1// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include <AppKit/NSEvent.h>
6#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
8#include "chrome/browser/global_keyboard_shortcuts_mac.h"
10#include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h"
11#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
13TEST(GlobalKeyboardShortcuts, ShortcutsToWindowCommand) {
14  // Test that an invalid shortcut translates into an invalid command id.
16      -1, CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(false, false, false, false, 0, 0));
18  // Check that all known keyboard shortcuts return valid results.
19  size_t num_shortcuts = 0;
20  const KeyboardShortcutData *it =
21      GetWindowKeyboardShortcutTable(&num_shortcuts);
22  ASSERT_GT(num_shortcuts, 0U);
23  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_shortcuts; ++i, ++it) {
24    int cmd_num = CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
25        it->command_key, it->shift_key, it->cntrl_key, it->opt_key,
26        it->vkey_code, it->key_char);
27    EXPECT_EQ(cmd_num, it->chrome_command);
28  }
30  // Test that cmd-left and backspace are not window-level commands (else they
31  // would be invoked even if e.g. the omnibox had focus, where they really
32  // should have text editing functionality).
33  EXPECT_EQ(-1, CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
34      true, false, false, false, kVK_LeftArrow, 0));
35  EXPECT_EQ(-1, CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
36      false, false, false, false, kVK_Delete, 0));
38  // Test that Cmd-'{' and Cmd-'}' are interpreted as IDC_SELECT_NEXT_TAB
39  // and IDC_SELECT_PREVIOUS_TAB regardless of the virtual key code values.
40  EXPECT_EQ(IDC_SELECT_NEXT_TAB, CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
41      true, false, false, false, kVK_ANSI_Period, '}'));
42  EXPECT_EQ(IDC_SELECT_PREVIOUS_TAB, CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
43      true, true, false, false, kVK_ANSI_Slash, '{'));
45  // One more test for Cmd-'{' / Alt-8 (on German keyboard layout).
46  EXPECT_EQ(IDC_SELECT_PREVIOUS_TAB, CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
47      true, false, false, true, kVK_ANSI_8, '{'));
49  // Test that switching tabs triggers off keycodes and not characters (visible
50  // with the Italian keyboard layout).
51  EXPECT_EQ(IDC_SELECT_TAB_0, CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
52      true, false, false, false, kVK_ANSI_1, '&'));
55TEST(GlobalKeyboardShortcuts, KeypadNumberKeysMatch) {
56  // Test that the shortcuts that are generated by keypad number keys match the
57  // equivalent keys.
58  static const struct {
59    int keycode;
60    int keypad_keycode;
61  } equivalents[] = {
62    {kVK_ANSI_0, kVK_ANSI_Keypad0},
63    {kVK_ANSI_1, kVK_ANSI_Keypad1},
64    {kVK_ANSI_2, kVK_ANSI_Keypad2},
65    {kVK_ANSI_3, kVK_ANSI_Keypad3},
66    {kVK_ANSI_4, kVK_ANSI_Keypad4},
67    {kVK_ANSI_5, kVK_ANSI_Keypad5},
68    {kVK_ANSI_6, kVK_ANSI_Keypad6},
69    {kVK_ANSI_7, kVK_ANSI_Keypad7},
70    {kVK_ANSI_8, kVK_ANSI_Keypad8},
71    {kVK_ANSI_9, kVK_ANSI_Keypad9},
72  };
74  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(equivalents); ++i) {
75    for (int command = 0; command <= 1; ++command) {
76      for (int shift = 0; shift <= 1; ++shift) {
77        for (int control = 0; control <= 1; ++control) {
78          for (int option = 0; option <= 1; ++option) {
79            EXPECT_EQ(
80                CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
81                  command, shift, control, option, equivalents[i].keycode, 0),
82                CommandForWindowKeyboardShortcut(
83                  command, shift, control, option,
84                  equivalents[i].keypad_keycode, 0));
85            EXPECT_EQ(
86                CommandForDelayedWindowKeyboardShortcut(
87                  command, shift, control, option, equivalents[i].keycode, 0),
88                CommandForDelayedWindowKeyboardShortcut(
89                  command, shift, control, option,
90                  equivalents[i].keypad_keycode, 0));
91            EXPECT_EQ(
92                CommandForBrowserKeyboardShortcut(
93                  command, shift, control, option, equivalents[i].keycode, 0),
94                CommandForBrowserKeyboardShortcut(
95                  command, shift, control, option,
96                  equivalents[i].keypad_keycode, 0));
97          }
98        }
99      }
100    }
101  }
104TEST(GlobalKeyboardShortcuts, ShortcutsToDelayedWindowCommand) {
105  // Test that an invalid shortcut translates into an invalid command id.
106  EXPECT_EQ(-1,
107      CommandForDelayedWindowKeyboardShortcut(false, false, false, false,
108                                              0, 0));
110  // Check that all known keyboard shortcuts return valid results.
111  size_t num_shortcuts = 0;
112  const KeyboardShortcutData *it =
113      GetDelayedWindowKeyboardShortcutTable(&num_shortcuts);
114  ASSERT_GT(num_shortcuts, 0U);
115  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_shortcuts; ++i, ++it) {
116    int cmd_num = CommandForDelayedWindowKeyboardShortcut(
117        it->command_key, it->shift_key, it->cntrl_key, it->opt_key,
118        it->vkey_code, it->key_char);
119    EXPECT_EQ(cmd_num, it->chrome_command);
120  }
123TEST(GlobalKeyboardShortcuts, ShortcutsToBrowserCommand) {
124  // Test that an invalid shortcut translates into an invalid command id.
126      -1, CommandForBrowserKeyboardShortcut(false, false, false, false,
127                                            0, 0));
129  // Check that all known keyboard shortcuts return valid results.
130  size_t num_shortcuts = 0;
131  const KeyboardShortcutData *it =
132      GetBrowserKeyboardShortcutTable(&num_shortcuts);
133  ASSERT_GT(num_shortcuts, 0U);
134  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_shortcuts; ++i, ++it) {
135    int cmd_num = CommandForBrowserKeyboardShortcut(
136        it->command_key, it->shift_key, it->cntrl_key, it->opt_key,
137        it->vkey_code, it->key_char);
138    EXPECT_EQ(cmd_num, it->chrome_command);
139  }
142NSEvent* KeyEvent(bool command_key, bool shift_key,
143                  bool cntrl_key, bool opt_key,
144                  NSString* chars, NSString* charsNoMods) {
145  NSUInteger modifierFlags = 0;
146  if (command_key)
147    modifierFlags |= NSCommandKeyMask;
148  if (shift_key)
149    modifierFlags |= NSShiftKeyMask;
150  if (cntrl_key)
151    modifierFlags |= NSControlKeyMask;
152  if (opt_key)
153    modifierFlags |= NSAlternateKeyMask;
154  return [NSEvent keyEventWithType:NSKeyDown
155                          location:NSZeroPoint
156                     modifierFlags:modifierFlags
157                         timestamp:0.0
158                      windowNumber:0
159                           context:nil
160                        characters:chars
161       charactersIgnoringModifiers:charsNoMods
162                         isARepeat:NO
163                           keyCode:0];
166TEST(GlobalKeyboardShortcuts, KeyCharacterForEvent) {
167  // 'a'
168  EXPECT_EQ('a', KeyCharacterForEvent(
169      KeyEvent(false, false, false, false, @"a", @"a")));
170  // cmd-'a' / cmd-shift-'a'
171  EXPECT_EQ('a', KeyCharacterForEvent(
172      KeyEvent(true,  true,  false, false, @"a", @"A")));
173  // '8'
174  EXPECT_EQ('8', KeyCharacterForEvent(
175      KeyEvent(false, false, false, false, @"8", @"8")));
176  // '{' / alt-'8' on german
177  EXPECT_EQ('{', KeyCharacterForEvent(
178      KeyEvent(false, false, false, true,  @"{", @"8")));
179  // cmd-'{' / cmd-shift-'[' on ansi
180  EXPECT_EQ('{', KeyCharacterForEvent(
181      KeyEvent(true,  true,  false, false, @"[", @"{")));
182  // cmd-'z' / cmd-shift-';' on dvorak-qwerty
183  EXPECT_EQ('z', KeyCharacterForEvent(
184      KeyEvent(true,  true,  false, false, @"z", @":")));
185  // cmd-shift-'[' in an RTL context pre 10.9.
186  EXPECT_EQ('{', KeyCharacterForEvent(
187      KeyEvent(true,  true,  false, false, @"{", @"}")));
188  // cmd-shift-'[' in an RTL context on 10.9.
189  EXPECT_EQ('{', KeyCharacterForEvent(
190      KeyEvent(true,  true,  false, false, @"[", @"}")));
191  // Test if getting dead-key events return 0 and do not hang.
192  EXPECT_EQ(0,   KeyCharacterForEvent(
193      KeyEvent(false, false, false, false, @"",  @"")));