agc_audio_stream.h revision 90dce4d38c5ff5333bea97d859d4e484e27edf0c
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include "base/logging.h"
9#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
10#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
11#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
12#include "base/timer.h"
13#include "media/audio/audio_io.h"
15// The template based AgcAudioStream implements platform-independent parts
16// of the AudioInterface interface. Supported interfaces to pass as
17// AudioInterface are AudioIntputStream and AudioOutputStream. Each platform-
18// dependent implementation should derive from this class.
20// Usage example (on Windows):
22//  class WASAPIAudioInputStream : public AgcAudioStream<AudioInputStream> {
23//   public:
24//    WASAPIAudioInputStream();
25//    ...
26//  };
28// Call flow example:
30//   1) User creates AgcAudioStream<AudioInputStream>
31//   2) User calls AudioInputStream::SetAutomaticGainControl(true) =>
32//      AGC usage is now initialized but not yet started.
33//   3) User calls AudioInputStream::Start() => implementation calls
34//      AgcAudioStream<AudioInputStream>::StartAgc() which detects that AGC
35//      is enabled and then starts the periodic AGC timer.
36//   4) Microphone volume samples are now taken and included in all
37//      AudioInputCallback::OnData() callbacks.
38//   5) User calls AudioInputStream::Stop() => implementation calls
39//      AgcAudioStream<AudioInputStream>::StopAgc() which stops the timer.
41// Note that, calling AudioInputStream::SetAutomaticGainControl(false) while
42// AGC measurements are active will not have an effect until StopAgc(),
43// StartAgc() are called again since SetAutomaticGainControl() only sets a
44// a state.
46// Calling SetAutomaticGainControl(true) enables the AGC and StartAgc() starts
47// a periodic timer which calls OnTimer() approximately once every second.
48// OnTimer() calls the QueryAndStoreNewMicrophoneVolume() method which asks
49// the actual microphone about its current volume level. This value is
50// normalized and stored so it can be read by GetAgcVolume() when the real-time
51// audio thread needs the value. The main idea behind this scheme is to avoid
52// accessing the audio hardware from the real-time audio thread and to ensure
53// that we don't take new microphone-level samples too often (~1 Hz is a
54// suitable compromise). The timer will be active until StopAgc() is called.
56// This class should be created and destroyed on the audio manager thread and
57// a thread checker is added to ensure that this is the case (uses DCHECK).
58// All methods except GetAgcVolume() should be called on the creating thread
59// as well to ensure that thread safety is maintained. It will also guarantee
60// that the periodic timer runs on the audio manager thread.
61// |normalized_volume_|, which is updated by QueryAndStoreNewMicrophoneVolume()
62// and read in GetAgcVolume(), is protected by a lock to ensure that it can
63// be accessed from any real-time audio thread that needs it to update the its
64// AGC volume.
66namespace media {
68template <typename AudioInterface>
69class MEDIA_EXPORT AgcAudioStream : public AudioInterface {
70 public:
71  // Time between two successive timer events.
72  static const int kIntervalBetweenVolumeUpdatesMs = 1000;
74  AgcAudioStream()
75      : agc_is_enabled_(false), max_volume_(0.0), normalized_volume_(0.0) {
76    DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
77  }
79  virtual ~AgcAudioStream() {
80    DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
81    DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
82  }
84 protected:
85  // Starts the periodic timer which periodically checks and updates the
86  // current microphone volume level.
87  // The timer is only started if AGC mode is first enabled using the
88  // SetAutomaticGainControl() method.
89  void StartAgc() {
90    DVLOG(1) << "StartAgc()";
91    DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
92    if (!agc_is_enabled_ || timer_.IsRunning())
93      return;
94    timer_.Start(FROM_HERE,
95        base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kIntervalBetweenVolumeUpdatesMs),
96        this, &AgcAudioStream::OnTimer);
97  }
99  // Stops the periodic timer which periodically checks and updates the
100  // current microphone volume level.
101  void StopAgc() {
102    DVLOG(1) << "StopAgc()";
103    DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
104    if (timer_.IsRunning())
105      timer_.Stop();
106  }
108  // Stores a new microphone volume level by checking the audio input device.
109  // Called on the audio manager thread.
110  void UpdateAgcVolume() {
111    DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
113    // We take new volume samples once every second when the AGC is enabled.
114    // To ensure that a new setting has an immediate effect, the new volume
115    // setting is cached here. It will ensure that the next OnData() callback
116    // will contain a new valid volume level. If this approach was not taken,
117    // we could report invalid volume levels to the client for a time period
118    // of up to one second.
119    QueryAndStoreNewMicrophoneVolume();
120  }
122  // Gets the latest stored volume level if AGC is enabled.
123  // Called at each capture callback on a real-time capture thread (platform
124  // dependent).
125  void GetAgcVolume(double* normalized_volume) {
126    base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
127    *normalized_volume = normalized_volume_;
128  }
130 private:
131  // Sets the automatic gain control (AGC) to on or off. When AGC is enabled,
132  // the microphone volume is queried periodically and the volume level can
133  // be read in each AudioInputCallback::OnData() callback and fed to the
134  // render-side AGC. User must call StartAgc() as well to start measuring
135  // the microphone level.
136  virtual void SetAutomaticGainControl(bool enabled) OVERRIDE {
137    DVLOG(1) << "SetAutomaticGainControl(enabled=" << enabled << ")";
138    DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
139    agc_is_enabled_ = enabled;
140  }
142  // Gets the current automatic gain control state.
143  virtual bool GetAutomaticGainControl() OVERRIDE {
144    DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
145    return agc_is_enabled_;
146  }
148  // Takes a new microphone volume sample and stores it in |normalized_volume_|.
149  // Range is normalized to [0.0,1.0] or [0.0, 1.5] on Linux.
150  void QueryAndStoreNewMicrophoneVolume() {
151    DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
153    // Avoid updating the volume member if AGC is not running.
154    if (!timer_.IsRunning())
155      return;
157    // Cach the maximum volume if this is the first time we ask for it.
158    if (max_volume_ == 0.0)
159      max_volume_ = static_cast<AudioInterface*>(this)->GetMaxVolume();
161    // Retrieve the current volume level by asking the audio hardware.
162    // Range is normalized to [0.0,1.0] or [0.0, 1.5] on Linux.
163    if (max_volume_ != 0.0) {
164      double normalized_volume =
165          static_cast<AudioInterface*>(this)->GetVolume() / max_volume_;
166      base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
167      normalized_volume_ = normalized_volume;
168    }
169  }
171  // This method is called periodically when AGC is enabled and always on the
172  // audio manager thread. We use it to read the current microphone level and
173  // to store it so it can be read by the main capture thread. By using this
174  // approach, we can avoid accessing audio hardware from a real-time audio
175  // thread and it leads to a more stable capture performance.
176  void OnTimer() {
177    DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
178    QueryAndStoreNewMicrophoneVolume();
179  }
181  // Ensures that this class is created and destroyed on the same thread.
182  base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
184  // Repeating timer which cancels itself when it goes out of scope.
185  // Used to check the microphone volume periodically.
186  base::RepeatingTimer<AgcAudioStream<AudioInterface> > timer_;
188  // True when automatic gain control is enabled, false otherwise.
189  bool agc_is_enabled_;
191  // Stores the maximum volume which is used for normalization to a volume
192  // range of [0.0, 1.0].
193  double max_volume_;
195  // Contains last result of internal call to GetVolume(). We save resources
196  // by not querying the capture volume for each callback. Guarded by |lock_|.
197  // The range is normalized to [0.0, 1.0].
198  double normalized_volume_;
200  // Protects |normalized_volume_| .
201  base::Lock lock_;
203  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AgcAudioStream<AudioInterface>);
206}  // namespace media