1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
6#include "ipc/ipc_message_utils.h"
7#include "ppapi/c/pp_var.h"
8#include "ppapi/c/ppb_core.h"
9#include "ppapi/c/ppb_fullscreen.h"
10#include "ppapi/c/ppb_url_loader.h"
11#include "ppapi/c/ppp_instance.h"
12#include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_flash_fullscreen.h"
13#include "ppapi/proxy/locking_resource_releaser.h"
14#include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_messages.h"
15#include "ppapi/proxy/ppapi_proxy_test.h"
16#include "ppapi/shared_impl/ppb_view_shared.h"
18namespace ppapi {
19namespace proxy {
21namespace {
22// This is a poor man's mock of PPP_Instance using global variables.  Eventually
23// we should generalize making PPAPI interface mocks by using IDL or macro/
24// template magic.
25PP_Instance received_instance;
26uint32_t received_argc;
27std::vector<std::string> received_argn;
28std::vector<std::string> received_argv;
29PP_Bool bool_to_return;
30PP_Bool DidCreate(PP_Instance instance, uint32_t argc, const char* argn[],
31                  const char* argv[]) {
32  received_instance = instance;
33  received_argc = argc;
34  received_argn.clear();
35  received_argn.insert(received_argn.begin(), argn, argn + argc);
36  received_argv.clear();
37  received_argv.insert(received_argv.begin(), argv, argv + argc);
38  return bool_to_return;
41void DidDestroy(PP_Instance instance) {
42  received_instance = instance;
45PP_Rect received_position;
46PP_Rect received_clip;
47// DidChangeView is asynchronous. We wait until the call has completed before
48// proceeding on to the next test.
49base::WaitableEvent did_change_view_called(false, false);
50void DidChangeView(PP_Instance instance, const PP_Rect* position,
51                   const PP_Rect* clip) {
52  received_instance = instance;
53  received_position = *position;
54  received_clip = *clip;
55  did_change_view_called.Signal();
58PP_Bool received_has_focus;
59base::WaitableEvent did_change_focus_called(false, false);
60void DidChangeFocus(PP_Instance instance, PP_Bool has_focus) {
61  received_instance = instance;
62  received_has_focus = has_focus;
63  did_change_focus_called.Signal();
66PP_Bool HandleDocumentLoad(PP_Instance instance, PP_Resource url_loader) {
67  // This one requires use of the PPB_URLLoader proxy and PPB_Core, plus a
68  // resource tracker for the url_loader resource.
69  // TODO(dmichael): Mock those out and test this function.
71  return PP_FALSE;
74// Clear all the 'received' values for our mock.  Call this before you expect
75// one of the functions to be invoked.  TODO(dmichael): It would be better to
76// have a flag also for each function, so we know the right one got called.
77void ResetReceived() {
78  received_instance = 0;
79  received_argc = 0;
80  received_argn.clear();
81  received_argv.clear();
82  memset(&received_position, 0, sizeof(received_position));
83  memset(&received_clip, 0, sizeof(received_clip));
84  received_has_focus = PP_FALSE;
87PPP_Instance_1_0 ppp_instance_1_0 = {
88  &DidCreate,
89  &DidDestroy,
90  &DidChangeView,
91  &DidChangeFocus,
92  &HandleDocumentLoad
95// PPP_Instance_Proxy::DidChangeView relies on PPB_(Flash)Fullscreen being
96// available with a valid implementation of IsFullScreen, so we mock it.
97PP_Bool IsFullscreen(PP_Instance instance) {
98  return PP_FALSE;
100PPB_Fullscreen ppb_fullscreen = { &IsFullscreen };
101PPB_FlashFullscreen ppb_flash_fullscreen = { &IsFullscreen };
103}  // namespace
105class PPP_Instance_ProxyTest : public TwoWayTest {
106 public:
107   PPP_Instance_ProxyTest()
108       : TwoWayTest(TwoWayTest::TEST_PPP_INTERFACE) {
109   }
112TEST_F(PPP_Instance_ProxyTest, PPPInstance1_0) {
113  plugin().RegisterTestInterface(PPP_INSTANCE_INTERFACE_1_0, &ppp_instance_1_0);
114  host().RegisterTestInterface(PPB_FLASHFULLSCREEN_INTERFACE,
115                               &ppb_flash_fullscreen);
116  host().RegisterTestInterface(PPB_FULLSCREEN_INTERFACE,
117                               &ppb_fullscreen);
119  // Grab the host-side proxy for the interface. The browser only speaks 1.1,
120  // while the proxy ensures support for the 1.0 version on the plugin side.
121  const PPP_Instance_1_1* ppp_instance = static_cast<const PPP_Instance_1_1*>(
122      host().host_dispatcher()->GetProxiedInterface(
123          PPP_INSTANCE_INTERFACE_1_1));
125  // Call each function in turn, make sure we get the expected values and
126  // returns.
127  //
128  // We don't test DidDestroy, because it has the side-effect of removing the
129  // PP_Instance from the PluginDispatcher, which will cause a failure later
130  // when the test is torn down.
131  PP_Instance expected_instance = pp_instance();
132  std::vector<std::string> expected_argn, expected_argv;
133  expected_argn.push_back("Hello");
134  expected_argn.push_back("world.");
135  expected_argv.push_back("elloHay");
136  expected_argv.push_back("orldway.");
137  std::vector<const char*> argn_to_pass, argv_to_pass;
138  CHECK(expected_argn.size() == expected_argv.size());
139  for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_argn.size(); ++i) {
140    argn_to_pass.push_back(expected_argn[i].c_str());
141    argv_to_pass.push_back(expected_argv[i].c_str());
142  }
143  uint32_t expected_argc = expected_argn.size();
144  bool_to_return = PP_TRUE;
145  ResetReceived();
146  // Tell the host resource tracker about the instance.
147  host().resource_tracker().DidCreateInstance(expected_instance);
148  EXPECT_EQ(bool_to_return, ppp_instance->DidCreate(expected_instance,
149                                                    expected_argc,
150                                                    &argn_to_pass[0],
151                                                    &argv_to_pass[0]));
152  EXPECT_EQ(received_instance, expected_instance);
153  EXPECT_EQ(received_argc, expected_argc);
154  EXPECT_EQ(received_argn, expected_argn);
155  EXPECT_EQ(received_argv, expected_argv);
157  PP_Rect expected_position = { {1, 2}, {3, 4} };
158  PP_Rect expected_clip = { {5, 6}, {7, 8} };
159  ViewData data;
160  data.rect = expected_position;
161  data.is_fullscreen = false;
162  data.is_page_visible = true;
163  data.clip_rect = expected_clip;
164  data.device_scale = 1.0f;
165  ResetReceived();
166  LockingResourceReleaser view_resource(
167      (new PPB_View_Shared(OBJECT_IS_IMPL,
168                           expected_instance, data))->GetReference());
169  ppp_instance->DidChangeView(expected_instance, view_resource.get());
170  did_change_view_called.Wait();
171  EXPECT_EQ(received_instance, expected_instance);
172  EXPECT_EQ(received_position.point.x, expected_position.point.x);
173  EXPECT_EQ(received_position.point.y, expected_position.point.y);
174  EXPECT_EQ(received_position.size.width, expected_position.size.width);
175  EXPECT_EQ(received_position.size.height, expected_position.size.height);
176  EXPECT_EQ(received_clip.point.x, expected_clip.point.x);
177  EXPECT_EQ(received_clip.point.y, expected_clip.point.y);
178  EXPECT_EQ(received_clip.size.width, expected_clip.size.width);
179  EXPECT_EQ(received_clip.size.height, expected_clip.size.height);
181  PP_Bool expected_has_focus = PP_TRUE;
182  ResetReceived();
183  ppp_instance->DidChangeFocus(expected_instance, expected_has_focus);
184  did_change_focus_called.Wait();
185  EXPECT_EQ(received_instance, expected_instance);
186  EXPECT_EQ(received_has_focus, expected_has_focus);
188  //  TODO(dmichael): Need to mock out a resource Tracker to be able to test
189  //                  HandleResourceLoad. It also requires
190  //                  PPB_Core.AddRefResource and for PPB_URLLoader to be
191  //                  registered.
193  host().resource_tracker().DidDeleteInstance(expected_instance);
196}  // namespace proxy
197}  // namespace ppapi