1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "components/omnibox/autocomplete_input.h"
7#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
8#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
9#include "components/metrics/proto/omnibox_event.pb.h"
10#include "components/omnibox/autocomplete_scheme_classifier.h"
11#include "components/url_fixer/url_fixer.h"
12#include "net/base/net_util.h"
13#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
14#include "url/url_canon_ip.h"
15#include "url/url_util.h"
17namespace {
19// Hardcode constant to avoid any dependencies on content/.
20const char kViewSourceScheme[] = "view-source";
22void AdjustCursorPositionIfNecessary(size_t num_leading_chars_removed,
23                                     size_t* cursor_position) {
24  if (*cursor_position == base::string16::npos)
25    return;
26  if (num_leading_chars_removed < *cursor_position)
27    *cursor_position -= num_leading_chars_removed;
28  else
29    *cursor_position = 0;
32}  // namespace
35    : cursor_position_(base::string16::npos),
36      current_page_classification_(metrics::OmniboxEventProto::INVALID_SPEC),
37      type_(metrics::OmniboxInputType::INVALID),
38      prevent_inline_autocomplete_(false),
39      prefer_keyword_(false),
40      allow_exact_keyword_match_(true),
41      want_asynchronous_matches_(true) {
45    const base::string16& text,
46    size_t cursor_position,
47    const base::string16& desired_tld,
48    const GURL& current_url,
49    metrics::OmniboxEventProto::PageClassification current_page_classification,
50    bool prevent_inline_autocomplete,
51    bool prefer_keyword,
52    bool allow_exact_keyword_match,
53    bool want_asynchronous_matches,
54    const AutocompleteSchemeClassifier& scheme_classifier)
55    : cursor_position_(cursor_position),
56      current_url_(current_url),
57      current_page_classification_(current_page_classification),
58      prevent_inline_autocomplete_(prevent_inline_autocomplete),
59      prefer_keyword_(prefer_keyword),
60      allow_exact_keyword_match_(allow_exact_keyword_match),
61      want_asynchronous_matches_(want_asynchronous_matches) {
62  DCHECK(cursor_position <= text.length() ||
63         cursor_position == base::string16::npos)
64      << "Text: '" << text << "', cp: " << cursor_position;
65  // None of the providers care about leading white space so we always trim it.
66  // Providers that care about trailing white space handle trimming themselves.
67  if ((base::TrimWhitespace(text, base::TRIM_LEADING, &text_) &
68       base::TRIM_LEADING) != 0)
69    AdjustCursorPositionIfNecessary(text.length() - text_.length(),
70                                    &cursor_position_);
72  GURL canonicalized_url;
73  type_ = Parse(text_, desired_tld, scheme_classifier, &parts_, &scheme_,
74                &canonicalized_url);
76  if (type_ == metrics::OmniboxInputType::INVALID)
77    return;
79  if (((type_ == metrics::OmniboxInputType::UNKNOWN) ||
80       (type_ == metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL)) &&
81      canonicalized_url.is_valid() &&
82      (!canonicalized_url.IsStandard() || canonicalized_url.SchemeIsFile() ||
83       canonicalized_url.SchemeIsFileSystem() ||
84       !canonicalized_url.host().empty()))
85    canonicalized_url_ = canonicalized_url;
87  size_t chars_removed = RemoveForcedQueryStringIfNecessary(type_, &text_);
88  AdjustCursorPositionIfNecessary(chars_removed, &cursor_position_);
89  if (chars_removed) {
90    // Remove spaces between opening question mark and first actual character.
91    base::string16 trimmed_text;
92    if ((base::TrimWhitespace(text_, base::TRIM_LEADING, &trimmed_text) &
93         base::TRIM_LEADING) != 0) {
94      AdjustCursorPositionIfNecessary(text_.length() - trimmed_text.length(),
95                                      &cursor_position_);
96      text_ = trimmed_text;
97    }
98  }
101AutocompleteInput::~AutocompleteInput() {
104// static
105size_t AutocompleteInput::RemoveForcedQueryStringIfNecessary(
106    metrics::OmniboxInputType::Type type,
107    base::string16* text) {
108  if ((type != metrics::OmniboxInputType::FORCED_QUERY) || text->empty() ||
109      (*text)[0] != L'?')
110    return 0;
111  // Drop the leading '?'.
112  text->erase(0, 1);
113  return 1;
116// static
117std::string AutocompleteInput::TypeToString(
118    metrics::OmniboxInputType::Type type) {
119  switch (type) {
120    case metrics::OmniboxInputType::INVALID:      return "invalid";
121    case metrics::OmniboxInputType::UNKNOWN:      return "unknown";
122    case metrics::OmniboxInputType::DEPRECATED_REQUESTED_URL:
123      return "deprecated-requested-url";
124    case metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL:          return "url";
125    case metrics::OmniboxInputType::QUERY:        return "query";
126    case metrics::OmniboxInputType::FORCED_QUERY: return "forced-query";
127  }
128  return std::string();
131// static
132metrics::OmniboxInputType::Type AutocompleteInput::Parse(
133    const base::string16& text,
134    const base::string16& desired_tld,
135    const AutocompleteSchemeClassifier& scheme_classifier,
136    url::Parsed* parts,
137    base::string16* scheme,
138    GURL* canonicalized_url) {
139  size_t first_non_white = text.find_first_not_of(base::kWhitespaceUTF16, 0);
140  if (first_non_white == base::string16::npos)
141    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::INVALID;  // All whitespace.
143  if (text[first_non_white] == L'?') {
144    // If the first non-whitespace character is a '?', we magically treat this
145    // as a query.
146    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::FORCED_QUERY;
147  }
149  // Ask our parsing back-end to help us understand what the user typed.  We
150  // use the URLFixerUpper here because we want to be smart about what we
151  // consider a scheme.  For example, we shouldn't consider www.google.com:80
152  // to have a scheme.
153  url::Parsed local_parts;
154  if (!parts)
155    parts = &local_parts;
156  const base::string16 parsed_scheme(url_fixer::SegmentURL(text, parts));
157  if (scheme)
158    *scheme = parsed_scheme;
159  const std::string parsed_scheme_utf8(base::UTF16ToUTF8(parsed_scheme));
161  // If we can't canonicalize the user's input, the rest of the autocomplete
162  // system isn't going to be able to produce a navigable URL match for it.
163  // So we just return QUERY immediately in these cases.
164  GURL placeholder_canonicalized_url;
165  if (!canonicalized_url)
166    canonicalized_url = &placeholder_canonicalized_url;
167  *canonicalized_url = url_fixer::FixupURL(base::UTF16ToUTF8(text),
168                                           base::UTF16ToUTF8(desired_tld));
169  if (!canonicalized_url->is_valid())
170    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::QUERY;
172  if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(parsed_scheme_utf8, url::kFileScheme)) {
173    // A user might or might not type a scheme when entering a file URL.  In
174    // either case, |parsed_scheme_utf8| will tell us that this is a file URL,
175    // but |parts->scheme| might be empty, e.g. if the user typed "C:\foo".
176    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
177  }
179  // If the user typed a scheme, and it's HTTP or HTTPS, we know how to parse it
180  // well enough that we can fall through to the heuristics below.  If it's
181  // something else, we can just determine our action based on what we do with
182  // any input of this scheme.  In theory we could do better with some schemes
183  // (e.g. "ftp" or "view-source") but I'll wait to spend the effort on that
184  // until I run into some cases that really need it.
185  if (parts->scheme.is_nonempty() &&
186      !LowerCaseEqualsASCII(parsed_scheme_utf8, url::kHttpScheme) &&
187      !LowerCaseEqualsASCII(parsed_scheme_utf8, url::kHttpsScheme)) {
188    metrics::OmniboxInputType::Type type =
189        scheme_classifier.GetInputTypeForScheme(parsed_scheme_utf8);
190    if (type != metrics::OmniboxInputType::INVALID)
191      return type;
193    // We don't know about this scheme.  It might be that the user typed a
194    // URL of the form "username:password@foo.com".
195    const base::string16 http_scheme_prefix =
196        base::ASCIIToUTF16(std::string(url::kHttpScheme) +
197                           url::kStandardSchemeSeparator);
198    url::Parsed http_parts;
199    base::string16 http_scheme;
200    GURL http_canonicalized_url;
201    metrics::OmniboxInputType::Type http_type =
202        Parse(http_scheme_prefix + text, desired_tld, scheme_classifier,
203              &http_parts, &http_scheme, &http_canonicalized_url);
204    DCHECK_EQ(std::string(url::kHttpScheme),
205              base::UTF16ToUTF8(http_scheme));
207    if ((http_type == metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL) &&
208        http_parts.username.is_nonempty() &&
209        http_parts.password.is_nonempty()) {
210      // Manually re-jigger the parsed parts to match |text| (without the
211      // http scheme added).
212      http_parts.scheme.reset();
213      url::Component* components[] = {
214        &http_parts.username,
215        &http_parts.password,
216        &http_parts.host,
217        &http_parts.port,
218        &http_parts.path,
219        &http_parts.query,
220        &http_parts.ref,
221      };
222      for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(components); ++i) {
223        url_fixer::OffsetComponent(
224            -static_cast<int>(http_scheme_prefix.length()), components[i]);
225      }
227      *parts = http_parts;
228      if (scheme)
229        scheme->clear();
230      *canonicalized_url = http_canonicalized_url;
232      return metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
233    }
235    // We don't know about this scheme and it doesn't look like the user
236    // typed a username and password.  It's likely to be a search operator
237    // like "site:" or "link:".  We classify it as UNKNOWN so the user has
238    // the option of treating it as a URL if we're wrong.
239    // Note that SegmentURL() is smart so we aren't tricked by "c:\foo" or
240    // "www.example.com:81" in this case.
241    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::UNKNOWN;
242  }
244  // Either the user didn't type a scheme, in which case we need to distinguish
245  // between an HTTP URL and a query, or the scheme is HTTP or HTTPS, in which
246  // case we should reject invalid formulations.
248  // If we have an empty host it can't be a valid HTTP[S] URL.  (This should
249  // only trigger for input that begins with a colon, which GURL will parse as a
250  // valid, non-standard URL; for standard URLs, an empty host would have
251  // resulted in an invalid |canonicalized_url| above.)
252  if (!parts->host.is_nonempty())
253    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::QUERY;
255  // Sanity-check: GURL should have failed to canonicalize this URL if it had an
256  // invalid port.
257  DCHECK_NE(url::PORT_INVALID, url::ParsePort(text.c_str(), parts->port));
259  // Likewise, the RCDS can reject certain obviously-invalid hosts.  (We also
260  // use the registry length later below.)
261  const base::string16 host(text.substr(parts->host.begin, parts->host.len));
262  const size_t registry_length =
263      net::registry_controlled_domains::GetRegistryLength(
264          base::UTF16ToUTF8(host),
265          net::registry_controlled_domains::EXCLUDE_UNKNOWN_REGISTRIES,
266          net::registry_controlled_domains::EXCLUDE_PRIVATE_REGISTRIES);
267  if (registry_length == std::string::npos) {
268    // Try to append the desired_tld.
269    if (!desired_tld.empty()) {
270      base::string16 host_with_tld(host);
271      if (host[host.length() - 1] != '.')
272        host_with_tld += '.';
273      host_with_tld += desired_tld;
274      const size_t tld_length =
275          net::registry_controlled_domains::GetRegistryLength(
276              base::UTF16ToUTF8(host_with_tld),
277              net::registry_controlled_domains::EXCLUDE_UNKNOWN_REGISTRIES,
278              net::registry_controlled_domains::EXCLUDE_PRIVATE_REGISTRIES);
279      if (tld_length != std::string::npos) {
280        // Something like "99999999999" that looks like a bad IP
281        // address, but becomes valid on attaching a TLD.
282        return metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
283      }
284    }
285    // Could be a broken IP address, etc.
286    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::QUERY;
287  }
290  // See if the hostname is valid.  While IE and GURL allow hostnames to contain
291  // many other characters (perhaps for weird intranet machines), it's extremely
292  // unlikely that a user would be trying to type those in for anything other
293  // than a search query.
294  url::CanonHostInfo host_info;
295  const std::string canonicalized_host(net::CanonicalizeHost(
296      base::UTF16ToUTF8(host), &host_info));
297  if ((host_info.family == url::CanonHostInfo::NEUTRAL) &&
298      !net::IsCanonicalizedHostCompliant(canonicalized_host,
299                                         base::UTF16ToUTF8(desired_tld))) {
300    // Invalid hostname.  There are several possible cases:
301    // * Our checker is too strict and the user pasted in a real-world URL
302    //   that's "invalid" but resolves.  To catch these, we return UNKNOWN when
303    //   the user explicitly typed a scheme, so we'll still search by default
304    //   but we'll show the accidental search infobar if necessary.
305    // * The user is typing a multi-word query.  If we see a space anywhere in
306    //   the hostname we assume this is a search and return QUERY.
307    // * Our checker is too strict and the user is typing a real-world hostname
308    //   that's "invalid" but resolves.  We return UNKNOWN if the TLD is known.
309    //   Note that we explicitly excluded hosts with spaces above so that
310    //   "toys at amazon.com" will be treated as a search.
311    // * The user is typing some garbage string.  Return QUERY.
312    //
313    // Thus we fall down in the following cases:
314    // * Trying to navigate to a hostname with spaces
315    // * Trying to navigate to a hostname with invalid characters and an unknown
316    //   TLD
317    // These are rare, though probably possible in intranets.
318    return (parts->scheme.is_nonempty() ||
319           ((registry_length != 0) &&
320            (host.find(' ') == base::string16::npos))) ?
321        metrics::OmniboxInputType::UNKNOWN : metrics::OmniboxInputType::QUERY;
322  }
324  // Now that we've ruled out all schemes other than http or https and done a
325  // little more sanity checking, the presence of a scheme means this is likely
326  // a URL.
327  if (parts->scheme.is_nonempty())
328    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
330  // See if the host is an IP address.
331  if (host_info.family == url::CanonHostInfo::IPV6)
332    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
333  // If the user originally typed a host that looks like an IP address (a
334  // dotted quad), they probably want to open it.  If the original input was
335  // something else (like a single number), they probably wanted to search for
336  // it, unless they explicitly typed a scheme.  This is true even if the URL
337  // appears to have a path: "1.2/45" is more likely a search (for the answer
338  // to a math problem) than a URL.  However, if there are more non-host
339  // components, then maybe this really was intended to be a navigation.  For
340  // this reason we only check the dotted-quad case here, and save the "other
341  // IP addresses" case for after we check the number of non-host components
342  // below.
343  if ((host_info.family == url::CanonHostInfo::IPV4) &&
344      (host_info.num_ipv4_components == 4))
345    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
347  // Presence of a password means this is likely a URL.  Note that unless the
348  // user has typed an explicit "http://" or similar, we'll probably think that
349  // the username is some unknown scheme, and bail out in the scheme-handling
350  // code above.
351  if (parts->password.is_nonempty())
352    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
354  // Trailing slashes force the input to be treated as a URL.
355  if (parts->path.is_nonempty()) {
356    char c = text[parts->path.end() - 1];
357    if ((c == '\\') || (c == '/'))
358      return metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
359  }
361  // If there is more than one recognized non-host component, this is likely to
362  // be a URL, even if the TLD is unknown (in which case this is likely an
363  // intranet URL).
364  if (NumNonHostComponents(*parts) > 1)
365    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
367  // If the host has a known TLD or a port, it's probably a URL, with the
368  // following exceptions:
369  // * Any "IP addresses" that make it here are more likely searches
370  //   (see above).
371  // * If we reach here with a username, our input looks like "user@host[.tld]".
372  //   Because there is no scheme explicitly specified, we think this is more
373  //   likely an email address than an HTTP auth attempt.  Hence, we search by
374  //   default and let users correct us on a case-by-case basis.
375  // Note that we special-case "localhost" as a known hostname.
376  if ((host_info.family != url::CanonHostInfo::IPV4) &&
377      ((registry_length != 0) || (host == base::ASCIIToUTF16("localhost") ||
378       parts->port.is_nonempty()))) {
379    return parts->username.is_nonempty() ? metrics::OmniboxInputType::UNKNOWN :
380                                           metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
381  }
383  // If we reach this point, we know there's no known TLD on the input, so if
384  // the user wishes to add a desired_tld, the fixup code will oblige; thus this
385  // is a URL.
386  if (!desired_tld.empty())
387    return metrics::OmniboxInputType::URL;
389  // No scheme, password, port, path, and no known TLD on the host.
390  // This could be:
391  // * An "incomplete IP address"; likely a search (see above).
392  // * An email-like input like "user@host", where "host" has no known TLD.
393  //   It's not clear what the user means here and searching seems reasonable.
394  // * A single word "foo"; possibly an intranet site, but more likely a search.
395  //   This is ideally an UNKNOWN, and we can let the Alternate Nav URL code
396  //   catch our mistakes.
397  // * A URL with a valid TLD we don't know about yet.  If e.g. a registrar adds
398  //   "xxx" as a TLD, then until we add it to our data file, Chrome won't know
399  //   "foo.xxx" is a real URL.  So ideally this is a URL, but we can't really
400  //   distinguish this case from:
401  // * A "URL-like" string that's not really a URL (like
402  //   "browser.tabs.closeButtons" or "java.awt.event.*").  This is ideally a
403  //   QUERY.  Since this is indistinguishable from the case above, and this
404  //   case is much more likely, claim these are UNKNOWN, which should default
405  //   to the right thing and let users correct us on a case-by-case basis.
406  return metrics::OmniboxInputType::UNKNOWN;
409// static
410void AutocompleteInput::ParseForEmphasizeComponents(
411    const base::string16& text,
412    const AutocompleteSchemeClassifier& scheme_classifier,
413    url::Component* scheme,
414    url::Component* host) {
415  url::Parsed parts;
416  base::string16 scheme_str;
417  Parse(text, base::string16(), scheme_classifier, &parts, &scheme_str, NULL);
419  *scheme = parts.scheme;
420  *host = parts.host;
422  int after_scheme_and_colon = parts.scheme.end() + 1;
423  // For the view-source scheme, we should emphasize the scheme and host of the
424  // URL qualified by the view-source prefix.
425  if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(scheme_str, kViewSourceScheme) &&
426      (static_cast<int>(text.length()) > after_scheme_and_colon)) {
427    // Obtain the URL prefixed by view-source and parse it.
428    base::string16 real_url(text.substr(after_scheme_and_colon));
429    url::Parsed real_parts;
430    AutocompleteInput::Parse(real_url, base::string16(), scheme_classifier,
431                             &real_parts, NULL, NULL);
432    if (real_parts.scheme.is_nonempty() || real_parts.host.is_nonempty()) {
433      if (real_parts.scheme.is_nonempty()) {
434        *scheme = url::Component(
435            after_scheme_and_colon + real_parts.scheme.begin,
436            real_parts.scheme.len);
437      } else {
438        scheme->reset();
439      }
440      if (real_parts.host.is_nonempty()) {
441        *host = url::Component(after_scheme_and_colon + real_parts.host.begin,
442                               real_parts.host.len);
443      } else {
444        host->reset();
445      }
446    }
447  } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(scheme_str, url::kFileSystemScheme) &&
448             parts.inner_parsed() && parts.inner_parsed()->scheme.is_valid()) {
449    *host = parts.inner_parsed()->host;
450  }
453// static
454base::string16 AutocompleteInput::FormattedStringWithEquivalentMeaning(
455    const GURL& url,
456    const base::string16& formatted_url,
457    const AutocompleteSchemeClassifier& scheme_classifier) {
458  if (!net::CanStripTrailingSlash(url))
459    return formatted_url;
460  const base::string16 url_with_path(formatted_url + base::char16('/'));
461  return (AutocompleteInput::Parse(formatted_url, base::string16(),
462                                   scheme_classifier, NULL, NULL, NULL) ==
463          AutocompleteInput::Parse(url_with_path, base::string16(),
464                                   scheme_classifier, NULL, NULL, NULL)) ?
465      formatted_url : url_with_path;
468// static
469int AutocompleteInput::NumNonHostComponents(const url::Parsed& parts) {
470  int num_nonhost_components = 0;
471  if (parts.scheme.is_nonempty())
472    ++num_nonhost_components;
473  if (parts.username.is_nonempty())
474    ++num_nonhost_components;
475  if (parts.password.is_nonempty())
476    ++num_nonhost_components;
477  if (parts.port.is_nonempty())
478    ++num_nonhost_components;
479  if (parts.path.is_nonempty())
480    ++num_nonhost_components;
481  if (parts.query.is_nonempty())
482    ++num_nonhost_components;
483  if (parts.ref.is_nonempty())
484    ++num_nonhost_components;
485  return num_nonhost_components;
488// static
489bool AutocompleteInput::HasHTTPScheme(const base::string16& input) {
490  std::string utf8_input(base::UTF16ToUTF8(input));
491  url::Component scheme;
492  if (url::FindAndCompareScheme(utf8_input, kViewSourceScheme, &scheme)) {
493    utf8_input.erase(0, scheme.end() + 1);
494  }
495  return url::FindAndCompareScheme(utf8_input, url::kHttpScheme, NULL);
498void AutocompleteInput::UpdateText(const base::string16& text,
499                                   size_t cursor_position,
500                                   const url::Parsed& parts) {
501  DCHECK(cursor_position <= text.length() ||
502         cursor_position == base::string16::npos)
503      << "Text: '" << text << "', cp: " << cursor_position;
504  text_ = text;
505  cursor_position_ = cursor_position;
506  parts_ = parts;
509void AutocompleteInput::Clear() {
510  text_.clear();
511  cursor_position_ = base::string16::npos;
512  current_url_ = GURL();
513  current_page_classification_ = metrics::OmniboxEventProto::INVALID_SPEC;
514  type_ = metrics::OmniboxInputType::INVALID;
515  parts_ = url::Parsed();
516  scheme_.clear();
517  canonicalized_url_ = GURL();
518  prevent_inline_autocomplete_ = false;
519  prefer_keyword_ = false;
520  allow_exact_keyword_match_ = false;
521  want_asynchronous_matches_ = true;