chrome_ssl_host_state_delegate.h revision 6e8cce623b6e4fe0c9e4af605d675dd9d0338c38
1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
9#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
10#include "base/time/time.h"
11#include "content/public/browser/ssl_host_state_delegate.h"
13class Profile;
15namespace base {
16class Clock;
17class DictionaryValue;
18}  //  namespace base
20// Implementation of the tracking of user decisions on SSL errors for sites.
21// Tracks if the user has allowed, denied, or not seen an exception for the
22// specified site, SSL fingerprint, and error. If the user makes a decision,
23// stores the decision until either the session ends or for a length of time
24// (across session restarts), based on command line flags.
25class ChromeSSLHostStateDelegate : public content::SSLHostStateDelegate {
26 public:
27  explicit ChromeSSLHostStateDelegate(Profile* profile);
28  virtual ~ChromeSSLHostStateDelegate();
30  // SSLHostStateDelegate:
31  virtual void DenyCert(const std::string& host,
32                        net::X509Certificate* cert,
33                        net::CertStatus error) OVERRIDE;
34  virtual void AllowCert(const std::string& host,
35                         net::X509Certificate* cert,
36                         net::CertStatus error) OVERRIDE;
37  virtual void Clear() OVERRIDE;
38  virtual net::CertPolicy::Judgment QueryPolicy(
39      const std::string& host,
40      net::X509Certificate* cert,
41      net::CertStatus error,
42      bool* expired_previous_decision) OVERRIDE;
43  virtual void HostRanInsecureContent(const std::string& host,
44                                      int pid) OVERRIDE;
45  virtual bool DidHostRunInsecureContent(const std::string& host,
46                                         int pid) const OVERRIDE;
48  // ChromeSSLHostStateDelegate implementation:
49  // Revoke all user decisions for |host| in the given Profile. The
50  // RevokeUserDecisionsHard version may close idle connections in the process.
51  // This version should be used *only* for rare events, such as a user
52  // controlled button, as it may be very disruptive to the networking stack.
53  virtual void RevokeUserDecisions(const std::string& host);
54  virtual void RevokeUserDecisionsHard(const std::string& host);
56  // Returns true if any decisions has been recorded for |host| for the given
57  // Profile, otherwise false.
58  virtual bool HasUserDecision(const std::string& host);
60  // Called on the UI thread when the profile is about to be destroyed.
61  void ShutdownOnUIThread() {}
63 protected:
64  // SetClock takes ownership of the passed in clock.
65  void SetClock(scoped_ptr<base::Clock> clock);
67 private:
68  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ForgetInstantlySSLHostStateDelegateTest,
69                           MakeAndForgetException);
70  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RememberSSLHostStateDelegateTest, AfterRestart);
71  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RememberSSLHostStateDelegateTest,
72                           QueryPolicyExpired);
74  // Used to specify whether new content setting entries should be created if
75  // they don't already exist when querying the user's settings.
76  enum CreateDictionaryEntriesDisposition {
77    CreateDictionaryEntries,
78    DoNotCreateDictionaryEntries
79  };
81  // Specifies whether user SSL error decisions should be forgetten at the end
82  // of this current session (the old style of remembering decisions), or
83  // whether they should be remembered across session restarts for a specified
84  // length of time, deteremined by
85  // |default_ssl_cert_decision_expiration_delta_|.
86  enum RememberSSLExceptionDecisionsDisposition {
87    ForgetSSLExceptionDecisionsAtSessionEnd,
88    RememberSSLExceptionDecisionsForDelta
89  };
91  // Modify the user's content settings to specify a judgement made for a
92  // specific site and certificate, where |url| is the site in question, |cert|
93  // is the certificate with an error, |error| is the error in the certificate,
94  // and |judgement| is the user decision to be recorded.
95  void ChangeCertPolicy(const std::string& host,
96                        net::X509Certificate* cert,
97                        net::CertStatus error,
98                        net::CertPolicy::Judgment judgment);
100  // Query the content settings to retrieve a dictionary of certificate
101  // fingerprints and errors of certificates to user decisions, as set by
102  // ChangeCertPolicy. Returns NULL on a failure.
103  //
104  // |dict| specifies the user's full exceptions dictionary for a specific site
105  // in their content settings. Must be retrieved directly from a website
106  // setting in the the profile's HostContentSettingsMap.
107  //
108  // If |create_entries| specifies CreateDictionaryEntries, then
109  // GetValidCertDecisionsDict will create a new set of entries within the
110  // dictionary if they do not already exist. Otherwise will fail and return if
111  // NULL if they do not exist.
112  //
113  // |expired_previous_decision| is set to true if there had been a previous
114  // decision made by the user but it has expired. Otherwise it is set to false.
115  base::DictionaryValue* GetValidCertDecisionsDict(
116      base::DictionaryValue* dict,
117      CreateDictionaryEntriesDisposition create_entries,
118      bool* expired_previous_decision);
120  scoped_ptr<base::Clock> clock_;
121  RememberSSLExceptionDecisionsDisposition should_remember_ssl_decisions_;
122  base::TimeDelta default_ssl_cert_decision_expiration_delta_;
123  Profile* profile_;
125  // A BrokenHostEntry is a pair of (host, process_id) that indicates the host
126  // contains insecure content in that renderer process.
127  typedef std::pair<std::string, int> BrokenHostEntry;
129  // Hosts which have been contaminated with insecure content in the
130  // specified process.  Note that insecure content can travel between
131  // same-origin frames in one processs but cannot jump between processes.
132  std::set<BrokenHostEntry> ran_insecure_content_hosts_;
134  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ChromeSSLHostStateDelegate);