1// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <queue>
10#include "base/callback.h"
11#include "base/files/file.h"
12#include "base/location.h"
13#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
14#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
15#include "base/strings/string16.h"
16#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
17#include "chrome/browser/media_galleries/fileapi/mtp_device_async_delegate.h"
18#include "storage/browser/fileapi/async_file_util.h"
20namespace base {
21class FilePath;
22class SequencedTaskRunner;
25class SnapshotFileDetails;
26struct SnapshotRequestInfo;
28// MTPDeviceDelegateImplWin is used to communicate with the media transfer
29// protocol (MTP) device to complete file system operations. These operations
30// are performed asynchronously on a blocking pool thread since the device
31// access may be slow and may take a long time to complete. MTP
32// device can have multiple data storage partitions. MTPDeviceDelegateImplWin
33// is instantiated per MTP device storage partition using
34// CreateMTPDeviceAsyncDelegate(). MTPDeviceDelegateImplWin lives on the IO
35// thread.
36class MTPDeviceDelegateImplWin : public MTPDeviceAsyncDelegate {
37 public:
38  // Structure used to represent MTP device storage partition details.
39  struct StorageDeviceInfo {
40    StorageDeviceInfo(const base::string16& pnp_device_id,
41                      const base::string16& registered_device_path,
42                      const base::string16& storage_object_id);
44    // The PnP Device Id, used to open the device for communication,
45    // e.g. "\\?\usb#vid_04a9&pid_3073#12#{6ac27878-a6fa-4155-ba85-f1d4f33}".
46    const base::string16 pnp_device_id;
48    // The media file system root path, which is obtained during the
49    // registration of MTP device storage partition as a file system,
50    // e.g. "\\MTP:StorageSerial:SID-{10001,E,9823}:237483".
51    const base::string16 registered_device_path;
53    // The MTP device storage partition object identifier, used to enumerate the
54    // storage contents, e.g. "s10001".
55    const base::string16 storage_object_id;
56  };
58 private:
59  friend void OnGetStorageInfoCreateDelegate(
60      const base::string16& device_location,
61      const CreateMTPDeviceAsyncDelegateCallback& callback,
62      base::string16* pnp_device_id,
63      base::string16* storage_object_id,
64      bool succeeded);
66  enum InitializationState {
70  };
72  // Used to represent pending task details.
73  struct PendingTaskInfo {
74    PendingTaskInfo(const tracked_objects::Location& location,
75                    const base::Callback<base::File::Error(void)>& task,
76                    const base::Callback<void(base::File::Error)>& reply);
78    const tracked_objects::Location location;
79    const base::Callback<base::File::Error(void)> task;
80    const base::Callback<void(base::File::Error)> reply;
81  };
83  // Defers the device initializations until the first file operation request.
84  // Do all the initializations in EnsureInitAndRunTask() function.
85  MTPDeviceDelegateImplWin(const base::string16& registered_device_path,
86                           const base::string16& pnp_device_id,
87                           const base::string16& storage_object_id);
89  // Destructed via CancelPendingTasksAndDeleteDelegate().
90  virtual ~MTPDeviceDelegateImplWin();
92  // MTPDeviceAsyncDelegate:
93  virtual void GetFileInfo(
94      const base::FilePath& file_path,
95      const GetFileInfoSuccessCallback& success_callback,
96      const ErrorCallback& error_callback) OVERRIDE;
97  virtual void ReadDirectory(
98      const base::FilePath& root,
99      const ReadDirectorySuccessCallback& success_callback,
100      const ErrorCallback& error_callback) OVERRIDE;
101  virtual void CreateSnapshotFile(
102      const base::FilePath& device_file_path,
103      const base::FilePath& local_path,
104      const CreateSnapshotFileSuccessCallback& success_callback,
105      const ErrorCallback& error_callback) OVERRIDE;
106  virtual bool IsStreaming() OVERRIDE;
107  virtual void ReadBytes(const base::FilePath& device_file_path,
108                         const scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer>& buf,
109                         int64 offset,
110                         int buf_len,
111                         const ReadBytesSuccessCallback& success_callback,
112                         const ErrorCallback& error_callback) OVERRIDE;
113  virtual void CancelPendingTasksAndDeleteDelegate() OVERRIDE;
115  // Ensures the device is initialized for communication by doing a
116  // call-and-reply to a blocking pool thread. |task_info.task| runs on a
117  // blocking pool thread and |task_info.reply| runs on the IO thread.
118  //
119  // If the device is already initialized, post the |task_info.task|
120  // immediately on a blocking pool thread.
121  //
122  // If the device is uninitialized, store the |task_info| in a pending task
123  // list and then runs all the pending tasks once the device is successfully
124  // initialized.
125  void EnsureInitAndRunTask(const PendingTaskInfo& task_info);
127  // Writes data chunk from the device to the snapshot file path based on the
128  // parameters in |current_snapshot_details_| by doing a call-and-reply to a
129  // blocking pool thread.
130  void WriteDataChunkIntoSnapshotFile();
132  // Processes the next pending request.
133  void ProcessNextPendingRequest();
135  // Handles the event that the device is initialized. |succeeded| indicates
136  // whether device initialization succeeded or not. If the device is
137  // successfully initialized, runs the next pending task.
138  void OnInitCompleted(bool succeeded);
140  // Called when GetFileInfo() completes. |file_info| specifies the requested
141  // file details. |error| specifies the platform file error code.
142  //
143  // If the GetFileInfo() succeeds, |success_callback| is invoked to notify the
144  // caller about the |file_info| details.
145  //
146  // If the GetFileInfo() fails, |file_info| is not set and |error_callback| is
147  // invoked to notify the caller about the platform file |error|.
148  void OnGetFileInfo(const GetFileInfoSuccessCallback& success_callback,
149                     const ErrorCallback& error_callback,
150                     base::File::Info* file_info,
151                     base::File::Error error);
153  // Called when ReadDirectory() completes. |file_list| contains the directory
154  // file entries information. |error| specifies the platform file error code.
155  //
156  // If the ReadDirectory() succeeds, |success_callback| is invoked to notify
157  // the caller about the directory file entries.
158  //
159  // If the ReadDirectory() fails, |file_list| is not set and |error_callback|
160  // is invoked to notify the caller about the platform file |error|.
161  void OnDidReadDirectory(const ReadDirectorySuccessCallback& success_callback,
162                          const ErrorCallback& error_callback,
163                          storage::AsyncFileUtil::EntryList* file_list,
164                          base::File::Error error);
166  // Called when the get file stream request completes.
167  // |file_details.request_info| contains the CreateSnapshot request param
168  // details. |error| specifies the platform file error code.
169  //
170  // If the file stream of the device file is successfully
171  // fetched, |file_details| will contain the required details for the creation
172  // of the snapshot file.
173  //
174  // If the get file stream request fails, |error| is set accordingly.
175  void OnGetFileStream(scoped_ptr<SnapshotFileDetails> file_details,
176                       base::File::Error error);
178  // Called when WriteDataChunkIntoSnapshotFile() completes.
179  // |bytes_written| specifies the number of bytes written into the
180  // |snapshot_file_path| during the last write operation.
181  //
182  // If the write operation succeeds, |bytes_written| is set to a non-zero
183  // value.
184  //
185  // If the write operation fails, |bytes_written| is set to zero.
186  void OnWroteDataChunkIntoSnapshotFile(
187      const base::FilePath& snapshot_file_path,
188      DWORD bytes_written);
190  // Portable device initialization state.
191  InitializationState init_state_;
193  // The task runner where the device operation tasks runs.
194  scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> media_task_runner_;
196  // Device storage partition details
197  // (e.g. device path, PnP device id and storage object id).
198  StorageDeviceInfo storage_device_info_;
200  // Used to track the current state of the snapshot file (e.g how many bytes
201  // written to the snapshot file, optimal data transfer size, source file
202  // stream, etc).
203  //
204  // A snapshot file is created incrementally. CreateSnapshotFile request reads
205  // and writes the snapshot file data in chunks. In order to retain the order
206  // of the snapshot file requests, make sure there is only one active snapshot
207  // file request at any time.
208  scoped_ptr<SnapshotFileDetails> current_snapshot_details_;
210  // A list of pending tasks that needs to be run when the device is
211  // initialized or when the current task in progress is complete.
212  std::queue<PendingTaskInfo> pending_tasks_;
214  // Used to make sure only one task is in progress at any time.
215  bool task_in_progress_;
217  // For callbacks that may run after destruction.
218  base::WeakPtrFactory<MTPDeviceDelegateImplWin> weak_ptr_factory_;
220  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MTPDeviceDelegateImplWin);