rpcs.proto revision 5f1c94371a64b3196d4be9466099bb892df9b88e
1syntax = "proto2";
2package copresence;
3option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
4import "codes.proto";
5import "enums.proto";
6import "data.proto";
7message RequestHeader {
8  optional DeviceRegistration device_id = 3 [deprecated = true];
9  optional ClientVersion client_version = 4;
10  optional ClientVersion framework_version = 5;
11  optional int64 current_time_millis = 6;
12  optional string registered_device_id = 7;
13  repeated string experiment_override = 8;
14  optional string configuration_etag = 11;
15  extensions 9 to 9;
17message ResponseHeader {
18  optional ErrorType error_type = 1 [deprecated = true];
19  optional DebugInfo debug_info = 2;
20  optional Status status = 3;
22message RegisterDeviceRequest {
23  optional RequestHeader header = 1;
24  optional DeviceRegistration old_registration = 2 [deprecated = true];
25  optional DeviceRegistration new_registration = 3 [deprecated = true];
26  optional PushServiceRegistration push_service = 5;
27  optional DeviceIdentifiers device_identifiers = 6;
29message RegisterDeviceResponse {
30  optional ResponseHeader header = 1;
31  optional string registered_device_id = 2;
33message ReportRequest {
34  optional RequestHeader header = 1;
35  optional ManageMessagesRequest manage_messages_request = 2;
36  optional ManageSubscriptionsRequest manage_subscriptions_request = 3;
37  optional UpdateSignalsRequest update_signals_request = 4;
39message UpdateSignalsRequest {
40  repeated TokenObservation token_observation = 1;
41  optional DeviceState state = 3;
43message ManageMessagesRequest {
44  repeated PublishedMessage message_to_publish = 1;
45  repeated string id_to_unpublish = 2;
46  optional DeleteAll delete_all = 3;
48message ManageSubscriptionsRequest {
49  repeated Subscription subscription = 1;
50  repeated string id_to_unsubscribe = 2;
51  optional DeleteAll delete_all = 3;
53message ReportResponse {
54  optional ResponseHeader header = 1;
55  optional ManageMessagesResponse manage_messages_response = 2;
56  optional ManageSubscriptionsResponse manage_subscriptions_response = 3;
57  optional UpdateSignalsResponse update_signals_response = 4;
59message UpdateSignalsResponse {
60  optional util.error.Code status = 1;
61  repeated Token token = 2;
62  repeated SubscribedMessage message = 3;
63  repeated Directive directive = 4;
65message ManageMessagesResponse {
66  optional util.error.Code status = 1;
67  repeated MessageResult published_message_result = 3;
68  extensions 2 to 2;
70message ManageSubscriptionsResponse {
71  optional util.error.Code status = 1;
72  repeated SubscriptionResult subscription_result = 3;
73  extensions 2 to 2;