1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "printing/printing_context_win.h"
7#include "base/bind.h"
8#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
9#include "printing/backend/printing_info_win.h"
10#include "printing/backend/win_helper.h"
11#include "printing/print_settings.h"
12#include "printing/printing_context_system_dialog_win.h"
13#include "printing/printing_test.h"
14#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
16namespace printing {
18// This test is automatically disabled if no printer is available.
19class PrintingContextTest : public PrintingTest<testing::Test>,
20                            public PrintingContext::Delegate {
21 public:
22  void PrintSettingsCallback(PrintingContext::Result result) {
23    result_ = result;
24  }
26  // PrintingContext::Delegate methods.
27  virtual gfx::NativeView GetParentView() OVERRIDE { return NULL; }
28  virtual std::string GetAppLocale() OVERRIDE { return std::string(); }
30 protected:
31  PrintingContext::Result result() const { return result_; }
33 private:
34  PrintingContext::Result result_;
37class MockPrintingContextWin : public PrintingContextSytemDialogWin {
38 public:
39  MockPrintingContextWin(Delegate* delegate)
40      : PrintingContextSytemDialogWin(delegate) {}
42 protected:
43  // This is a fake PrintDlgEx implementation that sets the right fields in
44  // |lppd| to trigger a bug in older revisions of PrintingContext.
45  HRESULT ShowPrintDialog(PRINTDLGEX* lppd) OVERRIDE {
46    // The interesting bits:
47    // Pretend the user hit print
48    lppd->dwResultAction = PD_RESULT_PRINT;
50    // Pretend the page range is 1-5, but since lppd->Flags does not have
51    // PD_SELECTION set, this really shouldn't matter.
52    lppd->nPageRanges = 1;
53    lppd->lpPageRanges[0].nFromPage = 1;
54    lppd->lpPageRanges[0].nToPage = 5;
56    base::string16 printer_name = PrintingContextTest::GetDefaultPrinter();
57    ScopedPrinterHandle printer;
58    if (!printer.OpenPrinter(printer_name.c_str()))
59      return E_FAIL;
61    scoped_ptr<uint8[]> buffer;
62    const DEVMODE* dev_mode = NULL;
63    HRESULT result = S_OK;
64    lppd->hDC = NULL;
65    lppd->hDevMode = NULL;
66    lppd->hDevNames = NULL;
68    PrinterInfo2 info_2;
69    if (info_2.Init(printer.Get())) {
70      dev_mode = info_2.get()->pDevMode;
71    }
72    if (!dev_mode) {
73      result = E_FAIL;
74      goto Cleanup;
75    }
77    lppd->hDC = CreateDC(L"WINSPOOL", printer_name.c_str(), NULL, dev_mode);
78    if (!lppd->hDC) {
79      result = E_FAIL;
80      goto Cleanup;
81    }
83    size_t dev_mode_size = dev_mode->dmSize + dev_mode->dmDriverExtra;
84    lppd->hDevMode = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, dev_mode_size);
85    if (!lppd->hDevMode) {
86      result = E_FAIL;
87      goto Cleanup;
88    }
89    void* dev_mode_ptr = GlobalLock(lppd->hDevMode);
90    if (!dev_mode_ptr) {
91      result = E_FAIL;
92      goto Cleanup;
93    }
94    memcpy(dev_mode_ptr, dev_mode, dev_mode_size);
95    GlobalUnlock(lppd->hDevMode);
96    dev_mode_ptr = NULL;
98    size_t driver_size =
99        2 + sizeof(wchar_t) * lstrlen(info_2.get()->pDriverName);
100    size_t printer_size =
101        2 + sizeof(wchar_t) * lstrlen(info_2.get()->pPrinterName);
102    size_t port_size = 2 + sizeof(wchar_t) * lstrlen(info_2.get()->pPortName);
103    size_t dev_names_size =
104        sizeof(DEVNAMES) + driver_size + printer_size + port_size;
105    lppd->hDevNames = GlobalAlloc(GHND, dev_names_size);
106    if (!lppd->hDevNames) {
107      result = E_FAIL;
108      goto Cleanup;
109    }
110    void* dev_names_ptr = GlobalLock(lppd->hDevNames);
111    if (!dev_names_ptr) {
112      result = E_FAIL;
113      goto Cleanup;
114    }
115    DEVNAMES* dev_names = reinterpret_cast<DEVNAMES*>(dev_names_ptr);
116    dev_names->wDefault = 1;
117    dev_names->wDriverOffset = sizeof(DEVNAMES) / sizeof(wchar_t);
118    memcpy(reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(dev_names_ptr) + dev_names->wDriverOffset,
119           info_2.get()->pDriverName,
120           driver_size);
121    dev_names->wDeviceOffset =
122        dev_names->wDriverOffset + driver_size / sizeof(wchar_t);
123    memcpy(reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(dev_names_ptr) + dev_names->wDeviceOffset,
124           info_2.get()->pPrinterName,
125           printer_size);
126    dev_names->wOutputOffset =
127        dev_names->wDeviceOffset + printer_size / sizeof(wchar_t);
128    memcpy(reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(dev_names_ptr) + dev_names->wOutputOffset,
129           info_2.get()->pPortName,
130           port_size);
131    GlobalUnlock(lppd->hDevNames);
132    dev_names_ptr = NULL;
134  Cleanup:
135    // Note: This section does proper deallocation/free of DC/global handles. We
136    //       did not use ScopedHGlobal or ScopedHandle because they did not
137    //       perform what we need.  Goto's are used based on Windows programming
138    //       idiom, to avoid deeply nested if's, and try-catch-finally is not
139    //       allowed in Chromium.
140    if (FAILED(result)) {
141      if (lppd->hDC) {
142        DeleteDC(lppd->hDC);
143      }
144      if (lppd->hDevMode) {
145        GlobalFree(lppd->hDevMode);
146      }
147      if (lppd->hDevNames) {
148        GlobalFree(lppd->hDevNames);
149      }
150    }
151    return result;
152  }
155TEST_F(PrintingContextTest, PrintAll) {
156  base::MessageLoop message_loop;
157  if (IsTestCaseDisabled())
158    return;
160  MockPrintingContextWin context(this);
161  context.AskUserForSettings(
162      123,
163      false,
164      base::Bind(&PrintingContextTest::PrintSettingsCallback,
165                 base::Unretained(this)));
166  EXPECT_EQ(PrintingContext::OK, result());
167  PrintSettings settings = context.settings();
168  EXPECT_EQ(settings.ranges().size(), 0);
171TEST_F(PrintingContextTest, Base) {
172  if (IsTestCaseDisabled())
173    return;
175  PrintSettings settings;
176  settings.set_device_name(GetDefaultPrinter());
177  // Initialize it.
178  scoped_ptr<PrintingContext> context(PrintingContext::Create(this));
179  EXPECT_EQ(PrintingContext::OK, context->InitWithSettings(settings));
181  // The print may lie to use and may not support world transformation.
182  // Verify right now.
183  XFORM random_matrix = { 1, 0.1f, 0, 1.5f, 0, 1 };
184  EXPECT_TRUE(SetWorldTransform(context->context(), &random_matrix));
185  EXPECT_TRUE(ModifyWorldTransform(context->context(), NULL, MWT_IDENTITY));
188}  // namespace printing