history_quick_provider_unittest.cc revision c2db58bd994c04d98e4ee2cd7565b71548655fe3
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_quick_provider.h"
7#include <algorithm>
8#include <functional>
9#include <set>
10#include <string>
11#include <vector>
13#include "base/format_macros.h"
14#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
15#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
16#include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
17#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
18#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
19#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider_listener.h"
20#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_result.h"
21#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h"
22#include "chrome/browser/history/history_backend.h"
23#include "chrome/browser/history/history_database.h"
24#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service.h"
25#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service_factory.h"
26#include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index.h"
27#include "chrome/browser/history/url_database.h"
28#include "chrome/browser/history/url_index_private_data.h"
29#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h"
30#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
31#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
32#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
33#include "chrome/test/base/testing_browser_process.h"
34#include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
35#include "chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h"
36#include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread.h"
37#include "sql/transaction.h"
38#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
40using base::Time;
41using base::TimeDelta;
43using content::BrowserThread;
45struct TestURLInfo {
46  std::string url;
47  std::string title;
48  int visit_count;
49  int typed_count;
50  int days_from_now;
51} quick_test_db[] = {
52  {"http://www.google.com/", "Google", 3, 3, 0},
53  {"http://slashdot.org/favorite_page.html", "Favorite page", 200, 100, 0},
54  {"http://kerneltrap.org/not_very_popular.html", "Less popular", 4, 0, 0},
55  {"http://freshmeat.net/unpopular.html", "Unpopular", 1, 1, 0},
56  {"http://news.google.com/?ned=us&topic=n", "Google News - U.S.", 2, 2, 0},
57  {"http://news.google.com/", "Google News", 1, 1, 0},
58  {"http://foo.com/", "Dir", 200, 100, 0},
59  {"http://foo.com/dir/", "Dir", 2, 1, 10},
60  {"http://foo.com/dir/another/", "Dir", 10, 5, 0},
61  {"http://foo.com/dir/another/again/", "Dir", 5, 1, 0},
62  {"http://foo.com/dir/another/again/myfile.html", "File", 3, 1, 0},
63  {"http://visitedest.com/y/a", "VA", 10, 1, 20},
64  {"http://visitedest.com/y/b", "VB", 9, 1, 20},
65  {"http://visitedest.com/x/c", "VC", 8, 1, 20},
66  {"http://visitedest.com/x/d", "VD", 7, 1, 20},
67  {"http://visitedest.com/y/e", "VE", 6, 1, 20},
68  {"http://typeredest.com/y/a", "TA", 5, 5, 0},
69  {"http://typeredest.com/y/b", "TB", 5, 4, 0},
70  {"http://typeredest.com/x/c", "TC", 5, 3, 0},
71  {"http://typeredest.com/x/d", "TD", 5, 2, 0},
72  {"http://typeredest.com/y/e", "TE", 5, 1, 0},
73  {"http://daysagoest.com/y/a", "DA", 1, 1, 0},
74  {"http://daysagoest.com/y/b", "DB", 1, 1, 1},
75  {"http://daysagoest.com/x/c", "DC", 1, 1, 2},
76  {"http://daysagoest.com/x/d", "DD", 1, 1, 3},
77  {"http://daysagoest.com/y/e", "DE", 1, 1, 4},
78  {"http://abcdefghixyzjklmnopqrstuvw.com/a", "", 3, 1, 0},
79  {"http://spaces.com/path%20with%20spaces/foo.html", "Spaces", 2, 2, 0},
80  {"http://abcdefghijklxyzmnopqrstuvw.com/a", "", 3, 1, 0},
81  {"http://abcdefxyzghijklmnopqrstuvw.com/a", "", 3, 1, 0},
82  {"http://abcxyzdefghijklmnopqrstuvw.com/a", "", 3, 1, 0},
83  {"http://xyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw.com/a", "", 3, 1, 0},
84  {"http://cda.com/Dogs%20Cats%20Gorillas%20Sea%20Slugs%20and%20Mice",
85   "Dogs & Cats & Mice & Other Animals", 1, 1, 0},
86  {"https://monkeytrap.org/", "", 3, 1, 0},
87  {"http://popularsitewithpathonly.com/moo",
88   "popularsitewithpathonly.com/moo", 50, 50, 0},
89  {"http://popularsitewithroot.com/", "popularsitewithroot.com", 50, 50, 0},
90  {"http://testsearch.com/?q=thequery", "Test Search Engine", 10, 10, 0},
91  {"http://testsearch.com/", "Test Search Engine", 9, 9, 0},
92  {"http://anotherengine.com/?q=thequery", "Another Search Engine", 8, 8, 0}
95class HistoryQuickProviderTest : public testing::Test,
96                                 public AutocompleteProviderListener {
97 public:
98  HistoryQuickProviderTest()
99      : ui_thread_(BrowserThread::UI, &message_loop_),
100        file_thread_(BrowserThread::FILE, &message_loop_) {}
102  // AutocompleteProviderListener:
103  virtual void OnProviderUpdate(bool updated_matches) OVERRIDE {}
105 protected:
106  class SetShouldContain : public std::unary_function<const std::string&,
107                                                      std::set<std::string> > {
108   public:
109    explicit SetShouldContain(const ACMatches& matched_urls);
111    void operator()(const std::string& expected);
113    std::set<std::string> LeftOvers() const { return matches_; }
115   private:
116    std::set<std::string> matches_;
117  };
119  static BrowserContextKeyedService* CreateTemplateURLService(
120      content::BrowserContext* profile) {
121    return new TemplateURLService(static_cast<Profile*>(profile));
122  }
124  virtual void SetUp();
125  virtual void TearDown();
127  virtual void GetTestData(size_t* data_count, TestURLInfo** test_data);
129  // Fills test data into the history system.
130  void FillData();
132  // Runs an autocomplete query on |text| and checks to see that the returned
133  // results' destination URLs match those provided. |expected_urls| does not
134  // need to be in sorted order.
135  void RunTest(const string16 text,
136               std::vector<std::string> expected_urls,
137               bool can_inline_top_result,
138               string16 expected_fill_into_edit);
140  base::MessageLoopForUI message_loop_;
141  content::TestBrowserThread ui_thread_;
142  content::TestBrowserThread file_thread_;
144  scoped_ptr<TestingProfile> profile_;
145  HistoryService* history_service_;
147  ACMatches ac_matches_;  // The resulting matches after running RunTest.
149  scoped_refptr<HistoryQuickProvider> provider_;
152void HistoryQuickProviderTest::SetUp() {
153  profile_.reset(new TestingProfile());
154  ASSERT_TRUE(profile_->CreateHistoryService(true, false));
155  profile_->CreateBookmarkModel(true);
156  ui_test_utils::WaitForBookmarkModelToLoad(profile_.get());
157  profile_->BlockUntilHistoryIndexIsRefreshed();
158  history_service_ =
159      HistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_.get(),
160                                           Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
161  EXPECT_TRUE(history_service_);
162  provider_ = new HistoryQuickProvider(this, profile_.get());
163  TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetInstance()->SetTestingFactoryAndUse(
164      profile_.get(), &HistoryQuickProviderTest::CreateTemplateURLService);
165  FillData();
166  provider_->GetIndex()->RebuildFromHistory(
167      history_service_->history_backend_->db());
170void HistoryQuickProviderTest::TearDown() {
171  provider_ = NULL;
174void HistoryQuickProviderTest::GetTestData(size_t* data_count,
175                                           TestURLInfo** test_data) {
176  DCHECK(data_count);
177  DCHECK(test_data);
178  *data_count = arraysize(quick_test_db);
179  *test_data = &quick_test_db[0];
182void HistoryQuickProviderTest::FillData() {
183  sql::Connection& db(history_service_->history_backend_->db()->GetDB());
184  ASSERT_TRUE(db.is_open());
186  size_t data_count = 0;
187  TestURLInfo* test_data = NULL;
188  GetTestData(&data_count, &test_data);
189  size_t visit_id = 1;
190  for (size_t i = 0; i < data_count; ++i) {
191    const TestURLInfo& cur(test_data[i]);
192    Time visit_time = Time::Now() - TimeDelta::FromDays(cur.days_from_now);
193    sql::Transaction transaction(&db);
195    // Add URL.
196    transaction.Begin();
197    std::string sql_cmd_line = base::StringPrintf(
198        "INSERT INTO \"urls\" VALUES(%" PRIuS ", \'%s\', \'%s\', %d, %d, %"
199        PRId64 ", 0, 0)",
200        i + 1, cur.url.c_str(), cur.title.c_str(), cur.visit_count,
201        cur.typed_count, visit_time.ToInternalValue());
202    std::string sql_cmd(sql_cmd_line);
203    sql::Statement sql_stmt(db.GetUniqueStatement(sql_cmd_line.c_str()));
204    EXPECT_TRUE(sql_stmt.Run());
205    transaction.Commit();
207    // Add visits.
208    for (int j = 0; j < cur.visit_count; ++j) {
209      // Assume earlier visits are at one-day intervals.
210      visit_time -= TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
211      transaction.Begin();
212      // Mark the most recent |cur.typed_count| visits as typed.
213      std::string sql_cmd_line = base::StringPrintf(
214          "INSERT INTO \"visits\" VALUES(%" PRIuS ", %" PRIuS ", %" PRId64
215          ", 0, %d, 0, 1)",
216          visit_id++, i + 1, visit_time.ToInternalValue(),
217          (j < cur.typed_count) ? content::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED :
218                                  content::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK);
220      std::string sql_cmd(sql_cmd_line);
221      sql::Statement sql_stmt(db.GetUniqueStatement(sql_cmd_line.c_str()));
222      EXPECT_TRUE(sql_stmt.Run());
223      transaction.Commit();
224    }
225  }
229    const ACMatches& matched_urls) {
230  for (ACMatches::const_iterator iter = matched_urls.begin();
231       iter != matched_urls.end(); ++iter)
232    matches_.insert(iter->destination_url.spec());
235void HistoryQuickProviderTest::SetShouldContain::operator()(
236    const std::string& expected) {
237  EXPECT_EQ(1U, matches_.erase(expected))
238      << "Results did not contain '" << expected << "' but should have.";
242void HistoryQuickProviderTest::RunTest(const string16 text,
243                                       std::vector<std::string> expected_urls,
244                                       bool can_inline_top_result,
245                                       string16 expected_fill_into_edit) {
246  SCOPED_TRACE(text);  // Minimal hint to query being run.
247  base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
248  AutocompleteInput input(text, string16::npos, string16(), GURL(),
249                          AutocompleteInput::INVALID_SPEC, false, false, true,
250                          AutocompleteInput::ALL_MATCHES);
251  provider_->Start(input, false);
252  EXPECT_TRUE(provider_->done());
254  ac_matches_ = provider_->matches();
256  // We should have gotten back at most AutocompleteProvider::kMaxMatches.
257  EXPECT_LE(ac_matches_.size(), AutocompleteProvider::kMaxMatches);
259  // If the number of expected and actual matches aren't equal then we need
260  // test no further, but let's do anyway so that we know which URLs failed.
261  EXPECT_EQ(expected_urls.size(), ac_matches_.size());
263  // Verify that all expected URLs were found and that all found URLs
264  // were expected.
265  std::set<std::string> leftovers =
266      for_each(expected_urls.begin(), expected_urls.end(),
267               SetShouldContain(ac_matches_)).LeftOvers();
268  EXPECT_EQ(0U, leftovers.size()) << "There were " << leftovers.size()
269      << " unexpected results, one of which was: '"
270      << *(leftovers.begin()) << "'.";
272  if (expected_urls.empty())
273    return;
275  // Verify that we got the results in the order expected.
276  int best_score = ac_matches_.begin()->relevance + 1;
277  int i = 0;
278  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator expected = expected_urls.begin();
279  for (ACMatches::const_iterator actual = ac_matches_.begin();
280       actual != ac_matches_.end() && expected != expected_urls.end();
281       ++actual, ++expected, ++i) {
282    EXPECT_EQ(*expected, actual->destination_url.spec())
283        << "For result #" << i << " we got '" << actual->destination_url.spec()
284        << "' but expected '" << *expected << "'.";
285    EXPECT_LT(actual->relevance, best_score)
286      << "At result #" << i << " (url=" << actual->destination_url.spec()
287      << "), we noticed scores are not monotonically decreasing.";
288    best_score = actual->relevance;
289  }
291  EXPECT_EQ(can_inline_top_result, ac_matches_[0].allowed_to_be_default_match);
292  if (can_inline_top_result) {
293    // When the top scorer is inline-able make sure we get the expected
294    // fill_into_edit and autocomplete offset.
295    EXPECT_EQ(expected_fill_into_edit, ac_matches_[0].fill_into_edit)
296        << "fill_into_edit was: '" << ac_matches_[0].fill_into_edit
297        << "' but we expected '" << expected_fill_into_edit << "'.";
298    size_t text_pos = expected_fill_into_edit.find(text);
299    ASSERT_NE(string16::npos, text_pos);
300    EXPECT_EQ(ac_matches_[0].fill_into_edit.substr(text_pos + text.size()),
301              ac_matches_[0].inline_autocompletion);
302  } else {
303    // When the top scorer is not inline-able autocomplete offset must be npos.
304    EXPECT_TRUE(ac_matches_[0].inline_autocompletion.empty());
305    // Also, the score must be too low to be inlineable.
306    // TODO(mpearson): when the controller reorders for inlining, there's no
307    // longer any connection between scores and what's inlineable / allowed
308    // to be the default match.  Remove this test.
309    EXPECT_LT(ac_matches_[0].relevance,
310              AutocompleteResult::kLowestDefaultScore);
311  }
314TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, SimpleSingleMatch) {
315  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
316  expected_urls.push_back("http://slashdot.org/favorite_page.html");
317  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("slashdot"), expected_urls, true,
318          ASCIIToUTF16("slashdot.org/favorite_page.html"));
321TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, MultiTermTitleMatch) {
322  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
323  expected_urls.push_back(
324      "http://cda.com/Dogs%20Cats%20Gorillas%20Sea%20Slugs%20and%20Mice");
325  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("mice other animals"), expected_urls, false,
326          ASCIIToUTF16("cda.com/Dogs Cats Gorillas Sea Slugs and Mice"));
329TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, NonWordLastCharacterMatch) {
330  std::string expected_url("http://slashdot.org/favorite_page.html");
331  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
332  expected_urls.push_back(expected_url);
333  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("slashdot.org/"), expected_urls, true,
334          ASCIIToUTF16("slashdot.org/favorite_page.html"));
337TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, MultiMatch) {
338  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
339  // Scores high because of typed_count.
340  expected_urls.push_back("http://foo.com/");
341  // Scores high because of visit count.
342  expected_urls.push_back("http://foo.com/dir/another/");
343  // Scores high because of high visit count.
344  expected_urls.push_back("http://foo.com/dir/another/again/");
345  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("foo"), expected_urls, true, ASCIIToUTF16("foo.com"));
348TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, StartRelativeMatch) {
349  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
350  expected_urls.push_back("http://xyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw.com/a");
351  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("xyza"), expected_urls, true,
352          ASCIIToUTF16("xyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw.com/a"));
355TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, EncodingMatch) {
356  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
357  expected_urls.push_back("http://spaces.com/path%20with%20spaces/foo.html");
358  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("path with spaces"), expected_urls, false,
362TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, VisitCountMatches) {
363  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
364  expected_urls.push_back("http://visitedest.com/y/a");
365  expected_urls.push_back("http://visitedest.com/y/b");
366  expected_urls.push_back("http://visitedest.com/x/c");
367  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("visitedest"), expected_urls, true,
368          ASCIIToUTF16("visitedest.com/y/a"));
371TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, TypedCountMatches) {
372  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
373  expected_urls.push_back("http://typeredest.com/y/a");
374  expected_urls.push_back("http://typeredest.com/y/b");
375  expected_urls.push_back("http://typeredest.com/x/c");
376  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("typeredest"), expected_urls, true,
377          ASCIIToUTF16("typeredest.com/y/a"));
380TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, DaysAgoMatches) {
381  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
382  expected_urls.push_back("http://daysagoest.com/y/a");
383  expected_urls.push_back("http://daysagoest.com/y/b");
384  expected_urls.push_back("http://daysagoest.com/x/c");
385  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("daysagoest"), expected_urls, true,
386          ASCIIToUTF16("daysagoest.com/y/a"));
389TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, EncodingLimitMatch) {
390  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
391  std::string url(
392      "http://cda.com/Dogs%20Cats%20Gorillas%20Sea%20Slugs%20and%20Mice");
393  // First check that a mid-word match yield no results.
394  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("ice"), expected_urls, false,
395          ASCIIToUTF16("cda.com/Dogs Cats Gorillas Sea Slugs and Mice"));
396  // Then check that we get results when the match is at a word start
397  // that is present because of an encoded separate (%20 = space).
398  expected_urls.push_back(url);
399  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("Mice"), expected_urls, false,
400          ASCIIToUTF16("cda.com/Dogs Cats Gorillas Sea Slugs and Mice"));
401  // Verify that the matches' ACMatchClassifications offsets are in range.
402  ACMatchClassifications content(ac_matches_[0].contents_class);
403  // The max offset accounts for 6 occurrences of '%20' plus the 'http://'.
404  const size_t max_offset = url.length() - ((6 * 2) + 7);
405  for (ACMatchClassifications::const_iterator citer = content.begin();
406       citer != content.end(); ++citer)
407    EXPECT_LT(citer->offset, max_offset);
408  ACMatchClassifications description(ac_matches_[0].description_class);
409  std::string page_title("Dogs & Cats & Mice & Other Animals");
410  for (ACMatchClassifications::const_iterator diter = description.begin();
411       diter != description.end(); ++diter)
412    EXPECT_LT(diter->offset, page_title.length());
415TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, Spans) {
416  // Test SpansFromTermMatch
417  history::TermMatches matches_a;
418  // Simulates matches: '.xx.xxx..xx...xxxxx..' which will test no match at
419  // either beginning or end as well as adjacent matches.
420  matches_a.push_back(history::TermMatch(1, 1, 2));
421  matches_a.push_back(history::TermMatch(2, 4, 3));
422  matches_a.push_back(history::TermMatch(3, 9, 1));
423  matches_a.push_back(history::TermMatch(3, 10, 1));
424  matches_a.push_back(history::TermMatch(4, 14, 5));
425  ACMatchClassifications spans_a =
426      HistoryQuickProvider::SpansFromTermMatch(matches_a, 20, false);
427  // ACMatch spans should be: 'NM-NM---N-M-N--M----N-'
428  ASSERT_EQ(9U, spans_a.size());
429  EXPECT_EQ(0U, spans_a[0].offset);
430  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::NONE, spans_a[0].style);
431  EXPECT_EQ(1U, spans_a[1].offset);
432  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::MATCH, spans_a[1].style);
433  EXPECT_EQ(3U, spans_a[2].offset);
434  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::NONE, spans_a[2].style);
435  EXPECT_EQ(4U, spans_a[3].offset);
436  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::MATCH, spans_a[3].style);
437  EXPECT_EQ(7U, spans_a[4].offset);
438  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::NONE, spans_a[4].style);
439  EXPECT_EQ(9U, spans_a[5].offset);
440  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::MATCH, spans_a[5].style);
441  EXPECT_EQ(11U, spans_a[6].offset);
442  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::NONE, spans_a[6].style);
443  EXPECT_EQ(14U, spans_a[7].offset);
444  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::MATCH, spans_a[7].style);
445  EXPECT_EQ(19U, spans_a[8].offset);
446  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::NONE, spans_a[8].style);
447  // Simulates matches: 'xx.xx' which will test matches at both beginning and
448  // end.
449  history::TermMatches matches_b;
450  matches_b.push_back(history::TermMatch(1, 0, 2));
451  matches_b.push_back(history::TermMatch(2, 3, 2));
452  ACMatchClassifications spans_b =
453      HistoryQuickProvider::SpansFromTermMatch(matches_b, 5, true);
454  // ACMatch spans should be: 'M-NM-'
455  ASSERT_EQ(3U, spans_b.size());
456  EXPECT_EQ(0U, spans_b[0].offset);
457  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::MATCH | ACMatchClassification::URL,
458            spans_b[0].style);
459  EXPECT_EQ(2U, spans_b[1].offset);
460  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::URL, spans_b[1].style);
461  EXPECT_EQ(3U, spans_b[2].offset);
462  EXPECT_EQ(ACMatchClassification::MATCH | ACMatchClassification::URL,
463            spans_b[2].style);
466TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, DeleteMatch) {
467  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
468  expected_urls.push_back("http://slashdot.org/favorite_page.html");
469  // Fill up ac_matches_; we don't really care about the test yet.
470  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("slashdot"), expected_urls, true,
471          ASCIIToUTF16("slashdot.org/favorite_page.html"));
472  EXPECT_EQ(1U, ac_matches_.size());
473  provider_->DeleteMatch(ac_matches_[0]);
474  // Verify it's no longer an indexed visit.
475  expected_urls.clear();
476  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("slashdot"), expected_urls, true,
477          ASCIIToUTF16("NONE EXPECTED"));
480TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, PreventBeatingURLWhatYouTypedMatch) {
481  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
483  expected_urls.clear();
484  expected_urls.push_back("http://popularsitewithroot.com/");
485  // If the user enters a hostname (no path) that he/she has visited
486  // before, we should make sure that all HistoryQuickProvider results
487  // have scores less than what HistoryURLProvider will assign the
488  // URL-what-you-typed match.
489  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithroot.com"), expected_urls, true,
490          ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithroot.com"));
491  EXPECT_LT(ac_matches_[0].relevance,
492            HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForBestInlineableResult);
494  // Check that if the user didn't quite enter the full hostname, this
495  // hostname would've normally scored above the URL-what-you-typed match.
496  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithroot.c"), expected_urls, true,
497          ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithroot.com"));
498  EXPECT_GE(ac_matches_[0].relevance,
499            HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForWhatYouTypedResult);
501  expected_urls.clear();
502  expected_urls.push_back("http://popularsitewithpathonly.com/moo");
503  // If the user enters a hostname of a host that he/she has visited
504  // but never visited the root page of, we should make sure that all
505  // HistoryQuickProvider results have scores less than what the
506  // HistoryURLProvider will assign the URL-what-you-typed match.
507  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithpathonly.com"), expected_urls, true,
508          ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithpathonly.com/moo"));
509  EXPECT_LT(ac_matches_[0].relevance,
510            HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForUnvisitedIntranetResult);
512  // Verify the same thing happens if the user adds a / to end of the
513  // hostname.
514  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithpathonly.com/"), expected_urls, true,
515          ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithpathonly.com/moo"));
516  EXPECT_LT(ac_matches_[0].relevance,
517            HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForUnvisitedIntranetResult);
519  // Check that if the user didn't quite enter the full hostname, this
520  // page would've normally scored above the URL-what-you-typed match.
521  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithpathonly.co"), expected_urls, true,
522          ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithpathonly.com/moo"));
523  EXPECT_GE(ac_matches_[0].relevance,
524            HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForWhatYouTypedResult);
526  // If the user enters a hostname + path that he/she has not visited
527  // before (but visited other things on the host), we can allow
528  // inline autocompletions.
529  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithpathonly.com/mo"), expected_urls, true,
530          ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithpathonly.com/moo"));
531  EXPECT_GE(ac_matches_[0].relevance,
532            HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForWhatYouTypedResult);
534  // If the user enters a hostname + path that he/she has visited
535  // before, we should make sure that all HistoryQuickProvider results
536  // have scores less than what the HistoryURLProvider will assign
537  // the URL-what-you-typed match.
538  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithpathonly.com/moo"),
539          expected_urls, true,
540          ASCIIToUTF16("popularsitewithpathonly.com/moo"));
541  EXPECT_LT(ac_matches_[0].relevance,
542            HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForBestInlineableResult);
545TEST_F(HistoryQuickProviderTest, CullSearchResults) {
546  // Set up a default search engine.
547  TemplateURLData data;
548  data.SetKeyword(ASCIIToUTF16("TestEngine"));
549  data.SetURL("http://testsearch.com/?q={searchTerms}");
550  TemplateURLService* template_url_service =
551      TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_.get());
552  TemplateURL* template_url = new TemplateURL(profile_.get(), data);
553  template_url_service->Add(template_url);
554  template_url_service->SetDefaultSearchProvider(template_url);
555  template_url_service->Load();
557  // A search results page should not be returned when typing a query.
558  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
559  expected_urls.push_back("http://anotherengine.com/?q=thequery");
560  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("thequery"), expected_urls, false, string16());
562  // A search results page should not be returned when typing the engine URL.
563  expected_urls.clear();
564  expected_urls.push_back("http://testsearch.com/");
565  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("testsearch"), expected_urls, true,
566          ASCIIToUTF16("testsearch.com"));
569// HQPOrderingTest -------------------------------------------------------------
571TestURLInfo ordering_test_db[] = {
572  {"http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/korean/games/21648_bisu_vs_iris", "", 6, 3,
573      256},
574  {"http://www.amazon.com/", "amazon.com: online shopping for electronics, "
575      "apparel, computers, books, dvds & more", 20, 20, 10},
576  {"http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=52045&"
577      "currentpage=83", "google images", 6, 6, 0},
578  {"http://www.tempurpedic.com/", "tempur-pedic", 7, 7, 0},
579  {"http://www.teamfortress.com/", "", 5, 5, 6},
580  {"http://www.rottentomatoes.com/", "", 3, 3, 7},
581  {"http://music.google.com/music/listen?u=0#start_pl", "", 3, 3, 9},
582  {"https://www.emigrantdirect.com/", "high interest savings account, high "
583      "yield savings - emigrantdirect", 5, 5, 3},
584  {"http://store.steampowered.com/", "", 6, 6, 1},
585  {"http://techmeme.com/", "techmeme", 111, 110, 4},
586  {"http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd", "team liquid progaming database", 15, 15,
587      2},
588  {"http://store.steampowered.com/", "the steam summer camp sale", 6, 6, 1},
589  {"http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/korean/players", "tlpd - bw korean - player "
590      "index", 25, 7, 219},
591  {"http://slashdot.org/", "slashdot: news for nerds, stuff that matters", 3, 3,
592      6},
593  {"http://translate.google.com/", "google translate", 3, 3, 0},
594  {"http://arstechnica.com/", "ars technica", 3, 3, 3},
595  {"http://www.rottentomatoes.com/", "movies | movie trailers | reviews - "
596      "rotten tomatoes", 3, 3, 7},
597  {"http://www.teamliquid.net/", "team liquid - starcraft 2 and brood war pro "
598      "gaming news", 26, 25, 3},
599  {"http://metaleater.com/", "metaleater", 4, 3, 8},
600  {"http://half.com/", "half.com: textbooks , books , music , movies , games , "
601      "video games", 4, 4, 6},
602  {"http://teamliquid.net/", "team liquid - starcraft 2 and brood war pro "
603      "gaming news", 8, 5, 9},
606class HQPOrderingTest : public HistoryQuickProviderTest {
607 protected:
608  virtual void GetTestData(size_t* data_count,
609                           TestURLInfo** test_data) OVERRIDE;
612void HQPOrderingTest::GetTestData(size_t* data_count, TestURLInfo** test_data) {
613  DCHECK(data_count);
614  DCHECK(test_data);
615  *data_count = arraysize(ordering_test_db);
616  *test_data = &ordering_test_db[0];
619TEST_F(HQPOrderingTest, TEMatch) {
620  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
621  expected_urls.push_back("http://techmeme.com/");
622  expected_urls.push_back("http://www.teamliquid.net/");
623  expected_urls.push_back("http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd");
624  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("te"), expected_urls, true,
625          ASCIIToUTF16("techmeme.com"));
628TEST_F(HQPOrderingTest, TEAMatch) {
629  std::vector<std::string> expected_urls;
630  expected_urls.push_back("http://www.teamliquid.net/");
631  expected_urls.push_back("http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd");
632  expected_urls.push_back("http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/korean/players");
633  RunTest(ASCIIToUTF16("tea"), expected_urls, true,
634          ASCIIToUTF16("www.teamliquid.net"));