onVisibilityChanged callbacks that happen before init(). if (mAwContents == null) return; if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility); } }); return; } mAwContents.onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility); } @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(final boolean hasWindowFocus) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus); } }); return; } mAwContents.onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus); } @Override public void onFocusChanged(final boolean focused, final int direction, final Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onFocusChanged(focused, direction, previouslyFocusedRect); } }); return; } mAwContents.onFocusChanged(focused, direction, previouslyFocusedRect); } @Override public boolean setFrame(final int left, final int top, final int right, final int bottom) { return mWebViewPrivate.super_setFrame(left, top, right, bottom); } @Override public void onSizeChanged(final int w, final int h, final int ow, final int oh) { if (checkNeedsPost()) { mRunQueue.addTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onSizeChanged(w, h, ow, oh); } }); return; } mAwContents.onSizeChanged(w, h, ow, oh); } @Override public void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) { } @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(final KeyEvent event) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return dispatchKeyEvent(event); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.dispatchKeyEvent(event); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(final MotionEvent ev) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return onTouchEvent(ev); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.onTouchEvent(ev); } @Override public boolean onHoverEvent(final MotionEvent event) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return onHoverEvent(event); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.onHoverEvent(event); } @Override public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(final MotionEvent event) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return onGenericMotionEvent(event); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.onGenericMotionEvent(event); } @Override public boolean onTrackballEvent(MotionEvent ev) { // Trackball event not handled, which eventually gets converted to DPAD keyevents return false; } @Override public boolean requestFocus(final int direction, final Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return requestFocus(direction, previouslyFocusedRect); } }); return ret; } mAwContents.requestFocus(); return mWebViewPrivate.super_requestFocus(direction, previouslyFocusedRect); } @Override public void onMeasure(final int widthMeasureSpec, final int heightMeasureSpec) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { runVoidTaskOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } }); return; } mAwContents.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } @Override public boolean requestChildRectangleOnScreen(final View child, final Rect rect, final boolean immediate) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { boolean ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() { return requestChildRectangleOnScreen(child, rect, immediate); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.requestChildRectangleOnScreen(child, rect, immediate); } @Override public void setBackgroundColor(final int color) { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { ThreadUtils.postOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setBackgroundColor(color); } }); return; } mAwContents.setBackgroundColor(color); } @Override public void setLayerType(final int layerType, final Paint paint) { // This can be called from WebView constructor in which case mAwContents // is still null. We set the layer type in initForReal in that case. if (mAwContents == null) return; if (checkNeedsPost()) { ThreadUtils.postOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setLayerType(layerType, paint); } }); return; } mAwContents.setLayerType(layerType, paint); } // Remove from superclass public void preDispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { // TODO(leandrogracia): remove this method from WebViewProvider if we think // we won't need it again. } public void onStartTemporaryDetach() { mAwContents.onStartTemporaryDetach(); } public void onFinishTemporaryDetach() { mAwContents.onFinishTemporaryDetach(); } // WebViewProvider.ScrollDelegate implementation ---------------------------------------------- @Override public int computeHorizontalScrollRange() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { int ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Integer call() { return computeHorizontalScrollRange(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.computeHorizontalScrollRange(); } @Override public int computeHorizontalScrollOffset() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { int ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Integer call() { return computeHorizontalScrollOffset(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.computeHorizontalScrollOffset(); } @Override public int computeVerticalScrollRange() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { int ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Integer call() { return computeVerticalScrollRange(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.computeVerticalScrollRange(); } @Override public int computeVerticalScrollOffset() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { int ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Integer call() { return computeVerticalScrollOffset(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.computeVerticalScrollOffset(); } @Override public int computeVerticalScrollExtent() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { int ret = runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Callable() { @Override public Integer call() { return computeVerticalScrollExtent(); } }); return ret; } return mAwContents.computeVerticalScrollExtent(); } @Override public void computeScroll() { mFactory.startYourEngines(false); if (checkNeedsPost()) { runVoidTaskOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { computeScroll(); } }); return; } mAwContents.computeScroll(); } @Override public PrintDocumentAdapter createPrintDocumentAdapter(String documentName) { checkThread(); return new AwPrintDocumentAdapter(mAwContents.getPdfExporter(), documentName); } @Override public void preauthorizePermission(Uri origin, long resources) { checkThread(); mAwContents.preauthorizePermission(origin, resources); } // AwContents.NativeGLDelegate implementation -------------------------------------- private class WebViewNativeGLDelegate implements AwContents.NativeGLDelegate { @Override public boolean requestDrawGL(Canvas canvas, boolean waitForCompletion, View containerView) { if (mGLfunctor == null) { mGLfunctor = new DrawGLFunctor(mAwContents.getAwDrawGLViewContext()); } return mGLfunctor.requestDrawGL( (HardwareCanvas) canvas, containerView.getViewRootImpl(), waitForCompletion); } @Override public void detachGLFunctor() { if (mGLfunctor != null) { mGLfunctor.detach(); } } } // AwContents.InternalAccessDelegate implementation -------------------------------------- private class InternalAccessAdapter implements AwContents.InternalAccessDelegate { @Override public boolean drawChild(Canvas arg0, View arg1, long arg2) { UnimplementedWebViewApi.invoke(); return false; } @Override public boolean super_onKeyUp(int arg0, KeyEvent arg1) { // Intentional no-op return false; } @Override public boolean super_dispatchKeyEventPreIme(KeyEvent arg0) { UnimplementedWebViewApi.invoke(); return false; } @Override public boolean super_dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { return mWebViewPrivate.super_dispatchKeyEvent(event); } @Override public boolean super_onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent arg0) { return mWebViewPrivate.super_onGenericMotionEvent(arg0); } @Override public void super_onConfigurationChanged(Configuration arg0) { // Intentional no-op } @Override public int super_getScrollBarStyle() { return mWebViewPrivate.super_getScrollBarStyle(); } @Override public boolean awakenScrollBars() { mWebViewPrivate.awakenScrollBars(0); // TODO: modify the WebView.PrivateAccess to provide a return value. return true; } @Override public boolean super_awakenScrollBars(int arg0, boolean arg1) { // TODO: need method on WebView.PrivateAccess? UnimplementedWebViewApi.invoke(); return false; } @Override public void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) { // Intentional no-op. // Chromium calls this directly to trigger accessibility events. That isn't needed // for WebView since super_scrollTo invokes onScrollChanged for us. } @Override public void overScrollBy(int deltaX, int deltaY, int scrollX, int scrollY, int scrollRangeX, int scrollRangeY, int maxOverScrollX, int maxOverScrollY, boolean isTouchEvent) { mWebViewPrivate.overScrollBy(deltaX, deltaY, scrollX, scrollY, scrollRangeX, scrollRangeY, maxOverScrollX, maxOverScrollY, isTouchEvent); } @Override public void super_scrollTo(int scrollX, int scrollY) { mWebViewPrivate.super_scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY); } @Override public void setMeasuredDimension(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight) { mWebViewPrivate.setMeasuredDimension(measuredWidth, measuredHeight); } // @Override public boolean super_onHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) { return mWebViewPrivate.super_onHoverEvent(event); } } }