1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6import unittest
8from github_file_system_provider import GithubFileSystemProvider
9from instance_servlet import InstanceServlet
10from servlet import Request
11from fail_on_access_file_system import FailOnAccessFileSystem
12from test_branch_utility import TestBranchUtility
13from test_util import DisableLogging
15# NOTE(kalman): The ObjectStore created by the InstanceServlet is backed onto
16# our fake AppEngine memcache/datastore, so the tests aren't isolated.
17class _TestDelegate(InstanceServlet.Delegate):
18  def __init__(self, file_system_type):
19    self._file_system_type = file_system_type
21  def CreateBranchUtility(self, object_store_creator):
22    return TestBranchUtility.CreateWithCannedData()
24  def CreateGithubFileSystemProvider(self, object_store_creator):
25    return GithubFileSystemProvider.ForEmpty()
27class InstanceServletTest(unittest.TestCase):
28  '''Tests that if the file systems underlying the docserver's data fail,
29  the instance servlet still returns 404s or 301s with a best-effort.
30  It should never return a 500 (i.e. crash).
31  '''
33  @DisableLogging('warning')
34  def testHostFileSystemNotAccessed(self):
35    delegate = _TestDelegate(FailOnAccessFileSystem)
36    constructor = InstanceServlet.GetConstructor(delegate_for_test=delegate)
37    def test_path(path, status=404):
38      response = constructor(Request.ForTest(path)).Get()
39      self.assertEqual(status, response.status)
40    test_path('extensions/storage.html')
41    test_path('apps/storage.html')
42    test_path('extensions/examples/foo.zip')
43    test_path('extensions/examples/foo.html')
44    test_path('static/foo.css')
45    test_path('beta/extensions/storage.html', status=301)
46    test_path('beta/apps/storage.html', status=301)
47    test_path('beta/extensions/examples/foo.zip', status=301)
48    test_path('beta/extensions/examples/foo.html', status=301)
49    test_path('beta/static/foo.css', status=301)
51if __name__ == '__main__':
52  unittest.main()