1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6"""Generator script for proxy tests.
8See AndroidProxySelectorTest.java
9and net/proxy/proxy_config_service_android_unittest.cc
11To generate C++, run this script without arguments.
12To generate Java, run this script with -j argument.
14Note that this generator is not run as part of the build process because
15we are assuming that these test cases will not change often.
18import optparse
20test_cases = [
21  {
22    "name": "NoProxy",
23    "description" : "Test direct mapping when no proxy defined.",
24    "properties" : {
25    },
26    "mappings" : {
27      "http://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
28      "ftp://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
29      "https://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
30    }
31  },
32  {
33    "name": "HttpProxyHostAndPort",
34    "description" : "Test http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort works.",
35    "properties" : {
36      "http.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
37      "http.proxyPort" : "8080",
38    },
39    "mappings" : {
40      "http://example.com/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:8080",
41      "ftp://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
42      "https://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
43    }
44  },
45  {
46    "name": "HttpProxyHostOnly",
47    "description" : "We should get the default port (80) for proxied hosts.",
48    "properties" : {
49      "http.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
50    },
51    "mappings" : {
52      "http://example.com/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:80",
53      "ftp://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
54      "https://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
55    }
56  },
57  {
58    "name": "HttpProxyPortOnly",
59    "description" :
60        "http.proxyPort only should not result in any hosts being proxied.",
61    "properties" : {
62      "http.proxyPort" : "8080",
63    },
64    "mappings" : {
65      "http://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
66      "ftp://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
67      "https://example.com/" : "DIRECT"
68    }
69  },
70  {
71    "name": "HttpNonProxyHosts1",
72    "description" : "Test that HTTP non proxy hosts are mapped correctly",
73    "properties" : {
74      "http.nonProxyHosts" : "slashdot.org",
75      "http.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
76      "http.proxyPort" : "8080",
77    },
78    "mappings" : {
79      "http://example.com/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:8080",
80      "http://slashdot.org/" : "DIRECT",
81    }
82  },
83  {
84    "name": "HttpNonProxyHosts2",
85    "description" : "Test that | pattern works.",
86    "properties" : {
87      "http.nonProxyHosts" : "slashdot.org|freecode.net",
88      "http.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
89      "http.proxyPort" : "8080",
90    },
91    "mappings" : {
92      "http://example.com/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:8080",
93      "http://slashdot.org/" : "DIRECT",
94      "http://freecode.net/" : "DIRECT",
95    }
96  },
97  {
98    "name": "HttpNonProxyHosts3",
99    "description" : "Test that * pattern works.",
100    "properties" : {
101      "http.nonProxyHosts" : "*example.com",
102      "http.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
103      "http.proxyPort" : "8080",
104    },
105    "mappings" : {
106      "http://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
107      "http://www.example.com/" : "DIRECT",
108      "http://slashdot.org/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:8080",
109    }
110  },
111  {
112    "name": "FtpNonProxyHosts",
113    "description" : "Test that FTP non proxy hosts are mapped correctly",
114    "properties" : {
115      "ftp.nonProxyHosts" : "slashdot.org",
116      "ftp.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
117      "ftp.proxyPort" : "8080",
118    },
119    "mappings" : {
120      "http://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
121      "ftp://example.com/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:8080",
122    }
123  },
124  {
125    "name": "FtpProxyHostAndPort",
126    "description" : "Test ftp.proxyHost and ftp.proxyPort works.",
127    "properties" : {
128      "ftp.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
129      "ftp.proxyPort" : "8080",
130    },
131    "mappings" : {
132      "ftp://example.com/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:8080",
133      "http://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
134      "https://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
135    }
136  },
137  {
138    "name": "FtpProxyHostOnly",
139    "description" : "Test ftp.proxyHost and default port.",
140    "properties" : {
141      "ftp.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
142    },
143    "mappings" : {
144      "ftp://example.com/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:80",
145      "http://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
146      "https://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
147    }
148  },
149  {
150    "name": "HttpsProxyHostAndPort",
151    "description" : "Test https.proxyHost and https.proxyPort works.",
152    "properties" : {
153      "https.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
154      "https.proxyPort" : "8080",
155    },
156    "mappings" : {
157      "https://example.com/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:8080",
158      "http://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
159      "ftp://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
160    }
161  },
162  {
163    "name": "HttpsProxyHostOnly",
164    "description" : "Test https.proxyHost and default port.",
165    # Chromium differs from the Android platform by connecting to port 80 for
166    # HTTPS connections by default, hence cpp-only.
167    "cpp-only" : "",
168    "properties" : {
169      "https.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
170    },
171    "mappings" : {
172      "https://example.com/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:80",
173      "http://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
174      "ftp://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
175    }
176  },
177  {
178    "name": "HttpProxyHostIPv6",
179    "description" : "Test IPv6 https.proxyHost and default port.",
180    "cpp-only" : "",
181    "properties" : {
182      "http.proxyHost" : "a:b:c::d:1",
183    },
184    "mappings" : {
185      "http://example.com/" : "PROXY [a:b:c::d:1]:80",
186      "ftp://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
187    }
188  },
189  {
190    "name": "HttpProxyHostAndPortIPv6",
191    "description" : "Test IPv6 http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort works.",
192    "cpp-only" : "",
193    "properties" : {
194      "http.proxyHost" : "a:b:c::d:1",
195      "http.proxyPort" : "8080",
196    },
197    "mappings" : {
198      "http://example.com/" : "PROXY [a:b:c::d:1]:8080",
199      "ftp://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
200    }
201  },
202  {
203    "name": "HttpProxyHostAndInvalidPort",
204    "description" : "Test invalid http.proxyPort does not crash.",
205    "cpp-only" : "",
206    "properties" : {
207      "http.proxyHost" : "a:b:c::d:1",
208      "http.proxyPort" : "65536",
209    },
210    "mappings" : {
211      "http://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
212      "ftp://example.com/" : "DIRECT",
213    }
214  },
215  {
216    "name": "DefaultProxyExplictPort",
217    "description" :
218        "Default http proxy is used if a scheme-specific one is not found.",
219    "properties" : {
220      "proxyHost" : "defaultproxy.com",
221      "proxyPort" : "8080",
222      "ftp.proxyHost" : "httpproxy.com",
223      "ftp.proxyPort" : "8080",
224    },
225    "mappings" : {
226      "http://example.com/" : "PROXY defaultproxy.com:8080",
227      "https://example.com/" : "PROXY defaultproxy.com:8080",
228      "ftp://example.com/" : "PROXY httpproxy.com:8080",
229    }
230  },
231  {
232    "name": "DefaultProxyDefaultPort",
233    "description" : "Check that the default proxy port is as expected.",
234    # Chromium differs from the Android platform by connecting to port 80 for
235    # HTTPS connections by default, hence cpp-only.
236    "cpp-only" : "",
237    "properties" : {
238      "proxyHost" : "defaultproxy.com",
239    },
240    "mappings" : {
241      "http://example.com/" : "PROXY defaultproxy.com:80",
242      "https://example.com/" : "PROXY defaultproxy.com:80",
243    }
244  },
245  {
246    "name": "FallbackToSocks",
247    "description" : "SOCKS proxy is used if scheme-specific one is not found.",
248    "properties" : {
249      "http.proxyHost" : "defaultproxy.com",
250      "socksProxyHost" : "socksproxy.com"
251    },
252    "mappings" : {
253      "http://example.com/" : "PROXY defaultproxy.com:80",
254      "https://example.com/" : "SOCKS5 socksproxy.com:1080",
255      "ftp://example.com" : "SOCKS5 socksproxy.com:1080",
256    }
257  },
258  {
259    "name": "SocksExplicitPort",
260    "description" : "SOCKS proxy port is used if specified",
261    "properties" : {
262      "socksProxyHost" : "socksproxy.com",
263      "socksProxyPort" : "9000",
264    },
265    "mappings" : {
266      "http://example.com/" : "SOCKS5 socksproxy.com:9000",
267    }
268  },
269  {
270    "name": "HttpProxySupercedesSocks",
271    "description" : "SOCKS proxy is ignored if default HTTP proxy defined.",
272    "properties" : {
273      "proxyHost" : "defaultproxy.com",
274      "socksProxyHost" : "socksproxy.com",
275      "socksProxyPort" : "9000",
276    },
277    "mappings" : {
278      "http://example.com/" : "PROXY defaultproxy.com:80",
279    }
280  },
283class GenerateCPlusPlus:
284  """Generate C++ test cases"""
286  def Generate(self):
287    for test_case in test_cases:
288      print ("TEST_F(ProxyConfigServiceAndroidTest, %s) {" % test_case["name"])
289      if "description" in test_case:
290        self._GenerateDescription(test_case["description"]);
291      self._GenerateConfiguration(test_case["properties"])
292      self._GenerateMappings(test_case["mappings"])
293      print "}"
294      print ""
296  def _GenerateDescription(self, description):
297    print "  // %s" % description
299  def _GenerateConfiguration(self, properties):
300    for key in sorted(properties.iterkeys()):
301      print "  AddProperty(\"%s\", \"%s\");" % (key, properties[key])
302    print "  ProxySettingsChanged();"
304  def _GenerateMappings(self, mappings):
305    for url in sorted(mappings.iterkeys()):
306      print "  TestMapping(\"%s\", \"%s\");" % (url, mappings[url])
309class GenerateJava:
310  """Generate Java test cases"""
312  def Generate(self):
313    for test_case in test_cases:
314      if test_case.has_key("cpp-only"):
315        continue
316      if "description" in test_case:
317        self._GenerateDescription(test_case["description"]);
318      print "    @SmallTest"
319      print "    @Feature({\"AndroidWebView\"})"
320      print "    public void test%s() throws Exception {" % test_case["name"]
321      self._GenerateConfiguration(test_case["properties"])
322      self._GenerateMappings(test_case["mappings"])
323      print "    }"
324      print ""
326  def _GenerateDescription(self, description):
327    print "    /**"
328    print "     * %s" % description
329    print "     *"
330    print "     * @throws Exception"
331    print "     */"
333  def _GenerateConfiguration(self, properties):
334    for key in sorted(properties.iterkeys()):
335      print "        System.setProperty(\"%s\", \"%s\");" % (
336          key, properties[key])
338  def _GenerateMappings(self, mappings):
339    for url in sorted(mappings.iterkeys()):
340      mapping = mappings[url]
341      if 'HTTPS' in mapping:
342        mapping = mapping.replace('HTTPS', 'PROXY')
343      print "        checkMapping(\"%s\", \"%s\");" % (url, mapping)
346def main():
347  parser = optparse.OptionParser()
348  parser.add_option("-j", "--java",
349                action="store_true", dest="java");
350  (options, args) = parser.parse_args();
351  if options.java:
352    generator = GenerateJava()
353  else:
354    generator = GenerateCPlusPlus()
355  generator.Generate()
357if __name__ == '__main__':
358  main()