1# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
6  'conditions': [
7    ['enable_plugins==1 and OS!="linux"', {
8      'dependencies': [
9        '../mojo/mojo_base.gyp:mojo_application_bindings',
10        '../skia/skia.gyp:skia',
11        '../third_party/WebKit/public/blink.gyp:blink',
12        '../third_party/npapi/npapi.gyp:npapi',
13      ],
14      'include_dirs': [
15        '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)',
16      ],
17      'sources': [
18        # All .cc, .h, .m, and .mm files under plugins except for tests and
19        # mocks.
20        'plugin/plugin_channel.cc',
21        'plugin/plugin_channel.h',
22        'plugin/plugin_interpose_util_mac.mm',
23        'plugin/plugin_interpose_util_mac.h',
24        'plugin/plugin_main.cc',
25        'plugin/plugin_main_mac.mm',
26        'plugin/plugin_thread.cc',
27        'plugin/plugin_thread.h',
28        'plugin/webplugin_accelerated_surface_proxy_mac.cc',
29        'plugin/webplugin_accelerated_surface_proxy_mac.h',
30        'plugin/webplugin_delegate_stub.cc',
31        'plugin/webplugin_delegate_stub.h',
32        'plugin/webplugin_proxy.cc',
33        'plugin/webplugin_proxy.h',
34        'public/plugin/content_plugin_client.h',
35      ],
36      # These are layered in conditionals in the event other platforms
37      # end up using this module as well.
38      'conditions': [
39        ['OS=="win"', {
40          'include_dirs': [
41            '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include',
42          ],
43        }],
44      ],
45    }],
46  ],