revision 1320f92c476a1ad9d19dba2a48c72b75566198e9
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/utility/importer/ie_importer_win.h"
7#include <ole2.h>
8#include <intshcut.h>
9#include <shlobj.h>
10#include <urlhist.h>
11#include <wininet.h>
13#include <algorithm>
14#include <map>
15#include <string>
16#include <vector>
18#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
19#include "base/files/file_path.h"
20#include "base/files/file_util.h"
21#include "base/strings/string16.h"
22#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
23#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
24#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
25#include "base/time/time.h"
26#include "base/win/registry.h"
27#include "base/win/scoped_co_mem.h"
28#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
29#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
30#include "base/win/scoped_propvariant.h"
31#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
32#include "chrome/common/importer/ie_importer_utils_win.h"
33#include "chrome/common/importer/imported_bookmark_entry.h"
34#include "chrome/common/importer/imported_favicon_usage.h"
35#include "chrome/common/importer/importer_bridge.h"
36#include "chrome/common/importer/importer_data_types.h"
37#include "chrome/common/importer/importer_url_row.h"
38#include "chrome/common/importer/pstore_declarations.h"
39#include "chrome/grit/generated_resources.h"
40#include "chrome/utility/importer/favicon_reencode.h"
41#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h"
42#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
43#include "url/gurl.h"
44#include "url/url_constants.h"
46namespace {
48// Registry key paths from which we import IE settings.
49const base::char16 kSearchScopePath[] =
50  L"Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\SearchScopes";
51const base::char16 kIEVersionKey[] =
52  L"Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer";
53const base::char16 kIEToolbarKey[] =
54  L"Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Toolbar";
56// NTFS stream name of favicon image data.
57const base::char16 kFaviconStreamName[] = L":favicon:$DATA";
59// A struct that hosts the information of AutoComplete data in PStore.
60struct AutoCompleteInfo {
61  base::string16 key;
62  std::vector<base::string16> data;
63  bool is_url;
66// Gets the creation time of the given file or directory.
67base::Time GetFileCreationTime(const base::string16& file) {
68  base::Time creation_time;
69  base::win::ScopedHandle file_handle(
70      CreateFile(file.c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
72                 NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,
74  FILETIME creation_filetime;
75  if (!file_handle.IsValid())
76    return creation_time;
77  if (GetFileTime(file_handle.Get(), &creation_filetime, NULL, NULL))
78    creation_time = base::Time::FromFileTime(creation_filetime);
79  return creation_time;
82// Safely read an object of type T from a raw sequence of bytes.
83template<typename T>
84bool BinaryRead(T* data, size_t offset, const std::vector<uint8>& blob) {
85  if (offset + sizeof(T) > blob.size())
86    return false;
87  memcpy(data, &blob[offset], sizeof(T));
88  return true;
91// Safely read an ITEMIDLIST from a raw sequence of bytes.
93// An ITEMIDLIST is a list of SHITEMIDs, terminated by a SHITEMID with
94// .cb = 0. Here, before simply casting &blob[offset] to LPITEMIDLIST,
95// we verify that the list structure is not overrunning the boundary of
96// the binary blob.
97LPCITEMIDLIST BinaryReadItemIDList(size_t offset, size_t idlist_size,
98                                   const std::vector<uint8>& blob) {
99  size_t head = 0;
100  while (true) {
101    // Use a USHORT instead of SHITEMID to avoid buffer over read.
102    USHORT id_cb;
103    if (head >= idlist_size || !BinaryRead(&id_cb, offset + head, blob))
104      return NULL;
105    if (id_cb == 0)
106      break;
107    head += id_cb;
108  }
109  return reinterpret_cast<LPCITEMIDLIST>(&blob[offset]);
112// Compares the two bookmarks in the order of IE's Favorites menu.
113// Returns true if rhs should come later than lhs (lhs < rhs).
114struct IEOrderBookmarkComparator {
115  bool operator()(const ImportedBookmarkEntry& lhs,
116                  const ImportedBookmarkEntry& rhs) const {
117    static const uint32 kNotSorted = 0xfffffffb; // IE uses this magic value.
118    base::FilePath lhs_prefix;
119    base::FilePath rhs_prefix;
120    for (size_t i = 0; i <= lhs.path.size() && i <= rhs.path.size(); ++i) {
121      const base::FilePath::StringType lhs_i =
122        (i < lhs.path.size() ? lhs.path[i] : lhs.title + L".url");
123      const base::FilePath::StringType rhs_i =
124        (i < rhs.path.size() ? rhs.path[i] : rhs.title + L".url");
125      lhs_prefix = lhs_prefix.Append(lhs_i);
126      rhs_prefix = rhs_prefix.Append(rhs_i);
127      if (lhs_i == rhs_i)
128        continue;
129      // The first path element that differs between the two.
130      std::map<base::FilePath, uint32>::const_iterator lhs_iter =
131        sort_index_->find(lhs_prefix);
132      std::map<base::FilePath, uint32>::const_iterator rhs_iter =
133        sort_index_->find(rhs_prefix);
134      uint32 lhs_sort_index = (lhs_iter == sort_index_->end() ? kNotSorted
135        : lhs_iter->second);
136      uint32 rhs_sort_index = (rhs_iter == sort_index_->end() ? kNotSorted
137        : rhs_iter->second);
138      if (lhs_sort_index != rhs_sort_index)
139        return lhs_sort_index < rhs_sort_index;
140      // If they have the same sort order, sort alphabetically.
141      return lhs_i < rhs_i;
142    }
143    return lhs.path.size() < rhs.path.size();
144  }
145  const std::map<base::FilePath, uint32>* sort_index_;
148// IE stores the order of the Favorites menu in registry under:
149// HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Favorites.
150// The folder hierarchy of Favorites menu is directly mapped to the key
151// hierarchy in the registry.
153// If the order of the items in a folder is customized by user, the order is
154// recorded in the REG_BINARY value named "Order" of the corresponding key.
155// The content of the "Order" value is a raw binary dump of an array of the
156// following data structure
157//   struct {
158//     uint32 size;  // Note that ITEMIDLIST is variably-sized.
159//     uint32 sort_index;  // 0 means this is the first item, 1 the second, ...
160//     ITEMIDLIST item_id;
161//   };
162// where each item_id should correspond to a favorites link file (*.url) in
163// the current folder.
164bool ParseFavoritesOrderBlob(
165    const Importer* importer,
166    const std::vector<uint8>& blob,
167    const base::FilePath& path,
168    std::map<base::FilePath, uint32>* sort_index) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
169  static const int kItemCountOffset = 16;
170  static const int kItemListStartOffset = 20;
172  // Read the number of items.
173  uint32 item_count = 0;
174  if (!BinaryRead(&item_count, kItemCountOffset, blob))
175    return false;
177  // Traverse over the items.
178  size_t base_offset = kItemListStartOffset;
179  for (uint32 i = 0; i < item_count && !importer->cancelled(); ++i) {
180    static const int kSizeOffset = 0;
181    static const int kSortIndexOffset = 4;
182    static const int kItemIDListOffset = 8;
184    // Read the size (number of bytes) of the current item.
185    uint32 item_size = 0;
186    if (!BinaryRead(&item_size, base_offset + kSizeOffset, blob) ||
187        base_offset + item_size <= base_offset || // checking overflow
188        base_offset + item_size > blob.size())
189      return false;
191    // Read the sort index of the current item.
192    uint32 item_sort_index = 0;
193    if (!BinaryRead(&item_sort_index, base_offset + kSortIndexOffset, blob))
194      return false;
196    // Read the file name from the ITEMIDLIST structure.
197    LPCITEMIDLIST idlist = BinaryReadItemIDList(
198      base_offset + kItemIDListOffset, item_size - kItemIDListOffset, blob);
199    TCHAR item_filename[MAX_PATH];
200    if (!idlist || FAILED(SHGetPathFromIDList(idlist, item_filename)))
201      return false;
202    base::FilePath item_relative_path =
203      path.Append(base::FilePath(item_filename).BaseName());
205    // Record the retrieved information and go to the next item.
206    sort_index->insert(std::make_pair(item_relative_path, item_sort_index));
207    base_offset += item_size;
208  }
209  return true;
212bool ParseFavoritesOrderRegistryTree(
213    const Importer* importer,
214    const base::win::RegKey& key,
215    const base::FilePath& path,
216    std::map<base::FilePath, uint32>* sort_index) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
217  // Parse the order information of the current folder.
218  DWORD blob_length = 0;
219  if (key.ReadValue(L"Order", NULL, &blob_length, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
220    std::vector<uint8> blob(blob_length);
221    if (blob_length > 0 &&
222        key.ReadValue(L"Order", reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(&blob[0]),
223                      &blob_length, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
224      if (!ParseFavoritesOrderBlob(importer, blob, path, sort_index))
225        return false;
226    }
227  }
229  // Recursively parse subfolders.
230  for (base::win::RegistryKeyIterator child(key.Handle(), L"");
231       child.Valid() && !importer->cancelled();
232       ++child) {
233    base::win::RegKey subkey(key.Handle(), child.Name(), KEY_READ);
234    if (subkey.Valid()) {
235      base::FilePath subpath(path.Append(child.Name()));
236      if (!ParseFavoritesOrderRegistryTree(importer, subkey, subpath,
237                                           sort_index)) {
238        return false;
239      }
240    }
241  }
242  return true;
245bool ParseFavoritesOrderInfo(
246    const Importer* importer,
247    std::map<base::FilePath, uint32>* sort_index) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
248  base::string16 key_path(importer::GetIEFavoritesOrderKey());
249  base::win::RegKey key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key_path.c_str(), KEY_READ);
250  if (!key.Valid())
251    return false;
252  return ParseFavoritesOrderRegistryTree(importer, key, base::FilePath(),
253                                         sort_index);
256// Reads the sort order from registry. If failed, we don't touch the list
257// and use the default (alphabetical) order.
258void SortBookmarksInIEOrder(
259    const Importer* importer,
260    std::vector<ImportedBookmarkEntry>* bookmarks) {
261  std::map<base::FilePath, uint32> sort_index;
262  if (!ParseFavoritesOrderInfo(importer, &sort_index))
263    return;
264  IEOrderBookmarkComparator compare = {&sort_index};
265  std::sort(bookmarks->begin(), bookmarks->end(), compare);
268// Reads an internet shortcut (*.url) |file| and returns a COM object
269// representing it.
270bool LoadInternetShortcut(
271    const base::string16& file,
272    base::win::ScopedComPtr<IUniformResourceLocator>* shortcut) {
273  base::win::ScopedComPtr<IUniformResourceLocator> url_locator;
274  if (FAILED(url_locator.CreateInstance(CLSID_InternetShortcut, NULL,
275                                        CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER)))
276    return false;
278  base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPersistFile> persist_file;
279  if (FAILED(persist_file.QueryFrom(url_locator)))
280    return false;
282  // Loads the Internet Shortcut from persistent storage.
283  if (FAILED(persist_file->Load(file.c_str(), STGM_READ)))
284    return false;
286  std::swap(url_locator, *shortcut);
287  return true;
290// Reads the URL stored in the internet shortcut.
291GURL ReadURLFromInternetShortcut(IUniformResourceLocator* url_locator) {
292  base::win::ScopedCoMem<wchar_t> url;
293  // GetURL can return S_FALSE (FAILED(S_FALSE) is false) when url == NULL.
294  return (FAILED(url_locator->GetURL(&url)) || !url) ?
295      GURL() : GURL(base::WideToUTF16(std::wstring(url)));
298// Reads the URL of the favicon of the internet shortcut.
299GURL ReadFaviconURLFromInternetShortcut(IUniformResourceLocator* url_locator) {
300  base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPropertySetStorage> property_set_storage;
301  if (FAILED(property_set_storage.QueryFrom(url_locator)))
302    return GURL();
304  base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPropertyStorage> property_storage;
305  if (FAILED(property_set_storage->Open(FMTID_Intshcut, STGM_READ,
306                                        property_storage.Receive()))) {
307    return GURL();
308  }
311  // ReadMultiple takes a non-const array of PROPVARIANTs, but since this code
312  // only needs an array of size 1: a non-const pointer to |output| is
313  // equivalent.
314  base::win::ScopedPropVariant output;
315  // ReadMultiple can return S_FALSE (FAILED(S_FALSE) is false) when the
316  // property is not found, in which case output[0].vt is set to VT_EMPTY.
317  if (FAILED(property_storage->ReadMultiple(1, properties, output.Receive())) ||
318      output.get().vt != VT_LPWSTR)
319    return GURL();
320  return GURL(base::WideToUTF16(output.get().pwszVal));
323// Reads the favicon imaga data in an NTFS alternate data stream. This is where
324// IE7 and above store the data.
325bool ReadFaviconDataFromInternetShortcut(const base::string16& file,
326                                         std::string* data) {
327  return base::ReadFileToString(
328      base::FilePath(file + kFaviconStreamName), data);
331// Reads the favicon imaga data in the Internet cache. IE6 doesn't hold the data
332// explicitly, but it might be found in the cache.
333bool ReadFaviconDataFromCache(const GURL& favicon_url, std::string* data) {
334  std::wstring url_wstring(base::UTF8ToWide(favicon_url.spec()));
335  DWORD info_size = 0;
336  GetUrlCacheEntryInfoEx(url_wstring.c_str(), NULL, &info_size, NULL, NULL,
337                         NULL, 0);
338  if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
339    return false;
341  std::vector<char> buf(info_size);
343      reinterpret_cast<INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO*>(&buf[0]);
344  if (!GetUrlCacheEntryInfoEx(url_wstring.c_str(), cache, &info_size, NULL,
345                              NULL, NULL, 0)) {
346    return false;
347  }
348  return base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(cache->lpszLocalFileName), data);
351// Reads the binary image data of favicon of an internet shortcut file |file|.
352// |favicon_url| read by ReadFaviconURLFromInternetShortcut is also needed to
353// examine the IE cache.
354bool ReadReencodedFaviconData(const base::string16& file,
355                              const GURL& favicon_url,
356                              std::vector<unsigned char>* data) {
357  std::string image_data;
358  if (!ReadFaviconDataFromInternetShortcut(file, &image_data) &&
359      !ReadFaviconDataFromCache(favicon_url, &image_data)) {
360    return false;
361  }
363  const unsigned char* ptr =
364      reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(image_data.c_str());
365  return importer::ReencodeFavicon(ptr, image_data.size(), data);
368// Loads favicon image data and registers to |favicon_map|.
369void UpdateFaviconMap(const base::string16& url_file,
370                      const GURL& url,
371                      IUniformResourceLocator* url_locator,
372                      std::map<GURL, ImportedFaviconUsage>* favicon_map) {
373  GURL favicon_url = ReadFaviconURLFromInternetShortcut(url_locator);
374  if (!favicon_url.is_valid())
375    return;
377  std::map<GURL, ImportedFaviconUsage>::iterator it =
378    favicon_map->find(favicon_url);
379  if (it != favicon_map->end()) {
380    // Known favicon URL.
381    it->second.urls.insert(url);
382  } else {
383    // New favicon URL. Read the image data and store.
384    ImportedFaviconUsage usage;
385    if (ReadReencodedFaviconData(url_file, favicon_url, &usage.png_data)) {
386      usage.favicon_url = favicon_url;
387      usage.urls.insert(url);
388      favicon_map->insert(std::make_pair(favicon_url, usage));
389    }
390  }
393}  // namespace
395// static
396// {E161255A-37C3-11D2-BCAA-00C04fD929DB}
397const GUID IEImporter::kPStoreAutocompleteGUID = {
398    0xe161255a, 0x37c3, 0x11d2,
399    { 0xbc, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd9, 0x29, 0xdb }
401// {A79029D6-753E-4e27-B807-3D46AB1545DF}
402const GUID IEImporter::kUnittestGUID = {
403    0xa79029d6, 0x753e, 0x4e27,
404    { 0xb8, 0x7, 0x3d, 0x46, 0xab, 0x15, 0x45, 0xdf }
407IEImporter::IEImporter() {
410void IEImporter::StartImport(const importer::SourceProfile& source_profile,
411                             uint16 items,
412                             ImporterBridge* bridge) {
413  bridge_ = bridge;
414  source_path_ = source_profile.source_path;
416  bridge_->NotifyStarted();
418  if ((items & importer::HOME_PAGE) && !cancelled()) {
419    bridge_->NotifyItemStarted(importer::HOME_PAGE);
420    ImportHomepage();  // Doesn't have a UI item.
421    bridge_->NotifyItemEnded(importer::HOME_PAGE);
422  }
423  // The order here is important!
424  if ((items & importer::HISTORY) && !cancelled()) {
425    bridge_->NotifyItemStarted(importer::HISTORY);
426    ImportHistory();
427    bridge_->NotifyItemEnded(importer::HISTORY);
428  }
429  if ((items & importer::FAVORITES) && !cancelled()) {
430    bridge_->NotifyItemStarted(importer::FAVORITES);
431    ImportFavorites();
432    bridge_->NotifyItemEnded(importer::FAVORITES);
433  }
434  if ((items & importer::SEARCH_ENGINES) && !cancelled()) {
435    bridge_->NotifyItemStarted(importer::SEARCH_ENGINES);
436    ImportSearchEngines();
437    bridge_->NotifyItemEnded(importer::SEARCH_ENGINES);
438  }
439  if ((items & importer::PASSWORDS) && !cancelled()) {
440    bridge_->NotifyItemStarted(importer::PASSWORDS);
441    // Always import IE6 passwords.
442    ImportPasswordsIE6();
444    if (CurrentIEVersion() >= 7)
445      ImportPasswordsIE7();
446    bridge_->NotifyItemEnded(importer::PASSWORDS);
447  }
448  bridge_->NotifyEnded();
451IEImporter::~IEImporter() {
454void IEImporter::ImportFavorites() {
455  FavoritesInfo info;
456  if (!GetFavoritesInfo(&info))
457    return;
459  BookmarkVector bookmarks;
460  std::vector<ImportedFaviconUsage> favicons;
461  ParseFavoritesFolder(info, &bookmarks, &favicons);
463  if (!bookmarks.empty() && !cancelled()) {
464    const base::string16& first_folder_name =
465        l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_BOOKMARK_GROUP_FROM_IE);
466    bridge_->AddBookmarks(bookmarks, first_folder_name);
467  }
468  if (!favicons.empty() && !cancelled())
469    bridge_->SetFavicons(favicons);
472void IEImporter::ImportHistory() {
473  const std::string kSchemes[] = {url::kHttpScheme,
474                                  url::kHttpsScheme,
475                                  url::kFtpScheme,
476                                  url::kFileScheme};
477  int total_schemes = arraysize(kSchemes);
479  base::win::ScopedComPtr<IUrlHistoryStg2> url_history_stg2;
480  HRESULT result;
481  result = url_history_stg2.CreateInstance(CLSID_CUrlHistory, NULL,
482                                           CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
483  if (FAILED(result))
484    return;
485  base::win::ScopedComPtr<IEnumSTATURL> enum_url;
486  if (SUCCEEDED(result = url_history_stg2->EnumUrls(enum_url.Receive()))) {
487    std::vector<ImporterURLRow> rows;
488    STATURL stat_url;
489    ULONG fetched;
490    while (!cancelled() &&
491           (result = enum_url->Next(1, &stat_url, &fetched)) == S_OK) {
492      base::string16 url_string;
493      if (stat_url.pwcsUrl) {
494        url_string = stat_url.pwcsUrl;
495        CoTaskMemFree(stat_url.pwcsUrl);
496      }
497      base::string16 title_string;
498      if (stat_url.pwcsTitle) {
499        title_string = stat_url.pwcsTitle;
500        CoTaskMemFree(stat_url.pwcsTitle);
501      }
503      GURL url(url_string);
504      // Skips the URLs that are invalid or have other schemes.
505      if (!url.is_valid() ||
506          (std::find(kSchemes, kSchemes + total_schemes, url.scheme()) ==
507           kSchemes + total_schemes))
508        continue;
510      ImporterURLRow row(url);
511      row.title = title_string;
512      row.last_visit = base::Time::FromFileTime(stat_url.ftLastVisited);
513      if (stat_url.dwFlags == STATURL_QUERYFLAG_TOPLEVEL) {
514        row.visit_count = 1;
515        row.hidden = false;
516      } else {
517        row.hidden = true;
518      }
520      rows.push_back(row);
521    }
523    if (!rows.empty() && !cancelled()) {
524      bridge_->SetHistoryItems(rows, importer::VISIT_SOURCE_IE_IMPORTED);
525    }
526  }
529void IEImporter::ImportPasswordsIE6() {
530  GUID AutocompleteGUID = kPStoreAutocompleteGUID;
531  if (!source_path_.empty()) {
532    // We supply a fake GUID for testting.
533    AutocompleteGUID = kUnittestGUID;
534  }
536  // The PStoreCreateInstance function retrieves an interface pointer
537  // to a storage provider. But this function has no associated import
538  // library or header file, we must call it using the LoadLibrary()
539  // and GetProcAddress() functions.
540  typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PStoreCreateFunc)(IPStore**, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD);
541  HMODULE pstorec_dll = LoadLibrary(L"pstorec.dll");
542  if (!pstorec_dll)
543    return;
544  PStoreCreateFunc PStoreCreateInstance =
545      (PStoreCreateFunc)GetProcAddress(pstorec_dll, "PStoreCreateInstance");
546  if (!PStoreCreateInstance) {
547    FreeLibrary(pstorec_dll);
548    return;
549  }
551  base::win::ScopedComPtr<IPStore, &IID_IPStore> pstore;
552  HRESULT result = PStoreCreateInstance(pstore.Receive(), 0, 0, 0);
553  if (result != S_OK) {
554    FreeLibrary(pstorec_dll);
555    return;
556  }
558  std::vector<AutoCompleteInfo> ac_list;
560  // Enumerates AutoComplete items in the protected database.
561  base::win::ScopedComPtr<IEnumPStoreItems, &IID_IEnumPStoreItems> item;
562  result = pstore->EnumItems(0, &AutocompleteGUID,
563                             &AutocompleteGUID, 0, item.Receive());
564  if (result != PST_E_OK) {
565    pstore.Release();
566    FreeLibrary(pstorec_dll);
567    return;
568  }
570  wchar_t* item_name;
571  while (!cancelled() && SUCCEEDED(item->Next(1, &item_name, 0))) {
572    DWORD length = 0;
573    unsigned char* buffer = NULL;
574    result = pstore->ReadItem(0, &AutocompleteGUID, &AutocompleteGUID,
575                              item_name, &length, &buffer, NULL, 0);
576    if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
577      AutoCompleteInfo ac;
578      ac.key = item_name;
579      base::string16 data;
580      data.insert(0, reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(buffer),
581                  length / sizeof(wchar_t));
583      // The key name is always ended with ":StringData".
584      const wchar_t kDataSuffix[] = L":StringData";
585      size_t i = ac.key.rfind(kDataSuffix);
586      if (i != base::string16::npos && ac.key.substr(i) == kDataSuffix) {
587        ac.key.erase(i);
588        ac.is_url = (ac.key.find(L"://") != base::string16::npos);
589        ac_list.push_back(ac);
590        base::SplitString(data, L'\0', &ac_list[ac_list.size() - 1].data);
591      }
592      CoTaskMemFree(buffer);
593    }
594    CoTaskMemFree(item_name);
595  }
596  // Releases them before unload the dll.
597  item.Release();
598  pstore.Release();
599  FreeLibrary(pstorec_dll);
601  size_t i;
602  for (i = 0; i < ac_list.size(); i++) {
603    if (!ac_list[i].is_url || ac_list[i].data.size() < 2)
604      continue;
606    GURL url(ac_list[i].key.c_str());
607    if (!(LowerCaseEqualsASCII(url.scheme(), url::kHttpScheme) ||
608          LowerCaseEqualsASCII(url.scheme(), url::kHttpsScheme))) {
609      continue;
610    }
612    autofill::PasswordForm form;
613    GURL::Replacements rp;
614    rp.ClearUsername();
615    rp.ClearPassword();
616    rp.ClearQuery();
617    rp.ClearRef();
618    form.origin = url.ReplaceComponents(rp);
619    form.username_value = ac_list[i].data[0];
620    form.password_value = ac_list[i].data[1];
621    form.signon_realm = url.GetOrigin().spec();
623    // This is not precise, because a scheme of https does not imply a valid
624    // certificate was presented; however we assign it this way so that if we
625    // import a password from IE whose scheme is https, we give it the benefit
626    // of the doubt and DONT auto-fill it unless the form appears under
627    // valid SSL conditions.
628    form.ssl_valid = url.SchemeIsSecure();
630    // Goes through the list to find out the username field
631    // of the web page.
632    size_t list_it, item_it;
633    for (list_it = 0; list_it < ac_list.size(); ++list_it) {
634      if (ac_list[list_it].is_url)
635        continue;
637      for (item_it = 0; item_it < ac_list[list_it].data.size(); ++item_it)
638        if (ac_list[list_it].data[item_it] == form.username_value) {
639          form.username_element = ac_list[list_it].key;
640          break;
641        }
642    }
644    bridge_->SetPasswordForm(form);
645  }
648void IEImporter::ImportPasswordsIE7() {
649  base::string16 key_path(importer::GetIE7PasswordsKey());
650  base::win::RegKey key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key_path.c_str(), KEY_READ);
651  base::win::RegistryValueIterator reg_iterator(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
652                                                key_path.c_str());
653  importer::ImporterIE7PasswordInfo password_info;
654  while (reg_iterator.Valid() && !cancelled()) {
655    // Get the size of the encrypted data.
656    DWORD value_len = 0;
657    key.ReadValue(reg_iterator.Name(), NULL, &value_len, NULL);
658    if (value_len) {
659      // Query the encrypted data.
660      password_info.encrypted_data.resize(value_len);
661      if (key.ReadValue(reg_iterator.Name(),
662                        &password_info.encrypted_data.front(),
663                        &value_len, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
664        password_info.url_hash = reg_iterator.Name();
665        password_info.date_created = base::Time::Now();
667        bridge_->AddIE7PasswordInfo(password_info);
668      }
669    }
671    ++reg_iterator;
672  }
675void IEImporter::ImportSearchEngines() {
676  // On IE, search engines are stored in the registry, under:
677  // Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes
678  // Each key represents a search engine. The URL value contains the URL and
679  // the DisplayName the name.
680  typedef std::map<std::string, base::string16> SearchEnginesMap;
681  SearchEnginesMap search_engines_map;
682  for (base::win::RegistryKeyIterator key_iter(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
683       kSearchScopePath); key_iter.Valid(); ++key_iter) {
684    base::string16 sub_key_name = kSearchScopePath;
685    sub_key_name.append(L"\\").append(key_iter.Name());
686    base::win::RegKey sub_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sub_key_name.c_str(),
687                              KEY_READ);
688    base::string16 wide_url;
689    if ((sub_key.ReadValue(L"URL", &wide_url) != ERROR_SUCCESS) ||
690        wide_url.empty()) {
691      VLOG(1) << "No URL for IE search engine at " << key_iter.Name();
692      continue;
693    }
694    // For the name, we try the default value first (as Live Search uses a
695    // non displayable name in DisplayName, and the readable name under the
696    // default value).
697    base::string16 name;
698    if ((sub_key.ReadValue(NULL, &name) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || name.empty()) {
699      // Try the displayable name.
700      if ((sub_key.ReadValue(L"DisplayName", &name) != ERROR_SUCCESS) ||
701          name.empty()) {
702        VLOG(1) << "No name for IE search engine at " << key_iter.Name();
703        continue;
704      }
705    }
707    std::string url(base::WideToUTF8(wide_url));
708    SearchEnginesMap::iterator t_iter = search_engines_map.find(url);
709    if (t_iter == search_engines_map.end()) {
710      // First time we see that URL.
711      GURL gurl(url);
712      if (gurl.is_valid()) {
713        t_iter = search_engines_map.insert(std::make_pair(url, name)).first;
714      }
715    }
716  }
717  // ProfileWriter::AddKeywords() requires a vector and we have a map.
718  std::vector<importer::URLKeywordInfo> url_keywords;
719  for (SearchEnginesMap::iterator i = search_engines_map.begin();
720       i != search_engines_map.end(); ++i) {
721    importer::URLKeywordInfo url_keyword_info;
722    url_keyword_info.url = GURL(i->first);
723    url_keyword_info.display_name = i->second;
724    url_keywords.push_back(url_keyword_info);
725  }
726  bridge_->SetKeywords(url_keywords, true);
729void IEImporter::ImportHomepage() {
730  const wchar_t* kIEHomepage = L"Start Page";
731  const wchar_t* kIEDefaultHomepage = L"Default_Page_URL";
733  base::string16 key_path(importer::GetIESettingsKey());
735  base::win::RegKey key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key_path.c_str(), KEY_READ);
736  base::string16 homepage_url;
737  if (key.ReadValue(kIEHomepage, &homepage_url) != ERROR_SUCCESS ||
738      homepage_url.empty())
739    return;
741  GURL homepage = GURL(homepage_url);
742  if (!homepage.is_valid())
743    return;
745  // Check to see if this is the default website and skip import.
746  base::win::RegKey keyDefault(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_path.c_str(), KEY_READ);
747  base::string16 default_homepage_url;
748  LONG result = keyDefault.ReadValue(kIEDefaultHomepage, &default_homepage_url);
749  if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && !default_homepage_url.empty()) {
750    if (homepage.spec() == GURL(default_homepage_url).spec())
751      return;
752  }
753  bridge_->AddHomePage(homepage);
756bool IEImporter::GetFavoritesInfo(IEImporter::FavoritesInfo* info) {
757  if (!source_path_.empty()) {
758    // Source path exists during testing.
759    info->path = source_path_;
760    info->path = info->path.AppendASCII("Favorites");
761    info->links_folder = L"Links";
762    return true;
763  }
765  // IE stores the favorites in the Favorites under user profile's folder.
766  wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
768                             SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, buffer)))
769    return false;
770  info->path = base::FilePath(buffer);
772  // There is a Links folder under Favorites folder in Windows Vista, but it
773  // is not recording in Vista's registry. So in Vista, we assume the Links
774  // folder is under Favorites folder since it looks like there is not name
775  // different in every language version of Windows Vista.
776  if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::VERSION_VISTA) {
777    // The Link folder name is stored in the registry.
778    DWORD buffer_length = sizeof(buffer);
779    base::win::RegKey reg_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kIEToolbarKey, KEY_READ);
780    if (reg_key.ReadValue(L"LinksFolderName", buffer,
781                          &buffer_length, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
782      return false;
783    info->links_folder = buffer;
784  } else {
785    info->links_folder = L"Links";
786  }
788  return true;
791void IEImporter::ParseFavoritesFolder(
792    const FavoritesInfo& info,
793    BookmarkVector* bookmarks,
794    std::vector<ImportedFaviconUsage>* favicons) {
795  base::FilePath file;
796  std::vector<base::FilePath::StringType> file_list;
797  base::FilePath favorites_path(info.path);
798  // Favorites path length.  Make sure it doesn't include the trailing \.
799  size_t favorites_path_len =
800      favorites_path.StripTrailingSeparators().value().size();
801  base::FileEnumerator file_enumerator(
802      favorites_path, true, base::FileEnumerator::FILES);
803  while (!(file = file_enumerator.Next()).value().empty() && !cancelled())
804    file_list.push_back(file.value());
806  // Keep the bookmarks in alphabetical order.
807  std::sort(file_list.begin(), file_list.end());
809  // Map from favicon URLs to the favicon data (the binary image data and the
810  // set of bookmark URLs referring to the favicon).
811  typedef std::map<GURL, ImportedFaviconUsage> FaviconMap;
812  FaviconMap favicon_map;
814  for (std::vector<base::FilePath::StringType>::iterator it = file_list.begin();
815       it != file_list.end(); ++it) {
816    base::FilePath shortcut(*it);
817    if (!LowerCaseEqualsASCII(shortcut.Extension(), ".url"))
818      continue;
820    // Skip the bookmark with invalid URL.
821    base::win::ScopedComPtr<IUniformResourceLocator> url_locator;
822    if (!LoadInternetShortcut(*it, &url_locator))
823      continue;
824    GURL url = ReadURLFromInternetShortcut(url_locator);
825    if (!url.is_valid())
826      continue;
827    // Skip default bookmarks. redirects to
828    //, and,
829    // which URLs IE has as default, to some another sites.
830    // We expect that users will never themselves create bookmarks having this
831    // hostname.
832    if ( == "")
833      continue;
834    // Read favicon.
835    UpdateFaviconMap(*it, url, url_locator, &favicon_map);
837    // Make the relative path from the Favorites folder, without the basename.
838    // ex. Suppose that the Favorites folder is C:\Users\Foo\Favorites.
839    //   C:\Users\Foo\Favorites\Foo.url -> ""
840    //   C:\Users\Foo\Favorites\Links\Bar\Baz.url -> "Links\Bar"
841    base::FilePath::StringType relative_string =
842        shortcut.DirName().value().substr(favorites_path_len);
843    if (!relative_string.empty() &&
844        base::FilePath::IsSeparator(relative_string[0]))
845      relative_string = relative_string.substr(1);
846    base::FilePath relative_path(relative_string);
848    ImportedBookmarkEntry entry;
849    // Remove the dot, the file extension, and the directory path.
850    entry.title = shortcut.RemoveExtension().BaseName().value();
851    entry.url = url;
852    entry.creation_time = GetFileCreationTime(*it);
853    if (!relative_path.empty())
854      relative_path.GetComponents(&entry.path);
856    // Add the bookmark.
857    if (!entry.path.empty() && entry.path[0] == info.links_folder) {
858      // Bookmarks in the Link folder should be imported to the toolbar.
859      entry.in_toolbar = true;
860    }
861    bookmarks->push_back(entry);
862  }
864  // Reflect the menu order in IE.
865  SortBookmarksInIEOrder(this, bookmarks);
867  // Record favicon data.
868  for (FaviconMap::iterator iter = favicon_map.begin();
869       iter != favicon_map.end(); ++iter)
870    favicons->push_back(iter->second);
873int IEImporter::CurrentIEVersion() const {
874  static int version = -1;
875  if (version < 0) {
876    wchar_t buffer[128];
877    DWORD buffer_length = sizeof(buffer);
878    base::win::RegKey reg_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, kIEVersionKey, KEY_READ);
879    LONG result = reg_key.ReadValue(L"Version", buffer, &buffer_length, NULL);
880    version = ((result == ERROR_SUCCESS)? _wtoi(buffer) : 0);
881  }
882  return version;