revision a02191e04bc25c4935f804f2c080ae28663d096d
1ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown// found in the LICENSE file.
4ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown
5ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brownpackage org.chromium.content.browser.test.util;
6ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown
7ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brownimport static org.chromium.base.test.util.ScalableTimeout.scaleTimeout;
8ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown
9ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brownimport android.os.SystemClock;
10ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown
11ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brownimport org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
12ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown
13ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brownimport java.util.concurrent.Callable;
14ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown
15ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown/**
16ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown * Helper methods for creating and managing criteria.
17ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown *
18ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown * <p>
19ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown * If possible, use callbacks or testing delegates instead of criteria as they
20ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown * do not introduce any polling delays.  Should only use Criteria if no suitable
21ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown * other approach exists.
22ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown */
23ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brownpublic class CriteriaHelper {
24ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown
25ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown    /** The default maximum time to wait for a criteria to become valid. */
26ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown    public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_TO_POLL = scaleTimeout(3000);
27ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown    /** The default polling interval to wait between checking for a satisfied criteria. */
28ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown    public static final long DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL = 50;
29ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown
30ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown    /**
31ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown     * Checks whether the given Criteria is satisfied at a given interval, until either
32ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown     * the criteria is satisfied, or the specified maxTimeoutMs number of ms has elapsed.
33ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown     * @param criteria The Criteria that will be checked.
34ed07e00d438c74b7a23c01bfffde77e3968305e4Jeff Brown     * @param maxTimeoutMs The maximum number of ms that this check will be performed for
35     * before timeout.
36     * @param checkIntervalMs The number of ms between checks.
37     * @return true iff checking has ended with the criteria being satisfied.
38     * @throws InterruptedException
39     */
40    public static boolean pollForCriteria(Criteria criteria, long maxTimeoutMs,
41            long checkIntervalMs) throws InterruptedException {
42        boolean isSatisfied = criteria.isSatisfied();
43        long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
44        while (!isSatisfied && SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime < maxTimeoutMs) {
45            Thread.sleep(checkIntervalMs);
46            isSatisfied = criteria.isSatisfied();
47        }
48        return isSatisfied;
49    }
51    /**
52     * Checks whether the given Criteria is satisfied polling at a default interval.
53     *
54     * @param criteria The Criteria that will be checked.
55     * @return iff checking has ended with the criteria being satisfied.
56     * @throws InterruptedException
57     * @see #pollForCriteria(Criteria, long, long)
58     */
59    public static boolean pollForCriteria(Criteria criteria) throws InterruptedException {
60        return pollForCriteria(criteria, DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_TO_POLL, DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL);
61    }
63    /**
64     * Checks whether the given Criteria is satisfied polling at a default interval on the UI
65     * thread.
66     * @param criteria The Criteria that will be checked.
67     * @return iff checking has ended with the criteria being satisfied.
68     * @throws InterruptedException
69     * @see #pollForCriteria(Criteria)
70     */
71    public static boolean pollForUIThreadCriteria(final Criteria criteria)
72            throws InterruptedException {
73        final Callable<Boolean> callable = new Callable<Boolean>() {
74            @Override
75            public Boolean call() throws Exception {
76                return criteria.isSatisfied();
77            }
78        };
80        return pollForCriteria(new Criteria() {
81            @Override
82            public boolean isSatisfied() {
83                return ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlockingNoException(callable);
84            }
85        });
86    }
88    /**
89     * Performs the runnable action, then checks whether the given criteria are satisfied
90     * until the specified timeout, using the pollForCriteria method. If not, then the runnable
91     * action is performed again, to a maximum of maxAttempts tries.
92     */
93    public static boolean runUntilCriteria(Runnable runnable, Criteria criteria,
94            int maxAttempts, long maxTimeoutMs, long checkIntervalMs) throws InterruptedException {
95        int count = 0;
96        boolean success = false;
97        while (count < maxAttempts && !success) {
98            count++;
99  ;
100            success = pollForCriteria(criteria, maxTimeoutMs, checkIntervalMs);
101        }
102        return success;
103    }