dom_util.js revision 46d4c2bc3267f3f028f39e7e311b0f89aba2e4fd
1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
6 * @fileoverview A collection of JavaScript utilities used to simplify working
7 * with the DOM.
8 */
23 * Create the namespace
24 * @constructor
25 */
26cvox.DomUtil = function() {
31 * Note: If you are adding a new mapping, the new message identifier needs a
32 * corresponding braille message. For example, a message id 'tag_button'
33 * requires another message 'tag_button_brl' within messages.js.
34 * @type {Object}
35 */
37  'button' : 'input_type_button',
38  'checkbox' : 'input_type_checkbox',
39  'color' : 'input_type_color',
40  'datetime' : 'input_type_datetime',
41  'datetime-local' : 'input_type_datetime_local',
42  'date' : 'input_type_date',
43  'email' : 'input_type_email',
44  'file' : 'input_type_file',
45  'image' : 'input_type_image',
46  'month' : 'input_type_month',
47  'number' : 'input_type_number',
48  'password' : 'input_type_password',
49  'radio' : 'input_type_radio',
50  'range' : 'input_type_range',
51  'reset' : 'input_type_reset',
52  'search' : 'input_type_search',
53  'submit' : 'input_type_submit',
54  'tel' : 'input_type_tel',
55  'text' : 'input_type_text',
56  'url' : 'input_type_url',
57  'week' : 'input_type_week'
62 * Note: If you are adding a new mapping, the new message identifier needs a
63 * corresponding braille message. For example, a message id 'tag_button'
64 * requires another message 'tag_button_brl' within messages.js.
65 * @type {Object}
66 */
68  'A' : 'tag_link',
69  'ARTICLE' : 'tag_article',
70  'ASIDE' : 'tag_aside',
71  'AUDIO' : 'tag_audio',
72  'BUTTON' : 'tag_button',
73  'FOOTER' : 'tag_footer',
74  'H1' : 'tag_h1',
75  'H2' : 'tag_h2',
76  'H3' : 'tag_h3',
77  'H4' : 'tag_h4',
78  'H5' : 'tag_h5',
79  'H6' : 'tag_h6',
80  'HEADER' : 'tag_header',
81  'HGROUP' : 'tag_hgroup',
82  'LI' : 'tag_li',
83  'MARK' : 'tag_mark',
84  'NAV' : 'tag_nav',
85  'OL' : 'tag_ol',
86  'SECTION' : 'tag_section',
87  'SELECT' : 'tag_select',
88  'TABLE' : 'tag_table',
89  'TEXTAREA' : 'tag_textarea',
90  'TIME' : 'tag_time',
91  'UL' : 'tag_ul',
92  'VIDEO' : 'tag_video'
96 * ChromeVox does not speak the omitted tags.
97 * @type {Object}
98 */
100  'AUDIO' : 'tag_audio',
101  'BUTTON' : 'tag_button',
102  'SELECT' : 'tag_select',
103  'TABLE' : 'tag_table',
104  'TEXTAREA' : 'tag_textarea',
105  'VIDEO' : 'tag_video'
109 * These tags are treated as text formatters.
110 * @type {Array.<string>}
111 */
112cvox.DomUtil.FORMATTING_TAGS =
113    ['B', 'BIG', 'CITE', 'CODE', 'DFN', 'EM', 'I', 'KBD', 'SAMP', 'SMALL',
114     'SPAN', 'STRIKE', 'STRONG', 'SUB', 'SUP', 'U', 'VAR'];
117 * Determine if the given node is visible on the page. This does not check if
118 * it is inside the document view-port as some sites try to communicate with
119 * screen readers with such elements.
120 * @param {Node} node The node to determine as visible or not.
121 * @param {Object=} opt_options In certain cases, we already have information
122 *     on the context of the node. To improve performance and avoid redundant
123 *     operations, you may wish to turn certain visibility checks off by
124 *     passing in an options object. The following properties are configurable:
125 *   checkAncestors: {boolean=} True if we should check the ancestor chain
126 *       for forced invisibility traits of descendants. True by default.
127 *   checkDescendants: {boolean=} True if we should consider descendants of
128 *       the  given node for visible elements. True by default.
129 * @return {boolean} True if the node is visible.
130 */
131cvox.DomUtil.isVisible = function(node, opt_options) {
132  opt_options = opt_options || {};
133  if (typeof(opt_options.checkAncestors) === 'undefined') {
134    opt_options.checkAncestors = true;
135  }
136  if (typeof(opt_options.checkDescendants) === 'undefined') {
137    opt_options.checkDescendants = true;
138  }
140  // If the node is an iframe that we can never inject into, consider it hidden.
141  if (node.tagName == 'IFRAME' && !node.src) {
142    return false;
143  }
145  // If the node is being forced visible by ARIA, ARIA wins.
146  if (cvox.AriaUtil.isForcedVisibleRecursive(node)) {
147    return true;
148  }
150  // Confirm that no subtree containing node is invisible.
151  if (opt_options.checkAncestors &&
152      cvox.DomUtil.hasInvisibleAncestor_(node)) {
153    return false;
154  }
156  // If the node's subtree has a visible node, we declare it as visible.
157  var recursive = opt_options.checkDescendants;
158  if (cvox.DomUtil.hasVisibleNodeSubtree_(node, recursive)) {
159    return true;
160  }
162  return false;
167 * Checks the ancestor chain for the given node for invisibility. If an
168 * ancestor is invisible and this cannot be overriden by a descendant,
169 * we return true.
170 * @param {Node} node The node to check the ancestor chain for.
171 * @return {boolean} True if a descendant is invisible.
172 * @private
173 */
174cvox.DomUtil.hasInvisibleAncestor_ = function(node) {
175  var ancestor = node;
176  while (ancestor = ancestor.parentElement) {
177    var style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(ancestor, null);
178    if (cvox.DomUtil.isInvisibleStyle(style, true)) {
179      return true;
180    }
181  }
182  return false;
187 * Checks for a visible node in the subtree defined by root.
188 * @param {Node} root The root of the subtree to check.
189 * @param {boolean} recursive Whether or not to check beyond the root of the
190 *     subtree for visible nodes. This option exists for performance tuning.
191 *     Sometimes we already have information about the descendants, and we do
192 *     not need to check them again.
193 * @return {boolean} True if the subtree contains a visible node.
194 * @private
195 */
196cvox.DomUtil.hasVisibleNodeSubtree_ = function(root, recursive) {
197  if (!(root instanceof Element)) {
198    var parentStyle = document.defaultView
199        .getComputedStyle(root.parentElement, null);
200    var isVisibleParent = !cvox.DomUtil.isInvisibleStyle(parentStyle);
201    return isVisibleParent;
202  }
204  var rootStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(root, null);
205  var isRootVisible = !cvox.DomUtil.isInvisibleStyle(rootStyle);
206  if (isRootVisible) {
207    return true;
208  }
209  var isSubtreeInvisible = cvox.DomUtil.isInvisibleStyle(rootStyle, true);
210  if (!recursive || isSubtreeInvisible) {
211    return false;
212  }
214  // Carry on with a recursive check of the descendants.
215  var children = root.childNodes;
216  for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
217    var child = children[i];
218    if (cvox.DomUtil.hasVisibleNodeSubtree_(child, recursive)) {
219      return true;
220    }
221  }
222  return false;
227 * Determines whether or a node is not visible according to any CSS criteria
228 * that can hide it.
229 * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} style The style of the node to determine as
230 *     invsible or not.
231 * @param {boolean=} opt_strict If set to true, we do not check the visibility
232 *     style attribute. False by default.
233 * CAUTION: Checking the visibility style attribute can result in returning
234 *     true (invisible) even when an element has have visible descendants. This
235 *     is because an element with visibility:hidden can have descendants that
236 *     are visible.
237 * @return {boolean} True if the node is invisible.
238 */
239cvox.DomUtil.isInvisibleStyle = function(style, opt_strict) {
240  if (!style) {
241    return false;
242  }
243  if (style.display == 'none') {
244    return true;
245  }
246  // Opacity values range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).
247  if (parseFloat(style.opacity) == 0) {
248    return true;
249  }
250  // Visibility style tests for non-strict checking.
251  if (!opt_strict &&
252      (style.visibility == 'hidden' || style.visibility == 'collapse')) {
253    return true;
254  }
255  return false;
260 * Determines whether a control should be announced as disabled.
261 *
262 * @param {Node} node The node to be examined.
263 * @return {boolean} Whether or not the node is disabled.
264 */
265cvox.DomUtil.isDisabled = function(node) {
266  if (node.disabled) {
267    return true;
268  }
269  var ancestor = node;
270  while (ancestor = ancestor.parentElement) {
271    if (ancestor.tagName == 'FIELDSET' && ancestor.disabled) {
272      return true;
273    }
274  }
275  return false;
280 * Determines whether a node is an HTML5 semantic element
281 *
282 * @param {Node} node The node to be checked.
283 * @return {boolean} True if the node is an HTML5 semantic element.
284 */
285cvox.DomUtil.isSemanticElt = function(node) {
286  if (node.tagName) {
287    var tag = node.tagName;
288    if ((tag == 'SECTION') || (tag == 'NAV') || (tag == 'ARTICLE') ||
289        (tag == 'ASIDE') || (tag == 'HGROUP') || (tag == 'HEADER') ||
290        (tag == 'FOOTER') || (tag == 'TIME') || (tag == 'MARK')) {
291      return true;
292    }
293  }
294  return false;
299 * Determines whether or not a node is a leaf node.
300 * TODO (adu): This function is doing a lot more than just checking for the
301 *     presence of descendants. We should be more precise in the documentation
302 *     about what we mean by leaf node.
303 *
304 * @param {Node} node The node to be checked.
305 * @param {boolean=} opt_allowHidden Allows hidden nodes during descent.
306 * @return {boolean} True if the node is a leaf node.
307 */
308cvox.DomUtil.isLeafNode = function(node, opt_allowHidden) {
309  // If it's not an Element, then it's a leaf if it has no first child.
310  if (!(node instanceof Element)) {
311    return (node.firstChild == null);
312  }
314  // Now we know for sure it's an element.
315  var element = /** @type {Element} */(node);
316  if (!opt_allowHidden &&
317      !cvox.DomUtil.isVisible(element, {checkAncestors: false})) {
318    return true;
319  }
320  if (!opt_allowHidden && cvox.AriaUtil.isHidden(element)) {
321    return true;
322  }
323  if (cvox.AriaUtil.isLeafElement(element)) {
324    return true;
325  }
326  switch (element.tagName) {
327    case 'OBJECT':
328    case 'EMBED':
329    case 'VIDEO':
330    case 'AUDIO':
331    case 'IFRAME':
332    case 'FRAME':
333      return true;
334  }
336  if (!!cvox.DomPredicates.linkPredicate([element])) {
337    return !cvox.DomUtil.findNode(element, function(node) {
338      return !!cvox.DomPredicates.headingPredicate([node]);
339    });
340  }
341  if (cvox.DomUtil.isLeafLevelControl(element)) {
342    return true;
343  }
344  if (!element.firstChild) {
345    return true;
346  }
347  if (cvox.DomUtil.isMath(element)) {
348    return true;
349  }
350  if (cvox.DomPredicates.headingPredicate([element])) {
351    return !cvox.DomUtil.findNode(element, function(n) {
352      return !!cvox.DomPredicates.controlPredicate([n]);
353    });
354  }
355  return false;
360 * Determines whether or not a node is or is the descendant of a node
361 * with a particular tag or class name.
362 *
363 * @param {Node} node The node to be checked.
364 * @param {?string} tagName The tag to check for, or null if the tag
365 * doesn't matter.
366 * @param {?string=} className The class to check for, or null if the class
367 * doesn't matter.
368 * @return {boolean} True if the node or one of its ancestor has the specified
369 * tag.
370 */
371cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOf = function(node, tagName, className) {
372  while (node) {
374    if (tagName && className &&
375        (node.tagName && (node.tagName == tagName)) &&
376        (node.className && (node.className == className))) {
377      return true;
378    } else if (tagName && !className &&
379               (node.tagName && (node.tagName == tagName))) {
380      return true;
381    } else if (!tagName && className &&
382               (node.className && (node.className == className))) {
383      return true;
384    }
385    node = node.parentNode;
386  }
387  return false;
392 * Determines whether or not a node is or is the descendant of another node.
393 *
394 * @param {Object} node The node to be checked.
395 * @param {Object} ancestor The node to see if it's a descendant of.
396 * @return {boolean} True if the node is ancestor or is a descendant of it.
397 */
398cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOfNode = function(node, ancestor) {
399  while (node && ancestor) {
400    if (node.isSameNode(ancestor)) {
401      return true;
402    }
403    node = node.parentNode;
404  }
405  return false;
410 * Remove all whitespace from the beginning and end, and collapse all
411 * inner strings of whitespace to a single space.
412 * @param {string} str The input string.
413 * @return {string} The string with whitespace collapsed.
414 */
415cvox.DomUtil.collapseWhitespace = function(str) {
416  return str.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
420 * Gets the base label of a node. I don't know exactly what this is.
421 *
422 * @param {Node} node The node to get the label from.
423 * @param {boolean=} recursive Whether or not the element's subtree
424 *  should be used; true by default.
425 * @param {boolean=} includeControls Whether or not controls in the subtree
426 *  should be included; true by default.
427 * @return {string} The base label of the node.
428 * @private
429 */
430cvox.DomUtil.getBaseLabel_ = function(node, recursive, includeControls) {
431  var label = '';
432  if (node.hasAttribute) {
433    if (node.hasAttribute('aria-labelledby')) {
434      var labelNodeIds = node.getAttribute('aria-labelledby').split(' ');
435      for (var labelNodeId, i = 0; labelNodeId = labelNodeIds[i]; i++) {
436        var labelNode = document.getElementById(labelNodeId);
437        if (labelNode) {
438          label += ' ' + cvox.DomUtil.getName(
439              labelNode, true, includeControls, true);
440        }
441      }
442    } else if (node.hasAttribute('aria-label')) {
443      label = node.getAttribute('aria-label');
444    } else if (node.constructor == HTMLImageElement) {
445      label = cvox.DomUtil.getImageTitle(node);
446    } else if (node.tagName == 'FIELDSET') {
447      // Other labels will trump fieldset legend with this implementation.
448      // Depending on how this works out on the web, we may later switch this
449      // to appending the fieldset legend to any existing label.
450      var legends = node.getElementsByTagName('LEGEND');
451      label = '';
452      for (var legend, i = 0; legend = legends[i]; i++) {
453        label += ' ' + cvox.DomUtil.getName(legend, true, includeControls);
454      }
455    }
457    if (label.length == 0 && node && {
458      var labelFor = document.querySelector('label[for="' + + '"]');
459      if (labelFor) {
460        label = cvox.DomUtil.getName(labelFor, recursive, includeControls);
461      }
462    }
463  }
464  return cvox.DomUtil.collapseWhitespace(label);
468 * Gets the nearest label in the ancestor chain, if one exists.
469 * @param {Node} node The node to start from.
470 * @return {string} The label.
471 * @private
472 */
473cvox.DomUtil.getNearestAncestorLabel_ = function(node) {
474  var label = '';
475  var enclosingLabel = node;
476  while (enclosingLabel && enclosingLabel.tagName != 'LABEL') {
477    enclosingLabel = enclosingLabel.parentElement;
478  }
479  if (enclosingLabel && !enclosingLabel.hasAttribute('for')) {
480    // Get all text from the label but don't include any controls.
481    label = cvox.DomUtil.getName(enclosingLabel, true, false);
482  }
483  return label;
488 * Gets the name for an input element.
489 * @param {Node} node The node.
490 * @return {string} The name.
491 * @private
492 */
493cvox.DomUtil.getInputName_ = function(node) {
494  var label = '';
495  if (node.type == 'image') {
496    label = cvox.DomUtil.getImageTitle(node);
497  } else if (node.type == 'submit') {
498    if (node.hasAttribute('value')) {
499      label = node.getAttribute('value');
500    } else {
501      label = 'Submit';
502    }
503  } else if (node.type == 'reset') {
504    if (node.hasAttribute('value')) {
505      label = node.getAttribute('value');
506    } else {
507      label = 'Reset';
508    }
509  } else if (node.type == 'button') {
510    if (node.hasAttribute('value')) {
511      label = node.getAttribute('value');
512    }
513  }
514  return label;
518 * Wraps getName_ with marking and unmarking nodes so that infinite loops
519 * don't occur. This is the ugly way to solve this; getName should not ever
520 * do a recursive call somewhere above it in the tree.
521 * @param {Node} node See getName_.
522 * @param {boolean=} recursive See getName_.
523 * @param {boolean=} includeControls See getName_.
524 * @param {boolean=} opt_allowHidden Allows hidden nodes in name computation.
525 * @return {string} See getName_.
526 */
527cvox.DomUtil.getName = function(
528    node, recursive, includeControls, opt_allowHidden) {
529  if (!node || node.cvoxGetNameMarked == true) {
530    return '';
531  }
532  node.cvoxGetNameMarked = true;
533  var ret =
534      cvox.DomUtil.getName_(node, recursive, includeControls, opt_allowHidden);
535  node.cvoxGetNameMarked = false;
536  var prefix = cvox.DomUtil.getPrefixText(node);
537  return prefix + ret;
540// TODO(dtseng): Seems like this list should be longer...
542 * Determines if a node has a name obtained from concatinating the names of its
543 * children.
544 * @param {!Node} node The node under consideration.
545 * @param {boolean=} opt_allowHidden Allows hidden nodes in name computation.
546 * @return {boolean} True if node has name based on children.
547 * @private
548 */
549cvox.DomUtil.hasChildrenBasedName_ = function(node, opt_allowHidden) {
550  if (!!cvox.DomPredicates.linkPredicate([node]) ||
551      !!cvox.DomPredicates.headingPredicate([node]) ||
552      node.tagName == 'BUTTON' ||
553      cvox.AriaUtil.isControlWidget(node) ||
554      !cvox.DomUtil.isLeafNode(node, opt_allowHidden)) {
555    return true;
556  } else {
557    return false;
558  }
562 * Get the name of a node: this includes all static text content and any
563 * HTML-author-specified label, title, alt text, aria-label, etc. - but
564 * does not include:
565 * - the user-generated control value (use getValue)
566 * - the current state (use getState)
567 * - the role (use getRole)
568 *
569 * Order of precedence:
570 *   Text content if it's a text node.
571 *   aria-labelledby
572 *   aria-label
573 *   alt (for an image)
574 *   title
575 *   label (for a control)
576 *   placeholder (for an input element)
577 *   recursive calls to getName on all children
578 *
579 * @param {Node} node The node to get the name from.
580 * @param {boolean=} recursive Whether or not the element's subtree should
581 *     be used; true by default.
582 * @param {boolean=} includeControls Whether or not controls in the subtree
583 *     should be included; true by default.
584 * @param {boolean=} opt_allowHidden Allows hidden nodes in name computation.
585 * @return {string} The name of the node.
586 * @private
587 */
588cvox.DomUtil.getName_ = function(
589    node, recursive, includeControls, opt_allowHidden) {
590  if (typeof(recursive) === 'undefined') {
591    recursive = true;
592  }
593  if (typeof(includeControls) === 'undefined') {
594    includeControls = true;
595  }
597  if (node.constructor == Text) {
598    return;
599  }
601  var label = cvox.DomUtil.getBaseLabel_(node, recursive, includeControls);
603  if (label.length == 0 && cvox.DomUtil.isControl(node)) {
604    label = cvox.DomUtil.getNearestAncestorLabel_(node);
605  }
607  if (label.length == 0 && node.constructor == HTMLInputElement) {
608    label = cvox.DomUtil.getInputName_(node);
609  }
611  if (cvox.DomUtil.isInputTypeText(node) && node.hasAttribute('placeholder')) {
612    var placeholder = node.getAttribute('placeholder');
613    if (label.length > 0) {
614      if (cvox.DomUtil.getValue(node).length > 0) {
615        return label;
616      } else {
617        return label + ' with hint ' + placeholder;
618      }
619    } else {
620      return placeholder;
621    }
622  }
624  if (label.length > 0) {
625    return label;
626  }
628  // Fall back to naming via title only if there is no text content.
629  if (cvox.DomUtil.collapseWhitespace(node.textContent).length == 0 &&
630      node.hasAttribute &&
631      node.hasAttribute('title')) {
632    return node.getAttribute('title');
633  }
635  if (!recursive) {
636    return '';
637  }
639  if (cvox.AriaUtil.isCompositeControl(node)) {
640    return '';
641  }
642  if (cvox.DomUtil.hasChildrenBasedName_(node, opt_allowHidden)) {
643    return cvox.DomUtil.getNameFromChildren(
644        node, includeControls, opt_allowHidden);
645  }
646  return '';
651 * Get the name from the children of a node, not including the node itself.
652 *
653 * @param {Node} node The node to get the name from.
654 * @param {boolean=} includeControls Whether or not controls in the subtree
655 *     should be included; true by default.
656 * @param {boolean=} opt_allowHidden Allow hidden nodes in name computation.
657 * @return {string} The concatenated text of all child nodes.
658 */
659cvox.DomUtil.getNameFromChildren = function(
660    node, includeControls, opt_allowHidden) {
661  if (includeControls == undefined) {
662    includeControls = true;
663  }
664  var name = '';
665  var delimiter = '';
666  for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
667    var child = node.childNodes[i];
668    var prevChild = node.childNodes[i - 1] || child;
669    if (!includeControls && cvox.DomUtil.isControl(child)) {
670      continue;
671    }
672    var isVisible = cvox.DomUtil.isVisible(child, {checkAncestors: false});
673    if (opt_allowHidden || (isVisible && !cvox.AriaUtil.isHidden(child))) {
674      delimiter = (prevChild.tagName == 'SPAN' ||
675                   child.tagName == 'SPAN' ||
676                   child.parentNode.tagName == 'SPAN') ?
677          '' : ' ';
678      name += delimiter + cvox.DomUtil.getName(child, true, includeControls);
679    }
680  }
682  return name;
686 * Get any prefix text for the given node.
687 * This includes list style text for the leftmost leaf node under a listitem.
688 * @param {Node} node Compute prefix for this node.
689 * @param {number=} opt_index Starting offset into the given node's text.
690 * @return {string} Prefix text, if any.
691 */
692cvox.DomUtil.getPrefixText = function(node, opt_index) {
693  opt_index = opt_index || 0;
695  // Generate list style text.
696  var ancestors = cvox.DomUtil.getAncestors(node);
697  var prefix = '';
698  var firstListitem = cvox.DomPredicates.listItemPredicate(ancestors);
700  var leftmost = firstListitem;
701  while (leftmost && leftmost.firstChild) {
702    leftmost = leftmost.firstChild;
703  }
705  // Do nothing if we're not at the leftmost leaf.
706  if (firstListitem &&
707      firstListitem.parentNode &&
708      opt_index == 0 &&
709      firstListitem.parentNode.tagName == 'OL' &&
710          node == leftmost &&
711      document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(firstListitem.parentNode)
712          .listStyleType != 'none') {
713    var items = cvox.DomUtil.toArray(firstListitem.parentNode.children).filter(
714        function(li) { return li.tagName == 'LI'; });
715    var position = items.indexOf(firstListitem) + 1;
716    // TODO(dtseng): Support all list style types.
717    if (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(
718            firstListitem.parentNode).listStyleType.indexOf('latin') != -1) {
719      position--;
720      prefix = String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt(0) + position % 26);
721    } else {
722      prefix = position;
723    }
724    prefix += '. ';
725  }
726  return prefix;
731 * Use heuristics to guess at the label of a control, to be used if one
732 * is not explicitly set in the DOM. This is useful when a control
733 * field gets focus, but probably not useful when browsing the page
734 * element at a time.
735 * @param {Node} node The node to get the label from.
736 * @return {string} The name of the control, using heuristics.
737 */
738cvox.DomUtil.getControlLabelHeuristics = function(node) {
739  // If the node explicitly has aria-label or title set to '',
740  // treat it the same way as alt='' and do not guess - just assume
741  // the web developer knew what they were doing and wanted
742  // no title/label for that control.
743  if (node.hasAttribute &&
744      ((node.hasAttribute('aria-label') &&
745      (node.getAttribute('aria-label') == '')) ||
746      (node.hasAttribute('aria-title') &&
747      (node.getAttribute('aria-title') == '')))) {
748    return '';
749  }
751  // TODO (clchen, rshearer): Implement heuristics for getting the label
752  // information from the table headers once the code for getting table
753  // headers quickly is implemented.
755  // If no description has been found yet and heuristics are enabled,
756  // then try getting the content from the closest node.
757  var prevNode = cvox.DomUtil.previousLeafNode(node);
758  var prevTraversalCount = 0;
759  while (prevNode && (!cvox.DomUtil.hasContent(prevNode) ||
760      cvox.DomUtil.isControl(prevNode))) {
761    prevNode = cvox.DomUtil.previousLeafNode(prevNode);
762    prevTraversalCount++;
763  }
764  var nextNode = cvox.DomUtil.directedNextLeafNode(node);
765  var nextTraversalCount = 0;
766  while (nextNode && (!cvox.DomUtil.hasContent(nextNode) ||
767      cvox.DomUtil.isControl(nextNode))) {
768    nextNode = cvox.DomUtil.directedNextLeafNode(nextNode);
769    nextTraversalCount++;
770  }
771  var guessedLabelNode;
772  if (prevNode && nextNode) {
773    var parentNode = node;
774    // Count the number of parent nodes until there is a shared parent; the
775    // label is most likely in the same branch of the DOM as the control.
776    // TODO (chaitanyag): Try to generalize this algorithm and move it to
777    // its own function in DOM Utils.
778    var prevCount = 0;
779    while (parentNode) {
780      if (cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOfNode(prevNode, parentNode)) {
781        break;
782      }
783      parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
784      prevCount++;
785    }
786    parentNode = node;
787    var nextCount = 0;
788    while (parentNode) {
789      if (cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOfNode(nextNode, parentNode)) {
790        break;
791      }
792      parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
793      nextCount++;
794    }
795    guessedLabelNode = nextCount < prevCount ? nextNode : prevNode;
796  } else {
797    guessedLabelNode = prevNode || nextNode;
798  }
799  if (guessedLabelNode) {
800    return cvox.DomUtil.collapseWhitespace(
801        cvox.DomUtil.getValue(guessedLabelNode) + ' ' +
802        cvox.DomUtil.getName(guessedLabelNode));
803  }
805  return '';
810 * Get the text value of a node: the selected value of a select control or the
811 * current text of a text control. Does not return the state of a checkbox
812 * or radio button.
813 *
814 * Not recursive.
815 *
816 * @param {Node} node The node to get the value from.
817 * @return {string} The value of the node.
818 */
819cvox.DomUtil.getValue = function(node) {
820  var activeDescendant = cvox.AriaUtil.getActiveDescendant(node);
821  if (activeDescendant) {
822    return cvox.DomUtil.collapseWhitespace(
823        cvox.DomUtil.getValue(activeDescendant) + ' ' +
824        cvox.DomUtil.getName(activeDescendant));
825  }
827  if (node.constructor == HTMLSelectElement) {
828    node = /** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */(node);
829    var value = '';
830    var start = node.selectedOptions ? node.selectedOptions[0] : null;
831    var end = node.selectedOptions ?
832        node.selectedOptions[node.selectedOptions.length - 1] : null;
833    // TODO(dtseng): Keeping this stateless means we describe the start and end
834    // of the selection only since we don't know which was added or
835    // removed. Once we keep the previous selection, we can read the diff.
836    if (start && end && start != end) {
837      value = cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg(
838        'selected_options_value', [start.text, end.text]);
839    } else if (start) {
840      value = start.text + '';
841    }
842    return value;
843  }
845  if (node.constructor == HTMLTextAreaElement) {
846    return node.value;
847  }
849  if (node.constructor == HTMLInputElement) {
850    switch (node.type) {
851      // Returning '' for inputs that are covered by getName.
852      case 'hidden':
853      case 'image':
854      case 'submit':
855      case 'reset':
856      case 'button':
857      case 'checkbox':
858      case 'radio':
859        return '';
860      case 'password':
861        return node.value.replace(/./g, 'dot ');
862      default:
863        return node.value;
864    }
865  }
867  if (node.isContentEditable) {
868    return cvox.DomUtil.getNameFromChildren(node, true);
869  }
871  return '';
876 * Given an image node, return its title as a string. The preferred title
877 * is always the alt text, and if that's not available, then the title
878 * attribute. If neither of those are available, it attempts to construct
879 * a title from the filename, and if all else fails returns the word Image.
880 * @param {Node} node The image node.
881 * @return {string} The title of the image.
882 */
883cvox.DomUtil.getImageTitle = function(node) {
884  var text;
885  if (node.hasAttribute('alt')) {
886    text = node.alt;
887  } else if (node.hasAttribute('title')) {
888    text = node.title;
889  } else {
890    var url = node.src;
891    if (url.substring(0, 4) != 'data') {
892      var filename = url.substring(
893          url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, url.lastIndexOf('.'));
895      // Hack to not speak the filename if it's ridiculously long.
896      if (filename.length >= 1 && filename.length <= 16) {
897        text = filename + ' Image';
898      } else {
899        text = 'Image';
900      }
901    } else {
902      text = 'Image';
903    }
904  }
905  return text;
910 * Search the whole page for any aria-labelledby attributes and collect
911 * the complete set of ids they map to, so that we can skip elements that
912 * just label other elements and not double-speak them. We cache this
913 * result and then throw it away at the next event loop.
914 * @return {Object.<string, boolean>} Set of all ids that are mapped
915 *     by aria-labelledby.
916 */
917cvox.DomUtil.getLabelledByTargets = function() {
918  if (cvox.labelledByTargets) {
919    return cvox.labelledByTargets;
920  }
922  // Start by getting all elements with
923  // aria-labelledby on the page since that's probably a short list,
924  // then see if any of those ids overlap with an id in this element's
925  // ancestor chain.
926  var labelledByElements = document.querySelectorAll('[aria-labelledby]');
927  var labelledByTargets = {};
928  for (var i = 0; i < labelledByElements.length; ++i) {
929    var element = labelledByElements[i];
930    var attrValue = element.getAttribute('aria-labelledby');
931    var ids = attrValue.split(/ +/);
932    for (var j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) {
933      labelledByTargets[ids[j]] = true;
934    }
935  }
936  cvox.labelledByTargets = labelledByTargets;
938  window.setTimeout(function() {
939    cvox.labelledByTargets = null;
940  }, 0);
942  return labelledByTargets;
947 * Determines whether or not a node has content.
948 *
949 * @param {Node} node The node to be checked.
950 * @return {boolean} True if the node has content.
951 */
952cvox.DomUtil.hasContent = function(node) {
953  // nodeType:8 == COMMENT_NODE
954  if (node.nodeType == 8) {
955    return false;
956  }
958  // Exclude anything in the head
959  if (cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOf(node, 'HEAD')) {
960    return false;
961  }
963  // Exclude script nodes
964  if (cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOf(node, 'SCRIPT')) {
965    return false;
966  }
968  // Exclude noscript nodes
969  if (cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOf(node, 'NOSCRIPT')) {
970    return false;
971  }
973  // Exclude noembed nodes since NOEMBED is deprecated. We treat
974  // noembed as having not content rather than try to get its content since
975  // Chrome will return raw HTML content rather than a valid DOM subtree.
976  if (cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOf(node, 'NOEMBED')) {
977    return false;
978  }
980  // Exclude style nodes that have been dumped into the body.
981  if (cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOf(node, 'STYLE')) {
982    return false;
983  }
985  // Check the style to exclude undisplayed/hidden nodes.
986  if (!cvox.DomUtil.isVisible(node)) {
987    return false;
988  }
990  // Ignore anything that is hidden by ARIA.
991  if (cvox.AriaUtil.isHidden(node)) {
992    return false;
993  }
995  // We need to speak controls, including those with no value entered. We
996  // therefore treat visible controls as if they had content, and return true
997  // below.
998  if (cvox.DomUtil.isControl(node)) {
999    return true;
1000  }
1002  // Videos are always considered to have content so that we can navigate to
1003  // and use the controls of the video widget.
1004  if (cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOf(node, 'VIDEO')) {
1005    return true;
1006  }
1007  // Audio elements are always considered to have content so that we can
1008  // navigate to and use the controls of the audio widget.
1009  if (cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOf(node, 'AUDIO')) {
1010    return true;
1011  }
1013  // We want to try to jump into an iframe iff it has a src attribute.
1014  // For right now, we will avoid iframes without any content in their src since
1015  // ChromeVox is not being injected in those cases and will cause the user to
1016  // get stuck.
1017  // TODO (clchen, dmazzoni): Manually inject ChromeVox for iframes without src.
1018  if ((node.tagName == 'IFRAME') && (node.src) &&
1019      (node.src.indexOf('javascript:') != 0)) {
1020    return true;
1021  }
1023  var controlQuery = 'button,input,select,textarea';
1025  // Skip any non-control content inside of a label if the label is
1026  // correctly associated with a control, the label text will get spoken
1027  // when the control is reached.
1028  var enclosingLabel = node.parentElement;
1029  while (enclosingLabel && enclosingLabel.tagName != 'LABEL') {
1030    enclosingLabel = enclosingLabel.parentElement;
1031  }
1032  if (enclosingLabel) {
1033    var embeddedControl = enclosingLabel.querySelector(controlQuery);
1034    if (enclosingLabel.hasAttribute('for')) {
1035      var targetId = enclosingLabel.getAttribute('for');
1036      var targetNode = document.getElementById(targetId);
1037      if (targetNode &&
1038          cvox.DomUtil.isControl(targetNode) &&
1039          !embeddedControl) {
1040        return false;
1041      }
1042    } else if (embeddedControl) {
1043      return false;
1044    }
1045  }
1047  // Skip any non-control content inside of a legend if the legend is correctly
1048  // nested within a fieldset. The legend text will get spoken when the fieldset
1049  // is reached.
1050  var enclosingLegend = node.parentElement;
1051  while (enclosingLegend && enclosingLegend.tagName != 'LEGEND') {
1052    enclosingLegend = enclosingLegend.parentElement;
1053  }
1054  if (enclosingLegend) {
1055    var legendAncestor = enclosingLegend.parentElement;
1056    while (legendAncestor && legendAncestor.tagName != 'FIELDSET') {
1057      legendAncestor = legendAncestor.parentElement;
1058    }
1059    var embeddedControl =
1060        legendAncestor && legendAncestor.querySelector(controlQuery);
1061    if (legendAncestor && !embeddedControl) {
1062      return false;
1063    }
1064  }
1066  if (!!cvox.DomPredicates.linkPredicate([node])) {
1067    return true;
1068  }
1070  // At this point, any non-layout tables are considered to have content.
1071  // For layout tables, it is safe to consider them as without content since the
1072  // sync operation would select a descendant of a layout table if possible. The
1073  // only instance where |hasContent| gets called on a layout table is if no
1074  // descendants have content (see ||).
1075  if (node.tagName == 'TABLE' && !cvox.DomUtil.isLayoutTable(node)) {
1076    return true;
1077  }
1079  // Math is always considered to have content.
1080  if (cvox.DomUtil.isMath(node)) {
1081    return true;
1082  }
1084  if (cvox.DomPredicates.headingPredicate([node])) {
1085    return true;
1086  }
1088  if (cvox.DomUtil.isFocusable(node)) {
1089    return true;
1090  }
1092  // Skip anything referenced by another element on the page
1093  // via aria-labelledby.
1094  var labelledByTargets = cvox.DomUtil.getLabelledByTargets();
1095  var enclosingNodeWithId = node;
1096  while (enclosingNodeWithId) {
1097    if ( &&
1098        labelledByTargets[]) {
1099      // If we got here, some element on this page has an aria-labelledby
1100      // attribute listing this node as its id. As long as that "some" element
1101      // is not this element, we should return false, indicating this element
1102      // should be skipped.
1103      var attrValue = enclosingNodeWithId.getAttribute('aria-labelledby');
1104      if (attrValue) {
1105        var ids = attrValue.split(/ +/);
1106        if (ids.indexOf( == -1) {
1107          return false;
1108        }
1109      } else {
1110        return false;
1111      }
1112    }
1113    enclosingNodeWithId = enclosingNodeWithId.parentElement;
1114  }
1116  var text = cvox.DomUtil.getValue(node) + ' ' + cvox.DomUtil.getName(node);
1117  var state = cvox.DomUtil.getState(node, true);
1118  if (text.match(/^\s+$/) && state === '') {
1119    // Text only contains whitespace
1120    return false;
1121  }
1123  return true;
1128 * Returns a list of all the ancestors of a given node. The last element
1129 * is the current node.
1130 *
1131 * @param {Node} targetNode The node to get ancestors for.
1132 * @return {Array.<Node>} An array of ancestors for the targetNode.
1133 */
1134cvox.DomUtil.getAncestors = function(targetNode) {
1135  var ancestors = new Array();
1136  while (targetNode) {
1137    ancestors.push(targetNode);
1138    targetNode = targetNode.parentNode;
1139  }
1140  ancestors.reverse();
1141  while (ancestors.length && !ancestors[0].tagName && !ancestors[0].nodeValue) {
1142    ancestors.shift();
1143  }
1144  return ancestors;
1149 * Compares Ancestors of A with Ancestors of B and returns
1150 * the index value in B at which B diverges from A.
1151 * If there is no divergence, the result will be -1.
1152 * Note that if B is the same as A except B has more nodes
1153 * even after A has ended, that is considered a divergence.
1154 * The first node that B has which A does not have will
1155 * be treated as the divergence point.
1156 *
1157 * @param {Object} ancestorsA The array of ancestors for Node A.
1158 * @param {Object} ancestorsB The array of ancestors for Node B.
1159 * @return {number} The index of the divergence point (the first node that B has
1160 * which A does not have in B's list of ancestors).
1161 */
1162cvox.DomUtil.compareAncestors = function(ancestorsA, ancestorsB) {
1163  var i = 0;
1164  while (ancestorsA[i] && ancestorsB[i] && (ancestorsA[i] == ancestorsB[i])) {
1165    i++;
1166  }
1167  if (!ancestorsA[i] && !ancestorsB[i]) {
1168    i = -1;
1169  }
1170  return i;
1175 * Returns an array of ancestors that are unique for the currentNode when
1176 * compared to the previousNode. Having such an array is useful in generating
1177 * the node information (identifying when interesting node boundaries have been
1178 * crossed, etc.).
1179 *
1180 * @param {Node} previousNode The previous node.
1181 * @param {Node} currentNode The current node.
1182 * @param {boolean=} opt_fallback True returns node's ancestors in the case
1183 * where node's ancestors is a subset of previousNode's ancestors.
1184 * @return {Array.<Node>} An array of unique ancestors for the current node
1185 * (inclusive).
1186 */
1187cvox.DomUtil.getUniqueAncestors = function(
1188    previousNode, currentNode, opt_fallback) {
1189  var prevAncestors = cvox.DomUtil.getAncestors(previousNode);
1190  var currentAncestors = cvox.DomUtil.getAncestors(currentNode);
1191  var divergence = cvox.DomUtil.compareAncestors(prevAncestors,
1192      currentAncestors);
1193  var diff = currentAncestors.slice(divergence);
1194  return (diff.length == 0 && opt_fallback) ? currentAncestors : diff;
1199 * Returns a role message identifier for a node.
1200 * For a localized string, see cvox.DomUtil.getRole.
1201 * @param {Node} targetNode The node to get the role name for.
1202 * @param {number} verbosity The verbosity setting to use.
1203 * @return {string} The role message identifier for the targetNode.
1204 */
1205cvox.DomUtil.getRoleMsg = function(targetNode, verbosity) {
1206  var info;
1207  info = cvox.AriaUtil.getRoleNameMsg(targetNode);
1208  if (!info) {
1209    if (targetNode.tagName == 'INPUT') {
1210      info = cvox.DomUtil.INPUT_TYPE_TO_INFORMATION_TABLE_MSG[targetNode.type];
1211    } else if (targetNode.tagName == 'A' &&
1212        cvox.DomUtil.isInternalLink(targetNode)) {
1213      info = 'internal_link';
1214    } else if (targetNode.tagName == 'A' &&
1215        targetNode.getAttribute('name')) {
1216      info = ''; // Don't want to add any role to anchors.
1217    } else if (targetNode.isContentEditable) {
1218      info = 'input_type_text';
1219    } else if (cvox.DomUtil.isMath(targetNode)) {
1220      info = 'math_expr';
1221    } else if (targetNode.tagName == 'TABLE' &&
1222        cvox.DomUtil.isLayoutTable(targetNode)) {
1223      info = '';
1224    } else {
1225      if (verbosity == cvox.VERBOSITY_BRIEF) {
1226        info =
1227            cvox.DomUtil.TAG_TO_INFORMATION_TABLE_BRIEF_MSG[targetNode.tagName];
1228      } else {
1229        info = cvox.DomUtil.TAG_TO_INFORMATION_TABLE_VERBOSE_MSG[
1230          targetNode.tagName];
1232        if (cvox.DomUtil.hasLongDesc(targetNode)) {
1233          info = 'image_with_long_desc';
1234        }
1236        if (!info && targetNode.onclick) {
1237          info = 'clickable';
1238        }
1239      }
1240    }
1241  }
1243  return info;
1248 * Returns a string to be presented to the user that identifies what the
1249 * targetNode's role is.
1250 * ARIA roles are given priority; if there is no ARIA role set, the role
1251 * will be determined by the HTML tag for the node.
1252 *
1253 * @param {Node} targetNode The node to get the role name for.
1254 * @param {number} verbosity The verbosity setting to use.
1255 * @return {string} The role name for the targetNode.
1256 */
1257cvox.DomUtil.getRole = function(targetNode, verbosity) {
1258  var roleMsg = cvox.DomUtil.getRoleMsg(targetNode, verbosity) || '';
1259  var role = roleMsg && roleMsg != ' ' ?
1260      cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg(roleMsg) : '';
1261  return role ? role : roleMsg;
1266 * Count the number of items in a list node.
1267 *
1268 * @param {Node} targetNode The list node.
1269 * @return {number} The number of items in the list.
1270 */
1271cvox.DomUtil.getListLength = function(targetNode) {
1272  var count = 0;
1273  for (var node = targetNode.firstChild;
1274       node;
1275       node = node.nextSibling) {
1276    if (cvox.DomUtil.isVisible(node) &&
1277        (node.tagName == 'LI' ||
1278        (node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute('role') == 'listitem'))) {
1279      if (node.hasAttribute('aria-setsize')) {
1280        var ariaLength = parseInt(node.getAttribute('aria-setsize'), 10);
1281        if (!isNaN(ariaLength)) {
1282          return ariaLength;
1283        }
1284      }
1285      count++;
1286    }
1287  }
1288  return count;
1293 * Returns a NodeState that gives information about the state of the targetNode.
1294 *
1295 * @param {Node} targetNode The node to get the state information for.
1296 * @param {boolean} primary Whether this is the primary node we're
1297 *     interested in, where we might want extra information - as
1298 *     opposed to an ancestor, where we might be more brief.
1299 * @return {cvox.NodeState} The status information about the node.
1300 */
1301cvox.DomUtil.getStateMsgs = function(targetNode, primary) {
1302  var activeDescendant = cvox.AriaUtil.getActiveDescendant(targetNode);
1303  if (activeDescendant) {
1304    return cvox.DomUtil.getStateMsgs(activeDescendant, primary);
1305  }
1306  var info = [];
1307  var role = targetNode.getAttribute ? targetNode.getAttribute('role') : '';
1308  info = cvox.AriaUtil.getStateMsgs(targetNode, primary);
1309  if (!info) {
1310    info = [];
1311  }
1313  if (targetNode.tagName == 'INPUT') {
1314    if (!targetNode.hasAttribute('aria-checked')) {
1315      var INPUT_MSGS = {
1316        'checkbox-true': 'checkbox_checked_state',
1317        'checkbox-false': 'checkbox_unchecked_state',
1318        'radio-true': 'radio_selected_state',
1319        'radio-false': 'radio_unselected_state' };
1320      var msgId = INPUT_MSGS[targetNode.type + '-' + !!targetNode.checked];
1321      if (msgId) {
1322        info.push([msgId]);
1323      }
1324    }
1325  } else if (targetNode.tagName == 'SELECT') {
1326    if (targetNode.selectedOptions && targetNode.selectedOptions.length <= 1) {
1327      info.push(['list_position',
1328                 cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getNumber(targetNode.selectedIndex + 1),
1329                 cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getNumber(targetNode.options.length)]);
1330    } else {
1331      info.push(['selected_options_state',
1332          cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getNumber(targetNode.selectedOptions.length)]);
1333    }
1334  } else if (targetNode.tagName == 'UL' ||
1335             targetNode.tagName == 'OL' ||
1336             role == 'list') {
1337    info.push(['list_with_items',
1338               cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getNumber(
1339                   cvox.DomUtil.getListLength(targetNode))]);
1340  }
1342  if (cvox.DomUtil.isDisabled(targetNode)) {
1343    info.push(['aria_disabled_true']);
1344  }
1346  if (cvox.DomPredicates.linkPredicate([targetNode]) &&
1347      cvox.ChromeVox.visitedUrls[targetNode.href]) {
1348    info.push(['visited_url']);
1349  }
1351  if (targetNode.accessKey) {
1352    info.push(['access_key', targetNode.accessKey]);
1353  }
1355  return info;
1360 * Returns a string that gives information about the state of the targetNode.
1361 *
1362 * @param {Node} targetNode The node to get the state information for.
1363 * @param {boolean} primary Whether this is the primary node we're
1364 *     interested in, where we might want extra information - as
1365 *     opposed to an ancestor, where we might be more brief.
1366 * @return {string} The status information about the node.
1367 */
1368cvox.DomUtil.getState = function(targetNode, primary) {
1369  return cvox.NodeStateUtil.expand(
1370      cvox.DomUtil.getStateMsgs(targetNode, primary));
1375 * Return whether a node is focusable. This includes nodes whose tabindex
1376 * attribute is set to "-1" explicitly - these nodes are not in the tab
1377 * order, but they should still be focused if the user navigates to them
1378 * using linear or smart DOM navigation.
1379 *
1380 * Note that when the tabIndex property of an Element is -1, that doesn't
1381 * tell us whether the tabIndex attribute is missing or set to "-1" explicitly,
1382 * so we have to check the attribute.
1383 *
1384 * @param {Object} targetNode The node to check if it's focusable.
1385 * @return {boolean} True if the node is focusable.
1386 */
1387cvox.DomUtil.isFocusable = function(targetNode) {
1388  if (!targetNode || typeof(targetNode.tabIndex) != 'number') {
1389    return false;
1390  }
1392  // Workaround for
1393  if ((targetNode.tagName == 'A') && !targetNode.hasAttribute('href') &&
1394      !targetNode.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {
1395    return false;
1396  }
1398  if (targetNode.tabIndex >= 0) {
1399    return true;
1400  }
1402  if (targetNode.hasAttribute &&
1403      targetNode.hasAttribute('tabindex') &&
1404      targetNode.getAttribute('tabindex') == '-1') {
1405    return true;
1406  }
1408  return false;
1413 * Find a focusable descendant of a given node. This includes nodes whose
1414 * tabindex attribute is set to "-1" explicitly - these nodes are not in the
1415 * tab order, but they should still be focused if the user navigates to them
1416 * using linear or smart DOM navigation.
1417 *
1418 * @param {Node} targetNode The node whose descendants to check if focusable.
1419 * @return {Node} The focusable descendant node. Null if no descendant node
1420 * was found.
1421 */
1422cvox.DomUtil.findFocusableDescendant = function(targetNode) {
1423  // Search down the descendants chain until a focusable node is found
1424  if (targetNode) {
1425    var focusableNode =
1426        cvox.DomUtil.findNode(targetNode, cvox.DomUtil.isFocusable);
1427    if (focusableNode) {
1428      return focusableNode;
1429    }
1430  }
1431  return null;
1436 * Returns the number of focusable nodes in root's subtree. The count does not
1437 * include root.
1438 *
1439 * @param {Node} targetNode The node whose descendants to check are focusable.
1440 * @return {number} The number of focusable descendants.
1441 */
1442cvox.DomUtil.countFocusableDescendants = function(targetNode) {
1443  return targetNode ?
1444      cvox.DomUtil.countNodes(targetNode, cvox.DomUtil.isFocusable) : 0;
1449 * Checks if the targetNode is still attached to the document.
1450 * A node can become detached because of AJAX changes.
1451 *
1452 * @param {Object} targetNode The node to check.
1453 * @return {boolean} True if the targetNode is still attached.
1454 */
1455cvox.DomUtil.isAttachedToDocument = function(targetNode) {
1456  while (targetNode) {
1457    if (targetNode.tagName && (targetNode.tagName == 'HTML')) {
1458      return true;
1459    }
1460    targetNode = targetNode.parentNode;
1461  }
1462  return false;
1467 * Dispatches a left click event on the element that is the targetNode.
1468 * Clicks go in the sequence of mousedown, mouseup, and click.
1469 * @param {Node} targetNode The target node of this operation.
1470 * @param {boolean} shiftKey Specifies if shift is held down.
1471 * @param {boolean} callOnClickDirectly Specifies whether or not to directly
1472 * invoke the onclick method if there is one.
1473 * @param {boolean=} opt_double True to issue a double click.
1474 */
1475cvox.DomUtil.clickElem = function(
1476    targetNode, shiftKey, callOnClickDirectly, opt_double) {
1477  // If there is an activeDescendant of the targetNode, then that is where the
1478  // click should actually be targeted.
1479  var activeDescendant = cvox.AriaUtil.getActiveDescendant(targetNode);
1480  if (activeDescendant) {
1481    targetNode = activeDescendant;
1482  }
1483  if (callOnClickDirectly) {
1484    var onClickFunction = null;
1485    if (targetNode.onclick) {
1486      onClickFunction = targetNode.onclick;
1487    }
1488    if (!onClickFunction && (targetNode.nodeType != 1) &&
1489        targetNode.parentNode && targetNode.parentNode.onclick) {
1490      onClickFunction = targetNode.parentNode.onclick;
1491    }
1492    var keepGoing = true;
1493    if (onClickFunction) {
1494      try {
1495        keepGoing = onClickFunction();
1496      } catch (exception) {
1497        // Something went very wrong with the onclick method; we'll ignore it
1498        // and just dispatch a click event normally.
1499      }
1500    }
1501    if (!keepGoing) {
1502      // The onclick method ran successfully and returned false, meaning the
1503      // event should not bubble up, so we will return here.
1504      return;
1505    }
1506  }
1508  // Send a mousedown (or simply a double click if requested).
1509  var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
1510  var evtType = opt_double ? 'dblclick' : 'mousedown';
1511  evt.initMouseEvent(evtType, true, true, document.defaultView,
1512                     1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, shiftKey, false, 0, null);
1513  // Mark any events we generate so we don't try to process our own events.
1514  evt.fromCvox = true;
1515  try {
1516    targetNode.dispatchEvent(evt);
1517  } catch (e) {}
1518  //Send a mouse up
1519  evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
1520  evt.initMouseEvent('mouseup', true, true, document.defaultView,
1521                     1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, shiftKey, false, 0, null);
1522  // Mark any events we generate so we don't try to process our own events.
1523  evt.fromCvox = true;
1524  try {
1525    targetNode.dispatchEvent(evt);
1526  } catch (e) {}
1527  //Send a click
1528  evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
1529  evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, document.defaultView,
1530                     1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, shiftKey, false, 0, null);
1531  // Mark any events we generate so we don't try to process our own events.
1532  evt.fromCvox = true;
1533  try {
1534    targetNode.dispatchEvent(evt);
1535  } catch (e) {}
1537  if (cvox.DomUtil.isInternalLink(targetNode)) {
1538    cvox.DomUtil.syncInternalLink(targetNode);
1539  }
1544 * Syncs to an internal link.
1545 * @param {Node} node A link whose href's target we want to sync.
1546 */
1547cvox.DomUtil.syncInternalLink = function(node) {
1548  var targetNode;
1549  var targetId = node.href.split('#')[1];
1550  targetNode = document.getElementById(targetId);
1551  if (!targetNode) {
1552    var nodes = document.getElementsByName(targetId);
1553    if (nodes.length > 0) {
1554      targetNode = nodes[0];
1555    }
1556  }
1557  if (targetNode) {
1558    // Insert a dummy node to adjust next Tab focus location.
1559    var parent = targetNode.parentNode;
1560    var dummyNode = document.createElement('div');
1561    dummyNode.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
1562    parent.insertBefore(dummyNode, targetNode);
1563    dummyNode.setAttribute('chromevoxignoreariahidden', 1);
1564    dummyNode.focus();
1565    cvox.ChromeVox.syncToNode(targetNode, false);
1566  }
1571 * Given an HTMLInputElement, returns true if it's an editable text type.
1572 * This includes input type='text' and input type='password' and a few
1573 * others.
1574 *
1575 * @param {Node} node The node to check.
1576 * @return {boolean} True if the node is an INPUT with an editable text type.
1577 */
1578cvox.DomUtil.isInputTypeText = function(node) {
1579  if (!node || node.constructor != HTMLInputElement) {
1580    return false;
1581  }
1583  switch (node.type) {
1584    case 'email':
1585    case 'number':
1586    case 'password':
1587    case 'search':
1588    case 'text':
1589    case 'tel':
1590    case 'url':
1591    case '':
1592      return true;
1593    default:
1594      return false;
1595  }
1600 * Given a node, returns true if it's a control. Controls are *not necessarily*
1601 * leaf-level given that some composite controls may have focusable children
1602 * if they are managing focus with tabindex:
1603 * ( ).
1604 *
1605 * @param {Node} node The node to check.
1606 * @return {boolean} True if the node is a control.
1607 */
1608cvox.DomUtil.isControl = function(node) {
1609  if (cvox.AriaUtil.isControlWidget(node) &&
1610      cvox.DomUtil.isFocusable(node)) {
1611    return true;
1612  }
1613  if (node.tagName) {
1614    switch (node.tagName) {
1615      case 'BUTTON':
1616      case 'TEXTAREA':
1617      case 'SELECT':
1618        return true;
1619      case 'INPUT':
1620        return node.type != 'hidden';
1621    }
1622  }
1623  if (node.isContentEditable) {
1624    return true;
1625  }
1626  return false;
1631 * Given a node, returns true if it's a leaf-level control. This includes
1632 * composite controls thare are managing focus for children with
1633 * activedescendant, but not composite controls with focusable children:
1634 * ( ).
1635 *
1636 * @param {Node} node The node to check.
1637 * @return {boolean} True if the node is a leaf-level control.
1638 */
1639cvox.DomUtil.isLeafLevelControl = function(node) {
1640  if (cvox.DomUtil.isControl(node)) {
1641    return !(cvox.AriaUtil.isCompositeControl(node) &&
1642             cvox.DomUtil.findFocusableDescendant(node));
1643  }
1644  return false;
1649 * Given a node that might be inside of a composite control like a listbox,
1650 * return the surrounding control.
1651 * @param {Node} node The node from which to start looking.
1652 * @return {Node} The surrounding composite control node, or null if none.
1653 */
1654cvox.DomUtil.getSurroundingControl = function(node) {
1655  var surroundingControl = null;
1656  if (!cvox.DomUtil.isControl(node) && node.hasAttribute &&
1657      node.hasAttribute('role')) {
1658    surroundingControl = node.parentElement;
1659    while (surroundingControl &&
1660        !cvox.AriaUtil.isCompositeControl(surroundingControl)) {
1661      surroundingControl = surroundingControl.parentElement;
1662    }
1663  }
1664  return surroundingControl;
1669 * Given a node and a function for determining when to stop
1670 * descent, return the next leaf-like node.
1671 *
1672 * @param {!Node} node The node from which to start looking,
1673 * this node *must not* be above document.body.
1674 * @param {boolean} r True if reversed. False by default.
1675 * @param {function(!Node):boolean} isLeaf A function that
1676 *   returns true if we should stop descending.
1677 * @return {Node} The next leaf-like node or null if there is no next
1678 *   leaf-like node.  This function will always return a node below
1679 *   document.body and never document.body itself.
1680 */
1681cvox.DomUtil.directedNextLeafLikeNode = function(node, r, isLeaf) {
1682  if (node != document.body) {
1683    // if not at the top of the tree, we want to find the next possible
1684    // branch forward in the dom, so we climb up the parents until we find a
1685    // node that has a nextSibling
1686    while (!cvox.DomUtil.directedNextSibling(node, r)) {
1687      if (!node) {
1688        return null;
1689      }
1690      // since node is never above document.body, it always has a parent.
1691      // so node.parentNode will never be null.
1692      node = /** @type {!Node} */(node.parentNode);
1693      if (node == document.body) {
1694        // we've readed the end of the document.
1695        return null;
1696      }
1697    }
1698    if (cvox.DomUtil.directedNextSibling(node, r)) {
1699      // we just checked that next sibling is non-null.
1700      node = /** @type {!Node} */(cvox.DomUtil.directedNextSibling(node, r));
1701    }
1702  }
1703  // once we're at our next sibling, we want to descend down into it as
1704  // far as the child class will allow
1705  while (cvox.DomUtil.directedFirstChild(node, r) && !isLeaf(node)) {
1706    node = /** @type {!Node} */(cvox.DomUtil.directedFirstChild(node, r));
1707  }
1709  // after we've done all that, if we are still at document.body, this must
1710  // be an empty document.
1711  if (node == document.body) {
1712    return null;
1713  }
1714  return node;
1719 * Given a node, returns the next leaf node.
1720 *
1721 * @param {!Node} node The node from which to start looking
1722 * for the next leaf node.
1723 * @param {boolean=} reverse True if reversed. False by default.
1724 * @return {Node} The next leaf node.
1725 * Null if there is no next leaf node.
1726 */
1727cvox.DomUtil.directedNextLeafNode = function(node, reverse) {
1728  reverse = !!reverse;
1729  return cvox.DomUtil.directedNextLeafLikeNode(
1730      node, reverse, cvox.DomUtil.isLeafNode);
1735 * Given a node, returns the previous leaf node.
1736 *
1737 * @param {!Node} node The node from which to start looking
1738 * for the previous leaf node.
1739 * @return {Node} The previous leaf node.
1740 * Null if there is no previous leaf node.
1741 */
1742cvox.DomUtil.previousLeafNode = function(node) {
1743  return cvox.DomUtil.directedNextLeafNode(node, true);
1748 * Computes the outer most leaf node of a given node, depending on value
1749 * of the reverse flag r.
1750 * @param {!Node} node in the DOM.
1751 * @param {boolean} r True if reversed. False by default.
1752 * @param {function(!Node):boolean} pred Predicate to decide
1753 * what we consider a leaf.
1754 * @return {Node} The outer most leaf node of that node.
1755 */
1756cvox.DomUtil.directedFindFirstNode = function(node, r, pred) {
1757  var child = cvox.DomUtil.directedFirstChild(node, r);
1758  while (child) {
1759    if (pred(child)) {
1760      return child;
1761    } else {
1762      var leaf = cvox.DomUtil.directedFindFirstNode(child, r, pred);
1763      if (leaf) {
1764        return leaf;
1765      }
1766    }
1767    child = cvox.DomUtil.directedNextSibling(child, r);
1768  }
1769  return null;
1774 * Moves to the deepest node satisfying a given predicate under the given node.
1775 * @param {!Node} node in the DOM.
1776 * @param {boolean} r True if reversed. False by default.
1777 * @param {function(!Node):boolean} pred Predicate deciding what a leaf is.
1778 * @return {Node} The deepest node satisfying pred.
1779 */
1780cvox.DomUtil.directedFindDeepestNode = function(node, r, pred) {
1781  var next = cvox.DomUtil.directedFindFirstNode(node, r, pred);
1782  if (!next) {
1783    if (pred(node)) {
1784      return node;
1785    } else {
1786      return null;
1787    }
1788  } else {
1789    return cvox.DomUtil.directedFindDeepestNode(next, r, pred);
1790  }
1795 * Computes the next node wrt. a predicate that is a descendant of ancestor.
1796 * @param {!Node} node in the DOM.
1797 * @param {!Node} ancestor of the given node.
1798 * @param {boolean} r True if reversed. False by default.
1799 * @param {function(!Node):boolean} pred Predicate to decide
1800 * what we consider a leaf.
1801 * @param {boolean=} above True if the next node can live in the subtree
1802 * directly above the start node. False by default.
1803 * @param {boolean=} deep True if we are looking for the next node that is
1804 * deepest in the tree. Otherwise the next shallow node is returned.
1805 * False by default.
1806 * @return {Node} The next node in the DOM that satisfies the predicate.
1807 */
1808cvox.DomUtil.directedFindNextNode = function(
1809    node, ancestor, r, pred, above, deep) {
1810  above = !!above;
1811  deep = !!deep;
1812  if (!cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOfNode(node, ancestor) || node == ancestor) {
1813    return null;
1814  }
1815  var next = cvox.DomUtil.directedNextSibling(node, r);
1816  while (next) {
1817    if (!deep && pred(next)) {
1818      return next;
1819    }
1820    var leaf = (deep ?
1821                cvox.DomUtil.directedFindDeepestNode :
1822                cvox.DomUtil.directedFindFirstNode)(next, r, pred);
1823    if (leaf) {
1824      return leaf;
1825    }
1826    if (deep && pred(next)) {
1827      return next;
1828    }
1829    next = cvox.DomUtil.directedNextSibling(next, r);
1830  }
1831  var parent = /** @type {!Node} */(node.parentNode);
1832  if (above && pred(parent)) {
1833    return parent;
1834  }
1835  return cvox.DomUtil.directedFindNextNode(
1836      parent, ancestor, r, pred, above, deep);
1841 * Get a string representing a control's value and state, i.e. the part
1842 *     that changes while interacting with the control
1843 * @param {Element} control A control.
1844 * @return {string} The value and state string.
1845 */
1846cvox.DomUtil.getControlValueAndStateString = function(control) {
1847  var parentControl = cvox.DomUtil.getSurroundingControl(control);
1848  if (parentControl) {
1849    return cvox.DomUtil.collapseWhitespace(
1850        cvox.DomUtil.getValue(control) + ' ' +
1851        cvox.DomUtil.getName(control) + ' ' +
1852        cvox.DomUtil.getState(control, true));
1853  } else {
1854    return cvox.DomUtil.collapseWhitespace(
1855        cvox.DomUtil.getValue(control) + ' ' +
1856        cvox.DomUtil.getState(control, true));
1857  }
1862 * Determine whether the given node is an internal link.
1863 * @param {Node} node The node to be examined.
1864 * @return {boolean} True if the node is an internal link, false otherwise.
1865 */
1866cvox.DomUtil.isInternalLink = function(node) {
1867  if (node.nodeType == 1) { // Element nodes only.
1868    var href = node.getAttribute('href');
1869    if (href && href.indexOf('#') != -1) {
1870      var path = href.split('#')[0];
1871      return path == '' || path == window.location.pathname;
1872    }
1873  }
1874  return false;
1879 * Get a string containing the currently selected link's URL.
1880 * @param {Node} node The link from which URL needs to be extracted.
1881 * @return {string} The value of the URL.
1882 */
1883cvox.DomUtil.getLinkURL = function(node) {
1884  if (node.tagName == 'A') {
1885    if (node.getAttribute('href')) {
1886      if (cvox.DomUtil.isInternalLink(node)) {
1887        return cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg('internal_link');
1888      } else {
1889        return node.getAttribute('href');
1890      }
1891    } else {
1892      return '';
1893    }
1894  } else if (cvox.AriaUtil.getRoleName(node) ==
1895             cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg('aria_role_link')) {
1896    return cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg('unknown_link');
1897  }
1899  return '';
1904 * Checks if a given node is inside a table and returns the table node if it is
1905 * @param {Node} node The node.
1906 * @param {{allowCaptions: (undefined|boolean)}=} kwargs Optional named args.
1907 *  allowCaptions: If true, will return true even if inside a caption. False
1908 *    by default.
1909 * @return {Node} If the node is inside a table, the table node. Null if it
1910 * is not.
1911 */
1912cvox.DomUtil.getContainingTable = function(node, kwargs) {
1913  var ancestors = cvox.DomUtil.getAncestors(node);
1914  return cvox.DomUtil.findTableNodeInList(ancestors, kwargs);
1919 * Extracts a table node from a list of nodes.
1920 * @param {Array.<Node>} nodes The list of nodes.
1921 * @param {{allowCaptions: (undefined|boolean)}=} kwargs Optional named args.
1922 *  allowCaptions: If true, will return true even if inside a caption. False
1923 *    by default.
1924 * @return {Node} The table node if the list of nodes contains a table node.
1925 * Null if it does not.
1926 */
1927cvox.DomUtil.findTableNodeInList = function(nodes, kwargs) {
1928  kwargs = kwargs || {allowCaptions: false};
1929  // Don't include the caption node because it is actually rendered outside
1930  // of the table.
1931  for (var i = nodes.length - 1, node; node = nodes[i]; i--) {
1932    if (node.constructor != Text) {
1933      if (!kwargs.allowCaptions && node.tagName == 'CAPTION') {
1934        return null;
1935      }
1936      if ((node.tagName == 'TABLE') || cvox.AriaUtil.isGrid(node)) {
1937        return node;
1938      }
1939    }
1940  }
1941  return null;
1946 * Determines whether a given table is a data table or a layout table
1947 * @param {Node} tableNode The table node.
1948 * @return {boolean} If the table is a layout table, returns true. False
1949 * otherwise.
1950 */
1951cvox.DomUtil.isLayoutTable = function(tableNode) {
1952  // TODO(stoarca): Why are we returning based on this inaccurate heuristic
1953  // instead of first trying the better heuristics below?
1954  if (tableNode.rows && (tableNode.rows.length <= 1 ||
1955      (tableNode.rows[0].childElementCount == 1))) {
1956    // This table has either 0 or one rows, or only "one" column.
1957    // This is a quick check for column count and may not be accurate. See
1958    // TraverseTable.getW3CColCount_ for a more accurate
1959    // (but more complicated) way to determine column count.
1960    return true;
1961  }
1963  // These heuristics are adapted from the Firefox data and layout table.
1964  // heuristics:
1965  if (cvox.AriaUtil.isGrid(tableNode)) {
1966    // This table has an ARIA role identifying it as a grid.
1967    // Not a layout table.
1968    return false;
1969  }
1970  if (cvox.AriaUtil.isLandmark(tableNode)) {
1971    // This table has an ARIA landmark role - not a layout table.
1972    return false;
1973  }
1975  if (tableNode.caption || tableNode.summary) {
1976    // This table has a caption or a summary - not a layout table.
1977    return false;
1978  }
1980  if ((cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('tbody/tr/th', tableNode).length > 0) &&
1981      (cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('tbody/tr/td', tableNode).length > 0)) {
1982    // This table at least one column and at least one column header.
1983    // Not a layout table.
1984    return false;
1985  }
1987  if (cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('colgroup', tableNode).length > 0) {
1988    // This table specifies column groups - not a layout table.
1989    return false;
1990  }
1992  if ((cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('thead', tableNode).length > 0) ||
1993      (cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('tfoot', tableNode).length > 0)) {
1994    // This table has header or footer rows - not a layout table.
1995    return false;
1996  }
1998  if ((cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('tbody/tr/td/embed', tableNode).length > 0) ||
1999      (cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('tbody/tr/td/object', tableNode).length > 0) ||
2000      (cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('tbody/tr/td/iframe', tableNode).length > 0) ||
2001      (cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('tbody/tr/td/applet', tableNode).length > 0)) {
2002    // This table contains embed, object, applet, or iframe elements. It is
2003    // a layout table.
2004    return true;
2005  }
2007  // These heuristics are loosely based on Okada and Miura's "Detection of
2008  // Layout-Purpose TABLE Tags Based on Machine Learning" (2007).
2009  //
2011  // Increase the points for each heuristic. If there are 3 or more points,
2012  // this is probably a layout table.
2013  var points = 0;
2015  if (! cvox.DomUtil.hasBorder(tableNode)) {
2016    // This table has no border.
2017    points++;
2018  }
2020  if (tableNode.rows.length <= 6) {
2021    // This table has a limited number of rows.
2022    points++;
2023  }
2025  if (cvox.DomUtil.countPreviousTags(tableNode) <= 12) {
2026    // This table has a limited number of previous tags.
2027    points++;
2028  }
2030 if (cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('tbody/tr/td/table', tableNode).length > 0) {
2031   // This table has nested tables.
2032   points++;
2033 }
2034  return (points >= 3);
2039 * Count previous tags, which we dfine as the number of HTML tags that
2040 * appear before the given node.
2041 * @param {Node} node The given node.
2042 * @return {number} The number of previous tags.
2043 */
2044cvox.DomUtil.countPreviousTags = function(node) {
2045  var ancestors = cvox.DomUtil.getAncestors(node);
2046  return ancestors.length + cvox.DomUtil.countPreviousSiblings(node);
2051 * Counts previous siblings, not including text nodes.
2052 * @param {Node} node The given node.
2053 * @return {number} The number of previous siblings.
2054 */
2055cvox.DomUtil.countPreviousSiblings = function(node) {
2056  var count = 0;
2057  var prev = node.previousSibling;
2058  while (prev != null) {
2059    if (prev.constructor != Text) {
2060      count++;
2061    }
2062    prev = prev.previousSibling;
2063  }
2064  return count;
2069 * Whether a given table has a border or not.
2070 * @param {Node} tableNode The table node.
2071 * @return {boolean} If the table has a border, return true. False otherwise.
2072 */
2073cvox.DomUtil.hasBorder = function(tableNode) {
2074  // If .frame contains "void" there is no border.
2075  if (tableNode.frame) {
2076    return (tableNode.frame.indexOf('void') == -1);
2077  }
2079  // If .border is defined and  == "0" then there is no border.
2080  if (tableNode.border) {
2081    if (tableNode.border.length == 1) {
2082      return (tableNode.border != '0');
2083    } else {
2084      return (tableNode.border.slice(0, -2) != 0);
2085    }
2086  }
2088  // If .style.border-style is 'none' there is no border.
2089  if ( && == 'none') {
2090    return false;
2091  }
2093  // If .style.border-width is specified in units of length
2094  // ( ) then we need
2095  // to check if .style.border-width starts with 0[px,em,etc]
2096  if ( {
2097    return (, -2) != 0);
2098  }
2100  // If .style.border-color is defined, then there is a border
2101  if ( {
2102    return true;
2103  }
2104  return false;
2109 * Return the first leaf node, starting at the top of the document.
2110 * @return {Node?} The first leaf node in the document, if found.
2111 */
2112cvox.DomUtil.getFirstLeafNode = function() {
2113  var node = document.body;
2114  while (node && node.firstChild) {
2115    node = node.firstChild;
2116  }
2117  while (node && !cvox.DomUtil.hasContent(node)) {
2118    node = cvox.DomUtil.directedNextLeafNode(node);
2119  }
2120  return node;
2125 * Finds the first descendant node that matches the filter function, using
2126 * a depth first search. This function offers the most general purpose way
2127 * of finding a matching element. You may also wish to consider
2128 * {@code goog.dom.query} which can express many matching criteria using
2129 * CSS selector expressions. These expressions often result in a more
2130 * compact representation of the desired result.
2131 * This is the findNode function from goog.dom:
2132 *
2133 *
2134 * @param {Node} root The root of the tree to search.
2135 * @param {function(Node) : boolean} p The filter function.
2136 * @return {Node|undefined} The found node or undefined if none is found.
2137 */
2138cvox.DomUtil.findNode = function(root, p) {
2139  var rv = [];
2140  var found = cvox.DomUtil.findNodes_(root, p, rv, true, 10000);
2141  return found ? rv[0] : undefined;
2146 * Finds the number of nodes matching the filter.
2147 * @param {Node} root The root of the tree to search.
2148 * @param {function(Node) : boolean} p The filter function.
2149 * @return {number} The number of nodes selected by filter.
2150 */
2151cvox.DomUtil.countNodes = function(root, p) {
2152  var rv = [];
2153  cvox.DomUtil.findNodes_(root, p, rv, false, 10000);
2154  return rv.length;
2159 * Finds the first or all the descendant nodes that match the filter function,
2160 * using a depth first search.
2161 * @param {Node} root The root of the tree to search.
2162 * @param {function(Node) : boolean} p The filter function.
2163 * @param {Array.<Node>} rv The found nodes are added to this array.
2164 * @param {boolean} findOne If true we exit after the first found node.
2165 * @param {number} maxChildCount The max child count. This is used as a kill
2166 * switch - if there are more nodes than this, terminate the search.
2167 * @return {boolean} Whether the search is complete or not. True in case
2168 * findOne is true and the node is found. False otherwise. This is the
2169 * findNodes_ function from goog.dom:
2170 *
2171 * @private
2172 */
2173cvox.DomUtil.findNodes_ = function(root, p, rv, findOne, maxChildCount) {
2174  if ((root != null) || (maxChildCount == 0)) {
2175    var child = root.firstChild;
2176    while (child) {
2177      if (p(child)) {
2178        rv.push(child);
2179        if (findOne) {
2180          return true;
2181        }
2182      }
2183      maxChildCount = maxChildCount - 1;
2184      if (cvox.DomUtil.findNodes_(child, p, rv, findOne, maxChildCount)) {
2185        return true;
2186      }
2187      child = child.nextSibling;
2188    }
2189  }
2190  return false;
2195 * Converts a NodeList into an array
2196 * @param {NodeList} nodeList The nodeList.
2197 * @return {Array} The array of nodes in the nodeList.
2198 */
2199cvox.DomUtil.toArray = function(nodeList) {
2200  var nodeArray = [];
2201  for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
2202    nodeArray.push(nodeList[i]);
2203  }
2204  return nodeArray;
2209 * Creates a new element with the same attributes and no children.
2210 * @param {Node|Text} node A node to clone.
2211 * @param {Object.<string, boolean>} skipattrs Set the attribute to true to
2212 * skip it during cloning.
2213 * @return {Node|Text} The cloned node.
2214 */
2215cvox.DomUtil.shallowChildlessClone = function(node, skipattrs) {
2216  if (node.nodeName == '#text') {
2217    return document.createTextNode(node.nodeValue);
2218  }
2220  if (node.nodeName == '#comment') {
2221    return document.createComment(node.nodeValue);
2222  }
2224  var ret = document.createElement(node.nodeName);
2225  for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; ++i) {
2226    var attr = node.attributes[i];
2227    if (skipattrs && skipattrs[attr.nodeName]) {
2228      continue;
2229    }
2230    ret.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue);
2231  }
2232  return ret;
2237 * Creates a new element with the same attributes and clones of children.
2238 * @param {Node|Text} node A node to clone.
2239 * @param {Object.<string, boolean>} skipattrs Set the attribute to true to
2240 * skip it during cloning.
2241 * @return {Node|Text} The cloned node.
2242 */
2243cvox.DomUtil.deepClone = function(node, skipattrs) {
2244  var ret = cvox.DomUtil.shallowChildlessClone(node, skipattrs);
2245  for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; ++i) {
2246    ret.appendChild(cvox.DomUtil.deepClone(node.childNodes[i], skipattrs));
2247  }
2248  return ret;
2253 * Returns either node.firstChild or node.lastChild, depending on direction.
2254 * @param {Node|Text} node The node.
2255 * @param {boolean} reverse If reversed.
2256 * @return {Node|Text} The directed first child or null if the node has
2257 *   no children.
2258 */
2259cvox.DomUtil.directedFirstChild = function(node, reverse) {
2260  if (reverse) {
2261    return node.lastChild;
2262  }
2263  return node.firstChild;
2267 * Returns either node.nextSibling or node.previousSibling, depending on
2268 * direction.
2269 * @param {Node|Text} node The node.
2270 * @param {boolean=} reverse If reversed.
2271 * @return {Node|Text} The directed next sibling or null if there are
2272 *   no more siblings in that direction.
2273 */
2274cvox.DomUtil.directedNextSibling = function(node, reverse) {
2275  if (!node) {
2276    return null;
2277  }
2278  if (reverse) {
2279    return node.previousSibling;
2280  }
2281  return node.nextSibling;
2285 * Creates a function that sends a click. This is because loop closures
2286 * are dangerous.
2287 * See:
2288 * a-huge-gotcha-with-javascript-closures/
2289 * @param {Node} targetNode The target node to click on.
2290 * @return {function()} A function that will click on the given targetNode.
2291 */
2292cvox.DomUtil.createSimpleClickFunction = function(targetNode) {
2293  var target = targetNode.cloneNode(true);
2294  return function() { cvox.DomUtil.clickElem(target, false, false); };
2298 * Adds a node to document.head if that node has not already been added.
2299 * If document.head does not exist, this will add the node to the body.
2300 * @param {Node} node The node to add.
2301 * @param {string=} opt_id The id of the node to ensure the node is only
2302 *     added once.
2303 */
2304cvox.DomUtil.addNodeToHead = function(node, opt_id) {
2305  if (opt_id && document.getElementById(opt_id)) {
2306      return;
2307  }
2308  var p = document.head || document.body;
2309  p.appendChild(node);
2314 * Checks if a given node is inside a math expressions and
2315 * returns the math node if one exists.
2316 * @param {Node} node The node.
2317 * @return {Node} The math node, if the node is inside a math expression.
2318 * Null if it is not.
2319 */
2320cvox.DomUtil.getContainingMath = function(node) {
2321  var ancestors = cvox.DomUtil.getAncestors(node);
2322  return cvox.DomUtil.findMathNodeInList(ancestors);
2327 * Extracts a math node from a list of nodes.
2328 * @param {Array.<Node>} nodes The list of nodes.
2329 * @return {Node} The math node if the list of nodes contains a math node.
2330 * Null if it does not.
2331 */
2332cvox.DomUtil.findMathNodeInList = function(nodes) {
2333  for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++) {
2334    if (cvox.DomUtil.isMath(node)) {
2335      return node;
2336    }
2337  }
2338  return null;
2343 * Checks to see wether a node is a math node.
2344 * @param {Node} node The node to be tested.
2345 * @return {boolean} Whether or not a node is a math node.
2346 */
2347cvox.DomUtil.isMath = function(node) {
2348  return cvox.DomUtil.isMathml(node) ||
2349      cvox.DomUtil.isMathJax(node) ||
2350          cvox.DomUtil.isMathImg(node) ||
2351              cvox.AriaUtil.isMath(node);
2356 * Specifies node classes in which we expect maths expressions a alt text.
2357 * @type {{tex: Array.<string>,
2358 *         asciimath: Array.<string>}}
2359 */
2360// These are the classes for which we assume they contain Maths in the ALT or
2361// TITLE attribute.
2362// tex: Wikipedia;
2363// latex: Wordpress;
2364// numberedequation, inlineformula, displayformula: MathWorld;
2365cvox.DomUtil.ALT_MATH_CLASSES = {
2366  tex: ['tex', 'latex'],
2367  asciimath: ['numberedequation', 'inlineformula', 'displayformula']
2372 * Composes a query selector string for image nodes with alt math content by
2373 * type of content.
2374 * @param {string} contentType The content type, e.g., tex, asciimath.
2375 * @return {!string} The query elector string.
2376 */
2377cvox.DomUtil.altMathQuerySelector = function(contentType) {
2378  var classes = cvox.DomUtil.ALT_MATH_CLASSES[contentType];
2379  if (classes) {
2380    return {return 'img.' + x;}).join(', ');
2381  }
2382  return '';
2387 * Check if a given node is potentially a math image with alternative text in
2388 * LaTeX.
2389 * @param {Node} node The node to be tested.
2390 * @return {boolean} Whether or not a node has an image with class TeX or LaTeX.
2391 */
2392cvox.DomUtil.isMathImg = function(node) {
2393  if (!node || !node.tagName || !node.className) {
2394    return false;
2395  }
2396  if (node.tagName != 'IMG') {
2397    return false;
2398  }
2399  var className = node.className.toLowerCase();
2400  return cvox.DomUtil.ALT_MATH_CLASSES.tex.indexOf(className) != -1 ||
2401      cvox.DomUtil.ALT_MATH_CLASSES.asciimath.indexOf(className) != -1;
2406 * Checks to see whether a node is a MathML node.
2407 * !! This is necessary as Chrome currently does not upperCase Math tags !!
2408 * @param {Node} node The node to be tested.
2409 * @return {boolean} Whether or not a node is a MathML node.
2410 */
2411cvox.DomUtil.isMathml = function(node) {
2412  if (!node || !node.tagName) {
2413    return false;
2414  }
2415  return node.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'math';
2420 * Checks to see wether a node is a MathJax node.
2421 * @param {Node} node The node to be tested.
2422 * @return {boolean} Whether or not a node is a MathJax node.
2423 */
2424cvox.DomUtil.isMathJax = function(node) {
2425  if (!node || !node.tagName || !node.className) {
2426    return false;
2427  }
2429  function isSpanWithClass(n, cl) {
2430    return (n.tagName == 'SPAN' &&
2431            n.className.split(' ').some(function(x) {
2432                                          return x.toLowerCase() == cl;}));
2433  };
2434  if (isSpanWithClass(node, 'math')) {
2435    var ancestors = cvox.DomUtil.getAncestors(node);
2436    return ancestors.some(function(x) {return isSpanWithClass(x, 'mathjax');});
2437  }
2438  return false;
2443 * Computes the id of the math span in a MathJax DOM element.
2444 * @param {string} jaxId The id of the MathJax node.
2445 * @return {string} The id of the span node.
2446 */
2447cvox.DomUtil.getMathSpanId = function(jaxId) {
2448  var node = document.getElementById(jaxId + '-Frame');
2449  if (node) {
2450    var span = node.querySelector('span.math');
2451    if (span) {
2452      return;
2453    }
2454  }
2459 * Returns true if the node has a longDesc.
2460 * @param {Node} node The node to be tested.
2461 * @return {boolean} Whether or not a node has a longDesc.
2462 */
2463cvox.DomUtil.hasLongDesc = function(node) {
2464  if (node && node.longDesc) {
2465    return true;
2466  }
2467  return false;
2472 * Returns tag name of a node if it has one.
2473 * @param {Node} node A node.
2474 * @return {string} A the tag name of the node.
2475 */
2476cvox.DomUtil.getNodeTagName = function(node) {
2477  if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
2478    return node.tagName;
2479  }
2480  return '';
2485 * Cleaning up a list of nodes to remove empty text nodes.
2486 * @param {NodeList} nodes The nodes list.
2487 * @return {!Array.<Node|string|null>} The cleaned up list of nodes.
2488 */
2489cvox.DomUtil.purgeNodes = function(nodes) {
2490  return cvox.DomUtil.toArray(nodes).
2491      filter(function(node) {
2492               return node.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE ||
2493                   !node.textContent.match(/^\s+$/);});
2498 * Calculates a hit point for a given node.
2499 * @return {{x:(number), y:(number)}} The position.
2500 */
2501cvox.DomUtil.elementToPoint = function(node) {
2502  if (!node) {
2503    return {x: 0, y: 0};
2504  }
2505  if (node.constructor == Text) {
2506    node = node.parentNode;
2507  }
2508  var r = node.getBoundingClientRect();
2509  return {
2510    x: r.left + (r.width / 2),
2511    y: + (r.height / 2)
2512  };
2517 * Checks if an input node supports HTML5 selection.
2518 * If the node is not an input element, returns false.
2519 * @param {Node} node The node to check.
2520 * @return {boolean} True if HTML5 selection supported.
2521 */
2522cvox.DomUtil.doesInputSupportSelection = function(node) {
2523  return goog.isDef(node) &&
2524      node.tagName == 'INPUT' &&
2525      node.type != 'email' &&
2526      node.type != 'number';
2531 * Gets the hint text for a given element.
2532 * @param {Node} node The target node.
2533 * @return {string} The hint text.
2534 */
2535cvox.DomUtil.getHint = function(node) {
2536  var desc = '';
2537  if (node.hasAttribute) {
2538    if (node.hasAttribute('aria-describedby')) {
2539      var describedByIds = node.getAttribute('aria-describedby').split(' ');
2540      for (var describedById, i = 0; describedById = describedByIds[i]; i++) {
2541        var describedNode = document.getElementById(describedById);
2542        if (describedNode) {
2543          desc += ' ' + cvox.DomUtil.getName(
2544              describedNode, true, true, true);
2545        }
2546      }
2547    }
2548  }
2549  return desc;