1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5cr.define('print_preview', function() {
6  'use strict';
8  /**
9   * Printer sharing invitation data object.
10   * @param {string} sender Text identifying invitation sender.
11   * @param {string} receiver Text identifying invitation receiver. Empty in
12   *     case of a personal invitation. Identifies a group or domain in case
13   *     of an invitation received by a group manager.
14   * @param {!print_preview.Destination} destination Shared destination.
15   * @param {!Object} aclEntry JSON representation of the ACL entry this
16   *     invitation was sent to.
17   * @param {string} account User account this invitation is sent for.
18   * @constructor
19   */
20  function Invitation(sender, receiver, destination, aclEntry, account) {
21    /**
22     * Text identifying invitation sender.
23     * @private {string}
24     */
25    this.sender_ = sender;
27    /**
28     * Text identifying invitation receiver. Empty in case of a personal
29     * invitation. Identifies a group or domain in case of an invitation
30     * received by a group manager.
31     * @private {string}
32     */
33    this.receiver_ = receiver;
35    /**
36     * Shared destination.
37     * @private {!print_preview.Destination}
38     */
39    this.destination_ = destination;
41    /**
42     * JSON representation of the ACL entry this invitation was sent to.
43     * @private {!Object}
44     */
45    this.aclEntry_ = aclEntry;
47    /**
48     * Account this invitation is sent for.
49     * @private {string}
50     */
51    this.account_ = account;
52  };
54  Invitation.prototype = {
55    /** @return {string} Text identifying invitation sender. */
56    get sender() {
57      return this.sender_;
58    },
60    /** @return {string} Text identifying invitation receiver. */
61    get receiver() {
62      return this.receiver_;
63    },
65    /**
66     * @return {boolean} Whether this user acts as a manager for a group of
67     * users.
68     */
69    get asGroupManager() {
70      return !!this.receiver_;
71    },
73    /** @return {!print_preview.Destination} Shared destination. */
74    get destination() {
75      return this.destination_;
76    },
78    /** @return {string} Scope (account) this invitation was sent to. */
79    get scopeId() {
80      return this.aclEntry_['scope'] || '';
81    },
83    /** @return {string} Account this invitation is sent for. */
84    get account() {
85      return this.account_;
86    }
87  };
89  // Export
90  return {
91    Invitation: Invitation
92  };