1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6"""This file allows the bots to be easily configure and run the tests."""
8import argparse
9import os
10import tempfile
12from environment import Environment
13import tests
15if __name__ == "__main__":
16  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
17      description="Password Manager automated tests runner help.")
18  parser.add_argument(
19      "--chrome-path", action="store", dest="chrome_path",
20      help="Set the chrome path (required).", nargs=1, required=True)
21  parser.add_argument(
22      "--chromedriver-path", action="store", dest="chromedriver_path",
23      help="Set the chromedriver path (required).", nargs=1, required=True)
24  parser.add_argument(
25      "--profile-path", action="store", dest="profile_path",
26      help="Set the profile path (required). You just need to choose a "
27           "temporary empty folder. If the folder is not empty all its content "
28           "is going to be removed.",
29      nargs=1, required=True)
30  parser.add_argument(
31      "--passwords-path", action="store", dest="passwords_path",
32      help="Set the usernames/passwords path (required).", nargs=1,
33      required=True)
34  parser.add_argument("--save-path", action="store", nargs=1, dest="save_path",
35      help="Write the results in a file.", required=True)
36  args = parser.parse_args()
38  environment = Environment('', '', '', None, False)
39  tests.Tests(environment)
41  xml = open(args.save_path[0],"w")
42  xml.write("<xml>")
43  try:
44    results = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
45        dir=os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir()), delete=False)
46    results_path = results.name
47    results.close()
49    full_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
50    tests_dir = os.path.dirname(full_path)
51    tests_path = os.path.join(tests_dir, "tests.py")
53    for websitetest in environment.websitetests:
54      # The tests can be flaky. This is why we try to rerun up to 3 times.
55      for x in range(0, 3):
56        # TODO(rchtara): Using "pkill" is just temporary until a better,
57        # platform-independent solution is found.
58        os.system("pkill chrome")
59        try:
60          os.remove(results_path)
61        except Exception:
62          pass
63        # TODO(rchtara): Using "timeout is just temporary until a better,
64        # platform-independent solution is found.
66        # The website test runs in two passes, each pass has an internal
67        # timeout of 200s for waiting (see |remaining_time_to_wait| and
68        # Wait() in websitetest.py). Accounting for some more time spent on
69        # the non-waiting execution, 300 seconds should be the upper bound on
70        # the runtime of one pass, thus 600 seconds for the whole test.
71        os.system("timeout 600 python %s %s --chrome-path %s "
72            "--chromedriver-path %s --passwords-path %s --profile-path %s "
73            "--save-path %s" %
74            (tests_path, websitetest.name, args.chrome_path[0],
75             args.chromedriver_path[0], args.passwords_path[0],
76             args.profile_path[0], results_path))
77        if os.path.isfile(results_path):
78          results = open(results_path, "r")
79          count = 0 # Count the number of successful tests.
80          for line in results:
81            xml.write(line)
82            count += line.count("successful='True'")
83          results.close()
84          # There is only two tests running for every website: the prompt and
85          # the normal test. If both of the tests were successful, the tests
86          # would be stopped for the current website.
87          if count == 2:
88            break
89        else:
90          xml.write("<result><test name='%s' type='prompt' successful='false'>"
91              "</test><test name='%s' type='normal' successful='false'></test>"
92              "</result>" % (websitetest.name, websitetest.name))
93  finally:
94    try:
95      os.remove(results_path)
96    except Exception:
97      pass
99  xml.write("</xml>")
100  xml.close()