1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5# found in the LICENSE file.
7"""Tests for traffic control library."""
8import unittest
10import traffic_control
13class TrafficControlUnitTests(unittest.TestCase):
14  """Unit tests for traffic control."""
16  # Stores commands called by the traffic control _Exec function.
17  commands = []
19  def _ExecMock(self, command, **kwargs):
20    """Mocks traffic_control._Exec and adds the command to commands list."""
21    cmd_list = [str(x) for x in command]
22    self.commands.append(' '.join(cmd_list))
23    return ''
25  def setUp(self):
26    """Resets the commands list and set the _Exec mock function."""
27    self.commands = []
28    self._old_Exec = traffic_control._Exec
29    traffic_control._Exec = self._ExecMock
31  def tearDown(self):
32    """Resets the _Exec mock function to the original."""
33    traffic_control._Exec = self._old_Exec
35  def testCreateConstrainedPort(self):
36    config = {
37        'interface': 'fakeeth',
38        'port': 12345,
39        'server_port': 8888,
40        'bandwidth': 256,
41        'latency': 100,
42        'loss': 2
43    }
44    traffic_control.CreateConstrainedPort(config)
45    expected = [
46        'sudo tc qdisc add dev fakeeth root handle 1: htb',
47        'sudo tc class add dev fakeeth parent 1: classid 1:3039 htb rate '
48        '256kbit ceil 256kbit',
49        'sudo tc qdisc add dev fakeeth parent 1:3039 handle 3039:0 netem loss '
50        '2% delay 100ms',
51        'sudo tc filter add dev fakeeth protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 u32 match '
52        'ip sport 12345 0xffff flowid 1:3039',
53        'sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i fakeeth -p tcp --dport 12345 -j '
54        'REDIRECT --to-port 8888',
55        'sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 12345 -j REDIRECT '
56        '--to-port 8888'
57    ]
58    self.assertEqual(expected, self.commands)
60  def testCreateConstrainedPortDefaults(self):
61    config = {
62        'interface': 'fakeeth',
63        'port': 12345,
64        'server_port': 8888,
65        'latency': None
66    }
67    traffic_control.CreateConstrainedPort(config)
68    expected = [
69        'sudo tc qdisc add dev fakeeth root handle 1: htb',
70        'sudo tc class add dev fakeeth parent 1: classid 1:3039 htb rate '
71        '%dkbit ceil %dkbit' % (traffic_control._DEFAULT_MAX_BANDWIDTH_KBIT,
72                                traffic_control._DEFAULT_MAX_BANDWIDTH_KBIT),
73        'sudo tc qdisc add dev fakeeth parent 1:3039 handle 3039:0 netem',
74        'sudo tc filter add dev fakeeth protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 u32 '
75        'match ip sport 12345 0xffff flowid 1:3039',
76        'sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i fakeeth -p tcp --dport 12345 -j '
77        'REDIRECT --to-port 8888',
78        'sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 12345 -j REDIRECT '
79        '--to-port 8888'
80    ]
81    self.assertEqual(expected, self.commands)
83  def testDeleteConstrainedPort(self):
84    config = {
85        'interface': 'fakeeth',
86        'port': 12345,
87        'server_port': 8888,
88        'bandwidth': 256,
89    }
90    _old_GetFilterHandleId = traffic_control._GetFilterHandleId
91    traffic_control._GetFilterHandleId = lambda interface, port: '800::800'
93    try:
94      traffic_control.DeleteConstrainedPort(config)
95      expected = [
96          'sudo tc filter del dev fakeeth protocol ip parent 1:0 handle '
97          '800::800 prio 1 u32',
98          'sudo tc class del dev fakeeth parent 1: classid 1:3039 htb rate '
99          '256kbit ceil 256kbit',
100          'sudo iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i fakeeth -p tcp --dport 12345 '
101          '-j REDIRECT --to-port 8888',
102          'sudo iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 12345 -j REDIRECT '
103          '--to-port 8888']
104      self.assertEqual(expected, self.commands)
105    finally:
106      traffic_control._GetFilterHandleId = _old_GetFilterHandleId
108  def testTearDown(self):
109    config = {'interface': 'fakeeth'}
111    traffic_control.TearDown(config)
112    expected = [
113        'sudo tc qdisc del dev fakeeth root',
114        'sudo iptables -t nat -F'
115    ]
116    self.assertEqual(expected, self.commands)
118  def testGetFilterHandleID(self):
119    # Check seach for handle ID command.
120    self.assertRaises(traffic_control.TrafficControlError,
121                      traffic_control._GetFilterHandleId, 'fakeeth', 1)
122    self.assertEquals(self.commands, ['sudo tc filter list dev fakeeth parent '
123                                      '1:'])
125    # Check with handle ID available.
126    traffic_control._Exec = (lambda command, msg:
127      'filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 1 u32 fh 800::800 order 2048 key ht '
128      '800 bkt 0 flowid 1:1\nmatch 08ae0000/ffff0000 at 20')
129    output = traffic_control._GetFilterHandleId('fakeeth', 1)
130    self.assertEqual(output, '800::800')
132    # Check with handle ID not available.
133    traffic_control._Exec = (lambda command, msg:
134      'filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 1 u32 fh 800::800 order 2048 key ht '
135      '800 bkt 0 flowid 1:11\nmatch 08ae0000/ffff0000 at 20')
136    self.assertRaises(traffic_control.TrafficControlError,
137                      traffic_control._GetFilterHandleId, 'fakeeth', 1)
139    traffic_control._Exec = lambda command, msg: 'NO ID IN HERE'
140    self.assertRaises(traffic_control.TrafficControlError,
141                      traffic_control._GetFilterHandleId, 'fakeeth', 1)
144if __name__ == '__main__':
145  unittest.main()