find_bar_host.h revision 7d4cd473f85ac64c3747c96c277f9e506a0d2246
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
9#include "chrome/browser/ui/find_bar/find_bar.h"
10#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/dropdown_bar_host.h"
11#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
12#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
13#include "ui/views/controls/textfield/textfield.h"
15class BrowserView;
16class FindBarController;
17class FindBarView;
18class FindNotificationDetails;
22// The FindBarHost implements the container widget for the
23// find-in-page functionality. It uses the appropriate implementation from
24// or to draw its content and is
25// responsible for showing, hiding, closing, and moving the widget if needed,
26// for example if the widget is obscuring the selection results. It also
27// receives notifications about the search results and communicates that to
28// the view.
30// There is one FindBarHost per BrowserView, and its state is updated
31// whenever the selected Tab is changed. The FindBarHost is created when
32// the BrowserView is attached to the frame's Widget for the first time.
35class FindBarHost : public DropdownBarHost,
36                    public FindBar,
37                    public FindBarTesting {
38 public:
39  explicit FindBarHost(BrowserView* browser_view);
40  virtual ~FindBarHost();
42  // Forwards selected key events to the renderer. This is useful to make sure
43  // that arrow keys and PageUp and PageDown result in scrolling, instead of
44  // being eaten because the FindBar has focus. Returns true if the keystroke
45  // was forwarded, false if not.
46  bool MaybeForwardKeyEventToWebpage(const ui::KeyEvent& key_event);
48  // FindBar implementation:
49  virtual FindBarController* GetFindBarController() const OVERRIDE;
50  virtual void SetFindBarController(
51      FindBarController* find_bar_controller) OVERRIDE;
52  virtual void Show(bool animate) OVERRIDE;
53  virtual void Hide(bool animate) OVERRIDE;
54  virtual void SetFocusAndSelection() OVERRIDE;
55  virtual void ClearResults(const FindNotificationDetails& results) OVERRIDE;
56  virtual void StopAnimation() OVERRIDE;
57  virtual void MoveWindowIfNecessary(const gfx::Rect& selection_rect,
58                                     bool no_redraw) OVERRIDE;
59  virtual void SetFindText(const string16& find_text) OVERRIDE;
60  virtual void UpdateUIForFindResult(const FindNotificationDetails& result,
61                                     const string16& find_text) OVERRIDE;
62  virtual void AudibleAlert() OVERRIDE;
63  virtual bool IsFindBarVisible() OVERRIDE;
64  virtual void RestoreSavedFocus() OVERRIDE;
65  virtual bool HasGlobalFindPasteboard() OVERRIDE;
66  virtual void UpdateFindBarForChangedWebContents() OVERRIDE;
67  virtual FindBarTesting* GetFindBarTesting() OVERRIDE;
69  // Overridden from ui::AcceleratorTarget in DropdownBarHost class:
70  virtual bool AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) OVERRIDE;
71  virtual bool CanHandleAccelerators() const OVERRIDE;
73  // FindBarTesting implementation:
74  virtual bool GetFindBarWindowInfo(gfx::Point* position,
75                                    bool* fully_visible) OVERRIDE;
76  virtual string16 GetFindText() OVERRIDE;
77  virtual string16 GetFindSelectedText() OVERRIDE;
78  virtual string16 GetMatchCountText() OVERRIDE;
79  virtual int GetWidth() OVERRIDE;
81  // Overridden from DropdownBarHost:
82  // Returns the rectangle representing where to position the find bar. It uses
83  // GetDialogBounds and positions itself within that, either to the left (if an
84  // InfoBar is present) or to the right (no InfoBar). If
85  // |avoid_overlapping_rect| is specified, the return value will be a rectangle
86  // located immediately to the left of |avoid_overlapping_rect|, as long as
87  // there is enough room for the dialog to draw within the bounds. If not, the
88  // dialog position returned will overlap |avoid_overlapping_rect|.
89  // Note: |avoid_overlapping_rect| is expected to use coordinates relative to
90  // the top of the page area, (it will be converted to coordinates relative to
91  // the top of the browser window, when comparing against the dialog
92  // coordinates). The returned value is relative to the browser window.
93  virtual gfx::Rect GetDialogPosition(
94      gfx::Rect avoid_overlapping_rect) OVERRIDE;
95  // Moves the dialog window to the provided location, moves it to top in the
96  // z-order (HWND_TOP, not HWND_TOPMOST) and shows the window (if hidden).
97  // It then calls UpdateWindowEdges to make sure we don't overwrite the Chrome
98  // window border. If |no_redraw| is set, the window is getting moved but not
99  // sized, and should not be redrawn to reduce update flicker.
100  virtual void SetDialogPosition(const gfx::Rect& new_pos,
101                                 bool no_redraw) OVERRIDE;
103  // Retrieves the boundaries that the find bar widget has to work with
104  // within the Chrome frame window. The resulting rectangle will be a
105  // rectangle that overlaps the bottom of the Chrome toolbar by one
106  // pixel (so we can create the illusion that the dropdown widget is
107  // part of the toolbar) and covers the page area, except that we
108  // deflate the rect width by subtracting (from both sides) the width
109  // of the toolbar and some extra pixels to account for the width of
110  // the Chrome window borders. |bounds| is relative to the browser
111  // window. If the function fails to determine the browser
112  // window/client area rectangle or the rectangle for the page area
113  // then |bounds| will be an empty rectangle.
114  virtual void GetWidgetBounds(gfx::Rect* bounds) OVERRIDE;
116  // Additional accelerator handling (on top of what DropDownBarHost does).
117  virtual void RegisterAccelerators() OVERRIDE;
118  virtual void UnregisterAccelerators() OVERRIDE;
120 protected:
121  // Overridden from DropdownBarHost:
122  virtual void OnVisibilityChanged() OVERRIDE;
124 private:
125  // Allows implementation to tweak widget position.
126  void GetWidgetPositionNative(gfx::Rect* avoid_overlapping_rect);
128  // Allows native implementation to prevent key events from being forwarded.
129  bool ShouldForwardKeyEventToWebpageNative(const ui::KeyEvent& key_event);
131  // Returns the FindBarView.
132  FindBarView* find_bar_view();
134  // A pointer back to the owning controller.
135  FindBarController* find_bar_controller_;