1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/renderer/web_apps.h"
7#include <string>
8#include <vector>
10#include "base/command_line.h"
11#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
12#include "base/strings/string16.h"
13#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
14#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
15#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
16#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
17#include "base/values.h"
18#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
19#include "chrome/common/web_application_info.h"
20#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebString.h"
21#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURL.h"
22#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h"
23#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebElement.h"
24#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrame.h"
25#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebNode.h"
26#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebNodeList.h"
27#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
28#include "url/gurl.h"
30using blink::WebDocument;
31using blink::WebElement;
32using blink::WebFrame;
33using blink::WebNode;
34using blink::WebNodeList;
35using blink::WebString;
37namespace web_apps {
38namespace {
40// Sizes a single size (the width or height) from a 'sizes' attribute. A size
41// matches must match the following regex: [1-9][0-9]*.
42int ParseSingleIconSize(const base::string16& text) {
43  // Size must not start with 0, and be between 0 and 9.
44  if (text.empty() || !(text[0] >= L'1' && text[0] <= L'9'))
45    return 0;
47  // Make sure all chars are from 0-9.
48  for (size_t i = 1; i < text.length(); ++i) {
49    if (!(text[i] >= L'0' && text[i] <= L'9'))
50      return 0;
51  }
52  int output;
53  if (!base::StringToInt(text, &output))
54    return 0;
55  return output;
58// Parses an icon size. An icon size must match the following regex:
59// [1-9][0-9]*x[1-9][0-9]*.
60// If the input couldn't be parsed, a size with a width/height == 0 is returned.
61gfx::Size ParseIconSize(const base::string16& text) {
62  std::vector<base::string16> sizes;
63  base::SplitStringDontTrim(text, L'x', &sizes);
64  if (sizes.size() != 2)
65    return gfx::Size();
67  return gfx::Size(ParseSingleIconSize(sizes[0]),
68                   ParseSingleIconSize(sizes[1]));
71void AddInstallIcon(const WebElement& link,
72                    std::vector<WebApplicationInfo::IconInfo>* icons) {
73  WebString href = link.getAttribute("href");
74  if (href.isNull() || href.isEmpty())
75    return;
77  // Get complete url.
78  GURL url = link.document().completeURL(href);
79  if (!url.is_valid())
80    return;
82  WebApplicationInfo::IconInfo icon_info;
83  bool is_any = false;
84  std::vector<gfx::Size> icon_sizes;
85  if (link.hasAttribute("sizes") &&
86      ParseIconSizes(link.getAttribute("sizes"), &icon_sizes, &is_any) &&
87      !is_any &&
88      icon_sizes.size() == 1) {
89    icon_info.width = icon_sizes[0].width();
90    icon_info.height = icon_sizes[0].height();
91  }
92  icon_info.url = url;
93  icons->push_back(icon_info);
96}  // namespace
98bool ParseIconSizes(const base::string16& text,
99                    std::vector<gfx::Size>* sizes,
100                    bool* is_any) {
101  *is_any = false;
102  std::vector<base::string16> size_strings;
103  base::SplitStringAlongWhitespace(text, &size_strings);
104  for (size_t i = 0; i < size_strings.size(); ++i) {
105    if (EqualsASCII(size_strings[i], "any")) {
106      *is_any = true;
107    } else {
108      gfx::Size size = ParseIconSize(size_strings[i]);
109      if (size.width() <= 0 || size.height() <= 0)
110        return false;  // Bogus size.
111      sizes->push_back(size);
112    }
113  }
114  if (*is_any && !sizes->empty()) {
115    // If is_any is true, it must occur by itself.
116    return false;
117  }
118  return (*is_any || !sizes->empty());
121void ParseWebAppFromWebDocument(WebFrame* frame,
122                                WebApplicationInfo* app_info) {
123  WebDocument document = frame->document();
124  if (document.isNull())
125    return;
127  WebElement head = document.head();
128  if (head.isNull())
129    return;
131  GURL document_url = document.url();
132  WebNodeList children = head.childNodes();
133  for (unsigned i = 0; i < children.length(); ++i) {
134    WebNode child = children.item(i);
135    if (!child.isElementNode())
136      continue;
137    WebElement elem = child.to<WebElement>();
139    if (elem.hasHTMLTagName("link")) {
140      std::string rel = elem.getAttribute("rel").utf8();
141      // "rel" attribute may use either "icon" or "shortcut icon".
142      // see also
143      //   <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon>
144      //   <http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#rel-icon>
145      //
146      // Streamlined Hosted Apps also support "apple-touch-icon" and
147      // "apple-touch-icon-precomposed".
148      if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(rel, "icon") ||
149          LowerCaseEqualsASCII(rel, "shortcut icon") ||
150          (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->
151              HasSwitch(switches::kEnableStreamlinedHostedApps) &&
152            (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(rel, "apple-touch-icon") ||
153             LowerCaseEqualsASCII(rel, "apple-touch-icon-precomposed")))) {
154        AddInstallIcon(elem, &app_info->icons);
155      }
156    } else if (elem.hasHTMLTagName("meta") && elem.hasAttribute("name")) {
157      std::string name = elem.getAttribute("name").utf8();
158      WebString content = elem.getAttribute("content");
159      if (name == "application-name") {
160        app_info->title = content;
161      } else if (name == "description") {
162        app_info->description = content;
163      } else if (name == "application-url") {
164        std::string url = content.utf8();
165        app_info->app_url = document_url.is_valid() ?
166            document_url.Resolve(url) : GURL(url);
167        if (!app_info->app_url.is_valid())
168          app_info->app_url = GURL();
169      } else if (name == "mobile-web-app-capable" &&
170                 LowerCaseEqualsASCII(content, "yes")) {
171        app_info->mobile_capable = WebApplicationInfo::MOBILE_CAPABLE;
172      } else if (name == "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" &&
173                 LowerCaseEqualsASCII(content, "yes") &&
174                 app_info->mobile_capable ==
175                     WebApplicationInfo::MOBILE_CAPABLE_UNSPECIFIED) {
176        app_info->mobile_capable = WebApplicationInfo::MOBILE_CAPABLE_APPLE;
177      }
178    }
179  }
182}  // namespace web_apps