spellcheck_worditerator.cc revision a3f6a49ab37290eeeb8db0f41ec0f1cb74a68be7
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// Implements a custom word iterator used for our spellchecker.
7#include "chrome/renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_worditerator.h"
9#include <map>
10#include <string>
12#include "base/basictypes.h"
13#include "base/logging.h"
14#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
15#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
16#include "chrome/renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck.h"
17#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/normlzr.h"
18#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/schriter.h"
19#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/uscript.h"
20#include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/ulocdata.h"
22// SpellcheckCharAttribute implementation:
25    : script_code_(USCRIPT_LATIN) {
28SpellcheckCharAttribute::~SpellcheckCharAttribute() {
31void SpellcheckCharAttribute::SetDefaultLanguage(const std::string& language) {
32  CreateRuleSets(language);
35base::string16 SpellcheckCharAttribute::GetRuleSet(
36    bool allow_contraction) const {
37  return allow_contraction ?
38      ruleset_allow_contraction_ : ruleset_disallow_contraction_;
41void SpellcheckCharAttribute::CreateRuleSets(const std::string& language) {
42  // The template for our custom rule sets, which is based on the word-break
43  // rules of ICU 4.0:
44  // <http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu/tags/release-4-0/source/data/brkitr/word.txt>.
45  // The major differences from the original one are listed below:
46  // * It discards comments in the original rules.
47  // * It discards characters not needed by our spellchecker (e.g. numbers,
48  //   punctuation characters, Hiraganas, Katakanas, CJK Ideographs, and so on).
49  // * It allows customization of the $ALetter value (i.e. word characters).
50  // * It allows customization of the $ALetterPlus value (i.e. whether or not to
51  //   use the dictionary data).
52  // * It allows choosing whether or not to split a text at contraction
53  //   characters.
54  // This template only changes the forward-iteration rules. So, calling
55  // ubrk_prev() returns the same results as the original template.
56  static const char kRuleTemplate[] =
57      "!!chain;"
58      "$CR           = [\\p{Word_Break = CR}];"
59      "$LF           = [\\p{Word_Break = LF}];"
60      "$Newline      = [\\p{Word_Break = Newline}];"
61      "$Extend       = [\\p{Word_Break = Extend}];"
62      "$Format       = [\\p{Word_Break = Format}];"
63      "$Katakana     = [\\p{Word_Break = Katakana}];"
64      // Not all the characters in a given script are ALetter.
65      // For instance, U+05F4 is MidLetter. So, this may be
66      // better, but it leads to an empty set error in Thai.
67      // "$ALetter   = [[\\p{script=%s}] & [\\p{Word_Break = ALetter}]];"
68      "$ALetter      = [\\p{script=%s}%s];"
69      "$MidNumLet    = [\\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];"
70      "$MidLetter    = [\\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}%s];"
71      "$MidNum       = [\\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];"
72      "$Numeric      = [\\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];"
73      "$ExtendNumLet = [\\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];"
75      "$Control        = [\\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}]; "
76      "%s"  // ALetterPlus
78      "$KatakanaEx     = $Katakana     ($Extend |  $Format)*;"
79      "$ALetterEx      = $ALetterPlus  ($Extend |  $Format)*;"
80      "$MidNumLetEx    = $MidNumLet    ($Extend |  $Format)*;"
81      "$MidLetterEx    = $MidLetter    ($Extend |  $Format)*;"
82      "$MidNumEx       = $MidNum       ($Extend |  $Format)*;"
83      "$NumericEx      = $Numeric      ($Extend |  $Format)*;"
84      "$ExtendNumLetEx = $ExtendNumLet ($Extend |  $Format)*;"
86      "$Hiragana       = [\\p{script=Hiragana}];"
87      "$Ideographic    = [\\p{Ideographic}];"
88      "$HiraganaEx     = $Hiragana     ($Extend |  $Format)*;"
89      "$IdeographicEx  = $Ideographic  ($Extend |  $Format)*;"
91      "!!forward;"
92      "$CR $LF;"
93      "[^$CR $LF $Newline]? ($Extend |  $Format)+;"
94      "$ALetterEx {200};"
95      "$ALetterEx $ALetterEx {200};"
96      "%s"  // (Allow|Disallow) Contraction
98      "!!reverse;"
99      "$BackALetterEx     = ($Format | $Extend)* $ALetterPlus;"
100      "$BackMidNumLetEx   = ($Format | $Extend)* $MidNumLet;"
101      "$BackNumericEx     = ($Format | $Extend)* $Numeric;"
102      "$BackMidNumEx      = ($Format | $Extend)* $MidNum;"
103      "$BackMidLetterEx   = ($Format | $Extend)* $MidLetter;"
104      "$BackKatakanaEx    = ($Format | $Extend)* $Katakana;"
105      "$BackExtendNumLetEx= ($Format | $Extend)* $ExtendNumLet;"
106      "$LF $CR;"
107      "($Format | $Extend)*  [^$CR $LF $Newline]?;"
108      "$BackALetterEx $BackALetterEx;"
109      "$BackALetterEx ($BackMidLetterEx | $BackMidNumLetEx) $BackALetterEx;"
110      "$BackNumericEx $BackNumericEx;"
111      "$BackNumericEx $BackALetterEx;"
112      "$BackALetterEx $BackNumericEx;"
113      "$BackNumericEx ($BackMidNumEx | $BackMidNumLetEx) $BackNumericEx;"
114      "$BackKatakanaEx $BackKatakanaEx;"
115      "$BackExtendNumLetEx ($BackALetterEx | $BackNumericEx |"
116      " $BackKatakanaEx | $BackExtendNumLetEx);"
117      "($BackALetterEx | $BackNumericEx | $BackKatakanaEx)"
118      " $BackExtendNumLetEx;"
120      "!!safe_reverse;"
121      "($Extend | $Format)+ .?;"
122      "($MidLetter | $MidNumLet) $BackALetterEx;"
123      "($MidNum | $MidNumLet) $BackNumericEx;"
125      "!!safe_forward;"
126      "($Extend | $Format)+ .?;"
127      "($MidLetterEx | $MidNumLetEx) $ALetterEx;"
128      "($MidNumEx | $MidNumLetEx) $NumericEx;";
130  // Retrieve the script codes used by the given language from ICU. When the
131  // given language consists of two or more scripts, we just use the first
132  // script. The size of returned script codes is always < 8. Therefore, we use
133  // an array of size 8 so we can include all script codes without insufficient
134  // buffer errors.
135  UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
136  UScriptCode script_code[8];
137  int scripts = uscript_getCode(language.c_str(), script_code,
138                                arraysize(script_code), &error);
139  if (U_SUCCESS(error) && scripts >= 1)
140    script_code_ = script_code[0];
142  // Retrieve the values for $ALetter and $ALetterPlus. We use the dictionary
143  // only for the languages which need it (i.e. Korean and Thai) to prevent ICU
144  // from returning dictionary words (i.e. Korean or Thai words) for languages
145  // which don't need them.
146  const char* aletter = uscript_getName(script_code_);
147  if (!aletter)
148    aletter = "Latin";
150  const char kWithDictionary[] =
151      "$dictionary   = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];"
152      "$ALetterPlus  = [$ALetter [$dictionary-$Extend-$Control]];";
153  const char kWithoutDictionary[] = "$ALetterPlus  = $ALetter;";
154  const char* aletter_plus = kWithoutDictionary;
155  if (script_code_ == USCRIPT_HANGUL || script_code_ == USCRIPT_THAI)
156    aletter_plus = kWithDictionary;
158  // Treat numbers as word characters except for Arabic and Hebrew.
159  const char* aletter_extra = " [0123456789]";
160  if (script_code_ == USCRIPT_HEBREW || script_code_ == USCRIPT_ARABIC)
161    aletter_extra = "";
163  const char kMidLetterExtra[] = "";
164  // For Hebrew, treat single/double quoation marks as MidLetter.
165  const char kMidLetterExtraHebrew[] = "\"'";
166  const char* midletter_extra = kMidLetterExtra;
167  if (script_code_ == USCRIPT_HEBREW)
168    midletter_extra = kMidLetterExtraHebrew;
170  // Create two custom rule-sets: one allows contraction and the other does not.
171  // We save these strings in UTF-16 so we can use it without conversions. (ICU
172  // needs UTF-16 strings.)
173  const char kAllowContraction[] =
174      "$ALetterEx ($MidLetterEx | $MidNumLetEx) $ALetterEx {200};";
175  const char kDisallowContraction[] = "";
177  ruleset_allow_contraction_ = ASCIIToUTF16(
178      base::StringPrintf(kRuleTemplate,
179                         aletter,
180                         aletter_extra,
181                         midletter_extra,
182                         aletter_plus,
183                         kAllowContraction));
184  ruleset_disallow_contraction_ = ASCIIToUTF16(
185      base::StringPrintf(kRuleTemplate,
186                         aletter,
187                         aletter_extra,
188                         midletter_extra,
189                         aletter_plus,
190                         kDisallowContraction));
193bool SpellcheckCharAttribute::OutputChar(UChar c,
194                                         base::string16* output) const {
195  // Call the language-specific function if necessary.
196  // Otherwise, we call the default one.
197  switch (script_code_) {
198    case USCRIPT_ARABIC:
199      return OutputArabic(c, output);
201    case USCRIPT_HANGUL:
202      return OutputHangul(c, output);
204    case USCRIPT_HEBREW:
205      return OutputHebrew(c, output);
207    default:
208      return OutputDefault(c, output);
209  }
212bool SpellcheckCharAttribute::OutputArabic(UChar c,
213                                           base::string16* output) const {
214  // Discard characters not from Arabic alphabets. We also discard vowel marks
215  // of Arabic (Damma, Fatha, Kasra, etc.) to prevent our Arabic dictionary from
216  // marking an Arabic word including vowel marks as misspelled. (We need to
217  // check these vowel marks manually and filter them out since their script
218  // codes are USCRIPT_ARABIC.)
219  if (0x0621 <= c && c <= 0x064D)
220    output->push_back(c);
221  return true;
224bool SpellcheckCharAttribute::OutputHangul(UChar c,
225                                           base::string16* output) const {
226  // Decompose a Hangul character to a Hangul vowel and consonants used by our
227  // spellchecker. A Hangul character of Unicode is a ligature consisting of a
228  // Hangul vowel and consonants, e.g. U+AC01 "Gag" consists of U+1100 "G",
229  // U+1161 "a", and U+11A8 "g". That is, we can treat each Hangul character as
230  // a point of a cubic linear space consisting of (first consonant, vowel, last
231  // consonant). Therefore, we can compose a Hangul character from a vowel and
232  // two consonants with linear composition:
233  //   character =  0xAC00 +
234  //                (first consonant - 0x1100) * 28 * 21 +
235  //                (vowel           - 0x1161) * 28 +
236  //                (last consonant  - 0x11A7);
237  // We can also decompose a Hangul character with linear decomposition:
238  //   first consonant = (character - 0xAC00) / 28 / 21;
239  //   vowel           = (character - 0xAC00) / 28 % 21;
240  //   last consonant  = (character - 0xAC00) % 28;
241  // This code is copied from Unicode Standard Annex #15
242  // <http://unicode.org/reports/tr15> and added some comments.
243  const int kSBase = 0xAC00;  // U+AC00: the top of Hangul characters.
244  const int kLBase = 0x1100;  // U+1100: the top of Hangul first consonants.
245  const int kVBase = 0x1161;  // U+1161: the top of Hangul vowels.
246  const int kTBase = 0x11A7;  // U+11A7: the top of Hangul last consonants.
247  const int kLCount = 19;     // The number of Hangul first consonants.
248  const int kVCount = 21;     // The number of Hangul vowels.
249  const int kTCount = 28;     // The number of Hangul last consonants.
250  const int kNCount = kVCount * kTCount;
251  const int kSCount = kLCount * kNCount;
253  int index = c - kSBase;
254  if (index < 0 || index >= kSBase + kSCount) {
255    // This is not a Hangul syllable. Call the default output function since we
256    // should output this character when it is a Hangul syllable.
257    return OutputDefault(c, output);
258  }
260  // This is a Hangul character. Decompose this characters into Hangul vowels
261  // and consonants.
262  int l = kLBase + index / kNCount;
263  int v = kVBase + (index % kNCount) / kTCount;
264  int t = kTBase + index % kTCount;
265  output->push_back(l);
266  output->push_back(v);
267  if (t != kTBase)
268    output->push_back(t);
269  return true;
272bool SpellcheckCharAttribute::OutputHebrew(UChar c,
273                                           base::string16* output) const {
274  // Discard characters except Hebrew alphabets. We also discard Hebrew niqquds
275  // to prevent our Hebrew dictionary from marking a Hebrew word including
276  // niqquds as misspelled. (Same as Arabic vowel marks, we need to check
277  // niqquds manually and filter them out since their script codes are
279  // Pass through ASCII single/double quotation marks and Hebrew Geresh and
280  // Gershayim.
281  if ((0x05D0 <= c && c <= 0x05EA) || c == 0x22 || c == 0x27 ||
282      c == 0x05F4 || c == 0x05F3)
283    output->push_back(c);
284  return true;
287bool SpellcheckCharAttribute::OutputDefault(UChar c,
288                                            base::string16* output) const {
289  // Check the script code of this character and output only if it is the one
290  // used by the spellchecker language.
291  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
292  UScriptCode script_code = uscript_getScript(c, &status);
293  if (script_code == script_code_ || script_code == USCRIPT_COMMON)
294    output->push_back(c);
295  return true;
298// SpellcheckWordIterator implementation:
301    : text_(NULL),
302      length_(0),
303      position_(UBRK_DONE),
304      attribute_(NULL),
305      iterator_(NULL) {
308SpellcheckWordIterator::~SpellcheckWordIterator() {
309  Reset();
312bool SpellcheckWordIterator::Initialize(
313    const SpellcheckCharAttribute* attribute,
314    bool allow_contraction) {
315  // Create a custom ICU break iterator with empty text used in this object. (We
316  // allow setting text later so we can re-use this iterator.)
317  DCHECK(attribute);
318  UErrorCode open_status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
319  UParseError parse_status;
320  base::string16 rule(attribute->GetRuleSet(allow_contraction));
322  // If there is no rule set, the attributes were invalid.
323  if (rule.empty())
324    return false;
326  iterator_ = ubrk_openRules(rule.c_str(), rule.length(), NULL, 0,
327                             &parse_status, &open_status);
328  if (U_FAILURE(open_status))
329    return false;
331  // Set the character attributes so we can normalize the words extracted by
332  // this iterator.
333  attribute_ = attribute;
334  return true;
337bool SpellcheckWordIterator::IsInitialized() const {
338  // Return true if we have an ICU custom iterator.
339  return !!iterator_;
342bool SpellcheckWordIterator::SetText(const char16* text, size_t length) {
343  DCHECK(!!iterator_);
345  // Set the text to be split by this iterator.
346  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
347  ubrk_setText(iterator_, text, length, &status);
348  if (U_FAILURE(status))
349    return false;
351  // Retrieve the position to the first word in this text. We return false if
352  // this text does not have any words. (For example, The input text consists
353  // only of Chinese characters while the spellchecker language is English.)
354  position_ = ubrk_first(iterator_);
355  if (position_ == UBRK_DONE)
356    return false;
358  text_ = text;
359  length_ = static_cast<int>(length);
360  return true;
363bool SpellcheckWordIterator::GetNextWord(base::string16* word_string,
364                                         int* word_start,
365                                         int* word_length) {
366  DCHECK(!!text_ && length_ > 0);
368  word_string->clear();
369  *word_start = 0;
370  *word_length = 0;
372  if (!text_ || position_ == UBRK_DONE)
373    return false;
375  // Find a word that can be checked for spelling. Our rule sets filter out
376  // invalid words (e.g. numbers and characters not supported by the
377  // spellchecker language) so this ubrk_getRuleStatus() call returns
378  // UBRK_WORD_NONE when this iterator finds an invalid word. So, we skip such
379  // words until we can find a valid word or reach the end of the input string.
380  int next = ubrk_next(iterator_);
381  while (next != UBRK_DONE) {
382    if (ubrk_getRuleStatus(iterator_) != UBRK_WORD_NONE) {
383      if (Normalize(position_, next - position_, word_string)) {
384        *word_start = position_;
385        *word_length = next - position_;
386        position_ = next;
387        return true;
388      }
389    }
390    position_ = next;
391    next = ubrk_next(iterator_);
392  }
394  // There aren't any more words in the given text. Set the position to
395  // UBRK_DONE to prevent from calling ubrk_next() next time when this function
396  // is called.
397  position_ = UBRK_DONE;
398  return false;
401void SpellcheckWordIterator::Reset() {
402  if (iterator_) {
403    ubrk_close(iterator_);
404    iterator_ = NULL;
405  }
408bool SpellcheckWordIterator::Normalize(int input_start,
409                                       int input_length,
410                                       base::string16* output_string) const {
411  // We use NFKC (Normalization Form, Compatible decomposition, followed by
412  // canonical Composition) defined in Unicode Standard Annex #15 to normalize
413  // this token because it it the most suitable normalization algorithm for our
414  // spellchecker. Nevertheless, it is not a perfect algorithm for our
415  // spellchecker and we need manual normalization as well. The normalized
416  // text does not have to be NUL-terminated since its characters are copied to
417  // string16, which adds a NUL character when we need.
418  icu::UnicodeString input(FALSE, &text_[input_start], input_length);
419  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
420  icu::UnicodeString output;
421  icu::Normalizer::normalize(input, UNORM_NFKC, 0, output, status);
422  if (status != U_ZERO_ERROR && status != U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING)
423    return false;
425  // Copy the normalized text to the output.
426  icu::StringCharacterIterator it(output);
427  for (UChar c = it.first(); c != icu::CharacterIterator::DONE; c = it.next())
428    attribute_->OutputChar(c, output_string);
430  return !output_string->empty();