1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <map>
9#include <string>
10#include <utility>
11#include <vector>
13#include "base/basictypes.h"
14#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
15#include "base/strings/string16.h"
16#include "components/history/core/browser/history_types.h"
17#include "components/sync_driver/data_type_error_handler.h"
18#include "components/sync_driver/model_associator.h"
19#include "sync/protocol/typed_url_specifics.pb.h"
21class GURL;
22class ProfileSyncService;
24namespace base {
25class MessageLoop;
28namespace history {
29class HistoryBackend;
30class URLRow;
33namespace syncer {
34class WriteNode;
35class WriteTransaction;
38namespace browser_sync {
40// Contains all model association related logic:
41// * Algorithm to associate typed_url model and sync model.
42// * Persisting model associations and loading them back.
43// We do not check if we have local data before this run; we always
44// merge and sync.
45class TypedUrlModelAssociator : public sync_driver::AssociatorInterface {
46 public:
47  typedef std::vector<std::pair<GURL, std::vector<history::VisitInfo> > >
48      TypedUrlVisitVector;
50  static syncer::ModelType model_type() { return syncer::TYPED_URLS; }
51  TypedUrlModelAssociator(ProfileSyncService* sync_service,
52                          history::HistoryBackend* history_backend,
53                          sync_driver::DataTypeErrorHandler* error_handler);
54  virtual ~TypedUrlModelAssociator();
56  // AssociatorInterface implementation.
57  //
58  // Iterates through the sync model looking for matched pairs of items.
59  virtual syncer::SyncError AssociateModels(
60      syncer::SyncMergeResult* local_merge_result,
61      syncer::SyncMergeResult* syncer_merge_result) OVERRIDE;
63  // Clears all associations.
64  virtual syncer::SyncError DisassociateModels() OVERRIDE;
66  // Called from the main thread, to abort the currently active model
67  // association (for example, if we are shutting down).
68  virtual void AbortAssociation() OVERRIDE;
70  // The has_nodes out param is true if the sync model has nodes other
71  // than the permanent tagged nodes.
72  virtual bool SyncModelHasUserCreatedNodes(bool* has_nodes) OVERRIDE;
74  virtual bool CryptoReadyIfNecessary() OVERRIDE;
76  // Delete all typed url nodes.
77  bool DeleteAllNodes(syncer::WriteTransaction* trans);
79  void WriteToHistoryBackend(const history::URLRows* new_urls,
80                             const history::URLRows* updated_urls,
81                             const TypedUrlVisitVector* new_visits,
82                             const history::VisitVector* deleted_visits);
84  // Given a typed URL in the sync DB, looks for an existing entry in the
85  // local history DB and generates a list of visits to add to the
86  // history DB to bring it up to date (avoiding duplicates).
87  // Updates the passed |visits_to_add| and |visits_to_remove| vectors with the
88  // visits to add to/remove from the history DB, and adds a new entry to either
89  // |updated_urls| or |new_urls| depending on whether the URL already existed
90  // in the history DB.
91  void UpdateFromSyncDB(const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& typed_url,
92                        TypedUrlVisitVector* visits_to_add,
93                        history::VisitVector* visits_to_remove,
94                        history::URLRows* updated_urls,
95                        history::URLRows* new_urls);
97  // Given a TypedUrlSpecifics object, removes all visits that are older than
98  // the current expiration time. Note that this can result in having no visits
99  // at all.
100  sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics FilterExpiredVisits(
101      const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& specifics);
103  // Returns the percentage of DB accesses that have resulted in an error.
104  int GetErrorPercentage() const;
106  // Bitfield returned from MergeUrls to specify the result of the merge.
107  typedef uint32 MergeResult;
108  static const MergeResult DIFF_NONE                = 0;
109  static const MergeResult DIFF_UPDATE_NODE         = 1 << 0;
110  static const MergeResult DIFF_LOCAL_ROW_CHANGED   = 1 << 1;
111  static const MergeResult DIFF_LOCAL_VISITS_ADDED  = 1 << 2;
113  // Merges the URL information in |typed_url| with the URL information from the
114  // history database in |url| and |visits|, and returns a bitmask with the
115  // results of the merge:
116  // DIFF_UPDATE_NODE - changes have been made to |new_url| and |visits| which
117  //   should be persisted to the sync node.
118  // DIFF_LOCAL_ROW_CHANGED - The history data in |new_url| should be persisted
119  //   to the history DB.
120  // DIFF_LOCAL_VISITS_ADDED - |new_visits| contains a list of visits that
121  //   should be written to the history DB for this URL. Deletions are not
122  //   written to the DB - each client is left to age out visits on their own.
123  static MergeResult MergeUrls(const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& typed_url,
124                               const history::URLRow& url,
125                               history::VisitVector* visits,
126                               history::URLRow* new_url,
127                               std::vector<history::VisitInfo>* new_visits);
128  static void WriteToSyncNode(const history::URLRow& url,
129                              const history::VisitVector& visits,
130                              syncer::WriteNode* node);
132  // Diffs the set of visits between the history DB and the sync DB, using the
133  // sync DB as the canonical copy. Result is the set of |new_visits| and
134  // |removed_visits| that can be applied to the history DB to make it match
135  // the sync DB version. |removed_visits| can be null if the caller does not
136  // care about which visits to remove.
137  static void DiffVisits(const history::VisitVector& old_visits,
138                         const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& new_url,
139                         std::vector<history::VisitInfo>* new_visits,
140                         history::VisitVector* removed_visits);
142  // Converts the passed URL information to a TypedUrlSpecifics structure for
143  // writing to the sync DB
144  static void WriteToTypedUrlSpecifics(const history::URLRow& url,
145                                       const history::VisitVector& visits,
146                                       sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics* specifics);
148  // Fetches visits from the history DB corresponding to the passed URL. This
149  // function compensates for the fact that the history DB has rather poor data
150  // integrity (duplicate visits, visit timestamps that don't match the
151  // last_visit timestamp, huge data sets that exhaust memory when fetched,
152  // etc) by modifying the passed |url| object and |visits| vector.
153  // Returns false if we could not fetch the visits for the passed URL, and
154  // tracks DB error statistics internally for reporting via UMA.
155  bool FixupURLAndGetVisits(history::URLRow* url,
156                            history::VisitVector* visits);
158  // Updates the passed |url_row| based on the values in |specifics|. Fields
159  // that are not contained in |specifics| (such as typed_count) are left
160  // unchanged.
161  static void UpdateURLRowFromTypedUrlSpecifics(
162      const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& specifics, history::URLRow* url_row);
164  // Helper function that determines if we should ignore a URL for the purposes
165  // of sync, because it contains invalid data.
166  bool ShouldIgnoreUrl(const GURL& url);
168 protected:
169  // Helper function that clears our error counters (used to reset stats after
170  // model association so we can track model association errors separately).
171  // Overridden by tests.
172  virtual void ClearErrorStats();
174 private:
176  // Helper routine that actually does the work of associating models.
177  syncer::SyncError DoAssociateModels();
179  // Helper function that determines if we should ignore a URL for the purposes
180  // of sync, based on the visits the URL had.
181  bool ShouldIgnoreVisits(const history::VisitVector& visits);
183  ProfileSyncService* sync_service_;
184  history::HistoryBackend* history_backend_;
186  base::MessageLoop* expected_loop_;
188  bool abort_requested_;
189  base::Lock abort_lock_;
191  // Guaranteed to outlive datatypes.
192  sync_driver::DataTypeErrorHandler* error_handler_;
194  // Statistics for the purposes of tracking the percentage of DB accesses that
195  // fail for each client via UMA.
196  int num_db_accesses_;
197  int num_db_errors_;
199  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TypedUrlModelAssociator);
202}  // namespace browser_sync