1# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5# Depend on the Android NDK's cpu feature detection. The WebView build is part
6# of the system and the library already exists; for the normal build there is a
7# gyp file in the checked-in NDK to build it.
9  'conditions': [
10    ['android_webview_build == 1', {
11      # This is specified twice intentionally: Android provides include paths
12      # to targets automatically if they depend on libraries, so we add this
13      # library to every target that includes this .gypi to make the headers
14      # available, then also add it to targets that link those targets via
15      # link_settings to ensure it ends up being linked even if the main target
16      # doesn't include this .gypi.
17      'libraries': [
18        'cpufeatures.a',
19      ],
20      'link_settings': {
21        'libraries': [
22          'cpufeatures.a',
23        ],
24      },
25    }, {
26      'dependencies': [
27        '<(android_ndk_root)/android_tools_ndk.gyp:cpu_features',
28      ],
29    }],
30  ],