1<!DOCTYPE html>
3 * Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.  Use of this
4 * source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
5 * LICENSE file.
8  <head>
9    <title>Simple Background App</title>
10    <style>
11      .hidden { display: none; }
12      #unsupported { color: #d00; }
13    </style>
14  </head>
15  <body>
16    <h1>Simple Background App</h1>
17    <p id="supported" class="hidden">
18      <button id="openBackgroundWindow">Open background window</button>
19      <button id="closeBackgroundWindow">Close background window</button>
20    </p>
21    <p id="unsupported" class="hidden">
22      You are not using Chrome or have not installed the application for this
23      page.
24    </p>
25    <script src="index.js"></script>
26    <p>
27      This app displays a notification
28      whenever its background window is created.
29      Background windows and this app are described in the
30      <a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/apps/docs/developers_guide.html">apps documentation</a>.
31    </p>
32    <p>
33      The generic source code is available for
34      <a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/trunk/examples/apps/background-simple.zip">download</a>.
35      The
36      <a href="http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/src/chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/apps/background-simple/README?content-type=text/plain">README</a>
37      tells you how to modify the code.
38    </p>
39    <p>
40      If you just want to run a version of this app that's already on the web,
41      here's how:
42    </p>
43    <ol>
44      <li>
45        <a href="http://background-simple.appspot.com/app.crx">Install the app</a>
46        from background-simple.appspot.com.
47      </li>
48      <li>
49        Launch Simple Background App from the New Tab page.
50      </li>
51    </ol>
52  </body>