1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/browser/prefs/tracked/tracked_preference_helper.h"
7#include "base/logging.h"
8#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
11    const std::string& pref_path,
12    size_t reporting_id,
13    size_t reporting_ids_count,
14    PrefHashFilter::EnforcementLevel enforcement_level)
15    : pref_path_(pref_path),
16      reporting_id_(reporting_id), reporting_ids_count_(reporting_ids_count),
17      enforce_(enforcement_level == PrefHashFilter::ENFORCE_ON_LOAD) {
20TrackedPreferenceHelper::ResetAction TrackedPreferenceHelper::GetAction(
21    PrefHashStoreTransaction::ValueState value_state) const {
22  switch (value_state) {
23    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::UNCHANGED:
24      // Desired case, nothing to do.
25      return DONT_RESET;
26    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::CLEARED:
27      // Unfortunate case, but there is nothing we can do.
28      return DONT_RESET;
29    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::TRUSTED_UNKNOWN_VALUE:
30      // It is okay to seed the hash in this case.
31      return DONT_RESET;
32    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::SECURE_LEGACY:
33      // Accept secure legacy device ID based hashes.
34      return DONT_RESET;
35    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::UNTRUSTED_UNKNOWN_VALUE:  // Falls through.
36    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::CHANGED:
37      return enforce_ ? DO_RESET : WANTED_RESET;
38  }
39  NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected PrefHashStoreTransaction::ValueState: "
40               << value_state;
41  return DONT_RESET;
44void TrackedPreferenceHelper::ReportValidationResult(
45    PrefHashStoreTransaction::ValueState value_state) const {
46  switch (value_state) {
47    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::UNCHANGED:
48      UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Settings.TrackedPreferenceUnchanged",
49                                reporting_id_, reporting_ids_count_);
50      return;
51    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::CLEARED:
52      UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Settings.TrackedPreferenceCleared",
53                                reporting_id_, reporting_ids_count_);
54      return;
55    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::SECURE_LEGACY:
57          "Settings.TrackedPreferenceMigratedLegacyDeviceId", reporting_id_,
58          reporting_ids_count_);
59      return;
60    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::CHANGED:
61      UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Settings.TrackedPreferenceChanged",
62                                reporting_id_, reporting_ids_count_);
63      return;
64    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::UNTRUSTED_UNKNOWN_VALUE:
65      UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Settings.TrackedPreferenceInitialized",
66                                reporting_id_, reporting_ids_count_);
67      return;
68    case PrefHashStoreTransaction::TRUSTED_UNKNOWN_VALUE:
69      UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Settings.TrackedPreferenceTrustedInitialized",
70                                reporting_id_, reporting_ids_count_);
71      return;
72  }
73  NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected PrefHashStoreTransaction::ValueState: "
74               << value_state;
77void TrackedPreferenceHelper::ReportAction(ResetAction reset_action) const {
78  switch (reset_action) {
79    case DONT_RESET:
80      // No report for DONT_RESET.
81      break;
82    case WANTED_RESET:
83      UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Settings.TrackedPreferenceWantedReset",
84                                reporting_id_, reporting_ids_count_);
85      break;
86    case DO_RESET:
87      UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Settings.TrackedPreferenceReset",
88                                reporting_id_, reporting_ids_count_);
89      break;
90  }
93void TrackedPreferenceHelper::ReportSplitPreferenceChangedCount(
94    size_t count) const {
95  // The histogram below is an expansion of the UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100 macro
96  // adapted to allow for a dynamically suffixed histogram name.
97  // Note: The factory creates and owns the histogram.
98  base::HistogramBase* histogram =
99      base::LinearHistogram::FactoryGet(
100          "Settings.TrackedSplitPreferenceChanged." + pref_path_,
101          1,
102          100,  // Allow counts up to 100.
103          101,
104          base::HistogramBase::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag);
105  histogram->Add(count);