1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <string>
10#include "base/basictypes.h"
11#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
12#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
13#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
14#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
15#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
16#include "content/public/browser/resource_request_info.h"
17#include "content/public/common/referrer.h"
18#include "content/public/common/resource_type.h"
19#include "net/base/load_states.h"
21namespace content {
22class CrossSiteResourceHandler;
23class DetachableResourceHandler;
24class ResourceContext;
25class ResourceMessageFilter;
26struct GlobalRequestID;
27struct GlobalRoutingID;
29// Holds the data ResourceDispatcherHost associates with each request.
30// Retrieve this data by calling ResourceDispatcherHost::InfoForRequest.
31class ResourceRequestInfoImpl : public ResourceRequestInfo,
32                                public base::SupportsUserData::Data {
33 public:
34  // Returns the ResourceRequestInfoImpl associated with the given URLRequest.
35  CONTENT_EXPORT static ResourceRequestInfoImpl* ForRequest(
36      net::URLRequest* request);
38  // And, a const version for cases where you only need read access.
39  CONTENT_EXPORT static const ResourceRequestInfoImpl* ForRequest(
40      const net::URLRequest* request);
42  CONTENT_EXPORT ResourceRequestInfoImpl(
43      int process_type,
44      int child_id,
45      int route_id,
46      int origin_pid,
47      int request_id,
48      int render_frame_id,
49      bool is_main_frame,
50      bool parent_is_main_frame,
51      int parent_render_frame_id,
52      ResourceType resource_type,
53      ui::PageTransition transition_type,
54      bool should_replace_current_entry,
55      bool is_download,
56      bool is_stream,
57      bool allow_download,
58      bool has_user_gesture,
59      bool enable_load_timing,
60      blink::WebReferrerPolicy referrer_policy,
61      blink::WebPageVisibilityState visibility_state,
62      ResourceContext* context,
63      base::WeakPtr<ResourceMessageFilter> filter,
64      bool is_async);
65  virtual ~ResourceRequestInfoImpl();
67  // ResourceRequestInfo implementation:
68  virtual ResourceContext* GetContext() const OVERRIDE;
69  virtual int GetChildID() const OVERRIDE;
70  virtual int GetRouteID() const OVERRIDE;
71  virtual int GetOriginPID() const OVERRIDE;
72  virtual int GetRequestID() const OVERRIDE;
73  virtual int GetRenderFrameID() const OVERRIDE;
74  virtual bool IsMainFrame() const OVERRIDE;
75  virtual bool ParentIsMainFrame() const OVERRIDE;
76  virtual int GetParentRenderFrameID() const OVERRIDE;
77  virtual ResourceType GetResourceType() const OVERRIDE;
78  virtual int GetProcessType() const OVERRIDE;
79  virtual blink::WebReferrerPolicy GetReferrerPolicy() const OVERRIDE;
80  virtual blink::WebPageVisibilityState GetVisibilityState() const OVERRIDE;
81  virtual ui::PageTransition GetPageTransition() const OVERRIDE;
82  virtual bool HasUserGesture() const OVERRIDE;
83  virtual bool WasIgnoredByHandler() const OVERRIDE;
84  virtual bool GetAssociatedRenderFrame(int* render_process_id,
85                                        int* render_frame_id) const OVERRIDE;
86  virtual bool IsAsync() const OVERRIDE;
87  virtual bool IsDownload() const OVERRIDE;
90  CONTENT_EXPORT void AssociateWithRequest(net::URLRequest* request);
92  CONTENT_EXPORT GlobalRequestID GetGlobalRequestID() const;
93  GlobalRoutingID GetGlobalRoutingID() const;
95  // May be NULL (e.g., if process dies during a transfer).
96  ResourceMessageFilter* filter() const {
97    return filter_.get();
98  }
100  // Updates the data associated with this request after it is is transferred
101  // to a new renderer process.  Not all data will change during a transfer.
102  // We do not expect the ResourceContext to change during navigation, so that
103  // does not need to be updated.
104  void UpdateForTransfer(int child_id,
105                         int route_id,
106                         int origin_pid,
107                         int request_id,
108                         int parent_render_frame_id,
109                         base::WeakPtr<ResourceMessageFilter> filter);
111  // CrossSiteResourceHandler for this request.  May be null.
112  CrossSiteResourceHandler* cross_site_handler() {
113    return cross_site_handler_;
114  }
115  void set_cross_site_handler(CrossSiteResourceHandler* h) {
116    cross_site_handler_ = h;
117  }
119  // Whether this request is part of a navigation that should replace the
120  // current session history entry. This state is shuffled up and down the stack
121  // for request transfers.
122  bool should_replace_current_entry() const {
123    return should_replace_current_entry_;
124  }
126  // DetachableResourceHandler for this request.  May be NULL.
127  DetachableResourceHandler* detachable_handler() const {
128    return detachable_handler_;
129  }
130  void set_detachable_handler(DetachableResourceHandler* h) {
131    detachable_handler_ = h;
132  }
134  // Identifies the type of process (renderer, plugin, etc.) making the request.
135  int process_type() const { return process_type_; }
137  // Downloads are allowed only as a top level request.
138  bool allow_download() const { return allow_download_; }
140  // Whether this is a download.
141  void set_is_download(bool download) { is_download_ = download; }
143  // Whether this is a stream.
144  bool is_stream() const { return is_stream_; }
145  void set_is_stream(bool stream) { is_stream_ = stream; }
147  void set_was_ignored_by_handler(bool value) {
148    was_ignored_by_handler_ = value;
149  }
151  // The approximate in-memory size (bytes) that we credited this request
152  // as consuming in |outstanding_requests_memory_cost_map_|.
153  int memory_cost() const { return memory_cost_; }
154  void set_memory_cost(int cost) { memory_cost_ = cost; }
156  bool is_load_timing_enabled() const { return enable_load_timing_; }
158 private:
159  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ResourceDispatcherHostTest,
160                           DeletedFilterDetached);
161  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ResourceDispatcherHostTest,
162                           DeletedFilterDetachedRedirect);
163  // Non-owning, may be NULL.
164  CrossSiteResourceHandler* cross_site_handler_;
165  DetachableResourceHandler* detachable_handler_;
167  int process_type_;
168  int child_id_;
169  int route_id_;
170  int origin_pid_;
171  int request_id_;
172  int render_frame_id_;
173  bool is_main_frame_;
174  bool parent_is_main_frame_;
175  int parent_render_frame_id_;
176  bool should_replace_current_entry_;
177  bool is_download_;
178  bool is_stream_;
179  bool allow_download_;
180  bool has_user_gesture_;
181  bool enable_load_timing_;
182  bool was_ignored_by_handler_;
183  ResourceType resource_type_;
184  ui::PageTransition transition_type_;
185  int memory_cost_;
186  blink::WebReferrerPolicy referrer_policy_;
187  blink::WebPageVisibilityState visibility_state_;
188  ResourceContext* context_;
189  // The filter might be deleted without deleting this object if the process
190  // exits during a transfer.
191  base::WeakPtr<ResourceMessageFilter> filter_;
192  bool is_async_;
194  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ResourceRequestInfoImpl);
197}  // namespace content