api_models.py revision 0f1bc08d4cfcc34181b0b5cbf065c40f687bf740
1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import logging
6import os
7import posixpath
9from compiled_file_system import SingleFile
10from file_system import FileNotFoundError
11from future import Gettable, Future
12from schema_util import ProcessSchema
13from svn_constants import API_PATH
14from third_party.json_schema_compiler.model import Namespace, UnixName
18def _CreateAPIModel(path, data):
19  schema = ProcessSchema(path, data)
20  if os.path.splitext(path)[1] == '.json':
21    schema = schema[0]
22  return Namespace(schema, schema['namespace'])
25class APIModels(object):
26  '''Tracks APIs and their Models.
27  '''
29  def __init__(self, features_bundle, compiled_fs_factory, file_system):
30    self._features_bundle = features_bundle
31    self._model_cache = compiled_fs_factory.Create(
32        file_system, _CreateAPIModel, APIModels)
34  def GetNames(self):
35    # API names appear alongside some of their methods/events/etc in the
36    # features file. APIs are those which either implicitly or explicitly have
37    # no parent feature (e.g. app, app.window, and devtools.inspectedWindow are
38    # APIs; runtime.onConnectNative is not).
39    api_features = self._features_bundle.GetAPIFeatures()
40    return [name for name, feature in api_features.iteritems()
41            if ('.' not in name or
42                name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] not in api_features or
43                feature.get('noparent'))]
45  def GetModel(self, api_name):
46    # Callers sometimes specify a filename which includes .json or .idl - if
47    # so, believe them. They may even include the 'api/' prefix.
48    if os.path.splitext(api_name)[1] in ('.json', '.idl'):
49      if not api_name.startswith(API_PATH + '/'):
50        api_name = posixpath.join(API_PATH, api_name)
51      return self._model_cache.GetFromFile(api_name)
53    assert not api_name.startswith(API_PATH)
55    # API names are given as declarativeContent and app.window but file names
56    # will be declarative_content and app_window.
57    file_name = UnixName(api_name).replace('.', '_')
58    # Devtools APIs are in API_PATH/devtools/ not API_PATH/, and have their
59    # "devtools" names removed from the file names.
60    basename = posixpath.basename(file_name)
61    if basename.startswith('devtools_'):
62      file_name = posixpath.join(
63          'devtools', file_name.replace(basename, basename[len('devtools_'):]))
65    futures = [self._model_cache.GetFromFile('%s/%s.%s' %
66                                             (API_PATH, file_name, ext))
67               for ext in ('json', 'idl')]
68    def resolve():
69      for future in futures:
70        try:
71          return future.Get()
72        except FileNotFoundError: pass
73      # Propagate the first FileNotFoundError if neither were found.
74      futures[0].Get()
75    return Future(delegate=Gettable(resolve))