1# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import BaseHTTPServer
6import cgi
7import mimetypes
8import os
9import os.path
10import posixpath
11import SimpleHTTPServer
12import SocketServer
13import threading
14import time
15import urllib
16import urlparse
18class RequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
20  def NormalizePath(self, path):
21    path = path.split('?', 1)[0]
22    path = path.split('#', 1)[0]
23    path = posixpath.normpath(urllib.unquote(path))
24    words = path.split('/')
26    bad = set((os.curdir, os.pardir, ''))
27    words = [word for word in words if word not in bad]
28    # The path of the request should always use POSIX-style path separators, so
29    # that the filename input of --map_file can be a POSIX-style path and still
30    # match correctly in translate_path().
31    return '/'.join(words)
33  def translate_path(self, path):
34    path = self.NormalizePath(path)
35    if path in self.server.file_mapping:
36      return self.server.file_mapping[path]
37    for extra_dir in self.server.serving_dirs:
38      # TODO(halyavin): set allowed paths in another parameter?
39      full_path = os.path.join(extra_dir, os.path.basename(path))
40      if os.path.isfile(full_path):
41        return full_path
43      # Try the complete relative path, not just a basename. This allows the
44      # user to serve everything recursively under extra_dir, not just one
45      # level deep.
46      #
47      # One use case for this is the Native Client SDK examples. The examples
48      # expect to be able to access files as relative paths from the root of
49      # the example directory.
50      # Sometimes two subdirectories contain files with the same name, so
51      # including all subdirectories in self.server.serving_dirs will not do
52      # the correct thing; (i.e. the wrong file will be chosen, even though the
53      # correct path was given).
54      full_path = os.path.join(extra_dir, path)
55      if os.path.isfile(full_path):
56        return full_path
57    if not path.endswith('favicon.ico') and not self.server.allow_404:
58      self.server.listener.ServerError('Cannot find file \'%s\'' % path)
59    return path
61  def guess_type(self, path):
62      # We store the extension -> MIME type mapping in the server instead of the
63      # request handler so we that can add additional mapping entries via the
64      # command line.
65      base, ext = posixpath.splitext(path)
66      if ext in self.server.extensions_mapping:
67          return self.server.extensions_mapping[ext]
68      ext = ext.lower()
69      if ext in self.server.extensions_mapping:
70          return self.server.extensions_mapping[ext]
71      else:
72          return self.server.extensions_mapping['']
74  def SendRPCResponse(self, response):
75    self.send_response(200)
76    self.send_header("Content-type", "text/plain")
77    self.send_header("Content-length", str(len(response)))
78    self.end_headers()
79    self.wfile.write(response)
81    # shut down the connection
82    self.wfile.flush()
83    self.connection.shutdown(1)
85  def HandleRPC(self, name, query):
86    kargs = {}
87    for k, v in query.iteritems():
88      assert len(v) == 1, k
89      kargs[k] = v[0]
91    l = self.server.listener
92    try:
93      response = getattr(l, name)(**kargs)
94    except Exception, e:
95      self.SendRPCResponse('%r' % (e,))
96      raise
97    else:
98      self.SendRPCResponse(response)
100  # For Last-Modified-based caching, the timestamp needs to be old enough
101  # for the browser cache to be used (at least 60 seconds).
102  # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec13.html
103  # Often we clobber and regenerate files for testing, so this is needed
104  # to actually use the browser cache.
105  def send_header(self, keyword, value):
106    if keyword == 'Last-Modified':
107      last_mod_format = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'
108      old_value_as_t = time.strptime(value, last_mod_format)
109      old_value_in_secs = time.mktime(old_value_as_t)
110      new_value_in_secs = old_value_in_secs - 360
111      value = time.strftime(last_mod_format,
112                            time.localtime(new_value_in_secs))
113    SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.send_header(self,
114                                                          keyword,
115                                                          value)
117  def do_POST(self):
118    # Backwards compatible - treat result as tuple without named fields.
119    _, _, path, _, query, _ = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
121    self.server.listener.Log('POST %s (%s)' % (self.path, path))
122    if path == '/echo':
123      self.send_response(200)
124      self.end_headers()
125      data = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers.getheader('content-length')))
126      self.wfile.write(data)
127    elif self.server.output_dir is not None:
128      # Try to write the file to disk.
129      path = self.NormalizePath(path)
130      output_path = os.path.join(self.server.output_dir, path)
131      try:
132        outfile = open(output_path, 'w')
133      except IOError:
134        error_message = 'File not found: %r' % output_path
135        self.server.listener.ServerError(error_message)
136        self.send_error(404, error_message)
137        return
139      try:
140        data = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers.getheader('content-length')))
141        outfile.write(data)
142      except IOError, e:
143        outfile.close()
144        try:
145          os.remove(output_path)
146        except OSError:
147          # Oh, well.
148          pass
149        error_message = 'Can\'t write file: %r\n' % output_path
150        error_message += 'Exception:\n%s' % str(e)
151        self.server.listener.ServerError(error_message)
152        self.send_error(500, error_message)
153        return
155      outfile.close()
157      # Send a success response.
158      self.send_response(200)
159      self.end_headers()
160    else:
161      error_message = 'File not found: %r' % path
162      self.server.listener.ServerError(error_message)
163      self.send_error(404, error_message)
165    self.server.ResetTimeout()
167  def do_GET(self):
168    # Backwards compatible - treat result as tuple without named fields.
169    _, _, path, _, query, _ = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
171    tester = '/TESTER/'
172    if path.startswith(tester):
173      # If the path starts with '/TESTER/', the GET is an RPC call.
174      name = path[len(tester):]
175      # Supporting Python 2.5 prevents us from using urlparse.parse_qs
176      query = cgi.parse_qs(query, True)
178      self.server.rpc_lock.acquire()
179      try:
180        self.HandleRPC(name, query)
181      finally:
182        self.server.rpc_lock.release()
184      # Don't reset the timeout.  This is not "part of the test", rather it's
185      # used to tell us if the renderer process is still alive.
186      if name == 'JavaScriptIsAlive':
187        self.server.JavaScriptIsAlive()
188        return
190    elif path in self.server.redirect_mapping:
191      dest = self.server.redirect_mapping[path]
192      self.send_response(301, 'Moved')
193      self.send_header('Location', dest)
194      self.end_headers()
195      self.wfile.write(self.error_message_format %
196                       {'code': 301,
197                        'message': 'Moved',
198                        'explain': 'Object moved permanently'})
199      self.server.listener.Log('REDIRECT %s (%s -> %s)' %
200                                (self.path, path, dest))
201    else:
202      self.server.listener.Log('GET %s (%s)' % (self.path, path))
203      # A normal GET request for transferring files, etc.
204      f = self.send_head()
205      if f:
206        self.copyfile(f, self.wfile)
207        f.close()
209    self.server.ResetTimeout()
211  def copyfile(self, source, outputfile):
212    # Bandwidth values <= 0.0 are considered infinite
213    if self.server.bandwidth <= 0.0:
214      return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.copyfile(
215          self, source, outputfile)
217    self.server.listener.Log('Simulating %f mbps server BW' %
218                             self.server.bandwidth)
219    chunk_size = 1500 # What size to use?
220    bits_per_sec = self.server.bandwidth * 1000000
221    start_time = time.time()
222    data_sent = 0
223    while True:
224      chunk = source.read(chunk_size)
225      if len(chunk) == 0:
226        break
227      cur_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
228      target_elapsed = (data_sent + len(chunk)) * 8 / bits_per_sec
229      if (cur_elapsed < target_elapsed):
230        time.sleep(target_elapsed - cur_elapsed)
231      outputfile.write(chunk)
232      data_sent += len(chunk)
233    self.server.listener.Log('Streamed %d bytes in %f s' %
234                             (data_sent, time.time() - start_time))
236  # Disable the built-in logging
237  def log_message(self, format, *args):
238    pass
241# The ThreadingMixIn allows the server to handle multiple requests
242# concurently (or at least as concurently as Python allows).  This is desirable
243# because server sockets only allow a limited "backlog" of pending connections
244# and in the worst case the browser could make multiple connections and exceed
245# this backlog - causing the server to drop requests.  Using ThreadingMixIn
246# helps reduce the chance this will happen.
247# There were apparently some problems using this Mixin with Python 2.5, but we
248# are no longer using anything older than 2.6.
249class Server(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
251  def Configure(
252      self, file_mapping, redirect_mapping, extensions_mapping, allow_404,
253      bandwidth, listener, serving_dirs=[], output_dir=None):
254    self.file_mapping = file_mapping
255    self.redirect_mapping = redirect_mapping
256    self.extensions_mapping.update(extensions_mapping)
257    self.allow_404 = allow_404
258    self.bandwidth = bandwidth
259    self.listener = listener
260    self.rpc_lock = threading.Lock()
261    self.serving_dirs = serving_dirs
262    self.output_dir = output_dir
264  def TestingBegun(self, timeout):
265    self.test_in_progress = True
266    # self.timeout does not affect Python 2.5.
267    self.timeout = timeout
268    self.ResetTimeout()
269    self.JavaScriptIsAlive()
270    # Have we seen any requests from the browser?
271    self.received_request = False
273  def ResetTimeout(self):
274    self.last_activity = time.time()
275    self.received_request = True
277  def JavaScriptIsAlive(self):
278    self.last_js_activity = time.time()
280  def TimeSinceJSHeartbeat(self):
281    return time.time() - self.last_js_activity
283  def TestingEnded(self):
284    self.test_in_progress = False
286  def TimedOut(self, total_time):
287    return (total_time >= 0.0 and
288            (time.time() - self.last_activity) >= total_time)
291def Create(host, port):
292  server = Server((host, port), RequestHandler)
293  server.extensions_mapping = mimetypes.types_map.copy()
294  server.extensions_mapping.update({
295    '': 'application/octet-stream' # Default
296  })
297  return server