history_url_provider.cc revision e5d81f57cb97b3b6b7fccc9c5610d21eb81db09d
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/history_url_provider.h"
7#include <algorithm>
9#include "base/basictypes.h"
10#include "base/bind.h"
11#include "base/command_line.h"
12#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
13#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
14#include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
15#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
16#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
17#include "base/time/time.h"
18#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_match.h"
19#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider_listener.h"
20#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_result.h"
21#include "chrome/browser/history/history_backend.h"
22#include "chrome/browser/history/history_database.h"
23#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service.h"
24#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service_factory.h"
25#include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h"
26#include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index_types.h"
27#include "chrome/browser/history/scored_history_match.h"
28#include "chrome/browser/omnibox/omnibox_field_trial.h"
29#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
30#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service.h"
31#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h"
32#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
33#include "chrome/common/net/url_fixer_upper.h"
34#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
35#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
36#include "net/base/net_util.h"
37#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
38#include "url/gurl.h"
39#include "url/url_parse.h"
40#include "url/url_util.h"
42namespace {
44// If |create_if_necessary| is true, ensures that |matches| contains an
45// entry for |info|, creating a new such entry if necessary (using
46// |input_location| and |match_in_scheme|).
48// If |promote| is true, this also ensures the entry is the first element in
49// |matches|, moving or adding it to the front as appropriate.  When |promote|
50// is false, existing matches are left in place, and newly added matches are
51// placed at the back.
53// It's OK to call this function with both |create_if_necessary| and
54// |promote| false, in which case we'll do nothing.
56// Returns whether the match exists regardless if it was promoted/created.
57bool CreateOrPromoteMatch(const history::URLRow& info,
58                          size_t input_location,
59                          bool match_in_scheme,
60                          history::HistoryMatches* matches,
61                          bool create_if_necessary,
62                          bool promote) {
63  // |matches| may already have an entry for this.
64  for (history::HistoryMatches::iterator i(matches->begin());
65       i != matches->end(); ++i) {
66    if (i->url_info.url() == info.url()) {
67      // Rotate it to the front if the caller wishes.
68      if (promote)
69        std::rotate(matches->begin(), i, i + 1);
70      return true;
71    }
72  }
74  if (!create_if_necessary)
75    return false;
77  // No entry, so create one.
78  history::HistoryMatch match(info, input_location, match_in_scheme, true);
79  if (promote)
80    matches->push_front(match);
81  else
82    matches->push_back(match);
84  return true;
87// Given the user's |input| and a |match| created from it, reduce the match's
88// URL to just a host.  If this host still matches the user input, return it.
89// Returns the empty string on failure.
90GURL ConvertToHostOnly(const history::HistoryMatch& match,
91                       const base::string16& input) {
92  // See if we should try to do host-only suggestions for this URL. Nonstandard
93  // schemes means there's no authority section, so suggesting the host name
94  // is useless. File URLs are standard, but host suggestion is not useful for
95  // them either.
96  const GURL& url = match.url_info.url();
97  if (!url.is_valid() || !url.IsStandard() || url.SchemeIsFile())
98    return GURL();
100  // Transform to a host-only match.  Bail if the host no longer matches the
101  // user input (e.g. because the user typed more than just a host).
102  GURL host = url.GetWithEmptyPath();
103  if ((host.spec().length() < (match.input_location + input.length())))
104    return GURL();  // User typing is longer than this host suggestion.
106  const base::string16 spec = base::UTF8ToUTF16(host.spec());
107  if (spec.compare(match.input_location, input.length(), input))
108    return GURL();  // User typing is no longer a prefix.
110  return host;
113// Acts like the > operator for URLInfo classes.
114bool CompareHistoryMatch(const history::HistoryMatch& a,
115                         const history::HistoryMatch& b) {
116  // A promoted match is better than non-promoted.
117  if (a.promoted != b.promoted)
118    return a.promoted;
120  // A URL that has been typed at all is better than one that has never been
121  // typed.  (Note "!"s on each side)
122  if (!a.url_info.typed_count() != !b.url_info.typed_count())
123    return a.url_info.typed_count() > b.url_info.typed_count();
125  // Innermost matches (matches after any scheme or "www.") are better than
126  // non-innermost matches.
127  if (a.innermost_match != b.innermost_match)
128    return a.innermost_match;
130  // URLs that have been typed more often are better.
131  if (a.url_info.typed_count() != b.url_info.typed_count())
132    return a.url_info.typed_count() > b.url_info.typed_count();
134  // For URLs that have each been typed once, a host (alone) is better than a
135  // page inside.
136  if ((a.url_info.typed_count() == 1) && (a.IsHostOnly() != b.IsHostOnly()))
137    return a.IsHostOnly();
139  // URLs that have been visited more often are better.
140  if (a.url_info.visit_count() != b.url_info.visit_count())
141    return a.url_info.visit_count() > b.url_info.visit_count();
143  // URLs that have been visited more recently are better.
144  return a.url_info.last_visit() > b.url_info.last_visit();
147// Sorts and dedups the given list of matches.
148void SortAndDedupMatches(history::HistoryMatches* matches) {
149  // Sort by quality, best first.
150  std::sort(matches->begin(), matches->end(), &CompareHistoryMatch);
152  // Remove duplicate matches (caused by the search string appearing in one of
153  // the prefixes as well as after it).  Consider the following scenario:
154  //
155  // User has visited "http://http.com" once and "http://htaccess.com" twice.
156  // User types "http".  The autocomplete search with prefix "http://" returns
157  // the first host, while the search with prefix "" returns both hosts.  Now
158  // we sort them into rank order:
159  //   http://http.com     (innermost_match)
160  //   http://htaccess.com (!innermost_match, url_info.visit_count == 2)
161  //   http://http.com     (!innermost_match, url_info.visit_count == 1)
162  //
163  // The above scenario tells us we can't use std::unique(), since our
164  // duplicates are not always sequential.  It also tells us we should remove
165  // the lower-quality duplicate(s), since otherwise the returned results won't
166  // be ordered correctly.  This is easy to do: we just always remove the later
167  // element of a duplicate pair.
168  // Be careful!  Because the vector contents may change as we remove elements,
169  // we use an index instead of an iterator in the outer loop, and don't
170  // precalculate the ending position.
171  for (size_t i = 0; i < matches->size(); ++i) {
172    for (history::HistoryMatches::iterator j(matches->begin() + i + 1);
173         j != matches->end(); ) {
174      if ((*matches)[i].url_info.url() == j->url_info.url())
175        j = matches->erase(j);
176      else
177        ++j;
178    }
179  }
182// Extracts typed_count, visit_count, and last_visited time from the
183// URLRow and puts them in the additional info field of the |match|
184// for display in about:omnibox.
185void RecordAdditionalInfoFromUrlRow(const history::URLRow& info,
186                                    AutocompleteMatch* match) {
187  match->RecordAdditionalInfo("typed count", info.typed_count());
188  match->RecordAdditionalInfo("visit count", info.visit_count());
189  match->RecordAdditionalInfo("last visit", info.last_visit());
192// Calculates a new relevance score applying half-life time decaying to |count|
193// using |time_since_last_visit| and |score_buckets|.
194// This function will never return a score higher than |undecayed_relevance|.
195// In other words, it can only demote the old score.
196double CalculateRelevanceUsingScoreBuckets(
197    const HUPScoringParams::ScoreBuckets& score_buckets,
198    const base::TimeDelta& time_since_last_visit,
199    int undecayed_relevance,
200    int count) {
201  // Back off if above relevance cap.
202  if ((score_buckets.relevance_cap() != -1) &&
203      (undecayed_relevance >= score_buckets.relevance_cap()))
204    return undecayed_relevance;
206  // Time based decay using half-life time.
207  double decayed_count = count;
208  if (decayed_count > 0)
209    decayed_count *= score_buckets.HalfLifeTimeDecay(time_since_last_visit);
211  // Find a threshold where decayed_count >= bucket.
212  const HUPScoringParams::ScoreBuckets::CountMaxRelevance* score_bucket = NULL;
213  for (size_t i = 0; i < score_buckets.buckets().size(); ++i) {
214    score_bucket = &score_buckets.buckets()[i];
215    if (decayed_count >= score_bucket->first)
216      break;  // Buckets are in descending order, so we can ignore the rest.
217  }
219  return (score_bucket && (undecayed_relevance > score_bucket->second)) ?
220      score_bucket->second : undecayed_relevance;
223}  // namespace
225// -----------------------------------------------------------------
226// SearchTermsDataSnapshot
228// Implementation of SearchTermsData that takes a snapshot of another
229// SearchTermsData by copying all the responses to the different getters into
230// member strings, then returning those strings when its own getters are called.
231// This will typically be constructed on the UI thread from
232// UIThreadSearchTermsData but is subsequently safe to use on any thread.
233class SearchTermsDataSnapshot : public SearchTermsData {
234 public:
235  explicit SearchTermsDataSnapshot(const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data);
236  virtual ~SearchTermsDataSnapshot();
238  virtual std::string GoogleBaseURLValue() const OVERRIDE;
239  virtual std::string GetApplicationLocale() const OVERRIDE;
240  virtual base::string16 GetRlzParameterValue() const OVERRIDE;
241  virtual std::string GetSearchClient() const OVERRIDE;
242  virtual std::string NTPIsThemedParam() const OVERRIDE;
244 private:
245  std::string google_base_url_value_;
246  std::string application_locale_;
247  base::string16 rlz_parameter_value_;
248  std::string search_client_;
249  std::string ntp_is_themed_param_;
251  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SearchTermsDataSnapshot);
255    const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data)
256    : google_base_url_value_(search_terms_data.GoogleBaseURLValue()),
257      application_locale_(search_terms_data.GetApplicationLocale()),
258      rlz_parameter_value_(search_terms_data.GetRlzParameterValue()),
259      search_client_(search_terms_data.GetSearchClient()),
260      ntp_is_themed_param_(search_terms_data.NTPIsThemedParam()) {}
262SearchTermsDataSnapshot::~SearchTermsDataSnapshot() {
265std::string SearchTermsDataSnapshot::GoogleBaseURLValue() const {
266  return google_base_url_value_;
269std::string SearchTermsDataSnapshot::GetApplicationLocale() const {
270  return application_locale_;
273base::string16 SearchTermsDataSnapshot::GetRlzParameterValue() const {
274  return rlz_parameter_value_;
277std::string SearchTermsDataSnapshot::GetSearchClient() const {
278  return search_client_;
281std::string SearchTermsDataSnapshot::NTPIsThemedParam() const {
282  return ntp_is_themed_param_;
285// -----------------------------------------------------------------
286// HistoryURLProvider
288// These ugly magic numbers will go away once we switch all scoring
289// behavior (including URL-what-you-typed) to HistoryQuick provider.
290const int HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForBestInlineableResult = 1413;
291const int HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForUnvisitedIntranetResult = 1403;
292const int HistoryURLProvider::kScoreForWhatYouTypedResult = 1203;
293const int HistoryURLProvider::kBaseScoreForNonInlineableResult = 900;
295// VisitClassifier is used to classify the type of visit to a particular url.
296class HistoryURLProvider::VisitClassifier {
297 public:
298  enum Type {
299    INVALID,             // Navigations to the URL are not allowed.
300    UNVISITED_INTRANET,  // A navigable URL for which we have no visit data but
301                         // which is known to refer to a visited intranet host.
302    VISITED,             // The site has been previously visited.
303  };
305  VisitClassifier(HistoryURLProvider* provider,
306                  const AutocompleteInput& input,
307                  history::URLDatabase* db);
309  // Returns the type of visit for the specified input.
310  Type type() const { return type_; }
312  // Returns the URLRow for the visit.
313  const history::URLRow& url_row() const { return url_row_; }
315 private:
316  HistoryURLProvider* provider_;
317  history::URLDatabase* db_;
318  Type type_;
319  history::URLRow url_row_;
321  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VisitClassifier);
325    HistoryURLProvider* provider,
326    const AutocompleteInput& input,
327    history::URLDatabase* db)
328    : provider_(provider),
329      db_(db),
330      type_(INVALID) {
331  const GURL& url = input.canonicalized_url();
332  // Detect email addresses.  These cases will look like "http://user@site/",
333  // and because the history backend strips auth creds, we'll get a bogus exact
334  // match below if the user has visited "site".
335  if (!url.is_valid() ||
336      ((input.type() == AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN) &&
337       input.parts().username.is_nonempty() &&
338       !input.parts().password.is_nonempty() &&
339       !input.parts().path.is_nonempty()))
340    return;
342  if (db_->GetRowForURL(url, &url_row_)) {
343    type_ = VISITED;
344    return;
345  }
347  if (provider_->CanFindIntranetURL(db_, input)) {
348    // The user typed an intranet hostname that they've visited (albeit with a
349    // different port and/or path) before.
350    url_row_ = history::URLRow(url);
351    type_ = UNVISITED_INTRANET;
352  }
356    const AutocompleteInput& input,
357    bool trim_http,
358    const std::string& languages,
359    TemplateURL* default_search_provider,
360    const SearchTermsData& search_terms_data)
361    : message_loop(base::MessageLoop::current()),
362      input(input),
363      prevent_inline_autocomplete(input.prevent_inline_autocomplete()),
364      trim_http(trim_http),
365      failed(false),
366      languages(languages),
367      dont_suggest_exact_input(false),
368      default_search_provider(default_search_provider ?
369          new TemplateURL(default_search_provider->profile(),
370                          default_search_provider->data()) : NULL),
371      search_terms_data(new SearchTermsDataSnapshot(search_terms_data)) {
374HistoryURLProviderParams::~HistoryURLProviderParams() {
377HistoryURLProvider::HistoryURLProvider(AutocompleteProviderListener* listener,
378                                       Profile* profile)
379    : HistoryProvider(listener, profile,
380          AutocompleteProvider::TYPE_HISTORY_URL),
381      params_(NULL),
382      cull_redirects_(
383          !OmniboxFieldTrial::InHUPCullRedirectsFieldTrial() ||
384          !OmniboxFieldTrial::InHUPCullRedirectsFieldTrialExperimentGroup()),
385      create_shorter_match_(
386          !OmniboxFieldTrial::InHUPCreateShorterMatchFieldTrial() ||
387          !OmniboxFieldTrial::
388              InHUPCreateShorterMatchFieldTrialExperimentGroup()),
389      search_url_database_(true) {
390  // Initialize HUP scoring params based on the current experiment.
391  OmniboxFieldTrial::GetExperimentalHUPScoringParams(&scoring_params_);
394void HistoryURLProvider::Start(const AutocompleteInput& input,
395                               bool minimal_changes) {
396  // NOTE: We could try hard to do less work in the |minimal_changes| case
397  // here; some clever caching would let us reuse the raw matches from the
398  // history DB without re-querying.  However, we'd still have to go back to
399  // the history thread to mark these up properly, and if pass 2 is currently
400  // running, we'd need to wait for it to return to the main thread before
401  // doing this (we can't just write new data for it to read due to thread
402  // safety issues).  At that point it's just as fast, and easier, to simply
403  // re-run the query from scratch and ignore |minimal_changes|.
405  // Cancel any in-progress query.
406  Stop(false);
408  RunAutocompletePasses(input, true);
411void HistoryURLProvider::Stop(bool clear_cached_results) {
412  done_ = true;
414  if (params_)
415    params_->cancel_flag.Set();
418AutocompleteMatch HistoryURLProvider::SuggestExactInput(
419    const base::string16& text,
420    const GURL& destination_url,
421    bool trim_http) {
422  AutocompleteMatch match(this, 0, false,
423                          AutocompleteMatchType::URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED);
425  if (destination_url.is_valid()) {
426    match.destination_url = destination_url;
428    // Trim off "http://" if the user didn't type it.
429    // NOTE: We use TrimHttpPrefix() here rather than StringForURLDisplay() to
430    // strip the scheme as we need to know the offset so we can adjust the
431    // |match_location| below.  StringForURLDisplay() and TrimHttpPrefix() have
432    // slightly different behavior as well (the latter will strip even without
433    // two slashes after the scheme).
434    DCHECK(!trim_http || !AutocompleteInput::HasHTTPScheme(text));
435    base::string16 display_string(
436        StringForURLDisplay(destination_url, false, false));
437    const size_t offset = trim_http ? TrimHttpPrefix(&display_string) : 0;
438    match.fill_into_edit =
439        AutocompleteInput::FormattedStringWithEquivalentMeaning(destination_url,
440                                                                display_string);
441    match.allowed_to_be_default_match = true;
442    // NOTE: Don't set match.inline_autocompletion to something non-empty here;
443    // it's surprising and annoying.
445    // Try to highlight "innermost" match location.  If we fix up "w" into
446    // "www.w.com", we want to highlight the fifth character, not the first.
447    // This relies on match.destination_url being the non-prefix-trimmed version
448    // of match.contents.
449    match.contents = display_string;
450    const URLPrefix* best_prefix = URLPrefix::BestURLPrefix(
451        base::UTF8ToUTF16(destination_url.spec()), text);
452    // It's possible for match.destination_url to not contain the user's input
453    // at all (so |best_prefix| is NULL), for example if the input is
454    // "view-source:x" and |destination_url| has an inserted "http://" in the
455    // middle.
456    if (best_prefix == NULL) {
457      AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyMatchInString(text, match.contents,
458                                               ACMatchClassification::URL,
459                                               &match.contents_class);
460    } else {
461      AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyLocationInString(
462          best_prefix->prefix.length() - offset, text.length(),
463          match.contents.length(), ACMatchClassification::URL,
464          &match.contents_class);
465    }
467    match.is_history_what_you_typed_match = true;
468  }
470  return match;
473// Called on the history thread.
474void HistoryURLProvider::ExecuteWithDB(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
475                                       history::URLDatabase* db,
476                                       HistoryURLProviderParams* params) {
477  // We may get called with a NULL database if it couldn't be properly
478  // initialized.
479  if (!db) {
480    params->failed = true;
481  } else if (!params->cancel_flag.IsSet()) {
482    base::TimeTicks beginning_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
484    DoAutocomplete(backend, db, params);
486    UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Autocomplete.HistoryAsyncQueryTime",
487                        base::TimeTicks::Now() - beginning_time);
488  }
490  // Return the results (if any) to the main thread.
491  params->message_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
492      &HistoryURLProvider::QueryComplete, this, params));
495// Used by both autocomplete passes, and therefore called on multiple different
496// threads (though not simultaneously).
497void HistoryURLProvider::DoAutocomplete(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
498                                        history::URLDatabase* db,
499                                        HistoryURLProviderParams* params) {
500  VisitClassifier classifier(this, params->input, db);
501  // Create a What You Typed match, which we'll need below.
502  //
503  // We display this to the user when there's a reasonable chance they actually
504  // care:
505  // * Their input can be opened as a URL, and
506  // * We parsed the input as a URL, or it starts with an explicit "http:" or
507  //   "https:".
508  //  that is when their input can be opened as a URL.
509  // Otherwise, this is just low-quality noise.  In the cases where we've parsed
510  // as UNKNOWN, we'll still show an accidental search infobar if need be.
511  bool have_what_you_typed_match =
512      params->input.canonicalized_url().is_valid() &&
513      (params->input.type() != AutocompleteInput::QUERY) &&
514      ((params->input.type() != AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN) ||
515       (classifier.type() == VisitClassifier::UNVISITED_INTRANET) ||
516       !params->trim_http ||
517       (AutocompleteInput::NumNonHostComponents(params->input.parts()) > 0));
518  AutocompleteMatch what_you_typed_match(SuggestExactInput(
519      params->input.text(), params->input.canonicalized_url(),
520      params->trim_http));
521  what_you_typed_match.relevance = CalculateRelevance(WHAT_YOU_TYPED, 0);
523  // Get the matching URLs from the DB
524  history::URLRows url_matches;
525  history::HistoryMatches history_matches;
527  if (search_url_database_) {
528    const URLPrefixes& prefixes = URLPrefix::GetURLPrefixes();
529    for (URLPrefixes::const_iterator i(prefixes.begin()); i != prefixes.end();
530         ++i) {
531      if (params->cancel_flag.IsSet())
532        return;  // Canceled in the middle of a query, give up.
533      // We only need kMaxMatches results in the end, but before we
534      // get there we need to promote lower-quality matches that are
535      // prefixes of higher-quality matches, and remove lower-quality
536      // redirects.  So we ask for more results than we need, of every
537      // prefix type, in hopes this will give us far more than enough
538      // to work with.  CullRedirects() will then reduce the list to
539      // the best kMaxMatches results.
540      db->AutocompleteForPrefix(
541          base::UTF16ToUTF8(i->prefix + params->input.text()),
542          kMaxMatches * 2,
543          (backend == NULL),
544          &url_matches);
545      for (history::URLRows::const_iterator j(url_matches.begin());
546           j != url_matches.end(); ++j) {
547        const URLPrefix* best_prefix =
548            URLPrefix::BestURLPrefix(base::UTF8ToUTF16(j->url().spec()),
549                                     base::string16());
550        DCHECK(best_prefix != NULL);
551        history_matches.push_back(history::HistoryMatch(*j, i->prefix.length(),
552            i->num_components == 0,
553            i->num_components >= best_prefix->num_components));
554      }
555    }
556  }
558  // Create sorted list of suggestions.
559  CullPoorMatches(*params, &history_matches);
560  SortAndDedupMatches(&history_matches);
561  PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(db, *params, have_what_you_typed_match,
562                                   what_you_typed_match, &history_matches);
564  // Try to promote a match as an exact/inline autocomplete match.  This also
565  // moves it to the front of |history_matches|, so skip over it when
566  // converting the rest of the matches.
567  size_t first_match = 1;
568  size_t exact_suggestion = 0;
569  // Checking |is_history_what_you_typed_match| tells us whether
570  // SuggestExactInput() succeeded in constructing a valid match.
571  if (what_you_typed_match.is_history_what_you_typed_match &&
572      (!backend || !params->dont_suggest_exact_input) &&
573      FixupExactSuggestion(db, params->input, classifier, &what_you_typed_match,
574                           &history_matches)) {
575    // Got an exact match for the user's input.  Treat it as the best match
576    // regardless of the input type.
577    exact_suggestion = 1;
578    params->matches.push_back(what_you_typed_match);
579  } else if (params->prevent_inline_autocomplete ||
580      history_matches.empty() ||
581      !PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(history_matches.front(), params)) {
582    // Failed to promote any URLs for inline autocompletion.  Use the What You
583    // Typed match, if we have it.
584    first_match = 0;
585    if (have_what_you_typed_match)
586      params->matches.push_back(what_you_typed_match);
587  }
589  // This is the end of the synchronous pass.
590  if (!backend)
591    return;
592  // If search_url_database_ is false, we shouldn't have scheduled a second
593  // pass.
594  DCHECK(search_url_database_);
596  // Determine relevancy of highest scoring match, if any.
597  int relevance = -1;
598  for (ACMatches::const_iterator it = params->matches.begin();
599       it != params->matches.end(); ++it) {
600    relevance = std::max(relevance, it->relevance);
601  }
603  if (cull_redirects_) {
604    // Remove redirects and trim list to size.  We want to provide up to
605    // kMaxMatches results plus the What You Typed result, if it was added to
606    // |history_matches| above.
607    CullRedirects(backend, &history_matches, kMaxMatches + exact_suggestion);
608  } else {
609    // Simply trim the list to size.
610    if (history_matches.size() > kMaxMatches + exact_suggestion)
611      history_matches.resize(kMaxMatches + exact_suggestion);
612  }
614  // Convert the history matches to autocomplete matches.
615  for (size_t i = first_match; i < history_matches.size(); ++i) {
616    const history::HistoryMatch& match = history_matches[i];
617    DCHECK(!have_what_you_typed_match ||
618           (match.url_info.url() !=
619            GURL(params->matches.front().destination_url)));
620    // If we've assigned a score already, all later matches score one
621    // less than the previous match.
622    relevance = (relevance > 0) ? (relevance - 1) :
623       CalculateRelevance(NORMAL, history_matches.size() - 1 - i);
624    AutocompleteMatch ac_match = HistoryMatchToACMatch(*params, match,
625        NORMAL, relevance);
626    // The experimental scoring must not change the top result's score.
627    if (!params->matches.empty()) {
628      relevance = CalculateRelevanceScoreUsingScoringParams(match, relevance);
629      ac_match.relevance = relevance;
630    }
631    params->matches.push_back(ac_match);
632  }
635// Called on the main thread when the query is complete.
636void HistoryURLProvider::QueryComplete(
637    HistoryURLProviderParams* params_gets_deleted) {
638  // Ensure |params_gets_deleted| gets deleted on exit.
639  scoped_ptr<HistoryURLProviderParams> params(params_gets_deleted);
641  // If the user hasn't already started another query, clear our member pointer
642  // so we can't write into deleted memory.
643  if (params_ == params_gets_deleted)
644    params_ = NULL;
646  // Don't send responses for queries that have been canceled.
647  if (params->cancel_flag.IsSet())
648    return;  // Already set done_ when we canceled, no need to set it again.
650  // Don't modify |matches_| if the query failed, since it might have a default
651  // match in it, whereas |params->matches| will be empty.
652  if (!params->failed) {
653    matches_.swap(params->matches);
654    UpdateStarredStateOfMatches();
655  }
657  done_ = true;
658  listener_->OnProviderUpdate(true);
661HistoryURLProvider::~HistoryURLProvider() {
662  // Note: This object can get leaked on shutdown if there are pending
663  // requests on the database (which hold a reference to us). Normally, these
664  // messages get flushed for each thread. We do a round trip from main, to
665  // history, back to main while holding a reference. If the main thread
666  // completes before the history thread, the message to delegate back to the
667  // main thread will not run and the reference will leak. Therefore, don't do
668  // anything on destruction.
671int HistoryURLProvider::CalculateRelevance(MatchType match_type,
672                                           size_t match_number) const {
673  switch (match_type) {
675      return kScoreForBestInlineableResult;
678      return kScoreForUnvisitedIntranetResult;
680    case WHAT_YOU_TYPED:
681      return kScoreForWhatYouTypedResult;
683    default:  // NORMAL
684      return kBaseScoreForNonInlineableResult +
685          static_cast<int>(match_number);
686  }
689void HistoryURLProvider::RunAutocompletePasses(
690    const AutocompleteInput& input,
691    bool fixup_input_and_run_pass_1) {
692  matches_.clear();
694  if ((input.type() == AutocompleteInput::INVALID) ||
695      (input.type() == AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY))
696    return;
698  // Create a match for exactly what the user typed.  This will only be used as
699  // a fallback in case we can't get the history service or URL DB; otherwise,
700  // we'll run this again in DoAutocomplete() and use that result instead.
701  const bool trim_http = !AutocompleteInput::HasHTTPScheme(input.text());
702  // Don't do this for queries -- while we can sometimes mark up a match for
703  // this, it's not what the user wants, and just adds noise.
704  if ((input.type() != AutocompleteInput::QUERY) &&
705      input.canonicalized_url().is_valid()) {
706    AutocompleteMatch what_you_typed(SuggestExactInput(
707        input.text(), input.canonicalized_url(), trim_http));
708    what_you_typed.relevance = CalculateRelevance(WHAT_YOU_TYPED, 0);
709    matches_.push_back(what_you_typed);
710  }
712  // We'll need the history service to run both passes, so try to obtain it.
713  if (!profile_)
714    return;
715  HistoryService* const history_service =
716      HistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_, Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
717  if (!history_service)
718    return;
720  // Get the default search provider and search terms data now since we have to
721  // retrieve these on the UI thread, and the second pass runs on the history
722  // thread. |template_url_service| can be NULL when testing.
723  TemplateURLService* template_url_service =
724      TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_);
725  TemplateURL* default_search_provider = template_url_service ?
726      template_url_service->GetDefaultSearchProvider() : NULL;
727  UIThreadSearchTermsData data(profile_);
729  // Create the data structure for the autocomplete passes.  We'll save this off
730  // onto the |params_| member for later deletion below if we need to run pass
731  // 2.
732  scoped_ptr<HistoryURLProviderParams> params(
733      new HistoryURLProviderParams(
734          input, trim_http,
735          profile_->GetPrefs()->GetString(prefs::kAcceptLanguages),
736          default_search_provider, data));
738  params->prevent_inline_autocomplete =
739      PreventInlineAutocomplete(input);
741  if (fixup_input_and_run_pass_1) {
742    // Do some fixup on the user input before matching against it, so we provide
743    // good results for local file paths, input with spaces, etc.
744    if (!FixupUserInput(&params->input))
745      return;
747    // Pass 1: Get the in-memory URL database, and use it to find and promote
748    // the inline autocomplete match, if any.
749    history::URLDatabase* url_db = history_service->InMemoryDatabase();
750    // url_db can be NULL if it hasn't finished initializing (or failed to
751    // initialize).  In this case all we can do is fall back on the second
752    // pass.
753    //
754    // TODO(pkasting): We should just block here until this loads.  Any time
755    // someone unloads the history backend, we'll get inconsistent inline
756    // autocomplete behavior here.
757    if (url_db) {
758      DoAutocomplete(NULL, url_db, params.get());
759      // params->matches now has the matches we should expose to the provider.
760      // Pass 2 expects a "clean slate" set of matches.
761      matches_.clear();
762      matches_.swap(params->matches);
763      UpdateStarredStateOfMatches();
764    }
765  }
767  // Pass 2: Ask the history service to call us back on the history thread,
768  // where we can read the full on-disk DB.
769  if (search_url_database_ &&
770      (input.matches_requested() == AutocompleteInput::ALL_MATCHES)) {
771    done_ = false;
772    params_ = params.release();  // This object will be destroyed in
773                                 // QueryComplete() once we're done with it.
774    history_service->ScheduleAutocomplete(this, params_);
775  }
778bool HistoryURLProvider::FixupExactSuggestion(
779    history::URLDatabase* db,
780    const AutocompleteInput& input,
781    const VisitClassifier& classifier,
782    AutocompleteMatch* match,
783    history::HistoryMatches* matches) const {
784  DCHECK(match != NULL);
785  DCHECK(matches != NULL);
787  MatchType type = INLINE_AUTOCOMPLETE;
788  switch (classifier.type()) {
789    case VisitClassifier::INVALID:
790      return false;
791    case VisitClassifier::UNVISITED_INTRANET:
792      type = UNVISITED_INTRANET;
793      break;
794    default:
795      DCHECK_EQ(VisitClassifier::VISITED, classifier.type());
796      // We have data for this match, use it.
797      match->deletable = true;
798      match->description = classifier.url_row().title();
799      RecordAdditionalInfoFromUrlRow(classifier.url_row(), match);
800      match->description_class =
801          ClassifyDescription(input.text(), match->description);
802      if (!classifier.url_row().typed_count()) {
803        // If we reach here, we must be in the second pass, and we must not have
804        // this row's data available during the first pass.  That means we
805        // either scored it as WHAT_YOU_TYPED or UNVISITED_INTRANET, and to
806        // maintain the ordering between passes consistent, we need to score it
807        // the same way here.
808        type = CanFindIntranetURL(db, input) ?
810      }
811      break;
812  }
814  const GURL& url = match->destination_url;
815  const url_parse::Parsed& parsed = url.parsed_for_possibly_invalid_spec();
816  // If the what-you-typed result looks like a single word (which can be
817  // interpreted as an intranet address) followed by a pound sign ("#"),
818  // leave the score for the url-what-you-typed result as is.  It will be
819  // outscored by a search query from the SearchProvider. This test fixes
820  // cases such as "c#" and "c# foo" where the user has visited an intranet
821  // site "c".  We want the search-what-you-typed score to beat the
822  // URL-what-you-typed score in this case.  Most of the below test tries to
823  // make sure that this code does not trigger if the user did anything to
824  // indicate the desired match is a URL.  For instance, "c/# foo" will not
825  // pass the test because that will be classified as input type URL.  The
826  // parsed.CountCharactersBefore() in the test looks for the presence of a
827  // reference fragment in the URL by checking whether the position differs
828  // included the delimiter (pound sign) versus not including the delimiter.
829  // (One cannot simply check url.ref() because it will not distinguish
830  // between the input "c" and the input "c#", both of which will have empty
831  // reference fragments.)
832  if ((type == UNVISITED_INTRANET) &&
833      (input.type() != AutocompleteInput::URL) &&
834      url.username().empty() && url.password().empty() && url.port().empty() &&
835      (url.path() == "/") && url.query().empty() &&
836      (parsed.CountCharactersBefore(url_parse::Parsed::REF, true) !=
837       parsed.CountCharactersBefore(url_parse::Parsed::REF, false))) {
838    return false;
839  }
841  match->relevance = CalculateRelevance(type, 0);
843  // If there are any other matches, then don't promote this match here, in
844  // hopes the caller will be able to inline autocomplete a better suggestion.
845  // DoAutocomplete() will fall back on this match if inline autocompletion
846  // fails.  This matches how we react to never-visited URL inputs in the non-
847  // intranet case.
848  if (type == UNVISITED_INTRANET && !matches->empty())
849    return false;
851  // Put it on the front of the HistoryMatches for redirect culling.
852  CreateOrPromoteMatch(classifier.url_row(), base::string16::npos, false,
853                       matches, true, true);
854  return true;
857bool HistoryURLProvider::CanFindIntranetURL(
858    history::URLDatabase* db,
859    const AutocompleteInput& input) const {
860  // Normally passing the first two conditions below ought to guarantee the
861  // third condition, but because FixupUserInput() can run and modify the
862  // input's text and parts between Parse() and here, it seems better to be
863  // paranoid and check.
864  if ((input.type() != AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN) ||
865      !LowerCaseEqualsASCII(input.scheme(), content::kHttpScheme) ||
866      !input.parts().host.is_nonempty())
867    return false;
868  const std::string host(base::UTF16ToUTF8(
869      input.text().substr(input.parts().host.begin, input.parts().host.len)));
870  const size_t registry_length =
871      net::registry_controlled_domains::GetRegistryLength(
872          host,
873          net::registry_controlled_domains::EXCLUDE_UNKNOWN_REGISTRIES,
874          net::registry_controlled_domains::EXCLUDE_PRIVATE_REGISTRIES);
875  return registry_length == 0 && db->IsTypedHost(host);
878bool HistoryURLProvider::PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(
879    const history::HistoryMatch& match,
880    HistoryURLProviderParams* params) {
881  // Promote the first match if it's been marked for promotion or typed at least
882  // n times, where n == 1 for "simple" (host-only) URLs and n == 2 for others.
883  // We set a higher bar for these long URLs because it's less likely that users
884  // will want to visit them again.  Even though we don't increment the
885  // typed_count for pasted-in URLs, if the user manually edits the URL or types
886  // some long thing in by hand, we wouldn't want to immediately start
887  // autocompleting it.
888  if (!match.promoted &&
889      (!match.url_info.typed_count() ||
890       ((match.url_info.typed_count() == 1) &&
891        !match.IsHostOnly())))
892    return false;
894  // In the case where the user has typed "foo.com" and visited (but not typed)
895  // "foo/", and the input is "foo", we can reach here for "foo.com" during the
896  // first pass but have the second pass suggest the exact input as a better
897  // URL.  Since we need both passes to agree, and since during the first pass
898  // there's no way to know about "foo/", make reaching this point prevent any
899  // future pass from suggesting the exact input as a better match.
900  if (params) {
901    params->dont_suggest_exact_input = true;
902    AutocompleteMatch ac_match = HistoryMatchToACMatch(
903        *params, match, INLINE_AUTOCOMPLETE,
904        CalculateRelevance(INLINE_AUTOCOMPLETE, 0));
905    params->matches.push_back(ac_match);
906  }
907  return true;
910// See if a shorter version of the best match should be created, and if so place
911// it at the front of |matches|.  This can suggest history URLs that are
912// prefixes of the best match (if they've been visited enough, compared to the
913// best match), or create host-only suggestions even when they haven't been
914// visited before: if the user visited http://example.com/asdf once, we'll
915// suggest http://example.com/ even if they've never been to it.
916void HistoryURLProvider::PromoteOrCreateShorterSuggestion(
917    history::URLDatabase* db,
918    const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
919    bool have_what_you_typed_match,
920    const AutocompleteMatch& what_you_typed_match,
921    history::HistoryMatches* matches) {
922  if (matches->empty())
923    return;  // No matches, nothing to do.
925  // Determine the base URL from which to search, and whether that URL could
926  // itself be added as a match.  We can add the base iff it's not "effectively
927  // the same" as any "what you typed" match.
928  const history::HistoryMatch& match = matches->front();
929  GURL search_base = ConvertToHostOnly(match, params.input.text());
930  bool can_add_search_base_to_matches = !have_what_you_typed_match;
931  if (search_base.is_empty()) {
932    // Search from what the user typed when we couldn't reduce the best match
933    // to a host.  Careful: use a substring of |match| here, rather than the
934    // first match in |params|, because they might have different prefixes.  If
935    // the user typed "google.com", |what_you_typed_match| will hold
936    // "http://google.com/", but |match| might begin with
937    // "http://www.google.com/".
938    // TODO: this should be cleaned up, and is probably incorrect for IDN.
939    std::string new_match = match.url_info.url().possibly_invalid_spec().
940        substr(0, match.input_location + params.input.text().length());
941    search_base = GURL(new_match);
942    // TODO(mrossetti): There is a degenerate case where the following may
943    // cause a failure: http://www/~someword/fubar.html. Diagnose.
944    // See: http://crbug.com/50101
945    if (search_base.is_empty())
946      return;  // Can't construct a valid URL from which to start a search.
947  } else if (!can_add_search_base_to_matches) {
948    can_add_search_base_to_matches =
949        (search_base != what_you_typed_match.destination_url);
950  }
951  if (search_base == match.url_info.url())
952    return;  // Couldn't shorten |match|, so no range of URLs to search over.
954  // Search the DB for short URLs between our base and |match|.
955  history::URLRow info(search_base);
956  bool promote = true;
957  // A short URL is only worth suggesting if it's been visited at least a third
958  // as often as the longer URL.
959  const int min_visit_count = ((match.url_info.visit_count() - 1) / 3) + 1;
960  // For stability between the in-memory and on-disk autocomplete passes, when
961  // the long URL has been typed before, only suggest shorter URLs that have
962  // also been typed.  Otherwise, the on-disk pass could suggest a shorter URL
963  // (which hasn't been typed) that the in-memory pass doesn't know about,
964  // thereby making the top match, and thus the behavior of inline
965  // autocomplete, unstable.
966  const int min_typed_count = match.url_info.typed_count() ? 1 : 0;
967  if (!db->FindShortestURLFromBase(search_base.possibly_invalid_spec(),
968          match.url_info.url().possibly_invalid_spec(), min_visit_count,
969          min_typed_count, can_add_search_base_to_matches, &info)) {
970    if (!can_add_search_base_to_matches)
971      return;  // Couldn't find anything and can't add the search base, bail.
973    // Try to get info on the search base itself.  Promote it to the top if the
974    // original best match isn't good enough to autocomplete.
975    db->GetRowForURL(search_base, &info);
976    promote = match.url_info.typed_count() <= 1;
977  }
979  // Promote or add the desired URL to the list of matches.
980  bool ensure_can_inline =
981      promote && PromoteMatchForInlineAutocomplete(match, NULL);
982  ensure_can_inline &= CreateOrPromoteMatch(info, match.input_location,
983      match.match_in_scheme, matches, create_shorter_match_, promote);
984  if (ensure_can_inline)
985    matches->front().promoted = true;
988void HistoryURLProvider::CullPoorMatches(
989    const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
990    history::HistoryMatches* matches) const {
991  const base::Time& threshold(history::AutocompleteAgeThreshold());
992  for (history::HistoryMatches::iterator i(matches->begin());
993       i != matches->end(); ) {
994    if (RowQualifiesAsSignificant(i->url_info, threshold) &&
995        !(params.default_search_provider &&
996            params.default_search_provider->IsSearchURLUsingTermsData(
997                i->url_info.url(), *params.search_terms_data.get()))) {
998      ++i;
999    } else {
1000      i = matches->erase(i);
1001    }
1002  }
1005void HistoryURLProvider::CullRedirects(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
1006                                       history::HistoryMatches* matches,
1007                                       size_t max_results) const {
1008  for (size_t source = 0;
1009       (source < matches->size()) && (source < max_results); ) {
1010    const GURL& url = (*matches)[source].url_info.url();
1011    // TODO(brettw) this should go away when everything uses GURL.
1012    history::RedirectList redirects;
1013    backend->GetMostRecentRedirectsFrom(url, &redirects);
1014    if (!redirects.empty()) {
1015      // Remove all but the first occurrence of any of these redirects in the
1016      // search results. We also must add the URL we queried for, since it may
1017      // not be the first match and we'd want to remove it.
1018      //
1019      // For example, when A redirects to B and our matches are [A, X, B],
1020      // we'll get B as the redirects from, and we want to remove the second
1021      // item of that pair, removing B. If A redirects to B and our matches are
1022      // [B, X, A], we'll want to remove A instead.
1023      redirects.push_back(url);
1024      source = RemoveSubsequentMatchesOf(matches, source, redirects);
1025    } else {
1026      // Advance to next item.
1027      source++;
1028    }
1029  }
1031  if (matches->size() > max_results)
1032    matches->resize(max_results);
1035size_t HistoryURLProvider::RemoveSubsequentMatchesOf(
1036    history::HistoryMatches* matches,
1037    size_t source_index,
1038    const std::vector<GURL>& remove) const {
1039  size_t next_index = source_index + 1;  // return value = item after source
1041  // Find the first occurrence of any URL in the redirect chain. We want to
1042  // keep this one since it is rated the highest.
1043  history::HistoryMatches::iterator first(std::find_first_of(
1044      matches->begin(), matches->end(), remove.begin(), remove.end(),
1045      history::HistoryMatch::EqualsGURL));
1046  DCHECK(first != matches->end()) << "We should have always found at least the "
1047      "original URL.";
1049  // Find any following occurrences of any URL in the redirect chain, these
1050  // should be deleted.
1051  for (history::HistoryMatches::iterator next(std::find_first_of(first + 1,
1052           matches->end(), remove.begin(), remove.end(),
1053           history::HistoryMatch::EqualsGURL));
1054       next != matches->end(); next = std::find_first_of(next, matches->end(),
1055           remove.begin(), remove.end(), history::HistoryMatch::EqualsGURL)) {
1056    // Remove this item. When we remove an item before the source index, we
1057    // need to shift it to the right and remember that so we can return it.
1058    next = matches->erase(next);
1059    if (static_cast<size_t>(next - matches->begin()) < next_index)
1060      --next_index;
1061  }
1062  return next_index;
1065AutocompleteMatch HistoryURLProvider::HistoryMatchToACMatch(
1066    const HistoryURLProviderParams& params,
1067    const history::HistoryMatch& history_match,
1068    MatchType match_type,
1069    int relevance) {
1070  const history::URLRow& info = history_match.url_info;
1071  AutocompleteMatch match(this, relevance,
1072      !!info.visit_count(), AutocompleteMatchType::HISTORY_URL);
1073  match.typed_count = info.typed_count();
1074  match.destination_url = info.url();
1075  DCHECK(match.destination_url.is_valid());
1076  size_t inline_autocomplete_offset =
1077      history_match.input_location + params.input.text().length();
1078  std::string languages = (match_type == WHAT_YOU_TYPED) ?
1079      std::string() : params.languages;
1080  const net::FormatUrlTypes format_types = net::kFormatUrlOmitAll &
1081      ~((params.trim_http && !history_match.match_in_scheme) ?
1082          0 : net::kFormatUrlOmitHTTP);
1083  match.fill_into_edit =
1084      AutocompleteInput::FormattedStringWithEquivalentMeaning(info.url(),
1085          net::FormatUrl(info.url(), languages, format_types,
1086                         net::UnescapeRule::SPACES, NULL, NULL,
1087                         &inline_autocomplete_offset));
1088  if (!params.prevent_inline_autocomplete &&
1089      (inline_autocomplete_offset != base::string16::npos)) {
1090    DCHECK(inline_autocomplete_offset <= match.fill_into_edit.length());
1091    match.inline_autocompletion =
1092        match.fill_into_edit.substr(inline_autocomplete_offset);
1093  }
1094  // The latter part of the test effectively asks "is the inline completion
1095  // empty?" (i.e., is this match effectively the what-you-typed match?).
1096  match.allowed_to_be_default_match = !params.prevent_inline_autocomplete ||
1097      ((inline_autocomplete_offset != base::string16::npos) &&
1098       (inline_autocomplete_offset >= match.fill_into_edit.length()));
1100  size_t match_start = history_match.input_location;
1101  match.contents = net::FormatUrl(info.url(), languages,
1102      format_types, net::UnescapeRule::SPACES, NULL, NULL, &match_start);
1103  if ((match_start != base::string16::npos) &&
1104      (inline_autocomplete_offset != base::string16::npos) &&
1105      (inline_autocomplete_offset != match_start)) {
1106    DCHECK(inline_autocomplete_offset > match_start);
1107    AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyLocationInString(match_start,
1108        inline_autocomplete_offset - match_start, match.contents.length(),
1109        ACMatchClassification::URL, &match.contents_class);
1110  } else {
1111    AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyLocationInString(base::string16::npos, 0,
1112        match.contents.length(), ACMatchClassification::URL,
1113        &match.contents_class);
1114  }
1115  match.description = info.title();
1116  match.description_class =
1117      ClassifyDescription(params.input.text(), match.description);
1118  RecordAdditionalInfoFromUrlRow(info, &match);
1119  return match;
1122int HistoryURLProvider::CalculateRelevanceScoreUsingScoringParams(
1123    const history::HistoryMatch& match,
1124    int old_relevance) const {
1125  if (!scoring_params_.experimental_scoring_enabled)
1126    return old_relevance;
1128  const base::TimeDelta time_since_last_visit =
1129      base::Time::Now() - match.url_info.last_visit();
1131  int relevance = CalculateRelevanceUsingScoreBuckets(
1132      scoring_params_.typed_count_buckets, time_since_last_visit, old_relevance,
1133      match.url_info.typed_count());
1135  // Additional demotion (on top of typed_count demotion) of URLs that were
1136  // never typed.
1137  if (match.url_info.typed_count() == 0) {
1138    relevance = CalculateRelevanceUsingScoreBuckets(
1139        scoring_params_.visited_count_buckets, time_since_last_visit, relevance,
1140        match.url_info.visit_count());
1141  }
1143  DCHECK_LE(relevance, old_relevance);
1144  return relevance;
1147// static
1148ACMatchClassifications HistoryURLProvider::ClassifyDescription(
1149    const base::string16& input_text,
1150    const base::string16& description) {
1151  base::string16 clean_description = history::CleanUpTitleForMatching(
1152      description);
1153  history::TermMatches description_matches(SortAndDeoverlapMatches(
1154      history::MatchTermInString(input_text, clean_description, 0)));
1155  history::WordStarts description_word_starts;
1156  history::String16VectorFromString16(
1157      clean_description, false, &description_word_starts);
1158  // If HistoryURL retrieves any matches (and hence we reach this code), we
1159  // are guaranteed that the beginning of input_text must be a word break.
1160  history::WordStarts offsets(1, 0u);
1161  description_matches =
1162      history::ScoredHistoryMatch::FilterTermMatchesByWordStarts(
1163          description_matches, offsets, description_word_starts, 0,
1164          std::string::npos);
1165  return SpansFromTermMatch(
1166      description_matches, clean_description.length(), false);