1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5cr.define('print_preview.ticket_items', function() {
6  'use strict';
8  /**
9   * An object that represents a user modifiable item in a print ticket. Each
10   * ticket item has a value which can be set by the user. Ticket items can also
11   * be unavailable for modifying if the print destination doesn't support it or
12   * if other ticket item constraints are not met.
13   * @param {print_preview.AppState} appState Application state model to update
14   *     when ticket items update.
15   * @param {print_preview.DestinationStore} destinationStore Used listen for
16   *     changes in the currently selected destination's capabilities. Since
17   *     this is a common dependency of ticket items, it's handled in the base
18   *     class.
19   * @constructor
20   * @extends {cr.EventTarget}
21   */
22  function VendorItems(appState, destinationStore) {
23    cr.EventTarget.call(this);
25    /**
26     * Application state model to update when ticket items update.
27     * @private {print_preview.AppState}
28     */
29    this.appState_ = appState || null;
31    /**
32     * Used listen for changes in the currently selected destination's
33     * capabilities.
34     * @private {print_preview.DestinationStore}
35     */
36    this.destinationStore_ = destinationStore || null;
38    /**
39     * Vendor ticket items store, maps item id to the item value.
40     * @private {!Object.<string, string>}
41     */
42    this.items_ = {};
43  };
45  VendorItems.prototype = {
46    __proto__: cr.EventTarget.prototype,
48    /** @return {boolean} Whether vendor capabilities are available. */
49    isCapabilityAvailable: function() {
50      return !!this.capability;
51    },
53    /** @return {boolean} Whether the ticket item was modified by the user. */
54    isUserEdited: function() {
55      // If there's at least one ticket item stored in values, it was edited.
56      for (var key in this.items_) {
57        if (this.items_.hasOwnProperty(key))
58          return true;
59      }
60      return false;
61    },
63    /** @return {Object} Vendor capabilities of the selected destination. */
64    get capability() {
65      var destination = this.destinationStore_ ?
66          this.destinationStore_.selectedDestination : null;
67      if (!destination)
68        return null;
69      if (destination.id == print_preview.Destination.GooglePromotedId.FEDEX ||
70          destination.type == print_preview.Destination.Type.MOBILE) {
71        return null;
72      }
73      return (destination.capabilities &&
74              destination.capabilities.printer &&
75              destination.capabilities.printer.vendor_capability) ||
76             null;
77    },
79    /**
80     * Vendor ticket items store, maps item id to the item value.
81     * @return {!Object.<string, string>}
82     */
83    get ticketItems() {
84      return this.items_;
85    },
87    /**
88     * @param {!Object.<string, string>} values Values to set as the values of
89     *     vendor ticket items. Maps vendor item id to the value.
90     */
91    updateValue: function(values) {
92      this.items_ = {};
93      if (typeof values == 'object') {
94        for (var key in values) {
95          if (values.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof values[key] == 'string') {
96            // Let's empirically limit each value at 2K.
97            this.items_[key] = values[key].substring(0, 2048);
98          }
99        }
100      }
102      if (this.appState_) {
103        this.appState_.persistField(
104            print_preview.AppState.Field.VENDOR_OPTIONS, this.items_);
105      }
106    }
107  };
109  // Export
110  return {
111    VendorItems: VendorItems
112  };