1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import hashlib
6import logging
7import posixpath
8import traceback
10from branch_utility import BranchUtility
11from environment import IsPreviewServer
12from file_system import FileNotFoundError
13from redirector import Redirector
14from servlet import Servlet, Response
15from special_paths import SITE_VERIFICATION_FILE
16from third_party.motemplate import Motemplate
19def _MakeHeaders(content_type, etag=None):
20  headers = {
21    # See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.9.1.
22    'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=0, no-cache',
23    'Content-Type': content_type,
24    'X-Frame-Options': 'sameorigin',
25  }
26  if etag is not None:
27    headers['ETag'] = etag
28  return headers
31class RenderServlet(Servlet):
32  '''Servlet which renders templates.
33  '''
35  class Delegate(object):
36    def CreateServerInstance(self):
37      raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)
39  def __init__(self, request, delegate):
40    Servlet.__init__(self, request)
41    self._delegate = delegate
43  def Get(self):
44    ''' Render the page for a request.
45    '''
46    path = self._request.path.lstrip('/')
48    # The server used to be partitioned based on Chrome channel, but it isn't
49    # anymore. Redirect from the old state.
50    channel_name, path = BranchUtility.SplitChannelNameFromPath(path)
51    if channel_name is not None:
52      return Response.Redirect('/' + path, permanent=True)
54    server_instance = self._delegate.CreateServerInstance()
56    try:
57      return self._GetSuccessResponse(path, server_instance)
58    except FileNotFoundError:
59      # Find the closest 404.html file and serve that, e.g. if the path is
60      # extensions/manifest/typo.html then first look for
61      # extensions/manifest/404.html, then extensions/404.html, then 404.html.
62      #
63      # Failing that just print 'Not Found' but that should preferrably never
64      # happen, because it would look really bad.
65      path_components = path.split('/')
66      for i in xrange(len(path_components) - 1, -1, -1):
67        try:
68          path_404 = posixpath.join(*(path_components[0:i] + ['404']))
69          response = self._GetSuccessResponse(path_404, server_instance)
70          if response.status != 200:
71            continue
72          return Response.NotFound(response.content.ToString(),
73                                   headers=response.headers)
74        except FileNotFoundError: continue
75      logging.warning('No 404.html found in %s' % path)
76      return Response.NotFound('Not Found', headers=_MakeHeaders('text/plain'))
78  def _GetSuccessResponse(self, request_path, server_instance):
79    '''Returns the Response from trying to render |path| with
80    |server_instance|.  If |path| isn't found then a FileNotFoundError will be
81    raised, such that the only responses that will be returned from this method
82    are Ok and Redirect.
83    '''
84    content_provider, serve_from, path = (
85        server_instance.content_providers.GetByServeFrom(request_path))
86    assert content_provider, 'No ContentProvider found for %s' % path
88    redirect = Redirector(
89        server_instance.compiled_fs_factory,
90        content_provider.file_system).Redirect(self._request.host, path)
91    if redirect is not None:
92      # Absolute redirects stay absolute, relative redirects are relative to
93      # |serve_from|; all redirects eventually need to be *served* as absolute.
94      if not redirect.startswith(('/', 'http://', 'https://')):
95        redirect = '/' + posixpath.join(serve_from, redirect)
96      return Response.Redirect(redirect, permanent=False)
98    canonical_path = content_provider.GetCanonicalPath(path)
99    if canonical_path != path:
100      redirect_path = posixpath.join(serve_from, canonical_path)
101      return Response.Redirect('/' + redirect_path, permanent=False)
103    if request_path.endswith('/'):
104      # Directory request hasn't been redirected by now. Default behaviour is
105      # to redirect as though it were a file.
106      return Response.Redirect('/' + request_path.rstrip('/'),
107                               permanent=False)
109    content_and_type = content_provider.GetContentAndType(path).Get()
110    if not content_and_type.content:
111      logging.error('%s had empty content' % path)
113    content = content_and_type.content
114    if isinstance(content, Motemplate):
115      template_content, template_warnings = (
116          server_instance.template_renderer.Render(content, self._request))
117      # HACK: the site verification file (google2ed...) doesn't have a title.
118      content, doc_warnings = server_instance.document_renderer.Render(
119          template_content,
120          path,
121          render_title=path != SITE_VERIFICATION_FILE)
122      warnings = template_warnings + doc_warnings
123      if warnings:
124        sep = '\n - '
125        logging.warning('Rendering %s:%s%s' % (path, sep, sep.join(warnings)))
126      # Content was dynamic. The new etag is a hash of the content.
127      etag = None
128    elif content_and_type.version is not None:
129      # Content was static. The new etag is the version of the content. Hash it
130      # to make sure it's valid.
131      etag = '"%s"' % hashlib.md5(str(content_and_type.version)).hexdigest()
132    else:
133      # Sometimes non-dynamic content does not have a version, for example
134      # .zip files. The new etag is a hash of the content.
135      etag = None
137    content_type = content_and_type.content_type
138    if isinstance(content, unicode):
139      content = content.encode('utf-8')
140      content_type += '; charset=utf-8'
142    if etag is None:
143      # Note: we're using md5 as a convenient and fast-enough way to identify
144      # content. It's not intended to be cryptographic in any way, and this
145      # is *not* what etags is for. That's what SSL is for, this is unrelated.
146      etag = '"%s"' % hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest()
148    headers = _MakeHeaders(content_type, etag=etag)
149    if etag == self._request.headers.get('If-None-Match'):
150      return Response.NotModified('Not Modified', headers=headers)
151    return Response.Ok(content, headers=headers)