download_manager_delegate.h revision ba5b9a6411cb1792fd21f0a078d7a25cd1ceec16
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include "base/basictypes.h"
9#include "base/callback.h"
10#include "base/files/file_path.h"
11#include "base/logging.h"
12#include "base/time/time.h"
13#include "content/common/content_export.h"
14#include "content/public/browser/download_danger_type.h"
15#include "content/public/browser/download_item.h"
16#include "content/public/browser/save_page_type.h"
18namespace content {
20class BrowserContext;
21class WebContents;
23// Called by SavePackage when it creates a DownloadItem.
24typedef base::Callback<void(DownloadItem*)>
25    SavePackageDownloadCreatedCallback;
27// Will be called asynchronously with the results of the ChooseSavePath
28// operation.  If the delegate wants notification of the download item created
29// in response to this operation, the SavePackageDownloadCreatedCallback will be
30// non-null.
31typedef base::Callback<void(const base::FilePath&,
32                            SavePageType,
33                            const SavePackageDownloadCreatedCallback&)>
34    SavePackagePathPickedCallback;
36// Called with the results of DetermineDownloadTarget(). If the delegate decides
37// to cancel the download, then |target_path| should be set to an empty path. If
38// |target_path| is non-empty, then |intermediate_path| is required to be
39// non-empty and specify the path to the intermediate file (which could be the
40// same as |target_path|). Both |target_path| and |intermediate_path| are
41// expected to in the same directory.
42typedef base::Callback<void(
43    const base::FilePath& target_path,
44    DownloadItem::TargetDisposition disposition,
45    DownloadDangerType danger_type,
46    const base::FilePath& intermediate_path)> DownloadTargetCallback;
48// Called when a download delayed by the delegate has completed.
49typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> DownloadOpenDelayedCallback;
51// Called with the result of CheckForFileExistence().
52typedef base::Callback<void(bool result)> CheckForFileExistenceCallback;
54typedef base::Callback<void(uint32)> DownloadIdCallback;
56// Browser's download manager: manages all downloads and destination view.
57class CONTENT_EXPORT DownloadManagerDelegate {
58 public:
59  // Lets the delegate know that the download manager is shutting down.
60  virtual void Shutdown() {}
62  // Runs |callback| with a new download id when possible, perhaps
63  // synchronously.
64  virtual void GetNextId(const DownloadIdCallback& callback);
66  // Called to notify the delegate that a new download |item| requires a
67  // download target to be determined. The delegate should return |true| if it
68  // will determine the target information and will invoke |callback|. The
69  // callback may be invoked directly (synchronously). If this function returns
70  // |false|, the download manager will continue the download using a default
71  // target path.
72  //
73  // The state of the |item| shouldn't be modified during the process of
74  // filename determination save for external data (GetExternalData() /
75  // SetExternalData()).
76  //
77  // If the download should be canceled, |callback| should be invoked with an
78  // empty |target_path| argument.
79  virtual bool DetermineDownloadTarget(DownloadItem* item,
80                                       const DownloadTargetCallback& callback);
82  // Tests if a file type should be opened automatically.
83  virtual bool ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension(const base::FilePath& path);
85  // Allows the delegate to delay completion of the download.  This function
86  // will either return true (in which case the download may complete)
87  // or will call the callback passed when the download is ready for
88  // completion.  This routine may be called multiple times; once the callback
89  // has been called or the function has returned true for a particular
90  // download it should continue to return true for that download.
91  virtual bool ShouldCompleteDownload(
92      DownloadItem* item,
93      const base::Closure& complete_callback);
95  // Allows the delegate to override opening the download. If this function
96  // returns false, the delegate needs to call callback when it's done
97  // with the item, and is responsible for opening it.  This function is called
98  // after the final rename, but before the download state is set to COMPLETED.
99  virtual bool ShouldOpenDownload(DownloadItem* item,
100                                  const DownloadOpenDelayedCallback& callback);
102  // Returns true if we need to generate a binary hash for downloads.
103  virtual bool GenerateFileHash();
105  // Retrieve the directories to save html pages and downloads to.
106  virtual void GetSaveDir(BrowserContext* browser_context,
107                          base::FilePath* website_save_dir,
108                          base::FilePath* download_save_dir,
109                          bool* skip_dir_check) {}
111  // Asks the user for the path to save a page. The delegate calls the callback
112  // to give the answer.
113  virtual void ChooseSavePath(
114      WebContents* web_contents,
115      const base::FilePath& suggested_path,
116      const base::FilePath::StringType& default_extension,
117      bool can_save_as_complete,
118      const SavePackagePathPickedCallback& callback) {
119  }
121  // Opens the file associated with this download.
122  virtual void OpenDownload(DownloadItem* download) {}
124  // Shows the download via the OS shell.
125  virtual void ShowDownloadInShell(DownloadItem* download) {}
127  // Checks whether a downloaded file still exists.
128  virtual void CheckForFileExistence(
129      DownloadItem* download,
130      const CheckForFileExistenceCallback& callback) {}
132  // Return a GUID string used for identifying the application to the
133  // system AV function for scanning downloaded files. If an empty
134  // or invalid GUID string is returned, no client identification
135  // will be given to the AV function.
136  virtual std::string ApplicationClientIdForFileScanning() const;
138 protected:
139  virtual ~DownloadManagerDelegate();
142}  // namespace content