audio_manager.h revision 868fa2fe829687343ffae624259930155e16dbd8
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <string>
10#include "base/basictypes.h"
11#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
12#include "base/strings/string16.h"
13#include "media/audio/audio_device_name.h"
14#include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h"
16namespace base {
17class MessageLoop;
18class MessageLoopProxy;
21namespace media {
23class AudioInputStream;
24class AudioOutputStream;
26// Manages all audio resources. In particular it owns the AudioOutputStream
27// objects. Provides some convenience functions that avoid the need to provide
28// iterators over the existing streams.
29class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioManager {
30 public:
31  virtual ~AudioManager();
33  // Use to construct the audio manager.
34  // NOTE: There should only be one instance.
35  static AudioManager* Create();
37  // Returns the pointer to the last created instance, or NULL if not yet
38  // created. This is a utility method for the code outside of media directory,
39  // like src/chrome.
40  static AudioManager* Get();
42  // Returns true if the OS reports existence of audio devices. This does not
43  // guarantee that the existing devices support all formats and sample rates.
44  virtual bool HasAudioOutputDevices() = 0;
46  // Returns true if the OS reports existence of audio recording devices. This
47  // does not guarantee that the existing devices support all formats and
48  // sample rates.
49  virtual bool HasAudioInputDevices() = 0;
51  // Returns a human readable string for the model/make of the active audio
52  // input device for this computer.
53  virtual string16 GetAudioInputDeviceModel() = 0;
55  // Opens the platform default audio input settings UI.
56  // Note: This could invoke an external application/preferences pane, so
57  // ideally must not be called from the UI thread or other time sensitive
58  // threads to avoid blocking the rest of the application.
59  virtual void ShowAudioInputSettings() = 0;
61  // Appends a list of available input devices. It is not guaranteed that
62  // all the devices in the list support all formats and sample rates for
63  // recording.
64  virtual void GetAudioInputDeviceNames(AudioDeviceNames* device_names) = 0;
66  // Factory for all the supported stream formats. |params| defines parameters
67  // of the audio stream to be created.
68  //
69  // |params.sample_per_packet| is the requested buffer allocation which the
70  // audio source thinks it can usually fill without blocking. Internally two
71  // or three buffers are created, one will be locked for playback and one will
72  // be ready to be filled in the call to AudioSourceCallback::OnMoreData().
73  //
74  // Returns NULL if the combination of the parameters is not supported, or if
75  // we have reached some other platform specific limit.
76  //
77  // |params.format| can be set to AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY and that has two
78  // effects:
79  // 1- Instead of triple buffered the audio will be double buffered.
80  // 2- A low latency driver or alternative audio subsystem will be used when
81  //    available.
82  //
83  // Do not free the returned AudioOutputStream. It is owned by AudioManager.
84  virtual AudioOutputStream* MakeAudioOutputStream(
85      const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& input_device_id) = 0;
87  // Creates new audio output proxy. A proxy implements
88  // AudioOutputStream interface, but unlike regular output stream
89  // created with MakeAudioOutputStream() it opens device only when a
90  // sound is actually playing.
91  virtual AudioOutputStream* MakeAudioOutputStreamProxy(
92      const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& input_device_id) = 0;
94  // Factory to create audio recording streams.
95  // |channels| can be 1 or 2.
96  // |sample_rate| is in hertz and can be any value supported by the platform.
97  // |bits_per_sample| can be any value supported by the platform.
98  // |samples_per_packet| is in hertz as well and can be 0 to |sample_rate|,
99  // with 0 suggesting that the implementation use a default value for that
100  // platform.
101  // Returns NULL if the combination of the parameters is not supported, or if
102  // we have reached some other platform specific limit.
103  //
104  // Do not free the returned AudioInputStream. It is owned by AudioManager.
105  // When you are done with it, call |Stop()| and |Close()| to release it.
106  virtual AudioInputStream* MakeAudioInputStream(
107      const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& device_id) = 0;
109  // Returns message loop used for audio IO.
110  virtual scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> GetMessageLoop() = 0;
112  // Heavyweight tasks should use GetWorkerLoop() instead of GetMessageLoop().
113  // On most platforms they are the same, but some share the UI loop with the
114  // audio IO loop.
115  virtual scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> GetWorkerLoop() = 0;
117  // Allows clients to listen for device state changes; e.g. preferred sample
118  // rate or channel layout changes.  The typical response to receiving this
119  // callback is to recreate the stream.
120  class AudioDeviceListener {
121   public:
122    virtual void OnDeviceChange() = 0;
123  };
125  virtual void AddOutputDeviceChangeListener(AudioDeviceListener* listener) = 0;
126  virtual void RemoveOutputDeviceChangeListener(
127      AudioDeviceListener* listener) = 0;
129  // Returns the default output hardware audio parameters for opening output
130  // streams. It is a convenience interface to
131  // AudioManagerBase::GetPreferredOutputStreamParameters and each AudioManager
132  // does not need their own implementation to this interface.
133  virtual AudioParameters GetDefaultOutputStreamParameters() = 0;
135  // Returns the input hardware audio parameters of the specific device
136  // for opening input streams. Each AudioManager needs to implement their own
137  // version of this interface.
138  virtual AudioParameters GetInputStreamParameters(
139      const std::string& device_id) = 0;
141 protected:
142  AudioManager();
144 private:
148}  // namespace media