work_item.h revision cedac228d2dd51db4b79ea1e72c7f249408ee061
1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// Base class for managing an action of a sequence of actions to be carried
6// out during install/update/uninstall. Supports rollback of actions if this
7// process fails.
12#include <windows.h>
14#include <string>
15#include <vector>
17#include "base/basictypes.h"
18#include "base/callback_forward.h"
20class CallbackWorkItem;
21class CopyTreeWorkItem;
22class CreateDirWorkItem;
23class CreateRegKeyWorkItem;
24class DeleteTreeWorkItem;
25class DeleteRegKeyWorkItem;
26class DeleteRegValueWorkItem;
27class MoveTreeWorkItem;
28class SelfRegWorkItem;
29class SetRegValueWorkItem;
30class WorkItemList;
32namespace base {
33class FilePath;
36// A base class that defines APIs to perform/rollback an action or a
37// sequence of actions during install/update/uninstall.
38class WorkItem {
39 public:
40  // All registry operations can be instructed to operate on a specific view
41  // of the registry by specifying a REGSAM value to the wow64_access parameter.
42  // The wow64_access parameter can be one of:
43  // KEY_WOW64_32KEY - Operate on the 32-bit view.
44  // KEY_WOW64_64KEY - Operate on the 64-bit view.
45  // kWow64Default   - Operate on the default view (e.g. 32-bit on 32-bit
46  //                   systems, and 64-bit on 64-bit systems).
47  // See
48  static const REGSAM kWow64Default = 0;
49  // Possible states
50  enum CopyOverWriteOption {
51    ALWAYS,  // Always overwrite regardless of what existed before.
52    NEVER,  // Not used currently.
53    IF_DIFFERENT,  // Overwrite if different. Currently only applies to file.
54    IF_NOT_PRESENT,  // Copy only if file/directory do not exist already.
55    NEW_NAME_IF_IN_USE  // Copy to a new path if dest is in use(only files).
56  };
58  // Options for the MoveTree work item.
59  enum MoveTreeOption {
60    ALWAYS_MOVE,  // Always attempt to do a move operation.
61    CHECK_DUPLICATES  // Only move if the move target is different.
62  };
64  // Abstract base class for the conditions used by ConditionWorkItemList.
65  // TODO(robertshield): Move this out of WorkItem.
66  class Condition {
67   public:
68    virtual ~Condition() {}
69    virtual bool ShouldRun() const = 0;
70  };
72  virtual ~WorkItem();
74  // Create a CallbackWorkItem that invokes a callback.
75  static CallbackWorkItem* CreateCallbackWorkItem(
76      base::Callback<bool(const CallbackWorkItem&)> callback);
78  // Create a CopyTreeWorkItem that recursively copies a file system hierarchy
79  // from source path to destination path.
80  // * If overwrite_option is ALWAYS, the created CopyTreeWorkItem always
81  //   overwrites files.
82  // * If overwrite_option is NEW_NAME_IF_IN_USE, file is copied with an
83  //   alternate name specified by alternative_path.
84  static CopyTreeWorkItem* CreateCopyTreeWorkItem(
85      const base::FilePath& source_path,
86      const base::FilePath& dest_path,
87      const base::FilePath& temp_dir,
88      CopyOverWriteOption overwrite_option,
89      const base::FilePath& alternative_path);
91  // Create a CreateDirWorkItem that creates a directory at the given path.
92  static CreateDirWorkItem* CreateCreateDirWorkItem(const base::FilePath& path);
94  // Create a CreateRegKeyWorkItem that creates a registry key at the given
95  // path.
96  static CreateRegKeyWorkItem* CreateCreateRegKeyWorkItem(
97      HKEY predefined_root,
98      const std::wstring& path,
99      REGSAM wow64_access);
101  // Create a DeleteRegKeyWorkItem that deletes a registry key at the given
102  // path.
103  static DeleteRegKeyWorkItem* CreateDeleteRegKeyWorkItem(
104      HKEY predefined_root,
105      const std::wstring& path,
106      REGSAM wow64_access);
108  // Create a DeleteRegValueWorkItem that deletes a registry value
109  static DeleteRegValueWorkItem* CreateDeleteRegValueWorkItem(
110      HKEY predefined_root,
111      const std::wstring& key_path,
112      REGSAM wow64_access,
113      const std::wstring& value_name);
115  // Create a DeleteTreeWorkItem that recursively deletes a file system
116  // hierarchy at the given root path. A key file can be optionally specified
117  // by key_path.
118  static DeleteTreeWorkItem* CreateDeleteTreeWorkItem(
119      const base::FilePath& root_path,
120      const base::FilePath& temp_path,
121      const std::vector<base::FilePath>& key_paths);
123  // Create a MoveTreeWorkItem that recursively moves a file system hierarchy
124  // from source path to destination path.
125  static MoveTreeWorkItem* CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(
126      const base::FilePath& source_path,
127      const base::FilePath& dest_path,
128      const base::FilePath& temp_dir,
129      MoveTreeOption duplicate_option);
131  // Create a SetRegValueWorkItem that sets a registry value with REG_SZ type
132  // at the key with specified path.
133  static SetRegValueWorkItem* CreateSetRegValueWorkItem(
134      HKEY predefined_root,
135      const std::wstring& key_path,
136      REGSAM wow64_access,
137      const std::wstring& value_name,
138      const std::wstring& value_data,
139      bool overwrite);
141  // Create a SetRegValueWorkItem that sets a registry value with REG_DWORD type
142  // at the key with specified path.
143  static SetRegValueWorkItem* CreateSetRegValueWorkItem(
144      HKEY predefined_root,
145      const std::wstring& key_path,
146      REGSAM wow64_access,
147      const std::wstring& value_name,
148      DWORD value_data,
149      bool overwrite);
151  // Create a SetRegValueWorkItem that sets a registry value with REG_QWORD type
152  // at the key with specified path.
153  static SetRegValueWorkItem* CreateSetRegValueWorkItem(
154      HKEY predefined_root,
155      const std::wstring& key_path,
156      REGSAM wow64_access,
157      const std::wstring& value_name,
158      int64 value_data,
159      bool overwrite);
161  // Add a SelfRegWorkItem that registers or unregisters a DLL at the
162  // specified path.
163  static SelfRegWorkItem* CreateSelfRegWorkItem(const std::wstring& dll_path,
164                                                bool do_register,
165                                                bool user_level_registration);
167  // Create an empty WorkItemList. A WorkItemList can recursively contains
168  // a list of WorkItems.
169  static WorkItemList* CreateWorkItemList();
171  // Create an empty WorkItemList that cannot be rolled back.
172  // Such a work item list executes all items on a best effort basis and does
173  // not abort execution if an item in the list fails.
174  static WorkItemList* CreateNoRollbackWorkItemList();
176  // Create a conditional work item list that will execute only if
177  // condition->ShouldRun() returns true. The WorkItemList instance
178  // assumes ownership of condition.
179  static WorkItemList* CreateConditionalWorkItemList(Condition* condition);
181  // Perform the actions of WorkItem. Returns true if success, returns false
182  // otherwise.
183  // If the WorkItem is transactional, then Do() is done as a transaction.
184  // If it returns false, there will be no change on the system.
185  virtual bool Do() = 0;
187  // Rollback any actions previously carried out by this WorkItem. If the
188  // WorkItem is transactional, then the previous actions can be fully
189  // rolled back. If the WorkItem is non-transactional, the rollback is a
190  // best effort.
191  virtual void Rollback() = 0;
193  // If called with true, this WorkItem may return true from its Do() method
194  // even on failure and Rollback will have no effect.
195  void set_ignore_failure(bool ignore_failure) {
196    ignore_failure_ = ignore_failure;
197  }
199  // Returns true if this WorkItem should ignore failures.
200  bool ignore_failure() const {
201    return ignore_failure_;
202  }
204  // Sets an optional log message that a work item may use to print additional
205  // instance-specific information.
206  void set_log_message(const std::string& log_message) {
207    log_message_ = log_message;
208  }
210  // Retrieves the optional log message. The retrieved string may be empty.
211  const std::string& log_message() const { return log_message_; }
213 protected:
214  WorkItem();
216  // Specifies whether this work item my fail to complete and yet still
217  // return true from Do().
218  bool ignore_failure_;
220  std::string log_message_;