1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5cr.define('options', function() {
6  /** @const */ var SettingsDialog = options.SettingsDialog;
8  /**
9   * PointerOverlay class
10   * Dialog that allows users to set pointer settings (touchpad/mouse).
11   * @constructor
12   * @extends {options.SettingsDialog}
13   */
14  function PointerOverlay() {
15    // The title is updated dynamically in the setTitle method as pointer
16    // devices are discovered or removed.
17    SettingsDialog.call(this, 'pointer-overlay',
18        '', 'pointer-overlay',
19        assertInstanceof($('pointer-overlay-confirm'), HTMLButtonElement),
20        assertInstanceof($('pointer-overlay-cancel'), HTMLButtonElement));
21  }
23  cr.addSingletonGetter(PointerOverlay);
25  PointerOverlay.prototype = {
26    __proto__: SettingsDialog.prototype,
27  };
29  /**
30   * Sets the visibility state of the touchpad group.
31   * @param {boolean} show True to show, false to hide.
32   */
33  PointerOverlay.showTouchpadControls = function(show) {
34    $('pointer-section-touchpad').hidden = !show;
35  };
37  /**
38   * Sets the visibility state of the mouse group.
39   * @param {boolean} show True to show, false to hide.
40   */
41  PointerOverlay.showMouseControls = function(show) {
42    $('pointer-section-mouse').hidden = !show;
43  };
45  /**
46   * Updates the title of the pointer dialog.  The title is set dynamically
47   * based on whether a touchpad, mouse or both are present.  The label on the
48   * button that activates the overlay is also updated to stay in sync. A
49   * message is displayed in the main settings page if no pointer devices are
50   * available.
51   * @param {string} label i18n key for the overlay title.
52   */
53  PointerOverlay.setTitle = function(label) {
54    var button = $('pointer-settings-button');
55    var noPointersLabel = $('no-pointing-devices');
56    if (label.length > 0) {
57      var title = loadTimeData.getString(label);
58      button.textContent = title;
59      button.hidden = false;
60      noPointersLabel.hidden = true;
61    } else {
62      button.hidden = true;
63      noPointersLabel.hidden = false;
64    }
65  };
67  // Export
68  return {
69    PointerOverlay: PointerOverlay
70  };