1// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <string>
10#include "base/callback.h"
11#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
12#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
13#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
14#include "net/websockets/websocket_frame_parser.h"
15#include "net/websockets/websocket_stream.h"
17namespace net {
19class ClientSocketHandle;
20class DrainableIOBuffer;
21class GrowableIOBuffer;
22class IOBufferWithSize;
23struct WebSocketFrame;
24struct WebSocketFrameChunk;
26// Implementation of WebSocketStream for non-multiplexed ws:// connections (or
27// the physical side of a multiplexed ws:// connection).
28class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE WebSocketBasicStream : public WebSocketStream {
29 public:
30  typedef WebSocketMaskingKey (*WebSocketMaskingKeyGeneratorFunction)();
32  // This class should not normally be constructed directly; see
33  // WebSocketStream::CreateAndConnectStream() and
34  // WebSocketBasicHandshakeStream::Upgrade().
35  WebSocketBasicStream(
36      scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection,
37      const scoped_refptr<GrowableIOBuffer>& http_read_buffer,
38      const std::string& sub_protocol,
39      const std::string& extensions);
41  // The destructor has to make sure the connection is closed when we finish so
42  // that it does not get returned to the pool.
43  virtual ~WebSocketBasicStream();
45  // WebSocketStream implementation.
46  virtual int ReadFrames(ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames,
47                         const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
49  virtual int WriteFrames(ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames,
50                          const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
52  virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;
54  virtual std::string GetSubProtocol() const OVERRIDE;
56  virtual std::string GetExtensions() const OVERRIDE;
58  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59  // Methods for testing only.
61  static scoped_ptr<WebSocketBasicStream> CreateWebSocketBasicStreamForTesting(
62      scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection,
63      const scoped_refptr<GrowableIOBuffer>& http_read_buffer,
64      const std::string& sub_protocol,
65      const std::string& extensions,
66      WebSocketMaskingKeyGeneratorFunction key_generator_function);
68 private:
69  // Returns OK or calls |callback| when the |buffer| is fully drained or
70  // something has failed.
71  int WriteEverything(const scoped_refptr<DrainableIOBuffer>& buffer,
72                      const CompletionCallback& callback);
74  // Wraps the |callback| to continue writing until everything has been written.
75  void OnWriteComplete(const scoped_refptr<DrainableIOBuffer>& buffer,
76                       const CompletionCallback& callback,
77                       int result);
79  // Attempts to parse the output of a read as WebSocket frames. On success,
80  // returns OK and places the frame(s) in |frames|.
81  int HandleReadResult(int result, ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames);
83  // Converts the chunks in |frame_chunks| into frames and writes them to
84  // |frames|. |frame_chunks| is destroyed in the process. Returns
85  // ERR_WS_PROTOCOL_ERROR if an invalid chunk was found. If one or more frames
86  // was added to |frames|, then returns OK, otherwise returns ERR_IO_PENDING.
87  int ConvertChunksToFrames(ScopedVector<WebSocketFrameChunk>* frame_chunks,
88                            ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames);
90  // Converts a |chunk| to a |frame|. |*frame| should be NULL on entry to this
91  // method. If |chunk| is an incomplete control frame, or an empty middle
92  // frame, then |*frame| may still be NULL on exit. If an invalid control frame
93  // is found, returns ERR_WS_PROTOCOL_ERROR and the stream is no longer
94  // usable. Otherwise returns OK (even if frame is still NULL).
95  int ConvertChunkToFrame(scoped_ptr<WebSocketFrameChunk> chunk,
96                          scoped_ptr<WebSocketFrame>* frame);
98  // Creates a frame based on the value of |is_final_chunk|, |data| and
99  // |current_frame_header_|. Clears |current_frame_header_| if |is_final_chunk|
100  // is true. |data| may be NULL if the frame has an empty payload. A frame in
101  // the middle of a message with no data is not useful; in this case the
102  // returned frame will be NULL. Otherwise, |current_frame_header_->opcode| is
103  // set to Continuation after use if it was Text or Binary, in accordance with
104  // WebSocket RFC6455 section 5.4.
105  scoped_ptr<WebSocketFrame> CreateFrame(
106      bool is_final_chunk,
107      const scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize>& data);
109  // Adds |data_buffer| to the end of |incomplete_control_frame_body_|, applying
110  // bounds checks.
111  void AddToIncompleteControlFrameBody(
112      const scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize>& data_buffer);
114  // Called when a read completes. Parses the result and (unless no complete
115  // header has been received) calls |callback|.
116  void OnReadComplete(ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* frames,
117                      const CompletionCallback& callback,
118                      int result);
120  // Storage for pending reads. All active WebSockets spend all the time with a
121  // call to ReadFrames() pending, so there is no benefit in trying to share
122  // this between sockets.
123  scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize> read_buffer_;
125  // The connection, wrapped in a ClientSocketHandle so that we can prevent it
126  // from being returned to the pool.
127  scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection_;
129  // Frame header for the frame currently being received. Only non-NULL while we
130  // are processing the frame. If the frame arrives in multiple chunks, it can
131  // remain non-NULL until additional chunks arrive. If the header of the frame
132  // was invalid, this is set to NULL, the channel is failed, and subsequent
133  // chunks of the same frame will be ignored.
134  scoped_ptr<WebSocketFrameHeader> current_frame_header_;
136  // Although it should rarely happen in practice, a control frame can arrive
137  // broken into chunks. This variable provides storage for a partial control
138  // frame until the rest arrives. It will be NULL the rest of the time.
139  scoped_refptr<GrowableIOBuffer> incomplete_control_frame_body_;
141  // Only used during handshake. Some data may be left in this buffer after the
142  // handshake, in which case it will be picked up during the first call to
143  // ReadFrames(). The type is GrowableIOBuffer for compatibility with
144  // net::HttpStreamParser, which is used to parse the handshake.
145  scoped_refptr<GrowableIOBuffer> http_read_buffer_;
147  // This keeps the current parse state (including any incomplete headers) and
148  // parses frames.
149  WebSocketFrameParser parser_;
151  // The negotated sub-protocol, or empty for none.
152  const std::string sub_protocol_;
154  // The extensions negotiated with the remote server.
155  const std::string extensions_;
157  // This can be overridden in tests to make the output deterministic. We don't
158  // use a Callback here because a function pointer is faster and good enough
159  // for our purposes.
160  WebSocketMaskingKeyGeneratorFunction generate_websocket_masking_key_;
163}  // namespace net