autofill_profile.h revision 1e9bf3e0803691d0a228da41fc608347b6db4340
1// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <stddef.h>
10#include <iosfwd>
11#include <list>
12#include <string>
13#include <vector>
15#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
16#include "base/strings/string16.h"
17#include "components/autofill/core/browser/address.h"
18#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_data_model.h"
19#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_type.h"
20#include "components/autofill/core/browser/contact_info.h"
21#include "components/autofill/core/browser/phone_number.h"
23namespace autofill {
25struct FormFieldData;
27// A collection of FormGroups stored in a profile.  AutofillProfile also
28// implements the FormGroup interface so that owners of this object can request
29// form information from the profile, and the profile will delegate the request
30// to the requested form group type.
31class AutofillProfile : public AutofillDataModel {
32 public:
33  AutofillProfile(const std::string& guid, const std::string& origin);
35  // For use in STL containers.
36  AutofillProfile();
37  AutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile);
38  virtual ~AutofillProfile();
40  AutofillProfile& operator=(const AutofillProfile& profile);
42  // FormGroup:
43  virtual void GetMatchingTypes(
44      const base::string16& text,
45      const std::string& app_locale,
46      ServerFieldTypeSet* matching_types) const OVERRIDE;
47  virtual base::string16 GetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type) const OVERRIDE;
48  virtual void SetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type,
49                          const base::string16& value) OVERRIDE;
50  virtual base::string16 GetInfo(const AutofillType& type,
51                                 const std::string& app_locale) const OVERRIDE;
52  virtual bool SetInfo(const AutofillType& type,
53                       const base::string16& value,
54                       const std::string& app_locale) OVERRIDE;
56  // AutofillDataModel:
57  virtual base::string16 GetInfoForVariant(
58      const AutofillType& type,
59      size_t variant,
60      const std::string& app_locale) const OVERRIDE;
62  // Multi-value equivalents to |GetInfo| and |SetInfo|.
63  void SetRawMultiInfo(ServerFieldType type,
64                       const std::vector<base::string16>& values);
65  void GetRawMultiInfo(ServerFieldType type,
66                       std::vector<base::string16>* values) const;
67  void GetMultiInfo(const AutofillType& type,
68                    const std::string& app_locale,
69                    std::vector<base::string16>* values) const;
71  // The user-visible label of the profile, generated in relation to other
72  // profiles. Shows at least 2 fields that differentiate profile from other
73  // profiles. See AdjustInferredLabels() further down for more description.
74  const base::string16 Label() const;
76  // Returns true if there are no values (field types) set.
77  bool IsEmpty(const std::string& app_locale) const;
79  // Returns true if the |type| of data in this profile is present, but invalid.
80  // Otherwise returns false.
81  bool IsPresentButInvalid(ServerFieldType type) const;
83  // Comparison for Sync.  Returns 0 if the profile is the same as |this|,
84  // or < 0, or > 0 if it is different.  The implied ordering can be used for
85  // culling duplicates.  The ordering is based on collation order of the
86  // textual contents of the fields.
87  // GUIDs and origins are not compared, only the values of the contents
88  // themselves.  Full profile comparision, comparison includes multi-valued
89  // fields.
90  int Compare(const AutofillProfile& profile) const;
92  // Equality operators compare GUIDs, origins, and the contents in the
93  // comparison.
94  bool operator==(const AutofillProfile& profile) const;
95  virtual bool operator!=(const AutofillProfile& profile) const;
97  // Returns concatenation of full name and address line 1.  This acts as the
98  // basis of comparison for new values that are submitted through forms to
99  // aid with correct aggregation of new data.
100  const base::string16 PrimaryValue() const;
102  // Returns true if the data in this AutofillProfile is a subset of the data in
103  // |profile|.
104  bool IsSubsetOf(const AutofillProfile& profile,
105                  const std::string& app_locale) const;
107  // Overwrites the single-valued field data in |profile| with this
108  // Profile.  Or, for multi-valued fields append the new values.
109  void OverwriteWithOrAddTo(const AutofillProfile& profile,
110                            const std::string& app_locale);
112  // Returns |true| if |type| accepts multi-values.
113  static bool SupportsMultiValue(ServerFieldType type);
115  // Adjusts the labels according to profile data.
116  // Labels contain minimal different combination of:
117  // 1. Full name.
118  // 2. Address.
119  // 3. E-mail.
120  // 4. Phone.
121  // 5. Company name.
122  // Profile labels are changed accordingly to these rules.
123  // Returns true if any of the profiles were updated.
124  // This function is useful if you want to adjust unique labels for all
125  // profiles. For non permanent situations (selection of profile, when user
126  // started typing in the field, for example) use CreateInferredLabels().
127  static bool AdjustInferredLabels(std::vector<AutofillProfile*>* profiles);
129  // Creates inferred labels for |profiles|, according to the rules above and
130  // stores them in |created_labels|. If |suggested_fields| is not NULL, the
131  // resulting label fields are drawn from |suggested_fields|, except excluding
132  // |excluded_field|. Otherwise, the label fields are drawn from a default set,
133  // and |excluded_field| is ignored; by convention, it should be of
134  // |UNKNOWN_TYPE| when |suggested_fields| is NULL. Each label includes at
135  // least |minimal_fields_shown| fields, if possible.
136  static void CreateInferredLabels(
137      const std::vector<AutofillProfile*>* profiles,
138      const std::vector<ServerFieldType>* suggested_fields,
139      ServerFieldType excluded_field,
140      size_t minimal_fields_shown,
141      std::vector<base::string16>* created_labels);
143 private:
144  typedef std::vector<const FormGroup*> FormGroupList;
146  // FormGroup:
147  virtual void GetSupportedTypes(
148      ServerFieldTypeSet* supported_types) const OVERRIDE;
150  // Shared implementation for GetRawMultiInfo() and GetMultiInfo().  Pass an
151  // empty |app_locale| to get the raw info; otherwise, the returned info is
152  // canonicalized according to the given |app_locale|, if appropriate.
153  void GetMultiInfoImpl(const AutofillType& type,
154                        const std::string& app_locale,
155                        std::vector<base::string16>* values) const;
157  // Checks if the |phone| is in the |existing_phones| using fuzzy matching:
158  // for example, "1-800-FLOWERS", "18003569377", "(800)356-9377" and "356-9377"
159  // are considered the same.
160  // Adds the |phone| to the |existing_phones| if not already there.
161  void AddPhoneIfUnique(const base::string16& phone,
162                        const std::string& app_locale,
163                        std::vector<base::string16>* existing_phones);
165  // Builds inferred label from the first |num_fields_to_include| non-empty
166  // fields in |label_fields|. Uses as many fields as possible if there are not
167  // enough non-empty fields.
168  base::string16 ConstructInferredLabel(
169      const std::vector<ServerFieldType>& label_fields,
170      size_t num_fields_to_include) const;
172  // Creates inferred labels for |profiles| at indices corresponding to
173  // |indices|, and stores the results to the corresponding elements of
174  // |created_labels|. These labels include enough fields to differentiate among
175  // the profiles, if possible; and also at least |num_fields_to_include|
176  // fields, if possible. The label fields are drawn from |fields|.
177  static void CreateDifferentiatingLabels(
178      const std::vector<AutofillProfile*>& profiles,
179      const std::list<size_t>& indices,
180      const std::vector<ServerFieldType>& fields,
181      size_t num_fields_to_include,
182      std::vector<base::string16>* created_labels);
184  // Utilities for listing and lookup of the data members that constitute
185  // user-visible profile information.
186  FormGroupList FormGroups() const;
187  const FormGroup* FormGroupForType(const AutofillType& type) const;
188  FormGroup* MutableFormGroupForType(const AutofillType& type);
190  // The label presented to the user when selecting a profile.
191  base::string16 label_;
193  // Personal information for this profile.
194  std::vector<NameInfo> name_;
195  std::vector<EmailInfo> email_;
196  CompanyInfo company_;
197  std::vector<PhoneNumber> phone_number_;
198  Address address_;
201// So we can compare AutofillProfiles with EXPECT_EQ().
202std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AutofillProfile& profile);
204}  // namespace autofill