revision a02191e04bc25c4935f804f2c080ae28663d096d
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/bookmark_provider.h"
7#include <algorithm>
8#include <string>
9#include <vector>
11#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
12#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
13#include "base/strings/string16.h"
14#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
15#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
16#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider.h"
17#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider_listener.h"
18#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h"
19#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model_factory.h"
20#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_title_match.h"
21#include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
22#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
24// The bookmark corpus against which we will simulate searches.
25struct BookmarksTestInfo {
26  std::string title;
27  std::string url;
28} bookmark_provider_test_data[] = {
29  { "abc def", "" },
30  { "abcde", "" },
31  { "abcdef", "" },
32  { "a definition", "" },
33  { "carry carbon carefully", "" },
34  { "ghi jkl", "" },
35  { "jkl ghi", "" },
36  { "frankly frankly frank", "" },
37  { "foobar foobar", "" },
38  // For testing inline_autocompletion.
39  { "", "" },
40  { "", "" },
41  { "", "" },
42  { "chrome://version", "chrome://version" },
43  { "chrome://omnibox", "chrome://omnibox" },
44  // For testing ranking with different URLs.
45  {"achlorhydric featherheads resuscitates mockingbirds",
46   "" },
47  {"achlorhydric mockingbirds resuscitates featherhead",
48   "" },
49  {"featherhead resuscitates achlorhydric mockingbirds",
50   "" },
51  {"mockingbirds resuscitates featherheads achlorhydric",
52   "" },
53  // For testing URL boosting.
54  {"burning worms #1", "" },
55  {"burning worms #2", "" },
56  {"worming burns #10", "" },
57  {"worming burns #20", "" },
58  {"jive music", "" },
61class BookmarkProviderTest : public testing::Test,
62                             public AutocompleteProviderListener {
63 public:
64  BookmarkProviderTest() : model_(new BookmarkModel(NULL)) {}
66  // AutocompleteProviderListener: Not called.
67  virtual void OnProviderUpdate(bool updated_matches) OVERRIDE {}
69 protected:
70  virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE;
72  scoped_ptr<TestingProfile> profile_;
73  scoped_ptr<BookmarkModel> model_;
74  scoped_refptr<BookmarkProvider> provider_;
76 private:
77  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BookmarkProviderTest);
80void BookmarkProviderTest::SetUp() {
81  profile_.reset(new TestingProfile());
82  DCHECK(profile_.get());
83  provider_ = new BookmarkProvider(this, profile_.get());
84  DCHECK(provider_.get());
85  provider_->set_bookmark_model_for_testing(model_.get());
87  const BookmarkNode* other_node = model_->other_node();
88  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(bookmark_provider_test_data); ++i) {
89    const BookmarksTestInfo& cur(bookmark_provider_test_data[i]);
90    const GURL url(cur.url);
91    model_->AddURL(other_node, other_node->child_count(),
92                   base::ASCIIToUTF16(cur.title), url);
93  }
96// Structures and functions supporting the BookmarkProviderTest.Positions
97// unit test.
99struct TestBookmarkPosition {
100  TestBookmarkPosition(size_t begin, size_t end)
101      : begin(begin), end(end) {}
103  size_t begin;
104  size_t end;
106typedef std::vector<TestBookmarkPosition> TestBookmarkPositions;
108// Return |positions| as a formatted string for unit test diagnostic output.
109std::string TestBookmarkPositionsAsString(
110    const TestBookmarkPositions& positions) {
111  std::string position_string("{");
112  for (TestBookmarkPositions::const_iterator i = positions.begin();
113       i != positions.end(); ++i) {
114    if (i != positions.begin())
115      position_string += ", ";
116    position_string += "{" + base::IntToString(i->begin) + ", " +
117        base::IntToString(i->end) + "}";
118  }
119  position_string += "}\n";
120  return position_string;
123// Return the positions in |matches| as a formatted string for unit test
124// diagnostic output.
125base::string16 MatchesAsString16(const ACMatches& matches) {
126  base::string16 matches_string;
127  for (ACMatches::const_iterator i = matches.begin(); i != matches.end(); ++i) {
128    matches_string.append(base::ASCIIToUTF16("    '"));
129    matches_string.append(i->description);
130    matches_string.append(base::ASCIIToUTF16("'\n"));
131  }
132  return matches_string;
135// Comparison function for sorting search terms by descending length.
136bool TestBookmarkPositionsEqual(const TestBookmarkPosition& pos_a,
137                                const TestBookmarkPosition& pos_b) {
138  return pos_a.begin == pos_b.begin && pos_a.end == pos_b.end;
141// Convience function to make comparing ACMatchClassifications against the
142// test expectations structure easier.
143TestBookmarkPositions PositionsFromAutocompleteMatch(
144    const AutocompleteMatch& match) {
145  TestBookmarkPositions positions;
146  bool started = false;
147  size_t start = 0;
148  for (AutocompleteMatch::ACMatchClassifications::const_iterator
149       i = match.description_class.begin();
150       i != match.description_class.end(); ++i) {
151    if (i->style & AutocompleteMatch::ACMatchClassification::MATCH) {
152      // We have found the start of a match.
153      EXPECT_FALSE(started);
154      started = true;
155      start = i->offset;
156    } else if (started) {
157      // We have found the end of a match.
158      started = false;
159      positions.push_back(TestBookmarkPosition(start, i->offset));
160      start = 0;
161    }
162  }
163  // Record the final position if the last match goes to the end of the
164  // candidate string.
165  if (started)
166    positions.push_back(TestBookmarkPosition(start, match.description.size()));
167  return positions;
170// Convience function to make comparing test expectations structure against the
171// actual ACMatchClassifications easier.
172TestBookmarkPositions PositionsFromExpectations(
173    const size_t expectations[9][2]) {
174  TestBookmarkPositions positions;
175  size_t i = 0;
176  // The array is zero-terminated in the [1]th element.
177  while (expectations[i][1]) {
178    positions.push_back(
179        TestBookmarkPosition(expectations[i][0], expectations[i][1]));
180    ++i;
181  }
182  return positions;
185TEST_F(BookmarkProviderTest, Positions) {
186  // Simulate searches.
187  // Description of |positions|:
188  //   The first index represents the collection of positions for each expected
189  //   match. The count of the actual subarrays in each instance of |query_data|
190  //   must equal |match_count|. The second index represents each expected
191  //   match position. The third index represents the |start| and |end| of the
192  //   expected match's position within the |test_data|. This array must be
193  //   terminated by an entry with a value of '0' for |end|.
194  // Example:
195  //   Consider the line for 'def' below:
196  //     {"def", 2, {{{4, 7}, {XXX, 0}}, {{2, 5}, {11, 14}, {XXX, 0}}}},
197  //   There are two expected matches:
198  //     0. {{4, 7}, {XXX, 0}}
199  //     1. {{2, 5}, {11 ,14}, {XXX, 0}}
200  //   For the first match, [0], there is one match within the bookmark's title
201  //   expected, {4, 7}, which maps to the 'def' within "abc def". The 'XXX'
202  //   value is ignored. The second match, [1], indicates that two matches are
203  //   expected within the bookmark title "a definite definition". In each case,
204  //   the {XXX, 0} indicates the end of the subarray. Or:
205  //                 Match #1            Match #2
206  //                 ------------------  ----------------------------
207  //                  Pos1    Term        Pos1    Pos2      Term
208  //                  ------  --------    ------  --------  --------
209  //     {"def", 2, {{{4, 7}, {999, 0}}, {{2, 5}, {11, 14}, {999, 0}}}},
210  //
211  struct QueryData {
212    const std::string query;
213    const size_t match_count;  // This count must match the number of major
214                               // elements in the following |positions| array.
215    const size_t positions[99][9][2];
216  } query_data[] = {
217    // This first set is primarily for position detection validation.
218    {"abc",                   3, {{{0, 3}, {0, 0}},
219                                  {{0, 3}, {0, 0}},
220                                  {{0, 3}, {0, 0}}}},
221    {"abcde",                 2, {{{0, 5}, {0, 0}},
222                                  {{0, 5}, {0, 0}}}},
223    {"foo bar",               0, {{{0, 0}}}},
224    {"fooey bark",            0, {{{0, 0}}}},
225    {"def",                   2, {{{2, 5}, {0, 0}},
226                                  {{4, 7}, {0, 0}}}},
227    {"ghi jkl",               2, {{{0, 3}, {4, 7}, {0, 0}},
228                                  {{0, 3}, {4, 7}, {0, 0}}}},
229    // NB: GetBookmarksWithTitlesMatching(...) uses exact match for "a".
230    {"a",                     1, {{{0, 1}, {0, 0}}}},
231    {"a d",                   0, {{{0, 0}}}},
232    {"carry carbon",          1, {{{0, 5}, {6, 12}, {0, 0}}}},
233    // NB: GetBookmarksWithTitlesMatching(...) sorts the match positions.
234    {"carbon carry",          1, {{{0, 5}, {6, 12}, {0, 0}}}},
235    {"arbon",                 0, {{{0, 0}}}},
236    {"ar",                    0, {{{0, 0}}}},
237    {"arry",                  0, {{{0, 0}}}},
238    // Quoted terms are single terms.
239    {"\"carry carbon\"",      1, {{{0, 12}, {0, 0}}}},
240    {"\"carry carbon\" care", 1, {{{0, 12}, {13, 17}, {0, 0}}}},
241    // Quoted terms require complete word matches.
242    {"\"carry carbo\"",       0, {{{0, 0}}}},
243    // This set uses duplicated and/or overlaps search terms in the title.
244    {"frank",                 1, {{{0, 5}, {8, 13}, {16, 21}, {0, 0}}}},
245    {"frankly",               1, {{{0, 7}, {8, 15}, {0, 0}}}},
246    {"frankly frankly",       1, {{{0, 7}, {8, 15}, {0, 0}}}},
247    {"foobar foo",            1, {{{0, 6}, {7, 13}, {0, 0}}}},
248    {"foo foobar",            1, {{{0, 6}, {7, 13}, {0, 0}}}},
249  };
251  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(query_data); ++i) {
252    AutocompleteInput input(base::ASCIIToUTF16(query_data[i].query),
253                            base::string16::npos, base::string16(), GURL(),
254                            AutocompleteInput::INVALID_SPEC, false, false,
255                            false, AutocompleteInput::ALL_MATCHES);
256    provider_->Start(input, false);
257    const ACMatches& matches(provider_->matches());
258    // Validate number of results is as expected.
259    EXPECT_LE(matches.size(), query_data[i].match_count)
260        << "One or more of the following matches were unexpected:\n"
261        << MatchesAsString16(matches)
262        << "For query '" << query_data[i].query << "'.";
263    EXPECT_GE(matches.size(), query_data[i].match_count)
264        << "One or more expected matches are missing. Matches found:\n"
265        << MatchesAsString16(matches)
266        << "for query '" << query_data[i].query << "'.";
267    // Validate positions within each match is as expected.
268    for (size_t j = 0; j < matches.size(); ++j) {
269      // Collect the expected positions as a vector, collect the match's
270      // classifications for match positions as a vector, then compare.
271      TestBookmarkPositions expected_positions(
272          PositionsFromExpectations(query_data[i].positions[j]));
273      TestBookmarkPositions actual_positions(
274          PositionsFromAutocompleteMatch(matches[j]));
275      EXPECT_TRUE(std::equal(expected_positions.begin(),
276                             expected_positions.end(),
277                             actual_positions.begin(),
278                             TestBookmarkPositionsEqual))
279          << "EXPECTED: " << TestBookmarkPositionsAsString(expected_positions)
280          << "ACTUAL:   " << TestBookmarkPositionsAsString(actual_positions)
281          << "    for query: '" << query_data[i].query << "'.";
282    }
283  }
286TEST_F(BookmarkProviderTest, Rankings) {
287  // Simulate searches.
288  struct QueryData {
289    const std::string query;
290    // |match_count| must match the number of elements in the following
291    // |matches| array.
292    const size_t match_count;
293    // |matches| specifies the titles for all bookmarks expected to be matched
294    // by the |query|
295    const std::string matches[99];
296  } query_data[] = {
297    // Basic ranking test.
298    {"abc",       3, {"abcde",      // Most complete match.
299                      "abcdef",
300                      "abc def"}},  // Least complete match.
301    {"ghi",       2, {"ghi jkl",    // Matched earlier.
302                      "jkl ghi"}},  // Matched later.
303    // Rankings of exact-word matches with different URLs.
304    {"achlorhydric",
305                  3, {"achlorhydric mockingbirds resuscitates featherhead",
306                      "achlorhydric featherheads resuscitates mockingbirds",
307                      "featherhead resuscitates achlorhydric mockingbirds"}},
308    {"achlorhydric featherheads",
309                  2, {"achlorhydric featherheads resuscitates mockingbirds",
310                      "mockingbirds resuscitates featherheads achlorhydric"}},
311    {"mockingbirds resuscitates",
312                  3, {"mockingbirds resuscitates featherheads achlorhydric",
313                      "achlorhydric mockingbirds resuscitates featherhead",
314                      "featherhead resuscitates achlorhydric mockingbirds"}},
315    // Ranking of exact-word matches with URL boost.
316    {"worms",     2, {"burning worms #2",    // boosted
317                      "burning worms #1"}},  // not boosted
318    // Ranking of prefix matches with URL boost. Note that a query of
319    // "worm burn" will have the same results.
320    {"burn worm", 3, {"burning worms #2",    // boosted
321                      "worming burns #20",   // boosted
322                      "burning worms #1"}},  // not boosted but shorter
323  };
325  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(query_data); ++i) {
326    AutocompleteInput input(base::ASCIIToUTF16(query_data[i].query),
327                            base::string16::npos, base::string16(), GURL(),
328                            AutocompleteInput::INVALID_SPEC, false, false,
329                            false, AutocompleteInput::ALL_MATCHES);
330    provider_->Start(input, false);
331    const ACMatches& matches(provider_->matches());
332    // Validate number and content of results is as expected.
333    for (size_t j = 0; j < std::max(query_data[i].match_count, matches.size());
334         ++j) {
335      EXPECT_LT(j, query_data[i].match_count) << "    Unexpected match '"
336          << base::UTF16ToUTF8(matches[j].description) << "' for query: '"
337          <<  query_data[i].query << "'.";
338      if (j >= query_data[i].match_count)
339        continue;
340      EXPECT_LT(j, matches.size()) << "    Missing match '"
341          << query_data[i].matches[j] << "' for query: '"
342          << query_data[i].query << "'.";
343      if (j >= matches.size())
344        continue;
345      EXPECT_EQ(query_data[i].matches[j],
346                base::UTF16ToUTF8(matches[j].description))
347          << "    Mismatch at [" << base::IntToString(j) << "] for query '"
348          << query_data[i].query << "'.";
349    }
350  }
353TEST_F(BookmarkProviderTest, InlineAutocompletion) {
354  // Simulate searches.
355  struct QueryData {
356    const std::string query;
357    const std::string url;
358    const bool allowed_to_be_default_match;
359    const std::string inline_autocompletion;
360  } query_data[] = {
361    { "bla", "", true, "" },
362    { "blah ", "", false, ".com" },
363    { "http://bl", "", true, "" },
364    { "fiddle.c", "", true, "om" },
365    { "www", "", true, ".com" },
366    { "chro", "chrome://version", true, "me://version" },
367    { "chrome://ve", "chrome://version", true, "rsion" },
368    { "chrome ver", "chrome://version", false, "" },
369    { "versi", "chrome://version", false, "" },
370    { "abou", "chrome://omnibox", false, "" },
371    { "about:om", "chrome://omnibox", true, "nibox" }
372    // Note: when adding a new URL to this test, be sure to add it to the list
373    // of bookmarks at the top of the file as well.  All items in this list
374    // need to be in the bookmarks list because BookmarkProvider's
375    // TitleMatchToACMatch() has an assertion that verifies the URL is
376    // actually bookmarked.
377  };
379  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(query_data); ++i) {
380    const std::string description = "for query=" + query_data[i].query +
381        " and url=" + query_data[i].url;
382    AutocompleteInput input(base::ASCIIToUTF16(query_data[i].query),
383                            base::string16::npos, base::string16(), GURL(),
384                            AutocompleteInput::INVALID_SPEC, false, false,
385                            false, AutocompleteInput::ALL_MATCHES);
386    AutocompleteInput fixed_up_input(input);
387    provider_->FixupUserInput(&fixed_up_input);
388    BookmarkNode node(GURL(query_data[i].url));
389    node.SetTitle(base::ASCIIToUTF16(query_data[i].url));
390    BookmarkTitleMatch bookmark_match;
391    bookmark_match.node = &node;
392    const AutocompleteMatch& ac_match =
393        provider_->TitleMatchToACMatch(input, fixed_up_input, bookmark_match);
394    EXPECT_EQ(query_data[i].allowed_to_be_default_match,
395              ac_match.allowed_to_be_default_match) << description;
396    EXPECT_EQ(base::ASCIIToUTF16(query_data[i].inline_autocompletion),
397              ac_match.inline_autocompletion) << description;
398  }