1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
6  {
7    "namespace": "guestViewInternal",
8    "compiler_options": {
9      "implemented_in": "extensions/browser/api/guest_view/guest_view_internal_api.h"
10    },
11    "description": "none",
12    "types": [
13      {
14        "id": "Size",
15        "type": "object",
16        "properties": {
17          "width": {
18            "type": "integer"
19          },
20          "height": {
21            "type": "integer"
22          }
23        }
24      },
25      {
26        "id": "AutoSizeParams",
27        "type": "object",
28        "description": "Autosize parameters.",
29        "properties": {
30          "enableAutoSize": {
31            "type": "boolean"
32          },
33          "min": {
34            "$ref": "Size"
35          },
36          "max": {
37            "$ref": "Size"
38          }
39        }
40      }
41    ],
42    "functions": [
43      {
44        "name": "createGuest",
45        "type": "function",
46        "parameters": [
47          {
48            "type": "string",
49            "name": "viewType",
50            "nodoc": true
51          },
52          {
53            "type": "object",
54            "name": "createParams",
55            "additionalProperties": {"type": "any"}
56          },
57          {
58            "type": "function",
59            "name": "callback",
60            "parameters": [
61              {
62                "type": "integer",
63                "name": "instanceId"
64              }
65            ]
66          }
67        ]
68      },
69      {
70        "name": "setAutoSize",
71        "type": "function",
72        "parameters": [
73          {
74            "type": "integer",
75            "name": "instanceId",
76            "description": "The instance ID of the guest <webview> process. This not exposed to developers through the API."
77          },
78          {
79            "$ref": "AutoSizeParams",
80            "name": "params"
81          }
82        ]
83      }
84    ]
85  }